By David Futrelle
Fellas! Do you ever wonder why homosexuality “has … become so normalized?” Why it’s no longer cool to call gay men the f-word? Why the majority of Americans now think that gay marriages are just fine?
One especially prolific former commenter on this blog — banned for assorted violations of the comments policy and his general verbosity — recently left a long and strange comment here explaining that the new(ish) tolerance of homosexuality stems from the machinations of evil women in general (and sexy lesbians in particular).
I thought I’d share this lovely argument with you all. You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve omitted the especially verbose and confusing bits.
“WOMEN are behind homosexuality,” he explains.
– Female homosexuality is the crack, through which homosexuality making its way into the society.
Oh is it?
– The forbidden fruit in the bible is – the female’s tendency to derive pleasure from that which is considered ‘wrong’, ‘taboo’.
Here he goes on the first of many digressions, but don’t worry,, we’ll get back to the lesbian crack shortly.
– This is why women are attracted toward criminals. The thrill of engaging with a ‘bad’ person, doing something ‘wrong’ is what arouses them. Not the man himself. …
– White women today are trying to use sexuality to change what kind of men spread their seed.
– Hence white male is being distanced, while women are going after either thrilling ‘taboo’ type of relationships with the ‘other’, or are simply ‘going their own way’ with other women.
I guess I forgot to mention that this dude is racist as hell, as will become even more obvious in a few moments.
– Women actually do not need men.
– If only it were possible to reproduce without men…the female utopia would be complete.
– so it starts with women cuckolding men, with other women. this creates sexual titilation, as well as deprivation for the male. …
Damn thost lesbians for being so diabolically sexy!
Sex is not a mere part of a man’s life. It is what defines his life.
So if it is taken away from him, the man becomes desperate enough to sexualize any female behavior.
So if the female says – homosexuality good.
the male says – Understood.
And this is what has been going on.
Not only that, but these evil ladies have stopped pumping out babies like they used to do.
western women have, since 1970 immidiately after the sexual revolution, stopped reproducing like they were doing earlier.
and thus today we have whites becoming minorities in their own nations. …
Oh boo hoo.
– hence the male sexualizes lesbianism – 2 women having sex.
– this is why lesbian porn is the most popular category for women, and this is why men become erect seing women having sex with each other. they have, over course of our human evolution, first sexualized it, then internalized it, thereby making it seem like it is part of human nature.
– It is not. Homosexuality is not normal.
Apparently sex only counts as normal when babies are being made.
This is because homosexuality does not lead toward the multiplication of the human DNA, but instead leads toward liquidation of the DNA
By this logic any straight couple using birth control is also “liquidating” their DNA.
And this is anti-survival in the eyes of evolution.
And any group that displays anti-survival characteristics, starts getting disfavored by evolution.
Warning: he’s about to get extreeeeeeemely racist.
Hence we see white men going down, while the real africans, who were not even able to pronounce actual words from their mouths yesterday, today, after being mixed with white DNA, are able to form proper sentences, and even are capable of ‘rapping’ which is a form of rapid, rhyming pronounciation of words.
Jesus Christ dude.
This is tremendous progress, and whites should be lauded for improving the black DNA.
However, here comes the tricky part –
Since it is black males mating with white females, and not white males mating with black females….
The black maleness is the one that is getting spread, and the white maleness on the other hand, is going down.
Wait what? I’m pretty sure that’s not how any of this works.
The whiteness that american blacks today have, is increasingly becoming that of the mixture of black maleness with white femininity. …
Since the white DNA is far superior to the black DNA, if the maleness of the inferior DNA trumps the maleness of the superior DNA, then inferiority has raised its stature, by piggybacking on superiority.
Which means, the elevation of blacks is coming at the degradation of whites. More specifically, white males.
But this evil behavior on the part of white women will come back to haunt them.
White women are, for the time being, only enjoying, but what they do not realize is this –
– if white males go down, then so do white females.
And …. scene.
Is it just me or is this all a giant pile of pretentious hateful gobbledygook? I don’t think it’s just me.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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My eyes bugged out so much I now resemble Raul Julia.
On top of everything else, claiming that men are defined by sex is sexist as hell. Yikes.
If the OP was AVN, he had some pretty gross fetishizing views (Link tw antisemitism, Islamophobia) of us as well, so that’s likely why he didn’t blame us directly.
Because we’re evil, obviously.
He’s probably Onan, because he’s such a wanker.
Too much porn, probably.
It also totally excludes asexual men, or men who choose not to have sex for whatever reason.
Where do you find Luz & Amity cartoons?
Also racist stupidhead is a racist stupidhead, but you knew all that already, so just get on with telling me where I can find that cartoon!
People cannot truly be this ignorant, can they? OP has to be taking the piss, no one can be so ignorant of basic science, that they think DNA is magically different depending on ethnicity? Or history? I despair for the world.
I was thinking about that as well. Then again, he also seems to think that “pure” Africans can’t speak language? Considering the number and variety of African languages, this just boggles the mind in a whole new way.
afaik*, there are more languages spoken in sub-Saharan Africa than any other continent or comparably-sized area of the world (Africa has almost a third of all the world’s known languages, i.e. about 2k out of 6.5k)
which makes perfect sense when you consider humans first evolved there
*IANAknowledgeable (person) on this, and xtremly confident that some more knowledgeable mammotheer(s) than I can tell us moar interestinger stuff than this which any fule kno
@ Crip Dyke
Wikipedia suggests it is on Disney channel. I suppose my daughter will want me to pick up that one in addition to Netflix.
That checks out with what I’ve heard as well. Another extremely linguistically diverse area is the South Pacific, in Papua New Guinea alone there are over 900 languages spoken. The country with the most languages per capita, though, is Vanuatu, which has a population of about 300,000 but has 138 indigenous languages spoken. The native people of those regions have dark skin as well, does the OP think they can’t speak either?
As opposed to pronouncing them from their butts. Which misogynists are experts at.
Tell us more about this newfangled “rap” music. Do you think it will eventually become more popular than disco?
If a black male and white female mate and have a daughter with 1 Black Male DNA who then mates with a white male with 1 White Male DNA, does that cancel everything out or do their kids now have one of each DNA? Does 1+1= 0, or 2?
Does it accumulate over generations so eventually you get a person with 7,209 Black DNAs and 3,684 White DNAs who has forgotten how to pronounce words with their mouth but can produce rapid rhyming sounds with their armpit, but is also passed over for mating by white women because of the giant conspiracy? How does this work?
It’s way more than that, if you count mutually unintelligable dialects – they’re technically the same language, but get two Xosa speakers (for example) from different areas together and they have to revert to a third language to be able to understand each other.
Not quite sure where scholars say that a dialect ends and a new language begins, but many of them are pretty damned close to that point.
Of course, it’s a moot point now. The dialects are dying out for the same reason they are everywhere else.
@Crip Dyke
There from a new disney cartoon called The Owl House. It’s pretty good, involves a lot of the same team the did Gravity Falls and it’s got a similar style of humor, and has been confirmed that main character Luz is Disney’s first Bisexual protagonist.
They’ve already got fundie Christians calling for Disney to Ban this sick filth https://onemillionmoms.com/current-campaigns/disney-airs-new-demonic-series-the-owl-house/
So you know it’s good.
@Threp, one wonders who was doing the counting (and when they did it/when, how and by whom the information was gathered) that led to that 6.5k estimate :-s (and in the light of what you said, I’m wondering what was considered to constitute a language)
Does he know that before rap, Black people also invented rock, blues, jazz, R&B, soul, gospel, and a dozen other genres? And that’s before even discussing the music of Africa and fusion genres.
As for DNA, I’d imagine he’s going old school with the one drop of blood rule, so presumably Black DNA overrides white DNA. One wonders why white people should be the master race if their DNA is so easily neutralized.
I know I’ve shared this quote from Yiddish linguist Max Weinreich here before, but I’ll share it again because I think answers your question:
“A language is a dialect with an army and navy.”
The truth is that it’s often political: groups that have a state often get their tongue considered to be its own language, but those that don’t are relegated to dialect status. This is why Moldovan was considered a dialect of Romanian until Moldova gained independence in the 1990s, or why the mutually unintelligible varieties of Xhosa or Inuktitut are considered to be the same language despite being very different.
There’s also the issue of dialect continuum’s, where each region can understand their variety and their neighbors and maybe their neighbor’s neighbors, but not further, so it’s hard to say where one language begins or ends. This is the case with many Inuit languages and might be the case with Xhosa but I don’t know enough about it to say for sure.
@An Autistic Giraffe
Isn’t One Million Moms the one that turned out to be one angry fundamentalist with a ton of backing money? Oh wait that’s all of the religious right groups.
Just joined the internet, have you? Welcome.
Aww, Naglfar, I was totally going to point out that quote (I think when I heard it, it was attributed to Jespersen, but that might be a misattribution, or it might be one of those quotes that go around a lot). See also: Serbo-croatian “becoming” Serbian and Croatian, the different dialects of Norwegian still being considered one language because the people who speak them all see themselves as Norwegian, the various dialects of spoken Arabic which could absolutely be seen as different languages except they see themselves as part of the same culture (with the Quran as the main connection to Classical Arabic, of course), and many other examples. It’s all very cool.
By… Choosing to have sex with people who aren’t white men? Oh, wow, the horror, white men aren’t allowed to unilaterally pick out a white woman to “spread their seed” to.
Dear person in the OP (who may or may not be AVN),
I know change is hard! It can be scary, too. But the time has come for white men to accept that the world can no longer revolve around them and their peens. And their whiteness. Ffs!
Anyway, when you feel scared, confused or angry, just try to think about all the great stuff you can accomplish when you let go of your obsession with how the rest of us should prioritize your boner feels. We are all (yes, including you) spending way too much time, energy, and resources doing this and there are other things (SO many other things) going on in the world that need our attention.
Just know that you are still important and valued; just not more than or above anyone else. I know this hurts a bit, but you’ll either get over it or get left behind. The choice is yours.
You know, maybe if whites had stayed put in their own nations (and had nations they wanted to stay in) in Northern Europe, people wouldn’t be immigrating from other areas.
Whites left their shitty, oppressive nations in Europe and went to other continents and instead of learning other less horrible ways to live, they just imported their own horrible way of living to those other places, then ruined those places because of our bullshit dominionist theology.
Whites went to other places, ruined those places, destroyed those cultures in an effort to force people to be like us, and then left people’s and places so traumatized and damaged that they are unable to recover, not to mention we keep inflicting new damage. It wasn’t africans or native Americans or the tribal peoples of the steppe or the Jews who ruined their countries, it was white Europeans.
Alright, besides the facts that it’s all the usual fragile racist sexist homophobic white guy bullshit here that I’ve developed a tolerance to (in the same sense that a martial artist gets calluses from training,) the part that made me chime in was the part about lesbian porn, which I heard was polled as popular among straight(ish) women, but obviously not for the bullshit reasons he’s claiming.
The actual reason is the same difference between a trashy romance novel compared to a Hustler mag. “By/For women” lesbian porn (ex. Girlsway) focuses on atmosphere, setting, characterization, sensuality and otherwise being “Porn With Plot” like an indie movie rather than a guy in a basement/hotel room just having the performers put on some cheerleader outfits, throw a couple dildos at them and have them go at it.
There was also an HBO series, “Going Down In The Valley” about the industry that points out that (cis) female performers often start with girl/girl (or solo) not because it’s entry-level, but rather that they’re more comfortable starting out with another woman, (regardless of whether their history with other women in their personal life, if they currently have boyfriends/husbands, etc.) and that applying supply and demand, it pays less compared to straight sex aka “boy/girl” and especially gay male porn (hence why “gay for pay” is an industry catchphrase especially with the biphobic stigma that they bring AIDS into the mainstream part of the industry, see August Ames) even if it’s just a man simply jacking off like infamous porn legend John Holmes’ later work because he had a drug habit to feed (and ironically said drug habit affected his performance). Gay male porn pays better and apparently Tops are paid even more than Bottoms according to the latter.
No, no, I’ve been a regular internet user for about twenty years. I am still surprised by the ignorance I see, even now. Sometimes I think I’m hardened to it, but then someone will say or write something ridiculous or egregious, and I can’t help but ask myself how can people this ignorant can exist? They clearly have access to the internet, and thus all the knowledge of the world, and yet…
Also, your response comes across as massively condescending. Thanks.
I’ve been on the internet for a long long time. Everytime I think someone has reached rock-bottom levels of ignorance, someone surprises me, too.
I read Nequam’s comment as snarky sympathy, but short of being able to read their intentions electronically, it’s subject to interpretation.
In all fairness I figured your question was rhetorical and was giving you what I *thought* was a friendly razoo, but seriously if you spend any significant amount of time online among humans (as opposed to animal streams or music streams) you must brace yourself for some serious awfulness.
Down with comphet I say. Women generally deserve better than to be stuck with men who are content to be ugly inside and out, men who are like this towards women and perhaps anyone else.
It shouldn’t be the end for humanity let alone the white race until fertility for anyone becomes a serious issue (it’s not, and our current social norms are doing way too good of a job to ensure that fertility isn’t a problem – women are generally frowned upon for not having children or otherwise lacking that “maternal instinct” they’re “supposed” to have). Humanity is NOT experiencing what is described within SCP-1322, and as I’ve mentioned before, social norms largely favor those who can and choose to bear children and will do anything to try and protect this as soon as they even notice a speck of dust in the system.
I hear some eastern European countries (namely Croatia and Russia) are pulling a 1930s-1940s Germany by giving tax breaks and other incentives to (cis) women who bear numerous children simply because they can bear lots of children and are “good mothers” in that sense. This is plainly a manifestation of misogyny, using women as birthing factories. Hence, I call bullshit on the white race being threatened, when reactionary governments have already started to address this non-issue for one.
Arguably I think the white race isn’t under threat too, because anyone who has typical European features and/or may actually be white is deemed more desirable thanks to colonialism. Many parts of places like Asia have huge markets for plastic surgery in South Korea for clients to appear more conventionally attractive in a European sense, and skin lightening creams in places like South and Southeast Asia (although not exclusively those locations) as far as I know.
Even incels of South Asian descent are complaining about how South Asian women are preferring white men as potential partners, and like other fascist fucks, incels are the sort to believe in the validity of a “white genocide”.
@ nequam
I do have many human friends; whom I love to bits. But must confess this t-shirt really works for me.
I really have to wonder if AVN’s claim of having been on AVFM for years then leaving is true, and if so, what disagreement prompted him to do so. AFVM not being racist enough?