By David Futrelle
Maybe it’s time to change the name of this blog.
As many of you know, the current name is an ironic reference to a rant by one MRA type who was angry that women weren’t showing the proper gratitude for all that men had allegedly done for them over the centuries, and who at one point in his rant blurted out “we hunted the mammoth to feed you,” as if he himself were some sort of manly mammoth slayer instead of just some dude ranting on the internet. (Never mind that our ancient ancestors mostly ate plants and smaller game as opposed to these giant monsters with sharp tusks who could easily kill them.)
“We Hunted the Mammoth” has served ably as the name of this blog for years. But now I’m wondering if I should rename it “We Invented Your Fucking Tampoons [sic], for Fucks Sake,” in homage to this exceedingly angry rant from the Incels.co forums.
![[RageFuel] How dare women disrespect men when we gave them everything they have now?
Incel lives matter
Jul 22, 2019
47d 16h 6m
Yesterday at 4:30 PM
Bitch, we built the fucking society you're benefiting from so much. We allow you to work, vote, we gave you rights, we created the medicines and technology you use every day. We gave you education to learn to bitch about how misogynistic (ugly) men are. We invented your fucking tampoons, for fucks sake. You're so stupid that you wouldn't be able to survive a week without being a whore on OnlyFans. And you dare to tell me on my face I'm too ugly to date you're used up ass? Fuck you whore, I hope you get raped on a empty alley](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-08-29_13-44-10USE.png?resize=580%2C1598&ssl=1)
Who’s this “we,” dude? You haven’t built or invented anything. You can’t claim credit for all the achievements of men throughout the centuries any more than a woman can claim credit for everything women have done to keep civilization running. Wishing rape on someone — real or imaginary, I can’t tell — who turned you down for a date is not an accomplishment. Nor, it goes without saying, are attitudes like this particularly conducive to getting dates in the future.
On the Incels.co forums, of course, almost all the commenters agreed with Uglyme. “Amen. A fucking men,” wrote a commenter called TheLastSorrow, declaring women to be “[t]he most ungrateful gender hands down. They deserve to get abused.”
VinventVanCock agreed, praising Uglyme’s rant as “[p]oetry, hoes should be beaten and enslaved to learn manners.”
Meanwhile, someone called Copexodius_Maximus suggested that Chads were as lazy and ungrateful as women.
Males have to do all that stuff cause we are inferior and have to make up for our ugliness in order to attract women. Chads don’t need to innovate or build, women throw themselves at them, and even take care of them like Jeremy Meeks. Women don’t need to build shit even if they could because they can mostly all attract mates without money or status.
Women love beta males for building society for them, so they can be safe and comfortable enough to fuck Chad more.
Mainlander complained that women aren’t giving out gratitude sex to men for allegedly building the world:
Women are not very good at gratitude and they are utterly incapable of even thinking about doing something sexual or romantic out of gratitude.
“Gratitude sex” is not a thing. It’s especially not a thing when the men demanding it 1) haven’t done anything worthy of gratitude and 2) are so steeped in misogynistic hate that it seeps out their pores.
PS: I’m not going to change the name of the blog.
H/T — ExpelIncels
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Women invented tampons thousands of years ago. Then some man patented them so he could profit and now he gets all the credit. Fucking typical.
@LindsayIrene Yeah, but what about TAMPOONS?
Is that a cross between a harpoon and a tampon?
I say keep the Mammoth name. It’s easier to type into a browser than http://www.weinventedyourfuckingtampoonsforfuckssake.com. And it’s less of a mouthful.
Though the domain is available if anyone wants to buy it.
Wait, if men are inferior why should they be in charge? At least white supremacists are consistent when they say white people are the “master race” and should be in charge, unlike incels who think they’re inferior but still deserve to be in charge.
Re: tampoons, all I can think about is that MGTOW Sandman who made the video about how women’s butts cause war and there will be World War Tampon, but now we should call it World War Tampoon.
Tampoon reminds me of Typhoon. Kind of like a heavy cycle, you know what I mean? Red Tampoon.
Whenever these incel types complain about women not dishing out sex to them in sufficient quantities, I can’t help but think they need to step up their performance at least a little bit, maybe learn about women’s erogenous zones, take regular showers, wipe their butts on a regular basis, you get the picture.
The “woe I am ugly” stuff always makes me think of this:
Maybe while they’re at it they can acquire a decent personality, too. Being an entitled asshat is generally a turnoff.
O/T: In the realm of really weird racist incel takes, we have this new account that has declared that being attracted to Asian women makes a man gay.
That is weird. So, if a man is attracted to slimmer women, he’s either gay, or socially engineered to be gay? I was a little surprised when the man I eventually married said he found Audrey Hepburn, in her prime, to be very attractive. I was naive, and brainwashed to think men were solely attracted to voluptuous women.
I thought it was trying to say men attracted to Asian women are gay. The thing that sticks out to me is how it seems to fly in the face of the alt-right’s usual fetishization of Asian women, in favor of a woman who has slightly darker skin. The account had some other weird takes on women, but this one was one I’d never seen before.
Re: Audrey Hepburn
I’m not a man, but I would agree that Audrey Hepburn was good looking. I think a lot of men are into women of her type but don’t express it because toxic masculinity forces them to act as if they are only attracted to the type of women they are expected to be attracted to. The same probably goes for other women with different shapes or features, such as trans* women, fat women, tall women, etc.
Believe me, I TRIED to use use block quotes, but they only worked two out of three times. The edit function wouldn’t work properly either.
Ok, let’s try this again:
And, in some parts of the world at least, when the mammoth became extinct, it was due to…gasp…OVERHUNTING. Wow, what a smart move.
In the meantime, that part about men supposedly inventing all of technology reminds me of the 2010 article The Misandry Bubble, by the American-born Imran Khan, who is of Indian background and considered moving to India, but now apparently lives in a Middle Eastern country instead. In the second third, which starts with “Population Displacement,” he complained about childfree feminists in particular.
“Now, let me be clear; I believe a woman should get to decide how many children she bears, or even whether or not to have any children at all. However, a childless old woman should not then be able to extract resources from the children of other women. Fair is fair, and the obligation of working-age people to support the elderly should not be socialized in order to subsidize women who chose not to reproduce.”
“I would like him to explain how women without children are ‘heavily dependent on taxes paid mostly by men.’ I have a professional career, and although it won’t make me rich, my salary is above average. Does he think that unmarried women are sitting at home like well-off spinsters in the 1800s, only supported by taxpayers instead of their families?
It does appear that he’s living in an alternate time zone if he thinks that only men maintain infrastructure and safety in society.
On the subject of inventions I do not see how you can look at several hundred years of history where women were not given access to higher education, capital, or the means to promote their inventions and conclude that most things were invented by men. One could equally well say that most inventions were made by white people, ignoring the social factors which limited the opportunities for non-whites for hundreds of years. By his logic, India is leeching off British inventions and has been for two hundred years. :crz Without a level playing field it is impossible to see what category of people is most inventive…and then you still have to answer the question of whether inventions are the only important contributions one can make to society, and if people who share characteristics with the group in question share the glory.”
Well, a stopped clock is right twice a day…surprised MRAs are developing any self awareness of their movement at all.
what men are desperate to fight back against? Themself?
There used to be tampons mounted on a stick, so that they could be tamped in like guncotton into a musket; the term “ tampoon”—as a portmanteau of “tampon” and “harpoon”—could arguably be applied:
Language nerdery alert:
There are some historical examples in English where words that came in from French had the -on ending change to -oon. The two main ones that spring to mind are balon -> baloon and macaron -> macaroon (actually I think that maybe salon -> saloon can be included as well, even though here there was also some change in meaning).
So in theory the form *tampoon could have been a legitimate formation from an original (presumably French) “tampon”.
Except, of course, that linguistic change didn’t happen and the guy is just a dingus. Still, in some alternate reality English speakers all talk about tampoons.
Urg. If men are responsible for the education of the ranter in the OP then they have failed – miserably.
Three names off the top of my head that were instrumental to technology that the OP would use every day – Ava Lovelace, Hedy Lamarr, and Bertha Benz. All of them revolutionised their fields of study, and lead to advancements that made the world today. Not to mention those that are forgotten to history because they weren’t as famous, or had their ideas stolen outright, or were simply workers in the background while the man credited with the achievement was the boss…
Also; Here’s an interesting thought experiment – what would happen if a majority of the women in the workforce suddenly disappeared for some reason. Would men step in to take over their roles in the numbers needed so that businesses could continue functioning? A few would certainly, but would enough step up to the task?
We know from history that women would do the same if men disappeared. World War Two showed us that. Heck, even Queen Elizabeth II rolled up her sleeves and got her hands dirty as a mechanic. But would men do the same?
I wonder what the Incel types would say if posed with this question. Hell, I wonder if they realise how many women are in the workforce.
Naglfar, I read some of the replies to that tweet, and the fact that word “overweight” was applied to the woman on the right…
*head to bloody, splintered desk*
Right off the bat, I have to tell you to watch your language.
Nah. You sat on your ass and yelled at women online. Also, you (or was it another incel?) stole Pepe. Even if you personally didn’t steal Pepe, you respect neither women nor artists.
Hey, thanks a million.
In the USA women campaigned for the right to vote for 75 years. Women won that right.
Every right women have, women fought for.
Yes, some men did. Also, some women did. Not you though. You did none of that.
Some men educated me but you weren’t among them. And the women who educated me outnumbered the men who educated me.
You invented tampons and you’re also an educator — but you can’t spell the word. One “o,” not two. Use both hands when you’re typing.
Wikpedia (“Tampon”) says that many women in many cultures have used tampons since ancient times. Did you invent all these varieties of tampons? Just checking.
Not a whore. And what’s OnlyFans?
Have we met? And I called you ugly? And, paradoxically, you wanted to date me even though my ass is used up? I don’t recall any of this. (By the way, it’s “your,” not “you’re.”)
Again, not a whore.
So first you educate me and give me medicine and tampons — and then you wish rape on me? You’re just proving my point: None of your claims is true. You don’t educate. You don’t create. You just talk trash on the Internet, trying to scare women. Also, you act as though you’re unaware that a boy or man can be raped by another boy or man.
That is such a good name. “We invented the tampoons” would fit quite nicely in the same vein as “We hunted the mammoth”
Look forward to the new art!
Content subscription service that allows creators to be directly paid by their watchers. Popular in the adult entertainment industry.
Seems to have especially earned the scorn of manospherian types when a woman managed to earn 2 million dollars (I think) on it in 24 hours once. I only saw the headline though, because it got reposted a lot for some strange reason.
Not that I’m very familiar with the racist femininity ladder, but I thought that “billowing bossoms, curvy hips, brimming with femininity” were things that would stereotypically be associated with black women instead of white. Though I guess people like to spout racist stuff because you can just make up whatever you want and people who already share your beliefs will not care about consistency.
I don’t get why in the incel mindset, if you are attractive and confident, it’s “stupid” to use OnlyFans to make money. I mean, it seems to keep it’s content creators out of the trafficking, abusive, misogynistic hellscape that is the traditional porn industry, and it is a creative way to earn extra cash.
Set that against the “noble”, unChad men who are slaving away to build society in order to get laid (according to incels) and you have the perfect example of “work smarter, not harder”.
She wasn’t talking about your looks, dude. She just predicted what was coming next.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t remember that class.
It’s also earned the scorn of many of the sex workers who use it after that incident. Bella Thorne scammed some people on it, there were mass complaints and now it doesn’t pay out as often and prices are limited, so the smaller creators can’t make as much money.
Ah, but then they wouldn’t get to claim that white people are the master race with the hottest women (assuming those characteristics are used to define hotness).
On some level, I think the incel hatred of OnlyFans is because it does keep women out of abuse. Incels want women to be abused, so they’re angry when there’s a way around that.
I think you are right, they don’t want to stop consuming porn but also absolutely don’t want the women involved in that process to go unpunished for taking part in it. It makes sense to lash out at OnlyFans because it gives women more control and autonomy, and also has financial advantages.