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By David Futrelle
In 2010, men’s rights lawyer Roy Dean Hollander wrote an inflammatory piece for the men’s rights hate site A Voice for Men declaring that men might be forced to take up arms to defeat what he saw as the tyranny of feminism.
Several weeks ago, Den Hollander took his own advice, gunning down the son and husband of a female judge he had tangled with in the past; the son died of his wounds. Several days earlier he killed rival men’s rights attorney Marc Angelucci.
If you thought Den Hollander’s murders would have occasioned some soul searching on the part of the folks at AVFM, you would be dead wrong. Site foinder Paul Elam and others associated with the site offered no apoligies for publishing Den Hollander’s screed (or for a later post by Elam effusively praising him as a “real man”); instead they insisted to anyone who would listen that Den Hollander wasn’t a real men’s rights activist at all and had nothing to do with them.

On Tuesday, AVFM published a post by Gary Costanza referring to Den Hollander’s murder of Angelucci which somehow managed to avoid mentioning both his name and his previous connection to the site, referring to him only as a “demented person.”
Down the memory hole he goes.
Den Hollander – who killed himself shortly after his assault on the judge’s family – was not the only “demented person” in AVFM’s past.
You may be familiar with the name Chris Cantwell – he’s perhaps better known as “the Crying Nazi,” infamous for a teary video he put out after hearing that there was a warrant out for his arrest for several counts of assault at the notorious Unite the Right rally in 2017. Before going full Nazi, you see, Cantwell wrote a number of pieces for AVFM on such topics as IQ, the evils of gun control, and feminists “who demonize men and white people.” When, at the time he was writing for AVFM, I criticized his online harassment of some of his many enemies, Elam wrote a post defending Cantwell and advising me to kill myself.
Cantwell, not only a political activist but quite the gun enthusiast, has been a busy boy in the last several years; his rap sheet is too long and complicated to easily summarize here, but he’s served time for assault and currently sits in jail awaiting trial on charges of threats and extortion against a fellow neo-Nazi. Given his love of guns and his utter lack of impulse control, I think it’s kind of a miracle he hasn’t shot anyone yet.
Over the years, Elam has befriended and published several other men’s rights activists who frankly seem as unhinged as Den Hollander and Cantwell; thankfully none of them have acted out in the same way.
In Constanza’s post today, he urges fellow MRAs to “redouble our efforts” in the wake of Angelucci’s murder.
I would suggest that fans of the site do some serious self-reflection first. Is there a reason their side – and their site — attracts so many “demented” individuals? Perhaps this is not simply bad luck? Perhaps it’s because, to paraphrase a famous comedy routine by Mitchell and Webb, they are the baddies?
H/T — to Twitter’s @TakedownMRAs, who inspired this post.
I couldn’t stop the Islamaphobia but a full on Stacey post stopped the “to miss Stacey” “so sweet” crap part of it. Glad creep and his vile words are gone.
I’m imagining him just sitting behind his computer, realizing he can’t post (I’m not sure what people who have been banned see), and screaming into the void.
I guess it’s impressive that he managed to type all that with one hand down his pants.
Thank you for all your efforts, David.
Good riddance to AVN. Your rambling, racist, inexplicably fractured manifestos will not be missed, and I hope your path is littered with Legos for the rest of your days.
@Catalpa: would you agree with that AVN and Skimminghorn, if not the same person, are at least very close friends and teaming up to spam the comments section?
@Chris O
I would doubt that, as they seem to use very different arguments and write very differently. They could be friends, but it seems more likely that they’re just two trolls that happened to stumble here, probably from vanity searching for things about AVfM.
They also never acknowledged each other, which they probably would have done had they been friends. And never backed each other up.
Good point.
Good point.
On a completely unrelated note….that loud clang y’all just heard was my jaw dropping in amazement that this comment thread is now up to 11 full pages. I’d need official confirmation from David on this, but I think 11 pages is a new record for this site.
@Chris O – Not even close! I… am hesitant to link it, because it will bring it back from the dead. But search the ‘cassie jaye’ tags, and you’ll find it. 39 pages long! It’s the ‘open letter’ one.
There’s a longer one. The Christmas 2017 open thread is 43 pages. I haven’t read through it all and I wasn’t a commenter here then, but it appears that one was less because of trolls and more because David took a 2 month break after that post so it was the only active thread for a while for commenters.
No. That’s not how it actually happened. You would have to be historically illiterate to an extreme degree to believe that.
Also, people who are very smart when it comes to one or two subjects are perfectly capable of being dumbasses when it comes to others.
Here’s just one example.
I’m sure i can find many otherwise smart people who believed the Earth was flat. Or still do.
It used to be quite common for threads to go past 1000 comments years ago when there were a lot more trolls here. These days, David is faster to ban trolls/not let them through in the first place. Plus, I think trolls spend more time on Reddit and Twitter than blogs now.
@Chris O
Nah, trolls here don’t tend to change up their schtick this much. Skimmingway strikes me as a self-aggrandizing egotistical edgelord, while AVN is more on the creepy fetishistic fascist conspiracy theorist end of the scale. I’m sure the two of them share some of the same beliefs, but they aren’t very similar.
– Test post
– If this post appears, then later on, I will post the solution to all feminist issues such as – equal rights, abortion, racism, homosexuality et al
– And the solution regarding how to raise the birth rate in the western world, so as to ensure the survival of caucasians.
– However, I will post it only if this post appears, and one or more individuals here, express their desire to know the solution.
– If not, then I will simply let it go.
– Cheers.
If you’re going to keep making new IPs to continue trolling here, can you at least be entertaining instead of doing these tedious rambling mess posts?
Not fucking interested. Go away. The “Caucasian Race” is not a scientifically valid genetic categorization of humans, so any solution based on it is itself scientifically invalid.
Most of the solution is for people like you to stop being racist, sexist and Islamaphobic.
You don’t seem to want to do anything but post Islamaphobic racist blather so you don’t have a solution to anything.
Am I still “too sweet” you asshole?
Go away.
@AVN: Wouldn’t the banning explicitly tell you that WE DON’T WANT YOU?
We know you don’t have the solution to all problems, because you’re a racist, islamophobic mess.
There is *no great replacement*, you absolute asswipe.
We don’t care about ‘declining white births’.
You know what the solution is to ‘people can’t afford kids’?
A minimum wage that is a liveable wage.
Better support for parents.
Homes (condos, apartments, wahtever) being built that are big enough for families, and affordable.
Medicare for all, so people aren’t going bankrupt because of medical expenses.
Easily accessible birth control, and having birth control de-stigmatised. (I include abortion in that, sincw choosing when to have children typically will mean a better possible outcome.)
Funding school systems better. (I say this as an Ontarian, what the ACTUAL HELL, Ford. Fuck you.)
… you just think you understand, and you know NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. If your beliefs didn’t cause real harm, i’d almost pity you. But they do, so i tried previously to explain to you your obvious shortcomings, and now i wash my hands of you. I’m going to havw to email David again, and it’s annoying.
You’re annoying.
/end rant
I already emailed him, and he said it should be resolved now.
Thanks, @Naglfar! Sorry for the second email, David, i hadn’t seen that Naglfar Had It Handled.
I suspect that your solution will share a hell of a lot in common with The Final Solution and I want absolutely nothing to do with it.
Stop evading your bans and fuck right off. And ideally examine your life choices, you racist little prick.