By David Futrelle
It’s time once again to venture into the wondrous world of MGTOW cooking. All of the images below were posted to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit by proud MGTOW chefs. Look upon these marvelous culinary achievements and weep, ladies; these guys don’t need you evil harpies to feed them any more!
But first, a word from our sponsor, Acme Frozen Green Beans, the beans that are blandly delicious even served completely plain without so much as salt or pepper!

Next we have some delicious steaks and other raw meatstuffs. I just hope these are the before pictures, and not the finished meals. And I wish only the best of health to the dude who’s putting raw steak on the same wooden board he’s serving cheese and crackers off of.

Here is a burrito, insofar as that is the correct term for a bunch of stuff piled atop an uncooked tortilla that this guy has no idea how to fold up into a burrito.

But this last one is my favorite. Some “gourmet” Italian foodstuff carefully arranged in a lovely little tableau with a Febreze Candle Air Freshener and a FedEx envelope and a wallet I think and maybe a boombox, I can’t tell. Because it’s all about the presentation.

The guy posted this under the headline:
These guys are sure showing the ladies that they know how to live!
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I know. I’m not saying he was good or defending him, I’m just saying he wasn’t a big fan of Franco.
Hmm, it seems like the current pinata hasn’t technically run out of candy, but now it’s all stuff like circus peanuts and the like. Hardly worth beating on them at that point.
I understand completely what you’re saying. I was just very saddened to read that article the other day, and felt it was pertinent to the conversation.
Grade: A-
I imagine he’ll get a ban soon enough now that he’s defending literal fascist regimes and shilling for the likes of Evola and Buchanan.
A-? I’ll take it!
I did not, nor have I ever, “defended” fascist regimes. The only “crime” I am guilty of is suggesting that anarchists and other assorted leftist radicals are, to the extent that they are not completely inefficient at suppressing the tide of rising right-wing revanchism, indirectly contributing to their militancy and sureness of aims. Moreover, I added some clarification regarding what I (and anyone with an IQ over 72) would regard to be mischaracterizations and gross distortions about fascists’ relations to antisemitism, white nationalism, and Nazism, which is NOT fascism in and of itself, but rather, a specific branch or type of fascism. How would you all like it, if I dismissed the entire concept of socialism or wealth redistribution based singularly on the actions of previously existing socialist governments? You’d be all “but that’s state capitalism! Not socialism!” I strongly suggest that you learn to not put words into people’s mouths, and brush up on your reading comprehension skills.
Wow you are an idiot aren’t you. Your like little dog that barks at a big dog thinking they have a chance. Maybe settle down before a big dog sits on you and yoy relaize how small and pathetic you are
What about when you rattled off your list of fascist intellectuals and talked about how great Franco was?
That’s not what you did, but ok. Fascism is antisemitic. Trust me, I know this.
Conservatives dismiss socialism all the time. I’m used to it.
Take your own advice. I didn’t say that.
You really are like a case study in projection.
STFU Basement Nazi. The only person you are impressing with your terrible writing is yourself.
I’m sorry the troll is signaling you out.
It’s okay. I accept that he’s just an asshole, and I’m engaging mainly to point out his hypocrisy to any lurkers.
I imagine he’s some edgy teen who spent the quarantine reading alt right manifestos online and now thinks he’s a genius because he can name drop ancaps and fascists.
skimmingway, don’t you have anything more important to do? I mean, of course us basement-dweller leftists have plenty of time to bloviate in a blog post comment section that hardly anybody will see, since we are such sad pathetic soycuck losers. What’s your excuse?
@Mrs. Obed Marsh
Maybe today was his day off from being a 329-year-old working class actuary manager and engineer.
I wonder how much more flounce he’s got in him before he finds the door (possibly with David’s help).
I know. I just don’t like it when the wanna be Nazis target you.
@Mrs. Obed Marsh
You should just be grateful that I’ve even taken the time to try and educate you dolts. I should have known that it would have been a task that even Sisyphus wouldn’t trade his boulder for.
Yeah you sure are teaching us. You aren’t just an angry little boy screaming to sound cool or anything lol. What happened? Mommy put on child blocks and you can’t get to porn sites so you have to anger wank?
Yup. Skimmingway is a fifteen year old. That’s the confirmation I’ve been looking for.
I’M not singling anyone out. I’ve responded to Naglfart, Autistic Giraffe, Dallilama, Mrs Obed Marsh, and I’ve written some messages that were explicitly directed at EVERYONE here. I respond to messages that warrant them. You should consider yourself fortunate that I’ve even deigned to spend time writing you.
Isn’t that a bit like shitting on a chessboard then expecting your opponent to be glad you showed them a new opening game? You came in here unrequested and have overstayed your welcome.
(For some reason we end up using the metaphor of a pidgeon shitting on a chessboard to describe trolls a lot. Tells much about the kinds of trolls we get.)
Who do you think you are, exactly? You might want to shrink your ego slightly, maybe then it won’t get bruised so easily.
Lol. Little tiny dog. Bark again for me. Come on. You wanna? Maybe if your a good boy I’ll rub your stomach
He’s a little tiny dog that thinks he’s a big dog.
It’s also telling what he chooses to respond to. He never responds directly to most questions asked of him, as he knows he doesn’t have good answers, so he instead resorts to ad hominem attacks.
Not a great metaphor. Actual big dogs tend to back down from little dogs, because they’re disturbed by how vicious the baby puppy is.
Or maybe it is, except he only thinks that collectively people here are the big dog. If so, then the individuals going after him are actually a pack of little dogs. Bad move.
That is an excellent point. How about hes a racist white teenager who harassed a black student and her boyfriend kicked his butt because of it so he cried bully afterwards. Because I’ve seen that in my life and and this whiny piss baby reminds me of that
@ nagflar
Yeah male wanna be Nazis are normally the definition of fragile egos, fragile masculinity, and paper thin skin.