
And now, some cat pics

Sweetie Pie Jonas reads up on coronavirus

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By David Futrelle

There has been a request for cat pics, so here are some cat pics. The grey tabby is Sweetie Pie Jonas; the fluffy black cat is Pantz. And yes, they do like to spend a lot of time atop bookcases.

As for the last one, Pantz is not really that tiny, not is my head that large; there’s some sort of forced perspective thing going on here. She does, however, like to tap me on the head on a regular basis to remind me of important things I must do for her right away.

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4 years ago


Nuance seems to be lost on them … which makes me wonder what they think of the Lincoln Project? I suppose “defectors, traitors, and closet members of Team D”?

I would guess they believe the Lincoln Project are traitors, as they probably can’t conceive of the idea that someone has conservative views but doesn’t like Trump.

Similarly, they don’t actually know much about leftism, which is why they can’t tell apart leftists and liberals. This reminds me of how they decided at one point to try to “cancel” Bill Maher to get revenge on the left for “cancelling” Milo Yiannopoulos, not realizing that most of the left doesn’t like Bill Maher either because he’s a bigot.

@Battering Ram
I am aware they are not our long term allies, and that after removing Trump we will be at ends to them. That being said, we may as well use their help while we can if it helps us defeat Trump, as that is our priority for now.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

Very nice!

The first shot, “Pleased Cat With Pencil Sharpener” shows good composition, lighting is a bit dark, which only adds character….

“Surprised Cat With Pencil Sharpener” has excellent balance, and the expression is wonderful….

My fave, tho is “Irritated Cat With Pencil Sharpener”

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ Vicky P

Oh that is wonderful! I love how museums are coming up with all these ideas to engage with people. And yes, poor old Sean. He does survive in a few films; but I think they should have post credit scenes where he’s hit by a bus.

And of course, as the piece points out, Happy Yorkshire Day! everyone.

(This sketch is so true)

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Be fair … Sean is the definitive Sharpe, and used up so many lives in those that there’s nothing left for the rest of his career. 😛

4 years ago

O/T: Somewhat relevant to this blog is this post from r/AmITheAsshole. TL;DR is some guy didn’t like the girl that was in his nerd group, so he tried to test her and gave a trick question (supposedly by accident), now the rest of the group wants him out.

Needless to say, he is the asshole.

4 years ago

They are letting us move back onto campus on August 12th. my dance classes with half the class size will be starting in September. I’m skeptical on how all of this is going to go.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

O/T, but my slow circling of the drain continues.

The main contributing factors are, as usual, budget, transportation, and medical.

I’m increasingly unable to do much in the way of manual labor if it involves bending or leaning over at all. For some reason I quickly get out of breath if I do that, even though I can still walk for kilometers in an upright posture without too much trouble.

That means I can’t do much to keep my place clean, which in turn means I can’t make it presentable enough to invite anyone else inside (and especially not the landlady or anyone else connected with the owners of the building). So the place is slowly accumulating problems that I can’t fix and that I can’t get fixed. The oven is slowly getting wonky and less efficient. Can’t replace it, and if it fails outright I’ll starve. One set of blinds has quit working properly. Can’t retract it. Something is broken in the cord mechanism. I can’t quite reach the top part of it to look “under the hood” and try to jerry rig a repair, I can’t have anyone over to take a look at it, and I sure as hell can’t replace it, since it wouldn’t fit in my backpack.

My stamina issues have forced me to occasionally spend on a taxi for the return trip from grocery shopping. I’m probably now in the red by a bit month over month. It’s not a major hemmorhage, at least not yet, but in some few more years I might be out of money.

I think part of the problem is that there’s nowhere to rest now at the midway point. Previously I could sit down for half an hour in a restaurant or similar place, and even grab a bite to eat. Then COVID came. There’s no sign that they’ll ever reopen for sit-down service. I don’t know why, but there seem to be mixed messages about that. The government has claimed to have mostly reopened Ontario, “stage 3”, and that this includes a resumption of sit-down service at restaurants, but none of them are actually open. Either I’m confused as to the date of “stage 3” reopening (but the two different dates I did see were Friday the 24th and the Friday before that), or somebody’s lying somewhere.

I’m also getting prone to aches and pains around the lower back and right leg, often early in a walk to somewhere, but sometimes around home as well. It could be some postural/ergonomics thing, but I don’t really know. No way to find out, of course, or to have that can’t-bend-and-work problem investigated, since I no longer have any but emergency healthcare and there’s no apparent way of changing that (HealthcareConnect doesn’t work; I tried it). So until that lumbar pain nearly kills me somehow it does not seem I can get anything done about it, and likewise I guess I’ll have to keel over cyanotic while bending to pick something up to get that looked at. But more likely nobody will find me for a week or even a month (rent overdue, perhaps) and it’ll be too late then.

Generally, everything just seems to be heading gradually downhill, both my body and my apartment, but I don’t expect it will stay gradual. Sooner or later, something critical will go wrong … the oven, the heating or A/C, my own body, an empty bank account … and I won’t be able to do anything about it, and due to the pandemic and/or the un-presentable state of my home I won’t be able to have anyone else come and do anything about it either, and the end will likely come swiftly after that.

It isn’t supposed to be this way. Not for a citizen of a first world country who’s in his forties rather than his eighties, anyway.

What has gone wrong that this is happening here in Canada?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

O/T: Somewhat relevant to this blog is this post from r/AmITheAsshole. TL;DR is some guy didn’t like the girl that was in his nerd group, so he tried to test her and gave a trick question (supposedly by accident), now the rest of the group wants him out.

Needless to say, he is the asshole.

Most of AITA consists of creative writing exercises. I’m not sure how believable this one is. Yes, dudes totally gatekeep women so that part is plausible, and so is the fact that he doesn’t recognize having done anything wrong, but that all his friends chose her over him? Yeah, maybe? idk

I am a sucker for AITA, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t believe a lot of what is posted there.

4 years ago

It could be a Poe, but if he was writing a fantasy wouldn’t he have his friends side with him? It sounds like something that could happen assuming his friends aren’t as assholish as he is, so although it could be fictional I can’t say for sure that it is.

4 years ago

He seems to think that everything was fine up until the “trick question”, but I bet he was getting eyerolls from his friends the whole time. I know how tests like this go — the questions will continue until you get one wrong. And by his own words, what his friends objected to was that she would have to pass some test at all.

Crip Dyke
4 years ago

Dear AITA:

Life just decided to test your basic human decency. Things were going fine right up until your friends realized the whole thing was a trick question because you had none.




4 years ago

Is it just me, or does Sweetie Pie Jonus always look more than a bit miffed?

4 years ago

Is it just me, or does Sweetie Pie Jonus always look more than a bit miffed?

Maybe “Sweetie Pie” is one of those ironic names, like Little John!

4 years ago

Small donation done.

Meanwhile, I have received my package, so I can know use the best of england gastronomy :

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Watch their lime pickle. It’s absolutely gorgeous, but it’s got afterburners.

A Distracted Medievalist
A Distracted Medievalist
4 years ago

Just popping up to love the site and its people: feminism + catpics = fundamentals of the good life. Keep interrogating those pachyderm-botherers. Lurking back down now.

4 years ago

Your kitties are lovely! I am just a lurker, but appreciate all you do and will add a donation.

Burning question — where’s the outside part of your awesome old-fashioned pencil sharpener?