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By David Futrelle
Attention asexual ladies and lesbians! It looks like the incels have figured out your dirty little sex secret, which is that you don’t exist. No matter how you define your sexuality you are actually Chadsexual — able, willing, and eager to have sex with any Chad that comes your way, even if you pretend to like only women or to not like sex at all.
That, at least, is the consensus over on the Incels.co forums, where the regulars like to discuss this topic endlessly, and then some. “The only female sexuality is Chadsexual,” declares a fellow called Simp, speaking for many. “Every single woman would fuck Chad. Even ‘lesbians.'”
A commenter called Reprobus is very angry at all these phony lesbians who won’t fuck less-than-perfect specimens of manhood like himself. “I hate foids in general,” he begins,
but lesbians are the greediest of the bunch. Lesbians, it doesn’t matter what they look like can get a girlfriend and the odds are never against them. …
And they don’t even need these girlfriends, because there are men out there waiting to have sex with them.
Women in general don’t need to be lesbian, SO MANY MEN on Earth will fuck them any day of the week. NOTHING about being lesbian is difficult they are a waste of resources and the ultimate sign of greed.
And why do they resort to buying dildos when real penises are available for nothing?
There is NO reason a foid need to use some plastic dildo when 1000 other men in their phone will do it for free. ALL lesbian sex emulates how a man fucks a woman for the most part.
To borrow a line from Marge Gunderson: I’m not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work there, Lou.
I believe there is a sound reason for any man to be frustrated with these foids, they will date land tank foids that you mog from hell and back and ACT like you don’t exist. BUT as soon as Chad comes walking in he’s the prize.
OverForRedditcels manages to work the dogpill (eugghh!) into his, er, analysis.
All foids are hard-wired to be chadsexual. They might fuck a girl or a dog once in a while if Chad is not currently available, but it’s impossible for them to overwrite their natural attraction to Chad.
Ionlycopenow thinks it has something to do with makeup. After all, women are
repulsed by all things ugly. And since the average woman, while ugly and often uglier than the average man, can put on makeup and reach 7/10 (something very rare for men who can’t fraud), they would rather just go with women instead if Chad isn’t available.
A-virgin-n*gger, meanwhile, is similarly convinced of the non-existence of asexual women.
If a femoid is in an environment full of subhumans, she will claim to be asexual but once that Chad/Tyrone comes along, she will become the degenerate slut all other femoids are. They are all Chadsexuals. I’ve encountered my fair share of self proclaimed asexual femshits, each turned out to be worthless whores who go to clubs and suck off every Chad and Tyrone they can.
Commander-zoidberg adds:
Its just an excuse not to have sex with their looksmatch because they only want chad. You see it all the time.
Well, despite all the wrongness on display here, these guys are right about one thing: No women regardless of sexual orientation wants to have sex with them.
Could their utterly terrible ideas and feelings about women have anything to do with it?
H/T — EXPELincels who inspired me to look into incels’ ideas about “chadsexuality.”
Well, I’d say this is a special kind of gross, but it honestly fits right in with all the other incel grossness.
That was all so stupid I think it took a week and a half off my life.
To be fair, I’m a _very_ queer dyke, and nearly all of the sex I have is with women, but I haven’t ALWAYS turned down a persuasive and attractive Chad…
…as long as what he is begging for is to be tied up and pegged. As a beloved ex used to affectionately say, in reference to my strap on, “Brassica’s cock is downright ecumenical. It’s got catholic tastes and a Protestant work ethic…”
(I think I’m the average incel’s nightmare, though!)
Counterpoint: There is no reason to take the risks of sex with men when you can buy a toy and use it again and again.
Someone should let the men in the phone out though, it must be awfully cramped.
For some reason I feel like this guy’s “research” may have comprised watching a lot of “lesbian” porn for the male gaze.
Then why do incels put so much effort into seeking them? Couldn’t they have sex with the more attractive men?
How dare he sully the good name of Dr. John A Zoidberg?![comment image](https://media1.giphy.com/media/l0HlQXkh1wx1RjtUA/giphy.gif)
Incels joke about femdom all the time, but on some level I think their belief that women control the world is some sort of repression of a desire to be dominated. So, possibly a nightmare, but I’m not sure.
The amusing thing is, on the occasions I’ve been with a woman, no penetrative toys have been used. So far anyway, it’s not like I don’t have any.
Hey, the incels have heard of asexuals! They’re just as wrong about us as they are about everything else, but it’s a very weird sort of nice that asexuality is well-known enough that even dudes with their heads jammed firmly up their asses are aware of other people identifying as asexuals.
I wonder if they believe in the existence of asexual men, or if they think that men identifying as such are just incels who are trying to cope using lies. (Actually no, I don’t wonder that, I’m 95% sure I know the answer already.)
Women do sometimes pretend to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend when rejecting men, so I guess it’s conceivable that a woman might pretend to be asexual, but this isn’t because all women are chadsexuals. It’s because a whole damn lot of men won’t take no for an answer without either becoming unhinged or trying to talk them into a yes. Pretending to be totally off the market is the quickest and easiest way to get a no accepted.
Given that apparently these dudes stalk the women who turn them down and monitor them when they go out to clubs, it’s not entirely unreasonable that a woman will say anything to get away from a man that’s setting off alarms.
I find all men viscerally unattractive, Chad especially. Once again, incels are wrong about everything.
Oh my!
In my experience at least, assholes like this are somewhat likely to accept “no, I have a boyfriend”, because they recognize that the woman is an object that has already been claimed. (There’s a fair number that will say “well, he doesn’t need to know”, still.)
Claiming to not be attracted to men at all (in my experience as an asexual, and from what I’ve heard from lesbians), only seems to invite the assholes to try harder, because clearly HE is special enough that he can “change your mind”. It’s exceedingly unpleasant and I generally go with the imaginary boyfriend route over dealing with that aggression.
Of course, it’s possible that there are women for whom the “I’m asexual, I’m not interested” answer works. Maybe it’s easier for the hypothetical people only pretending to be asexual because if/when the dudes act like assholes, it’s not a deeply personal part of their identity that’s being attacked. If it works to ward off the creeps, then more power to them.
Even when I thought I was straight and trying to be straight I found “chads” repulsive. The kind of dude incels say I should like seem like Gaston types.
Toys can find the clit. How many dudes can?
Hmm, I might go with the Doctor Zoidberg riff – canonically an offworlder who has probably skimped on conversion courses, shown by the doctor’s amusingly hazy and inaccurate ideas about human anatomy and physiology. Why not behaviour patterns too?
@Catalpa- a fellow ace! Hi!
Also, I’m not a “woman”, so am I allowed to exist as an aroace?
Wow! Someone could write a book about what Incels don’t understand about human sexuality. First of all, there’s a word for women who are sexually attracted to both men and women and it isn’t”lesbian”. Second, my friend the lesbian martial artist would like a word with these creeps. It begins with ki and ends yaah!.
No incels, I am not interested in sex with ANYONE, regardless of how attractive they are. I find sex repulsive. This may be TMI but I have not had sex in a decade by choice and I haven’t missed it once. I do not understand the desire to swap bodily fluids. I am not looking for Chad in any way, shape, or form. It took me years to figure out I am Ace, and you don’t get to deny my existence because it feeds into your entitled fantasies.
Go step on some legos barefoot.
I’m ace, too, and frankly I’m a bit oblivious as to who counts as a Chad…I mean, I couldn’t care less. I’m attracted to minds, not bodies.
Y’know, I’ve had a lot of stupid biases but I’ve never had trouble believing people who said they weren’t attracted to men.
Misogyny and homophobia are particularly toxic manure milkshake.
While the usual saying is that it must be tiring to be that angry all the time, it’s pretty clear here that their anger here come from intellectual laziness. Even outside of the dubious claim that asexuality don’t exist or that all lesbians are bi, a lot of people are alone because of lack of opportunity or time ; how come this don’t even come to their mind ?
“catholical taste” for dick hopefully don’t mean the same for english speaker than in french :p
Women are not obliged to play by the rules you’ve made up. We don’t need an excuse to not have sex with a so-called looksmatch. We are free to do as we please.
@Crip Dyke, I’m glad you like it. 😉
@Ohlmann, while I’m not sure what the implication is in French, the idiom “catholic tastes” (note the little “c”) in English means those tastes are extremely inclusive, or cover a very broad range.
The notion of having 1000 different men “in your phone” sounds like some some porn fantasy crossover of “genie in a lamp” and “I have an app for that”.
It’s at times like this I’m glad I’m not conventionally attractive.
I haven’t been hit on in brickspace as far as I’ve been aware since grade six. It seems that when I go places–which has been understandably rare, as of late–I’m practically invisible.
Of course, I’m genderqueer, not a girl, but it’s not like I wear that on my sleeve. Misplaced my flag, you see.
I sort of can’t wait to be able to go to a convention again. As convenient as it is not to be noticed, it is nice to get attention sometimes–and I find that cosplaying as male characters tends to get the right type, thus far.
That said, I’ve only gone as Hifumi Yamada of Danganronpa and Teruteru Hanamura of Super Danganronpa 2 thus far, which has limited the amount I get seeing as both are rather tubby lads which would frankly be a probable subject of this blog if they were to exist. They hence have…few fans; but I cosplay them well, and try to give them more credit than the writers.
I’m tempted to go out of my element and give Nagito Komaeda of Super Danganronpa 2 a shot…but that might attract the wrong crowds, and anyone who knows him knows why!
Getting back to the topic: Also, why the hell are they complaining about this right now? I know we’ve been over this, but there’s a plague! Stay the fuck home, lads!
@Brassica : in french, “catholic tastes” would be liking choir boys. Thanks for the english sense, it’s alway good to know more idioms !
And here I assumed that “catholic tastes” in this context meant anal 🙂
The deluded, self aggrandizing, toxic male chauvinism on these incels and their sexist, homophobic ilk: is denser than Boron.
Unlike Incels and MGTOW’s: at least Boron has an actual use that humanity benefits positively from.