
Male Bag: International Chad markets stole my girlfriend

By David Futrelle

Today I present to you some thoughtful comments posted to this blog by critics. Well, they weren’t technically posted here in that I didn’t let any of them through moderation. But I think you’ll see why I felt they were worth sharing with you all.

First, there’s a dude called, somewhat ironically, RealitySpeaking who has a unique solution to the whole incel problem:

If you don’t do something to correct the gender imbalance there will be an uprising of men most likely sooner or later in the west as Black Pidgeon Speaks has warned in his analysis. There will be lots of violence and you are going to end up like the Middle East or any other countries with gender imbalances in partners for males.

At the very least you should make it mandatory for some of them to become women in order to correct this, at least the most feminine ones in the population

(I believe this commenter is the same dude who put forth a similar plan several weeks ago. )

Then there’s “God,” with a rather spectacularly antisemitic (and thoroughly wrongheaded) take on Stefan Molyneux:

Molyneux is Jewish and has always been controlled opposition working for the neocon Jews who led the fake Alt-Right movement, which is another BS movement run by Jews to make whites look bad. But you see, Molyneux finally began to cave in to expose the evil Jew only after being pressured by his uneducated Alt-Right followers to name the Jew. And he did so for the money. Like all Jews, money is the God of Molyneux.

For what it’s worth, while Molyneux does indeed seem to be a big fan of money, he’s not Jewish. (He did apparently have a Jewish grandmother, but he’s clearly not culturally or religiously Jewish. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) Also, I’m pretty sure Jews aren’t secretly running their own fake version of the alt right.

Then there’s this guy, who has some thoughts on “international Chad markets” in Europe and East Asia.

[T]he reason why the fertility rate is dropping is that there simply aren’t enough chadlike men in some of the aforementioned nations/continents. When was the last time you saw an East Asian who qualified as an alpha male? The declining birthrate in Japan, I would say, is due to the existence of novel, international chad markets that native Japanese women are eager to take advantage of, leaving Japanese men to wear makeup and live like hermits amongst their comic books and talking foid simulators.

Next he moves on to, er, Brexit.

Likewise, the hostility towards such movements as Brexit and all the elite bashing of anyone who so much as criticizes the EU is no doubt the result of women looking to expand their available pool of +8 men.

Women’s unchecked sex drives are one of THE major causes of globalization in the modern world, and I can easily foresee a future in which attractive, mogmaxxing men are abducted from every corner of the world, and brought against their will to live in wealthier nations where they will be relegated to pleasing the every sexual whim of whichever woman it’s their turn to please.

Well, someone’s got a very vivid imagination, huh?

Sub 8 men will find themselves with even fewer of the rights they so presently enjoy.

Speaking as a sub-8 man I really have no fucking idea what he’s talking about here. I have as many rights as anyone else, and I’m really not afraid of being replaced by kidnapped international alphas.

Well, that’s enough of a male bag for one day.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
4 years ago

I’d say this is ridiculous, but it’s really so far beyond that…

4 years ago

I’m sorry, but… mogmaxxing? Do I even want to know what that is?

4 years ago

If you don’t do something to correct the gender imbalance there will be an uprising of men most likely sooner or later in the west as Black Pidgeon Speaks has warned in his analysis.

Who is Black Pidgeon Speaks?
Anyway, I presume an incel uprising would probably fall apart pretty quickly because they’re shit at organizing. They could do damage independently, like Elliot Rodger, but an organized uprising seems beyond their abilities.

At the very least you should make it mandatory for some of them to become women in order to correct this, at least the most feminine ones in the population

Someone has been reading too much force feminization erotica.

Also, I’m pretty sure Jews aren’t secretly running their own fake version of the alt right.

Presumably if we were, we would make a version that doesn’t do as many antisemitic hate crimes.

there simply aren’t enough chadlike men in some of the aforementioned nations/continents.

Wait, so are there not enough women or not enough Chads? And since incels hate Chad, shouldn’t they be happy about this?

leaving Japanese men to wear makeup and live like hermits amongst their comic books and talking foid simulators.

You know, incels, you too could wear makeup and live as a hermit among comic books. It’s called “hikikomori” (I think, or maybe that’s something else, I don’t speak Japanese).

I can easily foresee a future in which attractive, mogmaxxing men are abducted from every corner of the world, and brought against their will to live in wealthier nations where they will be relegated to pleasing the every sexual whim of whichever woman it’s their turn to please.

Someone has been reading too much femdom erotica.

At least half of what incels say can be traced back to fetishes they seem to have.

Anyway, when do I get my mogmaxxing man? Not for sex, necessarily, just to lend a hand around the house.

Sub 8 men will find themselves with even fewer of the rights they so presently enjoy.

Do they mean men with 8 inch dicks or men who are less than 8/10 on their made up looks scale? Knowing incels it could go either way.

“AMOG” or “mog” = Alpha Male of Group
“Mogmaxxing” = presumably, trying to maximize/achieve alpha male status

4 years ago


Who is Black Pidgeon Speaks?

Another alt right personality on YouTube with production values.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

I’m sorry, but… mogmaxxing? Do I even want to know what that is?

Nah. It’s dumb as shit, same as the rest of their terminology and idiotology.

4 years ago

When was the last time you saw an East Asian who qualified as an alpha male?

I mean, I watch a lot of Japanese wrestling, so fairly recently.

Also, Naglfar, I am annoyed that I now know what “mogmaxxing” means and this is vaguely your fault.

4 years ago

Aren’t women kidnapped to be brought to china to be wives to men since their is a gender imbalance there? This sounds like projecting from something that is happening to women and men are trying to be like “we did it to them so they could do it us!”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m sorry, but… mogmaxxing? Do I even want to know what that is?

Lets just pretend it means adopting non-purebred cats.

Shielding Cournoyer
Shielding Cournoyer
4 years ago

This concept that female libido is a globalizing force and the fear that men will be kidnapped and forced to please women reminds me of late 1910’s & 1920 anti-communist propaganda, claiming that during the Bolshevik revolution marriage was dissolved and fertility was “nationalized,” meaning fertile young men as well as women had to register their availability in a market to be selected for mating. The Red War on the Family details the horrors rumored to have occurred. It takes special pains to say men could not refuse to register and any women who wanted to could select a registered man to mate with. This was supposedly what made women willing to go along with the plan to dissolve marriage, even thought it meant younger women would also have to registered. Animal Farm references this propaganda as rumors that neighboring farms claimed the animals ‘had their females in common.’

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago

men to wear makeup

This might be the smallest thing to pick up on, but are they aware that makeup is only pretty recently seen as “only a (cis) female thing”? Like, macho dudes used to wear it. The things our society decides are “for men” or “for women” are so random, and prone to changing. I don’t understand how some of these guys know so little about what are, after all, fairly accessible and well-known historical facts. And they’re found in Western history, moreover, because I’m not sure I’d trust these guys to know Thing One about any other cultures.

4 years ago

Ooglyboggles wrote on
July 19, 2020 at 7:13 pm:


Who is Black Pidgeon Speaks?

Another alt right personality on YouTube with production values.

And, just so we are perfectly clear, he is not Black (not that I am accusing him of pretending to be Black, it’s just a potential point of confusion, at least it was for me previously).

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
4 years ago


Lets just pretend it means adopting non-purebred cats.

Yes, let’s!

4 years ago

@ColeYote and others

Also, Naglfar, I am annoyed that I now know what “mogmaxxing” means and this is vaguely your fault.

Sorry! Let’s just go with WWTH’s definition, it’s much more pleasant.

@Bookworm in Hijab

I don’t understand how some of these guys know so little about what are, after all, fairly accessible and well-known historical facts.

Probably a combination of a heavily flawed education system and extreme ignorance about other cultures and time periods in history. Or just outright dismissal of facts that don’t fit their narrative. The Greeks they love to talk up as the root of “Western” civilization were also big into gay sex, but the alt right seems to have erased that from their fantasies of the “West.”

Even today, I know that men on television and in films wear makeup all the time to get the color balance right. I was on a local TV show some years ago and the host (a man) constantly had his makeup fixed every time the cameras were off him. I assume it’s the same for feature films, and a lot of Hollywood actors are promoted as pinnacles of masculinity.

I figured as much, there are very few Black alt rightists.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
4 years ago


Presumably if we were, we would make a version that doesn’t do as many antisemitic hate crimes.

No, no, see, that’s how you know it’s real (as in really fake). It’s not a proper false-flag operation if it’s not credible, so the only way to have a convincing alt-right that you can tell isn’t Jewish is to make sure it’s anti-Semitic. See? Perfectly logical.

I mean, if you’re a hard-right Jew, it seems to me it would be a lot simpler to just keep supporting Netanyahu than go to the bother of inventing the alt-right, but then I don’t have a ((((((((((((((((devious JJJJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO brain))))))))))))))))))))))), so what would I know?

Bananananana dakry: Quarantine-Haired, still Fat and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Quarantine-Haired, still Fat and Deranged
4 years ago

@WWTH @Bookworm

I am totally on board with maxing moggies.

4 years ago

@Bananananana dakry:

I am totally on board with maxing moggies.

Should I be worried?

4 years ago

It’s funny how these guys have the same fetish scenarios as male subs do, yet are having zero fun imagining them.

4 years ago

I had 6 rehabbed ferals on the bed last night, am I now a Chad?

4 years ago

Well, you said a while ago that you found out you were a Chad all along, so I guess watch out for people jealous of your Chad status?

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
4 years ago

My first thought on the name ‘Black Pidgeon (Pigeon? Pidgin?) Speaks’ was that the guy was doing a riff off of Black Elk Speaks. Despite the controversy surrounding that book, it still sounds like a better read than whatever Pidgeon is putting out.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
4 years ago

((((((((((((((((devious JJJJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO brain)))))))))))))))))))))))

yeah, my brain has half the Js and less than half the Os.

4 years ago

I think the practice of going to extreme lengths to pat all the cats in your neighbourhood should be mogmaxxing. I shamelessly try to lure them into my clutches all the time.

And if the kidnapping of Chads gets me someone tall enough to help me replace the draw cord on my blinds that would be awesome. I’m both too short and too weak to hold the rail while I screw it back on the brackets.

4 years ago

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie wrote on
July 20, 2020 at 12:12 am:

My first thought on the name ‘Black Pidgeon (Pigeon? Pidgin?) Speaks’ was that the guy was doing a riff off of Black Elk Speaks. Despite the controversy surrounding that book, it still sounds like a better read than whatever Pidgeon is putting out.

It’s “Pigeon”. He does pigeon rescues; here’s a video of him doing just that with fellow alt-righter Lauren Southern, as linked from the page about him on RationalWiki.

4 years ago

When was the last time you saw an East Asian who qualified as an alpha male?

Gee, I don’t know. Is there actually a consistent definition for what an alpha male is supposed to be, and does that happen to come with “not East Asian” attached? Come up with shitty ideals all you want, but not finding them manifested in reality doesn’t actually mean anyone is under-performing.

no doubt the result of women looking to expand their available pool of +8 men.

Not that I don’t understand what this is supposed to be saying, but it amuses me to think that if there are only eight men, perhaps the pool should be expanded. Or that it means men with “+8” on their Chadliness stat.

… maybe +8 on Chadliness means that if an invitation says +1, you can upgrade that to bringing eight people with you?

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

“When Black Pidgeon Speaks, don’t stay below.”
Old urban proverb.

> Naglfar
引籠り – Hikikomori (literally withdrawing and entrenching – the komori part is usually used to designate the action of soldiers entrenching in a castle – in general before or during a siege).
To note, hikikomori can be either or non gendered, and not necessary come with manga. But, indeed, like “otaku”, it is now often linked to manga and anime fans, even if those fans are just a subpart of the group.
But i suppose we can not expect this person to be both an international geopolitic and demographic expert, and an asian culture connoisseur.

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