Almost there!
I’m extending the pledge drive a few more days because, unfortunately, the donations so far have not been enough to cover my basic expenses much less the cost of some unfortunate but necessary dental work. We’re only about 2/3 of the way there yet.
You can donate by clicking the button below (even if you don’t have a PayPal account).
Many of you have already donated, some quite generously, and I am extremely grateful for your support (as I am for the support of you monthly donors). But if you haven’t donated yet, please do! I realize that some of you have been hit hard by the pandemic and can’t afford to give now. But if you’re doing ok and can possibly swing a donation, I sure would appreciate it.
You’ll be providing a lifeline for me and for this blog, a unique and independent media outlet that delivers (almost) daily coverage of some of the worst people out there in our current political hellscape. All without ads and hectoring popups.
As I’ve said before, I love doing this blog, and I’m grateful it’s connected with so many of you. I could not have kept We Hunted the Mammoth going for nearly ten years without your help, and I hope that with your continued support we can keep the blog running smoothly for many more years.
Thanks again!
Hey, David – have you heard about the latest Trump follower fad?
There’s so much to unpack here. Pretending to be part of a legitimate agency (and they couldn’t come up with a better name?) and telling a store employee that she could get sued for asking them to wear a mask. Sneering at the store employee for being a wage-earner. The flagrant disregard for what should be the new social norm until COVID-19 is under control (a process greatly delayed by people who pull these sorta stunts). The seemingly insatiable need to position themselves as martyrs fighting for freedom.
I wish I could donate more, but I had some significant unexpected household expenses the past few months and my reserves are low. 🙁
That’s disgusting on so many levels. I’d imagine they’ll get away with it, because they’re white. And to think the right still pretends to champion the working class.
Done! Sorry for the delay. Someone somehow got into my damn house and stole my purse last week. Luckily nothing was taken from my checking account and I had an unused Amazon gift card to replace my purse and wallet so my finances weren’t really impacted, but I had to replace my debit card.
O/T: Ben “rap isn’t music” Shapiro’s takedown of Cardi B’s song “WAP” has mostly been rather dull, but the self-own he threw in at the end is funny. He apparently thinks (cis) women don’t get wet unless they have an infection.
Link is borked, fyi.
The link in my comment? It seems to be working for me.
My favorite part of the Ben Shapiro saga is when he got his doctor wife to reassure him that vaginal wetness is a sign of infection and actually pussies are supposed to be dry.
Ben Shapiro is clearly very, very bad at sex.
I’m not convinced Ben Shapiro has a wife that doesn’t come with a patch kit.
No, he has a wife. Who is a doctor. Did I mention that his wife is a doctor? I think I should mention his doctor wife.
Both VP’s link about the Failure to Brain Agency and David’s donation link appear to work fine for me.
Donated. Thank you for everything you’ve done so far. I hope everything goes as well as it can.
David’s donation link wasn’t working for me earlier. Seems to be working now, though.
To me, the most risible part was his attempt to recite the lyrics as spoken word on his show, because it just sounded like he was trying to talk dirty in the least sexy way possible.
WWTH, yipes, that sucks about the purse.
Big thanks to everyone who donated! And POM, no worries! Sorry you’re a bit tight at the moment but seriously, I appreciate every donation.
Ben Shapiro is such a tool. I did enjoy everyone dunking on him today. I just wish that articles from his terrible website weren’t consstantly in the top ten shared links on facebook.
Ben Shapiro is just ripping off Charlton Heston: https://apnews.com/1f1e03326ae8e8cd2cc55e64d6af8caa
Link is to a story on Heston reading Ice T lyrics at a Warner shareholders meeting.
Mind you, Shapiro would probably like being compared to Heston.
IIRC that only happens because he violates the Terms of Service all the time with fake accounts and other illegitimate methods to promote his stories. Then he had a private meeting with Zuckerberg to claim he was being “censored.”
When I notice that Ben Shapiro is trending, I ask myself “how has he self-owned today”? And then I have to find out without listening to his voice. Truly he’s the Jacob Wohl of Dinesh D’Souzas.
If you are willing to subject yourself to his voice, there’s this mildly entertaining edit of the song with his voice added.
I frequently suspect Shapiro is trolling for attention by playing stupid. However, if he really does have a doctor wife, I wonder if she agreed to be cited in this manner?
He’s not smart enough to play the idiot. He’s just an idiot.
As for his wife, he regularly refers to her as his Canadian wife, but since he lives in the US I’m curious if this is like the “Canadian girlfriend” meme.
Weird. The Sun has an article on her today. No link, ’cause it’s the Sun.
Off topic, but I’m pretty sure that Trump has finally managed to kill the post office. All of the changes being made are going to destroy our ability to keep the mail going, which is going to destroy credibility, which is going to make more loss… And probably screw the election over, which is what he wants.
I’m already strategizing how to make the least impact on my customers. (Delivering half the route every other day – I have over 900 deliveries on my route without overtime it’s impossible to do all in one day, taking an hour just to make sure all medications get delivered, etc.).
To all you citizens of the USA, on behalf of your postal worker; I’m sorry. We’re all sorry, and will do our best.
@Cats in Shiny Hats
I’m sorry to hear about this. The history of the GOP is one of breaking things that work, then claiming they never worked so they can slash funding and break them further.
Is there anything you recommend people should do?
@specialffrog: Steve Allen was doing it decades before Heston.
Yes, but Steve Allen was at least familiar with the actual concept of humour, so we can somewhat safely assume that he was being ridiculous on purpose.