Almost there!
I’m extending the pledge drive a few more days because, unfortunately, the donations so far have not been enough to cover my basic expenses much less the cost of some unfortunate but necessary dental work. We’re only about 2/3 of the way there yet.
You can donate by clicking the button below (even if you don’t have a PayPal account).
Many of you have already donated, some quite generously, and I am extremely grateful for your support (as I am for the support of you monthly donors). But if you haven’t donated yet, please do! I realize that some of you have been hit hard by the pandemic and can’t afford to give now. But if you’re doing ok and can possibly swing a donation, I sure would appreciate it.
You’ll be providing a lifeline for me and for this blog, a unique and independent media outlet that delivers (almost) daily coverage of some of the worst people out there in our current political hellscape. All without ads and hectoring popups.
As I’ve said before, I love doing this blog, and I’m grateful it’s connected with so many of you. I could not have kept We Hunted the Mammoth going for nearly ten years without your help, and I hope that with your continued support we can keep the blog running smoothly for many more years.
Thanks again!
Does it surprise anybody that Vulture asked an OB/GYN to weigh in on the discussion?
Somewhat curious what the manosphere reaction will be to “WAP.” I can probably guess.
Sorry it can’t more, David, I’m terminally short of cash.
The OB/GYN in that Vulture story points out that WAP has been introduced *specifically* as a woman’s response to sexual arousal. In that regard, Shapiro and his doctorwife display a major reading comprehension fail when they jump to discussing wetness as a symptom of illness – that’s hardly something that’d only manifest during sexytimes.
Meanwhile, I was reading Dr. Jen Gunter’s tweets and their comments on this “controversy”. I was reminded of something I’ve heard of before, but only rarely and in passing. There was the notion that individual women have widely varying levels of vaginal secretion both during arousal and otherwise. Some perfectly healthy women supposedly need to wear a pantyliner or even a pad every day to avoid ruining their panties.
These kind of things aren’t discussed much, which apparently contributes to women’s common body shame and leaves men unable to mentally process the whole phenomenon. Certainly, as a single man, I find it hard to mentally picture a constantly “leaky” vagina as normal because it doesn’t fit a cultural stereotype. Some people apparently end up making kneejerk mental associations between “wetness”, “poor hygiene”, “poor self-control” and “disease”, which is a problem.
It’s official – Biden has picked Kamala Harris as his VP:
That, or his wife is trying to make an excuse for why she’s never gotten wet for him without hurting his feelings. Because she knew facts wouldn’t care about his feelings.
This is also part of a broader issue of lack of discussion around vaginas and sexuality. Many (cis) women don’t know the names of parts of their own anatomy (a survey in Britain found that over 40% didn’t know what a cervix was, for instance), and this has potentially dangerous health consequences. As well, it makes women unable to discuss their own bodies. Cis men talk about their penises all the time, yet people with vaginas are not often allowed to discuss their genitals for fear of being seen as abnormal or otherwise unacceptable.
Damn, Mogginator, is that a double or *triple* snap?
Either way, Mongo impressed.
Well. Picking Kamala Harris has revealed that conservatives do in fact have a third joke: misgendering Black women. So funny! Even after the 1000th time!
Honestly I don’t know at this point. Contact your congress person and ask them to repeal the pre-funding of retirement? Hope the new postmaster general quits?
Sorry for the late and slow, yesterday was rough.
Sorry for the delay, David. Sent a small bit your way. You are doing essential work and have really been ahead of the curve on covering incels and the manosphere in general! And I do love the commenters here, though I don’t participate much.
I don’t think I’ve ever posted here before, but I really like reading the comments, even if very old posts. So I donated.
I looked up Kamala Harris after the news came out and saw that she spent her teenage years in Montreal. She went to Westmount High, which is fairly close to the school I attended (different time, though).
Anyway, I hope the pledge drive is going better. You deserve it!
@Cats in Shiny Hats, sorry that the mail system is so terrible. It’s tough to be overworked and knowing you can’t finish X thing in Y time; when I was in that spot, at least it was in a small company so I could actually talk to someone there about it. And it’s stupid that the Trump administration is messing up the mail system more. It’s already under strain because of the virus situation – here in Canada mail has taken longer to get to me than usual – and yeah, I worry what it means for the U.S. election.
Thanks again to everyone who’s donated, no matter the amount!
I’m really worried that Trump will be able to steal the election by fucking with the post office. We should be making as much noise about this as possible.
Pleased to donate, David, long may you reign!
I doubled my last week’s donation. I find it suits me to donate some, then get feedback on how fundraising is going along, and estimate based on that whether I should prioritize this blog and donate some more.
Thank you for blogging, David.
I get your point, but I think you slightly overstated it. It doesn’t seem like CIS men can really talk about their genitals much outside of describing how macho they make them either. I truly wonder how many cis men could find and label, for example, their Epididymis. Seem to be one of those cases of “toxic masculinity hurts us all”, but still hurts women more, as always.
Fair point. I was mostly talking about how cis men often talk about how big or hard their equipment is, but the Internet melted down when two women sang about how wet they got.
I finally have enough surplus cash to donate a decent amount! I realized the other day that I’ve been reading this blog for over seven years! I’ve probably commented less than ten times; cause honestly, you guys are a lot more awesome at troll take-downs and coherent debate than I ever could be. And it’s been a great joy to read your thoughts over the years, David and commenters, and I look forward to many more awesome posts!