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By David Futrelle
If men are from Mars and women from Venus, then MGTOWs must be from Uranus. Or, rather, Theirownanus. In any case, they live on a different planet than the rest of us. Proof? They take nonsense like this to be the literal truth:

This post has gotten nearly 400 upvotes from Reddit’s MGTOW population, with 95% of those voting on it giving it the thumb’s up. But it’s complete balderdash.
According to a recent CDC survey, the median number of sex partners for women between 25-44 is 4.2. Over a lifetime, not per week. (The median for men in the same age range: 6.1.) And while sex surveys are not the most reliable surveys ever — people lie, and may define sex differently — most surveys I’ve seen put the number of lifetime partners in the single or low double digits. In other words, your typical woman doesn’t have an army of Chads on booty call speed dial.
I also like the idea that the typical man suffers because he has to make his own food. I know that’s surprisingly tough for MGTOWs to manage, but boo fucking hoo. Do they think that the Chads are bringing women delicious home-cooked meals every time they stop by for sexy times?
Honestly, MGTOW theories about women make about as much sense as QAnon.
If only.
Lumipuna said
Naglfar said
I thought it was all about the attention seeking?
re: chad and food deliveries
From my personal experience of being involved carnally with Chad, food deliveries depended entirely on our location. When we were at my house, I would provide and prepare most of the food; however, when we were at Chad’s house, he would take over cooking and serving entirely. This was a matter of convenience and familiarity with kitchen and menu. At times we would collaborate, but generally it followed the pattern of my turf, my serve, unless one of us got stuck working late. Now that we are confined to a single residence (Chad’s summer house), working remotely, Chad is insisting on making all my meals.
I hope this field report helps make sense of Chad behavior in the wild as it pertains to provisions. And though Chad mileage may vary, there are a myriad reason for a woman to prefer Chad to incels. He aims to please.
Reddit Mgtow mocking the suicide of a teenage girl:
Help banning this shit.
So 10% of men are servicing 100% of women. I’m trying to puzzle out how this works, time-wise, and whether those endlessly fucked Chads hold down jobs, too, or just have sex all day? Very short refractory period, it seems.