
Today’s Episode of MGTOW Cooking brought to you by Acme Frozen Green Beans

Mmmmm! And they’re even better cooked!

By David Futrelle

It’s time once again to venture into the wondrous world of MGTOW cooking. All of the images below were posted to the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit by proud MGTOW chefs. Look upon these marvelous culinary achievements and weep, ladies; these guys don’t need you evil harpies to feed them any more!

But first, a word from our sponsor, Acme Frozen Green Beans, the beans that are blandly delicious even served completely plain without so much as salt or pepper!

Next we have some delicious steaks and other raw meatstuffs. I just hope these are the before pictures, and not the finished meals. And I wish only the best of health to the dude who’s putting raw steak on the same wooden board he’s serving cheese and crackers off of.

Here is a burrito, insofar as that is the correct term for a bunch of stuff piled atop an uncooked tortilla that this guy has no idea how to fold up into a burrito.

But this last one is my favorite. Some “gourmet” Italian foodstuff carefully arranged in a lovely little tableau with a Febreze Candle Air Freshener and a FedEx envelope and a wallet I think and maybe a boombox, I can’t tell. Because it’s all about the presentation.

The guy posted this under the headline:

Get a girlfriend/married, she will cook for you. Surrrrreeeeee. I’ll gladly cook a gourmet Italian dinner with a delicious wine for myself by myself because we all know women dont cook. CHEERS GENTS!

These guys are sure showing the ladies that they know how to live!

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago


Why? What evidence do you have to support that proposition? In my experience, they actively fucking gloat over the harm they and their representatives do.

I talk to people, in person, to learn about them and their understandings and perspectives. I can do this because I’m not an obvious target (I mean, I’m bi and an atheist but most people outside the alt-culture communities that I’m involved in don’t know that), can interact with people on their own level even if I find that “level” to be ignorant or wrongheaded, and am very good at appearing sympathetic and non-judgmental even though I’m not always so. Most of the Trad-Cons I’ve met are not clearly Trad-Cons, not until you get to know them. Sure, they’re to some extent racist, sexist, homophobic, everything-ist, but it’s mostly subtle (as in, subtle most of the time, but comes out in a clear and obvious way during uncommon situations), and seemingly more motivated by befuddlement that some people don’t accept “God’s place for them” than anything resembling malice.

And then there are the openly malicious ones. If you’re an obvious or known target, they’re going after you, and they’re going to make absolutely sure you know how conservative and how malicious they are. Thing is, in my experience, they don’t represent ordinary Trad-Cons any more than Dawkins fans represent ordinary Atheists. Some of the more ordinary ones have described them as things like “trash”, “shitheads”, “not real Christians”, or even “liberals”. I’ve heard that the real reason that people say that is because they’re angry about people saying “the quiet part out loud” but again, actually knowing some of those people, I’m not so sure that’s usually the case.

My view of the essence of Trad-Con conservatism is as thus, again based on my personal experience with actual Trad-Cons:

1. Following the “one true way”, which is good and right and natural and has a clear social pecking order, and bringing others into the fold, using varying degrees of force if necessary, because it’s for their own good. And yes, if you’re a racial minority, being at the bottom of society is for your own good, as is being a servant to your husband if you’re a woman, as is “choosing to be straight”, among other such things.
2. Security. Security for leaders first, the community and the family second and third (not necessarily in that order), and the individual fourth. Outsiders deserve none, because they resist being brought into the fold. Some of them don’t seem to be very concerned with the security of insiders who are lower social status than them, though.
3. Religious Freedom. The meaning of this varies, but typically bears little resemblance to how liberals use the term. Often it’s some variant of “being able to openly show people the one true way without any interference or counterexamples”.

That said, I have no personal experience with Trad-Con leaders, and not a lot of personal experience with Alt-Rightists, and a lot of those people are really scary even if you’re not a target. It’s not as clear how representative the overtly malicious ones are compared to the whole, but thus far I’ve seen little evidence that some of the former or any of the latter are not fundamentally terrible people who only pay lip service to conservative ideals, if that.

Also all that being said, while I can be moderately sympathetic to some Trad-Cons, I still believe that all conservatives need to be crushed and rendered powerless in the larger society and the more extreme examples exiled to communities of people much like them. It’s just not because it’s incompatible with liberal ideals, it’s not just because some of them cause unnecessary suffering on purpose and some are just brainwashed into being oblivious, but also because conservatives are incompatible with each other. There are far too many “one true ways” because none of them can ever be right, and there will never be a unity through swordpoint conversion unless the planet is nuked down to a single tiny community because they keep splintering. That is a recipe for endless disaster. All of history is an endless disaster. This needs to end. But because people with fundamentally conservative personalities will always be born, they still need to be properly understood so that they can be contained as humanely as possible. Even conservatives don’t deserve unnecessary suffering. No one does.

Maybe I’m in a better-than-normal environment or you’re in a worse one, maybe my not being a target is skewing my experiences, maybe you’ve got multiple targets painted on your back (as I suspect is the case due to various reactions to things in the past, and if not, I apologize) and this is skewing both of our experiences in different directions. But this *is* genuinely what my experience of things says.

4 years ago


The IWW are not but miserable play actors who accomplish nothing while establishing that those who would so use the name are performative radicals with nothing else of interest going on in their miserable little lives. Franco creamed people like you in Catalonia, not once have people of your persuasion been useful in rebuffing anything resembling a nationalist resurgence; to the contrary, I would say it’s even your fault that they feel the need to begin with to result to such belligerent ends to defend themselves. As my hostility towards the sprawling state apparatus that presently chokes the United States with its limp-wristed hand should indicate, I am by no means any sort of fascist or nationalist; I daresay that you are stretching the meaning of that term, as “radicals” so often do, to mean whatever it is that you simply do not like. But I will be forthright in saying that if you kick a hornet’s nest, you are asking to be stung. The methods employed by people such as you always bare, as if by Hegelian doctrine, their own antithesis.

You don’t know me. Don’t talk as if you do. It’s clear that you see the world in black and white, and reduce everyone you have but only minor disagreements with to dreadful stereotypes, no doubt to better facilitate your belief that we should have our heads removed by guillotine.

4 years ago

You’re cheering for Franco, old bean. That’s something only fascists ever do. And when you jackasses actually accomplish anything positive, then you can call Wobblies poseurs. In the meantime, I’d advise you to spend less time reading pseudo-philosophical gibberish and more history, economics, and sociology.

4 years ago


Franco creamed people like you in Catalonia

Utterly unsurprising to see you defending fascists. The way most remember Franco today is how they will remember your side in 70 years.

As my hostility towards the sprawling state apparatus that presently chokes the United States with its limp-wristed hand should indicate

Then you should just hate Trump for sending in CBP and building a wall. Talk about a sprawling state.

I am by no means any sort of fascist or nationalist

Then why do you feel the need to defend them?

You don’t know me. Don’t talk as if you do.

A couple things:
1. You act as though you know us. You don’t know any of us. If you want to have a civil conversation, you pranced in on the wrong foot, buddy (but I suspect that was never your intention anyway).
2. You came here. If you don’t like it, you can leave.

reduce everyone you have but only minor disagreements with to dreadful stereotypes, no doubt to better facilitate your belief that we should have our heads removed by guillotine.

Sir, you left the projector running again.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Hemmingway this troll ain’t.

An Autistic Giraffe
An Autistic Giraffe
4 years ago

Dang Skimmy, you are projecting so hard we could use you to write messages on the moon.

You don’t know me. Don’t talk as if you do.

A page ago did you accuse me of not having a job or something? Why don’t you follow your own advice here?

4 years ago

re: skimmingway’s latest, I occasionally wonder if sometimes it’s not so much projection as lack of ability to imagine any flaws other than one’s own. Not that this is necessarily the case here, just that I’ve noticed that people who seem to be projecting are also sometimes those who display a severe lack of imagination in terms of other people’s motivations, goals, desires, preferences, etc. in general, not just when they appear to be projecting. That also ties a bit into my wall-o-text about Trad-Cons.

4 years ago

You don’t know me. Don’t talk as if you do.

This working-class laborer with only a high school education can recognize a whole lot of try-hard word-fluffing when she sees it.

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
4 years ago

I’ve never in my life tried to build up Germany as a world power.

This is probably for the better, seeing what happened the last time someone tried.

Errr sorry, in my defense I really wanted to try out his Panzer units, and I didn’t win by military victory.

Damn are they really all the way up to Civ 6 now?!

4 years ago


Are you even infinitesimally aware of the fact that I have, in fact, read books of those genres, only I have dared read books that you bohos who get sweaty over Chomsky would never dare to touch, but yet still jeer and complain about as though you do? Are you aware of the highly intricate and tightly reasoned work produced by Hans-Hermann Hoppe? Have you ever put that arrogant snout of your betwixt anything penned by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn? Beyond caricatures and half-baked pseudo-intellectual dismissals, have you grappled with Julius Evola? Oswald Spengler? Joseph de Maistre? You have neither the brains nor the humility to engage with such titans, you would be only glance in their direction and yelp “Ahhnk! Fascist!” before retreating to whatever hovel you undoubtedly call “home.”

ETA: Pat Buchanan also cheered for Franco, and declared him an inspiration; a fascist, he is not.

An Autistic Giraffe
An Autistic Giraffe
4 years ago

Pat Buchanan also cheered for Franco, and declared him an inspiration; a fascist, he is not.

No, I’m pretty sure he is.

4 years ago

Seriously, I’m wondering if this is one of the regulars seeing how hard they can yank everyone’s chains. He sounds like a parody.

On a completely different but semi-relevant note, my husband made his second savory pie, based on the same recipe he used before but with a different source of protein and fats (hamsteak and its rendered fat instead of hard-cooked eggs and butter). It came out very well and since he didn’t overload the ingredients the top crust (a pre-made shell) fitted better and was in fact nicely set up.

If he wants to make big overstuffed pies we’ll have to figure out the difficulties of pie dough together…

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
4 years ago

Are you even infinitesimally aware of the fact that I have, in fact, read books of those genres, only I have dared read books that you bohos who get sweaty over Chomsky would never dare to touch, but yet still jeer and complain about as though you do?

Dude seriously, you sound like a pretentious jackass BBEG with a thesaurus stuck up his arse, spewing empty words proclaiming his inherent superiority to the lowly adventurers that dare to oppose him.

Seriously, can we get a banhammer over here? Long-winded self-aggrandizing bullshit makes me nauseous.

4 years ago

Are you aware of the highly intricate and tightly reasoned work produced by Hans-Hermann Hoppe?

I’ve never heard of him before, but I can Google.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe (born September 2, 1949) is a German-born American economist of the Austrian School and paleolibertarian anarcho-capitalist philosopher.
Some of his remarks and ideas have provoked controversy among his libertarian peers and his colleagues at UNLV. His belief in rights of property owners to establish private covenant communities, from which homosexuals and political dissidents may be “physically removed”, has proven particularly divisive.

… Yeah, I think I know exactly what kind of person you are if you hold this chucklefuck in high regard.

I can’t be bothered to look up all the others, but I’m guessing they’re of a similar stripe.

4 years ago

@An Autistic Giraffe

No, not every person who happens to be conservative and is unashamed of that fact is a fascist. Conservatives cower in the corner like trapped animals as you people reek havoc and tear down our cities, but the moment a conservative stands up to your dismissals of their validity and declares themselves unashamed of their values and unafraid to defend them. come what may from the polished, talking heads and the morally and culturally-compromised scribblers in all the “right thinking” magazines? “FASCIST!!! DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS!!! IT WILL COME WITH A BIBLE, WRAPPED IN A FLAG!!! REDNECK YEOMEN AND INTROVERTED WHITE MALES WHO WATCH ANIME ARE THE BIGGEST THREAT, TOTALLY SUSPECT RITE NOW YOU GUISE!!!!!!!!!!”

4 years ago

@An Autistic Giraffe

we could use you to write messages on the moon

Like this? Probably not a good idea.


Are you even infinitesimally aware of the fact that I have, in fact, read books of those genres, only I have dared read books that you bohos who get sweaty over Chomsky would never dare to touch, but yet still jeer and complain about as though you do?

How’s that “don’t pretend you know me” going? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Are you aware of the highly intricate and tightly reasoned work produced by Hans-Hermann Hoppe? Have you ever put that arrogant snout of your betwixt anything penned by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn? Beyond caricatures and half-baked pseudo-intellectual dismissals, have you grappled with Julius Evola? Oswald Spengler? Joseph de Maistre?

Ah, so you can regurgitate lists of names.

You have neither the brains nor the humility to engage with such titans, you would be only glance in their direction and yelp “Ahhnk! Fascist!” before retreating to whatever hovel you undoubtedly call “home.”

Eh, more that I lack the time to read ahistorical unscientific ramblings.

Pat Buchanan also cheered for Franco, and declared him an inspiration; a fascist, he is not.

He literally defended Hitler. There isn’t much more fascist you can get.

Conservatives cower in the corner like trapped animals

So you’re the victim now? I thought you were the brave warriors.

the moment a conservative stands up to your dismissals of their validity and declares themselves unashamed of their values and unafraid to defend them

Are you about to go off about “cancel culture”?


Always funny watching the right imitate the left. It’s almost like you’ve repeated the same stereotyped mantras until you think the left actually talks that way. And people wonder why leftists infiltrate conservative groups all the time but the inverse never happens.


I’m wondering if this is one of the regulars seeing how hard they can yank everyone’s chains.

I doubt it, as the comments policy prohibits that and regulars would know.


I can’t be bothered to look up all the others, but I’m guessing they’re of a similar stripe.

I recognized the name Evola, he is, can’t speak for the others.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

If he wants to make big overstuffed pies we’ll have to figure out the difficulties of pie dough together…

A hot water crust is the way to go for overstuffed pies and it is suuuuuuuper simple.

4 years ago

@Chicago Boy
I’m quite familiar with Austrian school nonsense, that’s precisely the pseudo-philosophical nonsense to which I had the honour to refer. The meaninless bumf that your own founder admitted wouldn’t stand up to empirical testing. As indeed it hasn’t, as everybody not blinkered by bigotry can clearly see. You’ve fully demonstrated your fascist credentials by cheering on not just Franco but Pinochet, along with the rest of your tomfoolery.

By the by, I’m not a fan of Chomsky. The fact that he’s the only leftist thinker you can name demonstrates the depths of your ignorance better than anything I could ever do or say. Cheers.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

Welp, I think I’ve figured out why the librarians leashed him.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

Reek havock? Peeeuw! Not a grammar nanny, but for a pretentious psuedo wordsmith, I’ll make an exception. The Ws are toward the end of the thesaurus, but they could use a looking-at, too

@Moon Custafer, Yep.

4 years ago

Oh shit, I didn’t even notice he had fucking Spengler on his list. Oswald “literally idolized Mussolini” Spengler was most absolutely a fascist. Frankly, nazi-boy should be banned just for that citation.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

PoM, Hot water crust? Sounds interesting. I’ve only ever done mine with ice water. I use butter, too.

4 years ago

Shorter skimmingway: “Have you heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?


But is it Heartiste, or someone who learned to write from Heartiste?

4 years ago

If this was Heartiste he’d be talking about looksmatches by now.

4 years ago


The fact that Spengler “agreed” with Mussolini does not in itself mean that anything else Spengler had to say should be ignored. You cannot, through the simple power of association, dismiss an entire thinker’s oeuvre over one point which was only tangentially related to that person’s thought, if even that much. You’re not even bother to deal with the complexities and nuances of these thinkers’ works, you’re just dismissing them because they made one little no-no that the members of your oh-so-exclusive little club just can’t handle.

Moreover, the mere fact that Spengler *might* have agreed with Mussolini does not make me a Nazi; in fact, it doesn’t even make me a fascist, though one should note that, Spengler himself was no Nazi. Not all fascists are Nazi’s, you know. W. F. Buckley would have socked you in the goddamned jaw.

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