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By David Futrelle
If men are from Mars and women from Venus, then MGTOWs must be from Uranus. Or, rather, Theirownanus. In any case, they live on a different planet than the rest of us. Proof? They take nonsense like this to be the literal truth:

This post has gotten nearly 400 upvotes from Reddit’s MGTOW population, with 95% of those voting on it giving it the thumb’s up. But it’s complete balderdash.
According to a recent CDC survey, the median number of sex partners for women between 25-44 is 4.2. Over a lifetime, not per week. (The median for men in the same age range: 6.1.) And while sex surveys are not the most reliable surveys ever — people lie, and may define sex differently — most surveys I’ve seen put the number of lifetime partners in the single or low double digits. In other words, your typical woman doesn’t have an army of Chads on booty call speed dial.
I also like the idea that the typical man suffers because he has to make his own food. I know that’s surprisingly tough for MGTOWs to manage, but boo fucking hoo. Do they think that the Chads are bringing women delicious home-cooked meals every time they stop by for sexy times?
Honestly, MGTOW theories about women make about as much sense as QAnon.
Man they really sound like incels don’t they.
This is also a very grim view of men. There is no misandrist quite like a misogynist.
Masse Mysteria:
Usually it’s just like, women are so thankless for all the sex they’re easily getting out of men. A man would be perfectly happy with someone to fuck now and then, even bad sex is good pizza etc., but a typical woman feels entitled to a relationship. That is, in addition to the sex, which is kinda given if you have a relationship with a man. Even though women don’t supposedly have a real sex drive or ability to orgasm, that’s no reason for them to need or desire something other than sex.
I think incels explain this away by something about biological urges to procreate or something like that. Nevermind that raising children is much more than just conceiving them, but incels don’t think about that (or much of anything).
Ahh, but didn’t you know? Women want mates, to raise their offspring and give their kids the best start in the world. Biotroofs. A man’s genetic legacy is maximized when he spreads his seed far and wide, but a woman’s is maximized by getting a mate to help invest in her kiddos. This is just universal biological fact (nobody tell sandpipers). So OBVS a woman wants to pair-bond and the only currency she can use to transact this arrangement is sex, which men want and women are indifferent to (and therefore can withhold without suffering any privation of her own).
But what about the incel mantra “alpha fux, beta buxx”? It seems like women want the best DNA for their kids, then want to saddle some schmuck with paying for it all. /s
That’s only cos Chad doesn’t pay child support.
These incels are not only gross but mind-boggling
I’ll cut him some slack, he’s got so many children and probably can’t afford it.
@Policy of Madness:
I realize that my usage of “skewed” in that post was ambiguous, but what I meant was the difference between two medians was skewed, not the medians themselves.
Assuming near 100% heterosexuality, identical understanding of language, full honesty, and accurate memories, one would expect the women’s and men’s averages (regardless of whether they’re using the mean, median, or mode) to be virtually identical. They’re not, or at least the medians aren’t. I don’t know if the means and/or modes were ever revealed, but based on the fact that the medians don’t match, the obvious conclusion is that one or more of the hetero/language/honesty/memories factors is throwing things off.
However, if the means were virtually identical but the medians were not (and I have no idea if this is true) then that would strongly suggest that most women do indeed have fewer partners than men, but a small number of women who have dozens to hundreds of partners are causing the mismatch. Which would also strongly suggest that men with that kind of partner count are much rarer.
Not at all. Consider:
You have 100 people, 50 men and 50 women. Ten of the men sleep with ALL FIFTY women. The other forty men sleep with 0 women. So the median number of partners for the women is 10, the median for the men is 0.
Nowhere near each other, with all the assumptions you lay out.
@Policy of Madness:
You are simply illustrating my point. I said “expect … to be virtually identical”. The expectations are based on known human behavior, it’s not like we’re working in a vacuum here. Then I pointed out that they weren’t. And then I pointed out a scenario similar to yours (just in reverse, and less extreme) which could explain the difference. I’m guessing we’re using words differently somehow.
Isn’t this basically what incels think the world is like? They claim 80% of men are not having sex while 20% are having sex with most or all of the women.
Hah, my clever scheme is exposed!
O/T but apparently Jordan Peterson has coronavirus. His daughter, hr husband and their daughter have had it and he is still suffering from it. Apparently he’s still in a Eastern European clinic trying to detox from benzos.
I wonder what his followers will think. Will they try to get it to be like the master?
His daughter posted the info in a vlog so it is legit. Twitter is being…unkind about it. Gosh I am good at this holding back of my true feelings here.
Whatever they’re told to.
Not terribly bright, that lot.
Apropos of the headline, a confession:
I installed the Down Dog yoga app this week, and when I got to selecting the automated “instructor” voice, one of the options was “Chad”. Guess which I chose, just on principle of taunting vapid MRA fucks. 🙂
(Although, admittedly, the cute Australian accent also helped.)
His health isn’t that great last I heard, so there’s a decent chance this could be the end of him. Unfortunately that might further embolden his fans, as they’ll see him as a martyr to some sort of leftist conspiracy.
This article made me laugh.
I am single and have not had sex in over two years (because I have zero interest in casual hook-ups).
I probably don’t exist as for as these sad MGTOW are concerned.
(Also why do MGTOW care about who women are and are not having sex with?)
Make their own food
Have their own hobbies
Make their own money
Don’t get validation from social media.
Erm this is most women too right? Or at least a decent chunk.
I’ve seen it suggested that the “small number of women who have dozens to hundreds of partners” do exist and are sex workers.
Possible, but at least in the US sex workers will probably be less likely to report their numbers on a survey because many kinds sex work are criminalized here. Within porn, one of the legal forms of sex work, it appears that female performers don’t have sex with nearly as many male performers as the inverse occurrence, probably because there aren’t many men in (cishet) porn compared to women.