By David Futrelle
Fellas! Do you ever wonder why homosexuality “has … become so normalized?” Why it’s no longer cool to call gay men the f-word? Why the majority of Americans now think that gay marriages are just fine?
One especially prolific former commenter on this blog — banned for assorted violations of the comments policy and his general verbosity — recently left a long and strange comment here explaining that the new(ish) tolerance of homosexuality stems from the machinations of evil women in general (and sexy lesbians in particular).
I thought I’d share this lovely argument with you all. You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve omitted the especially verbose and confusing bits.
“WOMEN are behind homosexuality,” he explains.
– Female homosexuality is the crack, through which homosexuality making its way into the society.
Oh is it?
– The forbidden fruit in the bible is – the female’s tendency to derive pleasure from that which is considered ‘wrong’, ‘taboo’.
Here he goes on the first of many digressions, but don’t worry,, we’ll get back to the lesbian crack shortly.
– This is why women are attracted toward criminals. The thrill of engaging with a ‘bad’ person, doing something ‘wrong’ is what arouses them. Not the man himself. …
– White women today are trying to use sexuality to change what kind of men spread their seed.
– Hence white male is being distanced, while women are going after either thrilling ‘taboo’ type of relationships with the ‘other’, or are simply ‘going their own way’ with other women.
I guess I forgot to mention that this dude is racist as hell, as will become even more obvious in a few moments.
– Women actually do not need men.
– If only it were possible to reproduce without men…the female utopia would be complete.
– so it starts with women cuckolding men, with other women. this creates sexual titilation, as well as deprivation for the male. …
Damn thost lesbians for being so diabolically sexy!
Sex is not a mere part of a man’s life. It is what defines his life.
So if it is taken away from him, the man becomes desperate enough to sexualize any female behavior.
So if the female says – homosexuality good.
the male says – Understood.
And this is what has been going on.
Not only that, but these evil ladies have stopped pumping out babies like they used to do.
western women have, since 1970 immidiately after the sexual revolution, stopped reproducing like they were doing earlier.
and thus today we have whites becoming minorities in their own nations. …
Oh boo hoo.
– hence the male sexualizes lesbianism – 2 women having sex.
– this is why lesbian porn is the most popular category for women, and this is why men become erect seing women having sex with each other. they have, over course of our human evolution, first sexualized it, then internalized it, thereby making it seem like it is part of human nature.
– It is not. Homosexuality is not normal.
Apparently sex only counts as normal when babies are being made.
This is because homosexuality does not lead toward the multiplication of the human DNA, but instead leads toward liquidation of the DNA
By this logic any straight couple using birth control is also “liquidating” their DNA.
And this is anti-survival in the eyes of evolution.
And any group that displays anti-survival characteristics, starts getting disfavored by evolution.
Warning: he’s about to get extreeeeeeemely racist.
Hence we see white men going down, while the real africans, who were not even able to pronounce actual words from their mouths yesterday, today, after being mixed with white DNA, are able to form proper sentences, and even are capable of ‘rapping’ which is a form of rapid, rhyming pronounciation of words.
Jesus Christ dude.
This is tremendous progress, and whites should be lauded for improving the black DNA.
However, here comes the tricky part –
Since it is black males mating with white females, and not white males mating with black females….
The black maleness is the one that is getting spread, and the white maleness on the other hand, is going down.
Wait what? I’m pretty sure that’s not how any of this works.
The whiteness that american blacks today have, is increasingly becoming that of the mixture of black maleness with white femininity. …
Since the white DNA is far superior to the black DNA, if the maleness of the inferior DNA trumps the maleness of the superior DNA, then inferiority has raised its stature, by piggybacking on superiority.
Which means, the elevation of blacks is coming at the degradation of whites. More specifically, white males.
But this evil behavior on the part of white women will come back to haunt them.
White women are, for the time being, only enjoying, but what they do not realize is this –
– if white males go down, then so do white females.
And …. scene.
Is it just me or is this all a giant pile of pretentious hateful gobbledygook? I don’t think it’s just me.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Was it AVN? The writing reads a bit like him in that it’s in chunks with lots of hyphens and ellipses.
Correct. That may be his only correct statement.
Anyone else getting a weird Valerie Solanas vibe?
If all that defines your life is sex, that must be a sad life. Sex can be great, but it shouldn’t be the sole thing you live for.
Did anyone else hear this as a rap couplet? The rhyming, not sure if it was intentional, made me hear it that way.
I doubt it was intentional, but ironic considering what he thinks of rap music.
I was born after 1970, so evidently my mother (who is white) must have been doing some reproducing after that. Then again, I probably don’t count as white because I’m one of the (((Jews))).
I don’t think this is true, as most women are straight and wouldn’t be into lesbian porn. Nevermind that most “lesbian” porn is completely made for the male gaze and doesn’t depict lesbian sex at all accurately.
If this was AVN, he’s very mask off seeing as one of his Islamophobia talking points was about how Muslims are supposedly homophobic. It’s very clear what he actually thinks.
Man I thought AVN was gone for good. Sorry, David, I can’t read his disjointed screeds even in post form. They hurt my brain, in the not-fun, I’m-losing-intelligence-by-reading-this way. I’m sorry you have to see his nonsense!
Does he not know that a lot of gay people aren’t white? The idea that homosexuality is a conspiracy to keep white people from having white babies only works if gay people are disproportionately white and as far as I can tell, that is not the case.
ETA: It must be upsetting that we’re mocking AVN and he can’t respond. Haha!
Many prominent men of the alternative right are gay.
Jack Donovan comes to mind.
Why aren’t they blamed for low white birthrates?
He might actually think all gay people are white, since the media tends to disproportionately present white gay people when they are presented at all, and almost never shows gay PoC in any context.
Just to rub it in, watch as yet another white girl leaves your authoritarian republic of Gilead in the loving arms of a brown girl and weep in despair:
My grandson stopped by today. Just to say hi. He does that 3 or 4 times a week. We talk (right now from across the room). He’s a great kid.
His mother is black. His father, my son, is white.
So where does he fit in that asshat’s theology?
– hence the male sexualizes lesbianism – 2 women having sex.
– this is why lesbian porn is the most popular category for women, and this is why men become erect seing women having sex with each other. they have, over course of our human evolution, first sexualized it, then internalized it, thereby making it seem like it is part of human nature.
Funny, I’VE never heard that the average woman prefers lesbian porn to any other kind.
But in the meantime, this may interest some. It’s from humorist Tom Carey’s first book on sexual etiquette – I think he only wrote two. (No, he didn’t discuss gay people very much in either book – but chances are he was gentlemanly and humble enough to admit he just wasn’t qualified to do so.) It’s a pity, IMO, that his books aren’t that easy to find.
He said, in effect, that all the fictional “women together” in, say, Penthouse, are not meant to be what the average Penthouse reader would consider to be lesbians in real life. Quote: “‘Women together’ means two beautiful, lithe, mainly heterosexual women who are so sexually charged that they become slaves to their own desires AND to the man having the fantasy.” (He then discussed the pitfalls of the ménage a trois.)
He’s pretty sympathetic to both sexes, I’d say. Anyway, here’s one quotation (on condoms) from the second book:
“It seems that folks used to believe that being prepared was just for boy scouts and that risk of pregnancy was all part of the thrill of sex. Which is probably why more teenaged girls got pregnant in 1958 than in 1988. (You can look it up.)”
Mind you, that’s “got pregnant,” not “gave birth.” Obviously, there’s a big difference. However, I’m having trouble finding a simple chart that covers two or more decades at a time. But the Alan Guttmacher Institute is a good place to start.
« And thus today we have whites becoming minorities in their own nations. »
« their own nations » disgusts me.
Indeed, I’ve heard the opposite: that many straight women enjoy gay male pornography. I heard somewhere that about 30-40% of consumers of gay male porn are straight women. (Of course gay male pornography is considered separate from straight porn, while “lesbian” porn is often lumped in with it, which speaks volumes about how cishet society views queer women as fetish objects for men.)
It is probably true that the average cishet man’s fantasy about lesbians does not bear much in common to the lives of IRL lesbians. The same goes for bisexual women, which are also often fetishized by straight men. Another very common fantasy for many men is the idea of converting lesbians to being straight, which is similarly detached from reality.
Oddly enough, it’s fairly common for lesbians to enjoy MM porn, and a quite surprising number of gay men likewise enjoy lesbian/”lesbian” porn.
Really? Why is that?
Apologies if it’s obvious, I genuinely don’t know because I don’t watch porn much at all.
Beats the hell outta me. Explaining the actions of monosexuals has always been beyond me, really.
Please consider using the <blockquote> tags, Lenona. We’ve been through this. Please?
Might just be because I’m bi but when ever I have watched any type of porn, normally it’s just people i find attractive that I end up watching. the gender is hardly ever important.
@An Autistic Giraffe
Oh my god Luz and Amity. They are my favorite.
I have, like, forty-seven jokes just off the top of my head about people going down because of this. I can’t even engage seriously with the completely deranged argument being made, because Oh My God Have You Even Listened To What You Are Saying Here?
@ Naglfar
Tbh I’m surprised that he didn’t blame (((us))) for being behind the whole scheme of women promoting homosexuality
That show is pretty great.
Really shows how much things have changed. Back when I was a kid LGBT characters in kids shows were unthinkable, even the sailor moon dub turned them into “cousins” for the show to air. Heck just a bit over five years ago it was huge that Korra and Asami held hands for a few seconds. Now we’ve got She-ra and Owl House gaying everything up.
It’s hard and takes a while, but the world can be changed for the better.
OMG, I shudder to think how many brain cells I lost reading just your excerpts from this weirdo’s conspiracy fantasy/nightmare!
I mean, I can’t tolerate this BS about “it’s all black men having sex with white women” —
Does this asshole have any idea about how the overwhelming majority of African Americans have white male ancestors that their great-great-great-great-grandmothers were raped by?
One thing is consistent, whenever you see this kind of assholery: projection. Every accusation is a confession – and that is remarkably, constantly accurate.
@An Autistic Giraffe
I just watched a remake of my favorite childhood movie on netflix (the little vampire), and at first i was confused because Rudolph the vampire, and Tony Thompson the human, we’re both 9 in the original movie i watched but this time they were 13, and they did it just to make them baby gays with first crushes and i was so here for it. I don’t even care that they changed a lot of the plot because it was so cute.
Also Amity was me when I was 11 at summer camp and another girl wanted to kiss me and i was panicking a lot because it was my first kiss and she was older then me and so so pretty and I didn’t know how to deal with my feelings.
Never heard of that movie, but for people who are aged like me and love the 80’s movies, Neverending Story is on Netflix right now too, and it is glorious.
@BigKitty: I highly doubt it. If I were the gambling type I’d bet 10-1 odds what this dope knows about history of any kind could fit on the back of a flea.
German film ‘Der Kleine Vampir’ though I don’t know if Lainy watched a dub or a remake (aside from the remake she mentioned).
As for the op… No, just no. Nope. No.
Well, obviously porn is intended for men, there are no women who enjoy it, and bisexual men do not exist. So of course lesbian porn isn’t gay. *barf*
And white women today are doing this because _______?
Compare white women’s chances of succeeding at this massive project with a snowball’s chance in hell. The same? Worse? Much worse? Profoundly worse? Explain your answer.
Name your sources. (Your ass does not count.)
Are you a character from the Old Testament? If so, state your name and cite the book, chapters, and verses in which you appear. If not, why do you use the term “spread your seed”?