
Incels agree: If guys don’t have sex in high school they’re ruined for life

“Teenagers” in love: Detail from cover of Teen-Age Romances

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By David Futrelle

It’s not a secret that incels are obsessed with underage girls and the allegedly pure joys of teenage sex. Now they seem to have collectively decided that any guy who doesn’t manage to have sex in high school has lost out on something so magical that he is essentially scarred for life; he might as well rope, as they like to put it.

In a recent post on the forums, an incel called Personalityinkwell declares, in all caps, that


everything else is pure cope. …

The only thing that matters is having good genes/good parents so you can be a JB [jailbait] slayer, everything else is GIGACOPE.

Other incels expand on this theme. Mylifeistrash declares that

it’s the harshest pill

that you only got one shot in life and your genetics determined it all

no amount of self-improvement cope or money maxxing will ever make up for your teenage years

AmIjustDreaming agrees,

No amount of money or any other cope can make up for missed teen love. I’m almost 26 and the teenpill still gets to me. While I rotted playing video games, everyone else was having their first kiss, sex, teen love. It will fuck you up forever.

“Only teen love can make up for missed teen love,” laments LOLI BREEDING.

“Highschools need to offer euthanasia at the last day of school,” adds _wifebeater_.

The anger, naturally, stokes the incels’ feelings of entitlement.

“Its such a crime that we never got to fuck prime girls,” complains Ropemaxx.

And it’s not long before they start talking about the age of consent in the Phillipines.

Even aside from the pedophilia, an undercurrent in almost all incel discussions of sex, this is all just bullshit. There’s nothing magical about having sex as a teenager; it’s exciting, to be sure, but it can also be awkward and even a bit embarrassing, as no one knows what they’re doing at first. Sex can actually be a lot better for everyone once both partners have had a little more (or a lot more) experience.

And sex isn’t everything; it’s certainly a pleasant part of life, for those who are into it, but you can live without it. And lots of people do, living through “dry spells” than can last years. Not having sex in high school doesn’t make you special; it doesn’t even make you all that unusual, given that the average age at which Americans have sex for the first time at is 17, with the percentage of high schoolers having sex dropping below 50% in recent years.

That’s right: MOST PEOPLE in high school aren’t having sex.

Yes, it sucks to go through high school dateless. But there are worse things in life. And you have the rest of your life to make up for lost time. Move the fuck on, dudes; stop fixating on something you cannot change.

There are some guys whose lives basically peaked in high school who spend the rest of their lives trying to recapture what they felt the day they scored the winning touchdown. And they won’t shut up about it. Incels are doing something similar, only backwards, fixating on their sexual failures in high school and never shutting up about them. I can’t decide which group is more pathetic, but I know that neither the aging jock or the aging incel is going to be happy until they clear the resentment and self-hatred out of their heads and start living in the present.

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4 years ago


It’s not from the 70s but, duck and cover. Bert the turtle teaches kids about nuclear armageddon!

I recall seeing that a few years ago. For those who haven’t seen it:

I grew up too late to have seen it in school or to have done nuclear drills, but the video sticks out to me as a charming video about a horrible thing.

Great, and now I’ve got the song stuck in my head again.

As for tea, my preference is chai. I make my own spice blend for it, and I find the spices often work well with other dishes as well.

Re: PIFs, it’s reminding me of Windows 3.1, where .pif (for Program Information File) was a kind of file used to run MS-DOS programs in Windows with custom settings.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ Vicky P

Mr Parasol might like this one.

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
To be honest, the bigger issue with Twitter seems to be when people tweet hateful content. Boring/irrelevant tweets can be easily ignored or muted. Maybe it would be better to have a PSA teaching people to keep their bigotry to themselves and not tweet about it.

O/T: TERFs are angry because a police department refused to hire someone who has self identified “gender critical” views. This story is likely being distorted somehow, this being the Telegraph, but my question is why someone decided to include their views on trans* people in a job application in the first place. Are they really that obsessed that they felt the need to include it in their job application?

4 years ago

As long as we’re randomly talking about tea, I think I’ve mentioned this here before, a long time ago, but regardless… I have no idea what black tea is supposed to taste like. It has negative flavor. I can’t even taste the impurities in the water, which is mildly disturbing. With flavored black tea, I can sometimes taste a vague hint of the other flavors, but what is the point of that? Green and white teas are good, though if there were something missing from them, there’s no way I’d notice.

Anyone else have the experience of some food or drink which should have flavor, but doesn’t for you, or even messes with your ability to taste?

Also randomly off topic, but I never cared that much for coffee either, it doesn’t taste bad, just kind of meh. “Meh” being that there are things which I like about it and things that I don’t, not that it’s flavorless. During the lockdowns I was trying new things out of boredom, and found that cold brew coffee gets rid of much of what I don’t like, and cold brew + milk is actually pretty good, so… I guess I can add coffee to the list of my occasional vices now? Just a very specific form of it.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Anyone else have the experience of some food or drink which should have flavor, but doesn’t for you, or even messes with your ability to taste?

Parsley. For me, it seems to completely kill the flavour of anything it’s included in. Never really noticed it (it’s not something I use in cooking) until we went to France and had jambon persille. While flavourless ham was certainly an experience, I don’t think it was the experience the chef intended! 🙂

Coffee – love the smell, am indifferent to the taste. Haven’t had one since February.

4 years ago


Anyone else have the experience of some food or drink which should have flavor, but doesn’t for you, or even messes with your ability to taste?

Cotton candy is like this for me, I’m not sure what it should taste like but to me it tastes like nothing, maybe a little bit sweet but no real flavor. Marshmallows are similar.

As for food that messes with tasting ability, try Synsepalum dulcificum, sometimes sold as “miracle berry.” If you eat the berry or tablets made from it, it causes everything to taste sweet for a while, even things that would ordinarily be bitter or sour. My favorite thing to eat with it was salt and vinegar chips.

I don’t like coffee but I like tiramisu.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

For me, hot Cheetos have heat but no flavor. They’re so gross. I love spicy food, but chillis or wasabi have flavor other than just burning. Not fucking hot Cheetos. Why are they so popular?

Cats In Shiny Hats
Cats In Shiny Hats
4 years ago

Oh, tea. I love tea. I have a distinct fondness for High Mountain Oolongs, although the Chinese Da Hong Pao is my ultimate favourite because of it’s high mineral content due to the ground it’s grown in.

Next month, if it hasn’t been cancelled, is the local tea festival. I get most of my tea from there.

4 years ago

If you eat the berry or tablets made from it, it causes everything to taste sweet for a while, even things that would ordinarily be bitter or sour.

No thanks. I actually like a lot of sour or bitter things, including things which are too sour for most people (I eat raw lemons on occasion, and drink unsweetened and undiluted drinking vinegar) but I find things which are basically nothing but “sweet” to be boring. Let me know if someone discovers an anti-miracle berry. ??

4 years ago


Let me know if someone discovers an anti-miracle berry.

That sort of exists in the form of Gymnema sylvestre, which can be consumed as a tea and blocks sugar receptors in the tongue to make things taste less sweet. Though if you are diabetic or have problems with low blood sugar be warned that it also can reduce sugar absorption in the intestines and reduce blood sugar.

IMO it also tastes terrible, but if you like bitter things maybe you would like it.

drink unsweetened and undiluted drinking vinegar

Wouldn’t that give you a stomachache and/or heartburn?

4 years ago

Nah, it’s drinking vinegar, innit? Anyway, you can drink any old vinegar, really.(I am also a person who’s known to drink pure lemon juice)
Tbh, I had no idea anybody diluted or sweetened drinking vinegar. It’s vinegar, it’s for drinking, you drink it.

4 years ago

Is drinking vinegar the same thing as shrub? I’ll admit I was unaware there was special vinegar for drinking, though I have heard of shrub.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

When I was a kid I used to drink vinegar undiluted from the bottle, with as much salt as I could dissolve in it. Ostensibly this was for dipping carrots in, but once I ran out of carrot I would just drink the rest of the dipping vinegar because it was delicious. So it wasn’t whole cups of it, but it was a non-trivial quantity. It never gave me indigestion. I don’t do that anymore, but now that I’m thinking about it maybe I should.

Salt & vinegar potato chips should taste the same, but for some reason they don’t. I think they use a chemical other than vinegar for the vinegar flavoring.

4 years ago


Wouldn’t that give you a stomachache and/or heartburn?

I’ve heard that was a thing with some people, but not in my case, no. I mean, I have experienced stomachaches as a side effect of severe stress, but not otherwise, and I’ve never experienced heartburns.

So for a bit of clarity, I have a strong hedonistic streak. Every once in awhile, I’m in the mood to have a particularly intense experience of something which I already at least partly enjoy, because the intensity is enjoyable in of itself. So, relevant to this topic, over the years I’ve attempted to increase my tolerance of very strong flavors.

I’ve managed to build up to very intense pungent (example, ghost peppers), sour (example, undiluted drinking vinegar), and salty (pure salt).

It hasn’t worked for anything else. Bitter and astringent just make me sick if I try to go strong, and no amount of training has been able to overcome that. This is despite the fact that I actually like quite a lot of bitter flavors (though not all of them, and I mostly hate astringent flavors). Sweet and savory appear to have a ceiling for me which don’t go into the range of “intense”. Even pure sugars don’t taste that strongly.

[Edit]: Shrub is just drinking vinegar with flavor infusions, I believe.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

I put loads of salt and vinegar on chips (as in the things you get from chip shops here; not what we call crisps) and when I get to the bottom I always drink the remaining vinegar from the paper.

Although apple cider vinegar is the foulest thing I’ve ever tasted; and I once ate a firelighter (for about 5 seconds).

4 years ago

Hmm, with some of the other regulars saying how they like strong sour things, I’m guessing I had to do a lot of work to get there because I experience it more intensely in general, or something. I’m more used to people being all “why would you do that?!” when they see me eating a lemon.

4 years ago


I’ve managed to build up to very intense pungent (example, ghost peppers), sour (example, undiluted drinking vinegar), and salty (pure salt).

I can handle extremely spicy or salty (though I don’t particularly like extreme saltiness), but I’m not much into extreme sour tastes. Salt and vinegar chips (crisps for our British Mammothers) are fine by me, but I don’t think I’d like pure vinegar.

@Alan Robertshaw
I personally like apple cider vinegar, though only on other things, not by itself. When I was in Ireland a few years ago I was able to find apple cider vinegar chips/crisps, which I enjoyed but have been unable to find in the US in stores. I probably could find them online, but don’t feel like taking the effort or paying for shipping.
Edit: I think this was the brand.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

@ Policy:

regarding the McD’s case, apologies, you are correct and I knew this — and did it anyway. I was wrong and I will try not to do that again.

@ Dalillama

nobody over the age of six should need to be told

absolutely. unfortunately our ingrained “not gonna happen to me” is very strong.

regarding ‘drinking the vinegar”… double-yoo-tee-eff??? did ya run out of beer???

re: “Duck and Cover” I remember that!!

as a child, we practiced nuke drills… I lived 4000 linear feet from the intersection of the two runways of a “first-strike target” (bomber refueling base)….

Like Duck OR Cover would’a helped….

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

The Romans (poor ones and soldiers anyway) drank posca; which is a type of drinking vinegar.

Mind you, they used rotten fish guts for ketchup.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


This might be relevant to your interests:

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago


I quite like Worcester sauce crisps (you can get vegan Worcester Sauce); and that’s apparently very similar to garum.

It must have been pretty popular though. When they analyse amphorae about a third of them used to contain garum.

Fun fact: More amphorae have been found at Tintagel than anywhere else in Britain combined.

4 years ago

That YouTube channel looks interesting, thank you for sharing.

epitome of incomprehensibility

I like eating lemon and lime slices. But I don’t think I could manage a whole lemon or lime in one sitting.

re: railroad accidents – One of my great-grandfathers was killed by a train that way. I think the issue was he was losing his hearing. This was years before I was born, by the way – my father told me about it.

I wonder if it was the same grandfather of his who’d eat a whole pie (a fruit pie) every morning for breakfast… That was the family legend, anyway. To me, it’s more impressive that his wife would cook a whole pie every day just to have him eat it all 😛

4 years ago


The Enterprise replicators must have been programmed in America hence Picard having to specify “hot”.

Was the end result less than almost entirely unlike tea?

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