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By David Futrelle
What if incels took a break from their endless circle-jerking about the putative evil of “femoids” and “cucks” and how the world treats them so badly it’s like another Holocaust, and decided to put some of their energy into making the world a better place for incels?
Well, some incels have decided to do just that, setting up a website for a largely imaginary incel political party, complete with statements of principle and even a half-baked platform. Not surprisingly, it urns out that their vision of an incel utopia would destroy the civil liberties of other people while keeping incels themselves as miserable as they already are.
The platform on the Incel Party site is a genuinely weird set of proposals, ranging from the almost sensible (their version of universal basic income) to the bizarre (forcing Hollywood to make “More Michael Cera movies, but where he is not just shy, but unemployed and living with his parents”). You see, as the platform explains,
The national socialists were able to convince a buncha Germans that Jews needed to be gassed (against human nature, as gassing is not a natural human drive). Similarly, (but non-violently) we could legally convince women that unemployed men are desirable through hollywood movies. IE men don’t need hollywood to adjust our sexual drives, but women do. And it wouldn’t be scamming women, but genuinely overriding their nature. Female sexuality is more influenced by social mores than male sexuality.
The incels are not big on respect for women.
In case you’re wondering, the Incel Party platform has a solution for that whole “involuntary celibacy” thing: “Pay femcels and incels to date each other.”
Given that most incels don’t even think that femcels exist — because every women on earth can apparently get all the sex she wants — I’m not quite sure how this plan would work on a practical level.
And apparently this plan would only work for white people, as the platform also demands “[s]tate mandated femdom girlfriends for all people of color. No they won’t be paid.” What if people of color don’t want femdom girlfriends? More to the point, what if the femdoms don’t want to be femdom girlfriends for incels? Women’s bodies can’t simply be distributed like government cheese.
The party also has a rather unique program for helping millennials aquire real estate: simply confiscate homes now belonging to boomers. But don’t worry! The boomers would still be allowed to live in their old homes alongside the new owners. “We are not trying to just kick Dad out.,” the Incel party helpfully explains.
The strangest demand?
Make all anime real life immediately with absolutely no exceptions.We will seize the portal to imagination land the government has and bring all the anime girl to our reality.
Depressingly, alongside all this ridiculousness, the Incel Party devotes most of its energy to a completely self-destructive platform plank: “Abolish psychiatry.”
Most incels could benefit immensely from good psychiatric care or, at the very least, therapy. But that’s incompatible with the basic tenets of their intensely pessimistic and self-defeating “black pill” philosophy, which holds that psychiatry is a simultaneously ineffective yet also dangerous attempt to control incels and others. As the Party asserts on a page devoted to the suject:
Psychiatry is an instrument of social-control for deviants who aren’t in regular jail. In other words, “Society’s Sewer“. If you deviate from society in any meaningful way and you do not live on your own, expect to meet a psychiatrist at some point in your life.
It’s basically RD Laing meets Scientology, though the incels insist that their irrational, pseudoscientific hostility to psychiatry is is somehow different than Scientology.’s irrational, pseudoscientific hostility to psychiatry.
The entire project reflects incels on their best behavior. There are no nasty attacks on “foids,” no creepy discussions of the sexuality of underage girls, no glorification of Elliot Rodger or other incel mass killers. But incels are incels, and the Incel Party website is as suffused with misogyny as any Incels.co forum rant. And the site is steeped in the nihilistic pessimism of the “black pill” philosophy. It’s telling that the platform offers only jokey non-solutions (“make anime real”), “solutions” that abrogate the rights of others, and the wholly self-destructive demand to abolish psychiatry, which in the end is one of the few things that could bring incels back from the edge.
It would all be a lot funnier if it weren’t also so sad.
H/T — once again goes to Twitter’s @EXPELincels, whose tweet brought my attention to the incel party website
*slow blink*
I get the feeling they included this (and “criminal justice reform”) to try to claim to be Reasonable Centrists by adding some permutations of left wing ideas to their alt right ideas.
Gassing specifically isn’t, but it seems like scapegoating and genocide might be natural drives, as pretty much every region has tried to do them at some point.
Says the man who is only attracted to what society promotes as conventionally attractive.
Are femcels female incels? Although obviously some women have trouble getting dates much like some men do, I wouldn’t think many women would be interested in incel ideology due to the misogyny. More to the point, if there are female incels why aren’t the male and female ones dating each other already? Are all incels that toxic they can’t even stand each other?
And yes, I am aware that the term was created by a woman for a forum that had both men and women, but I would imagine there are few women interested in the misogyny of incels today.
Who wants to bet these guys self identify as “small government conservatives”?
Does that mean the Hayao Miyazaki films would also become real? I want Totoro to be real.
(thinks of a certain scene in Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Be careful what you wish for, boys.
I rarely feel motivated to post here, but the idea of abolishing psychiatry is obscenely stupid. I have never met a psychiatrist who has been anything less than absurdly helpful. Most therapists I’ve dealt with qualify there. What I’d like to see vanish from practice are therapists who trade on their PhD in psychology, aka Psychologists. Since all but one has suggested I adopt coping methods that are either impossible to me because of my physical disabilities(after they were informed of said disabilities), or are counter productive to me actually coping with issues. Especially of the ten Psychologists I’ve taken the time to see, eight insisted I reverse my gender transition. Five of whom actually made it a requirement for seeing them again, which I didn’t for obvious reasons. Still I’m not going to say that’s all Psychologists, it’s probably just my having bad luck. I’ve just never experienced that junk from MD and PhD holding Psychiatrists, or counselors who don’t have PhDs. So I wouldn’t make such a thing a party platform, because I have a negative bias that’s probably unwarranted.
Back on the topic at hand… They have two good ideas, seriously harmed by stupidity. They’re right that there should be a UBI, but $500 a month is pitifully and insultingly insufficient. They’re also right that brothels and prostitution should be legalized. The sex robot stuff though marks it for stupidity. As does their blatantly misogynistic view of the situation. For clarity, prostitution if made legal can then be regulated and kept safe. Where as neither happens when it’s illegal, but the prostitution still does. Sex workers deserve to have their choice of profession respected and they deserve safety. Lastly on this note, their view on incarceration is surprisingly humane and somewhat sensible.
Finally and on a much lighter note: “Make anime real!” This has to be a give away that this Incel Party page is trolling. Either way, I’m gleeful to break it to any incel who might read this: Your anime waifu is going to despise you just as much as any 3D real woman. Maybe work on being a better person and stop wallowing in self pity and self loathing first.
Oh, it’s obvious: Scientology has a carefully worked out system of hierarchical brainwashing to replace psychiatry, while Incels propose to replace it with raw, violent rage.
Actually as far as I’ve been able to tell the concept of being an incel was invented by a woman. I think it gained some traction too… Still it’s a concept neck deep in bitterness, self pity, and self loathing. As far as I can tell the concept of femcels only exist, because male incels hijacked the concept. Much like anything women come up with.
I also vote for Totoro. Sign me up for the catbus.
Eh, I hit the femdom bit and backed out in confusion, ’cause unless femdom means something completely different in their sad little world it’s an odder policy plank for incels than “make anime real” is for the rest of us.
When I read that part, I assumed they were advocating it for people of color as some sort of way to reintroduce slavery. Given that some incels are also PoC, it could also be a feature of their self loathing. Or it could just be a kink they have.
This whole thing makes me wonder if it’s a Poe’s Law satire. I don’t think it is, but it could be.
I saw the femdom thing too and just stopped there. I couldn’t stand reading anymore. I love my femdom as so much part of my art and *it’s all about who I’m attracted to* Gross incels will never understand unless they stop thinking in their poison ways. I also couldn’t stand reading the Chadsexual posts. Good for David for finding the stuff and exposing these creeps but I can’t stand it and just can’t put up with reading it sometimes. They have no idea how I actually work. Yes I like muscled men with chiseled bodies but creative streak plus tongue ability (sorry if TMI) and how compliant they are is way way more important than most other stuff.
I think I’ll pick another party to make Anime Real.
Sounds good, watching Riza Hawkeye kick all the incel’s asses would be very entertaining.
A lot of mental health care is provided by general practicioners. Should we ban general medical practice as well, or perhaps just forbid the prescription of psychoactive medicines? What about drugs that have psychoactive effects but are used to treat other issues? Would those be okay?
There are systemic issues with psychiatry and medicine in general that deserve attention and that qualified people are studying and working to improve, but they are very much not “The doctor says that maybe I might be able to live a happier life, but that idea makes me uncomfortable because this potent intermingling of despair and misogyny (and racism and more) is the only thing that feels right to me.”
You already have an imagination land in your own minds. You have used it to create malicious fables and images.
All the anime girl refuse to enter your reality. Speaking in one voice, they say that incels are abhorrent and repulsive. Also — still speaking in one voice — they ask why you don’t GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND DO SOME WORK ON YOURSELVES SO THAT YOU CAN FIND A GIRLFRIEND. Someday. When you’re not hateful. START NOW.
I have the feeling that there will need to be many urns out in the incel utopia to hold all the ashes.
I’d love to be able to laugh about how ridiculous this is. Considering the state of American politics during the last 3 or 4 years, though, I’m not sure what is and isn’t a joke anymore.
There’s…quite a bit of anime that one would not necessarily want to be real. Like Death Note. Or Neon Genesis Evangelion. Or as mentioned upstream, Puella Magi Madoka Magica. And a *lot* of other stuff. If you count anime adaptations of visual novels, there’s what’s been made from Danganronpa–I am fairly sure that Junko Enoshima would make very quick work of these foul beasts, alongside the rest of us.
Ah, but it’s the rest of us that matter in terms of destruction, eh?…
While the Incel platform (except for the “almost sensible” proposals) is stupid at best, one of the paragraphs David quotes is especially horrific in its implications.
So these guys admit that they intend to use lies and propaganda to get what they want. That’s bad enough, but even when they’re trying to appeal to the “normies”, they compare themselves to Nazis. Of all the analogies they could have made, they choose the Holocaust? What the ever-loving fuck?
Once again, despite all their self-loathing, incels want to change other people instead of themselves. They just can’t give up their sense of entitlement.
Really? Then why do incels care so deeply about how people perceive them? Why do they spend their lives whining about how inadequate they are next to “Chads”, instead of challenging toxic masculinity, improving themselves, accepting themselves as they are, or ideally some combination of the three?
Well like @Cheesynougats above I would absolutely vote for Totoro and the cat bus – but you can leave most anime out! I agree with so many above that there would have to be so many exceptions as so much anime has awful things happening. I mean do we want the destroyed ecosystem of Nausicaa, or the apocalypse of Akira? Hell no. Blimey, what dangerous fools!
Good to know that “genuinely overriding” someone’s “nature” is cool, but any sort of psychiatry somehow brainwashes you to be a normie zombie or whatever, and that is just wrong. How surprising that incels would be okay with (some sort of media industry) putting a lot of work into overriding women’s nature but balk at the idea that they themselves could do something to improve their own lot.
I’m guessing this isn’t happening because male incels feel entitled to a woman who matches their fantasies exactly, and no real woman (incel or otherwise) can qualify.
On the topic of making anime real, I’ve never really understood what that would mean, and it makes even less sense if it’s supposed to mean all anime at the same time, since there would be a whole lot of contradictions and all that. At the same time, it might mean that I’d have a chance at knowing what actually happens in Sentō Yōsei Yukikaze. I’m pretty sure I got it when I actually watched it, but then I read two of the the books, and they went into a completely different direction, so now it’s all muddled in my head, and I’m stuck in limbo trying to decide whether I should re-watch it or re-read the books.
“We should convince everyone we’re desirable — you know, kind of like what Hitler did to the Jews” may be the most self-loathing thing I’ve ever heard.
I don’t know enough about Shintoism to say for sure, but they could technically consider Gingitsune to be non-fiction, right?
@An Autistic Giraffe
I’m not surprised there has been a shooting over mask policies (though I’m slightly surprised it took this long into the pandemic). It was only a matter of time before an entitled conservative decided that “law and order” was for other people and decided to pursue vigilante justice.
They’ve got no self awareness, if they did they’d have to ask themselves,
Conservatives keep voting for politicians that destroy the environment, so it doesn’t seem beyond belief that some of them would want it. And a lot seem to have apocalypse fantasies (even though in a real apocalypse they wouldn’t survive, as evidenced by the “preppers” who demanded haircuts after a month of lockdown).
Obviously they’re thinking of a specific type of animé, or a few specific types, but I’m not sure which one(s).
Harem? There are multiple subtypes of harem, but more than half of them involve a bland male protagonist (which the viewer is meant to insert themselves into) who has teenage girls throwing themselves at him because plot. Said protagonist almost never tries to take advantage of this. And there are male fans of such series who say that the harem is wasted on him, as a “real man” totally would. Buuut… the few cases I’ve seen where he does, it goes badly for him. (In the case of School Days, stabbed to death badly.) They might not want that part. Also, most of the boys/men in such harem series (when there even are any aside from the protagonist) *don’t* get harems.
Shounen? With rare exceptions, those focus on the male characters, who are always highly capable (and often supernaturally so) and female characters are generally semi-background characters and not plot drivers, unless they’re kidnap targets or similar. Even if a few are similarly capable, they almost never overshadow the men/boys. (There are rare exceptions where a girl is the main character, but those usually have a devoted male sidekick whom she can’t succeed without.) In that case, I would point out that even in shounen realities, most people aren’t the big damn heroes. Also, many of them have creepy, over the top villains who exist to get squished by the heroes. Maybe they’d better think a bit harder about who they’d become if they were one of the exceptional ones…
Seinen? Actually too broad of a category. Maybe the “degenerate trash”-style ecchi Seinen where girls/women keep losing their clothes and/or sexualizing themselves, either on purpose (because they’re attention whores) or by accident (because they’re buttmonkeys). The latter is a form of sexual humiliation for the sake of “humor” (ugh, no, really not funny… I don’t watch those anymore), and you know how most incels are…
Isekai? These days, that’s mostly harems with a shounen vibe (or vice-versa) set in a fantasy world. (Isekais don’t *have* to be anything like that, that’s just what’s popular right now. The actual essence of the genre is earth-person gets warped to a not-quite-earth alternate reality.) They’d need to clarify which aspect, if any, is most important.
…I should get around to watching “My Next Life as a Villainess” sometime soon. That one’s supposedly an isekai with a rare bisexual harem.
Hentai? That’s just porn, but with big eyes. They could have just said “porn”. Or “big eyes”.
Or it could just be no genre in particular, just the existence of “waifus”. That seems to me to be an idealized personality type aimed at people who have romantic desires but serious social difficulties. That would require brainwashing some people for the sake of others, or essentially creating a slave race, or similar. And it goes both ways, presumably some men would also need to be “husbandos”. Unless they actually mean non-sapient sexbots, no thanks.
Or, I don’t know, real life looking like a typical animé art style? I guess one could theoretically do that with Augmented Reality. Or Virtual Reality if one insisted on being the protagonist, but you couldn’t realistically live your whole life there. I doubt that this is what they meant, but who knows?