
Incel: It’s your fault I’m disgusted by vaginas


By David Futrelle

Attention all vagina-havers! Some random incel dude called FrothySolutions thinks your vaginas — or to be more accurate, your vulvas — are disgusting.

“I’m not ready for a real woman’s vagina,” he writes in a post on “Looking at bonafide amateur porn with real vaginas not gussied up for the camera? I can’t do it.”

Oh sure, Frothy here isn’t the first incel to declare his vagina-disgust. These are the guys, after all, who call women “roasties,” a reference to the “roast beef flaps” they think cis women grow down there after having a lot of sex.

And Frothy isn’t the most, er, graphic of the incel vagina-haters. I mean, there’s this guy, who thinks that vulvas are so ugly that they represent a “design flaw” in women.

It looks like an open wound, painful and infected. Its like someone slit open the flesh and then widened it further with a pair of scissors.

Then there’s this guy, who claims the “site” of a vulva causes a nervous breakdown.

Is it just me or can anyone not stand the site of vaginas?

It literally sends my mind into a mental breakdown and I just have to close the tab or my monitor whenever there’s a clear view of one.

I’m not gay, but vaginas are gross.

Meanwhile, this fellow is horrified by any vulva that’s not an “innie.”

Maybe just a low T trait or the roastie meme has consumed my mind but I find 99% of vaginas revolting. It’s almost impossible for me to get hard if it isn’t an innie. When I see those beef curtains and hanging meat I just want to [vomit].

The difference between these guys and Frothy? Frothy knows who to blame for his feelings of disgust: all the women who haven’t had sex with him. (That is, all of them.) Had he enjoyed a “normal sex life,” he thinks, everything would be peachy keen.

Had I had sex at a normal age like a normal person, I’d be acclimated to normal pussy. I’d appreciate it. But absence makes the heart come up with unrealistic fantasies. So if I am shooting for a supermodel vagina, it’s only because I never got the chance to acquire a taste for normal vagina. What am I supposed to do? I’m fucked up, sure. But what am I supposed to do? I happened upon a Twitter GIF of a woman squeezing cum out of her asshole and I literally panicked trying to close the tab.

I don’t know, dude, maybe you’re just following the wrong people on Twitter.

And, more to the point, spending way, way too much time on Seriously, dude, the problem here isn’t that you haven’t gotten used to real-life vaginas yet; it’s that you’re on literally all the time. I mean, you’ve posted there more than 10,000 times, which is about 10,000 times too many. Incels are very good at turning normal problems of life into catastrophes, so it’s no wonder they can turn normal vulvas into something that makes them gag.

Get off, dude. Get some therapy.

H/T — @EXPELincels

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

What I find especially strange about the whole “roastie” myth is, even if it were true, unless a man spent long periods of time staring at women’s vulvas, …

Don’t know where this stupid myth came from, but it were alive and vigorous in the school playground in the 60’s.

4 years ago

I’ve heard someone try to explain this one by saying that vaginas recognize penises and won’t stretch for the same penis over and over again

If the vagina won’t stretch for the same penis, I imagine that would make any sex beyond the first time incredibly uncomfortable for everyone involved. Or do these chucklefucks think that vaginas are normally gaping holes?

4 years ago

Seeing as they regularly circulate images like the one of fish in this post (couldn’t find the original tweet), I think they may actually think vaginas are normally just gaping holes.

4 years ago

This guy’s logic about not having been with women giving him unrealistic expectations certainly didn’t hold true for me.

I didn’t have sex until I was 38, and found “normal” vulvas very nice. I also found that they looked exactly like porn stars’ vulvas – that is to say, they were all different. The only difference was that the “normal” women practiced a wider variety of grooming habits.

So no, dude, it’s not women, it’s not even porn. It’s just you.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

There are two memes I saw going around today. I’m taking them as mantras when it comes to dealing with incels.

It’s obvious that the men who complain about not being able to breathe in a mask have never gone down on a woman long enough for her to finish.


Never pick a fight with a woman over 40. They are full of rage and sick of everyone’s shit.

North Sea Sparkly Dragon (Formerly Nanny Oggs Busom)
North Sea Sparkly Dragon (Formerly Nanny Oggs Busom)
4 years ago

They all need to be given copies of ‘The Vagina Bible’, by Dr Jen Gunter and made to read/listen to it. If they don’t know, or can’t be arsed to check, the difference between a vulva and a vagina they probably shouldn’t even be contemplating sex, with anyone.

4 years ago


That’s just awful. I’m so sorry that you had to spend so much time with that guy before he revealed who he really was. Yuck.

4 years ago

@Catalpa, Naglfar
Picturing vaginas as gaping holes reminds me of a comic I recently read (Kid Gloves by Lucy Knisley) where it was pointed out that contrary to all of the diagrams you’ll see of the female reproductive organs, the uterus is not some sort of an empty space when not it use, but folds in on itself and takes very little space. I was struck by this because I’d never thought about it and now I feel dumb because it seems self-evident.


It could be added to by how in porn, women often have surgery to make their labias smaller to conform to a standard

I momentarily misunderstood this as meaning that there are actual porn flicks where women get surgery for their labia. There’s an image!

4 years ago

@North Sea Sparkly Dragon

If they don’t know, or can’t be arsed to check, the difference between a vulva and a vagina they probably shouldn’t even be contemplating sex, with anyone.

Or if they’re like that guy who picked a fight with Dr Gunter and the Oxford English Dictionary about which was which.


contrary to all of the diagrams you’ll see of the female reproductive organs, the uterus is not some sort of an empty space when not it use, but folds in on itself and takes very little space

This confused me as a student because when I took anatomy in high school, all the reproductive diagrams showed it as a large empty organ, but all the full body/pelvic diagrams and scan images showed it folded. I understand why, but it is a bit confusing how the diagrams usually present it.

I momentarily misunderstood this as meaning that there are actual porn flicks where women get surgery for their labia.

Oops, I now see how my wording may have been unclear. That is not what I meant, but it might exist, as a google search reveals that there is “labiaplasty porn” out there, but I didn’t click through to see whether that is surgical videos. Apparently there has been a significant rise in women (and, more worryingly, teenage girls) seeking labiaplasty and other genital plastic surgery, and this has been blamed by some sources on pornography promoting unrealistic standards.

4 years ago


all the reproductive diagrams showed it as a large empty organ, but all the full body/pelvic diagrams and scan images showed it folded.

Now that I think about it, I think some textbook we used showed the reproductive organs from the side, with the uterus mostly flat. Combined with the regular frontal view that might have given one the impression that the uterus is somehow two-dimensional. Probably stretched sideways by the ovaries?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve heard someone try to explain this one by saying that vaginas recognize penises and won’t stretch for the same penis over and over again

My vagina doesn’t recognize specific penises, but it is equipped with facial recognition technology and can discern whether a social media account is a real person or a bot.

4 years ago

That’s what it looked like in my textbooks as well. It always looked like it was suspended by the Fallopian tubes somehow.

4 years ago

My vagina doesn’t recognize specific penises, but it is equipped with facial recognition technology and can discern whether a social media account is a real person or a bot.

Aw, man. My vagina only came equipped with a barcode scanner. I really gotta get it upgraded.

4 years ago


I’ve heard someone try to explain this one by saying that vaginas recognize penises and won’t stretch for the same penis over and over again

Well, aren’t they clever things, those vaginas.

Among the weirder implications of this is that vaginas permanently change shape when making first contact with a penis not because of some physical stretching that has to occur to fit the penis (which would presumably happen whether or not the vagina “recognized” the penis in question) but because of some other mysterious force. The corrupting influence of penises? A cosmic punishment for the person attached to the vagina for daring to touch a penis? It’s unclear.

4 years ago


Aw, man. My vagina only came equipped with a barcode scanner. I really gotta get it upgraded.

At least you didn’t get a CueCat.

In the future if cybernetic implants ever become a reality, I imagine cybernetic genitals with computer functionality could be a thing. Due to convenience of location, though, I imagine there would be more popularity of other body parts, like hands. If cybernetic vaginas do become a thing, I’d expect a lot of trans* women might be interested as well as cis women, because many of us want vaginas and are also into body modification/hacking.


but because of some other mysterious force

Maybe it’s the magic semen power that semen retainers are always talking about. If we keep going, maybe we can derive the fundamental forces of totally-wrong-manosphere-physics and create a theory of everything.

Hypatia's Daughter
Hypatia's Daughter
4 years ago

In all this “vagina stretching” discussion, most of these guys seem to be confusing the HYMEN with the VAGINA.
The hymen is the flap of skin around the vaginal opening, that reduces the size of the opening. It has to be stretched, torn or removed to make the opening big enough for an erect penis. This is a one time act and it never naturally returns to its original condition, (though it can be surgically reconstructed). The removal or “breaking” of the hymen is usually considered “losing one’s virginity”.
(Note that many women have small or no hymens, and many have had their hymens removed through activities that don’t include sex.)
The vagina (and uterus) are composed of strong flexible muscles that can can stretch big enough to accommodate a baby’s head then return to their original size. And, yes, baby’s heads are much, much larger than any penis.
So, while it only takes one penis one time to remove a hymen, multiple penises have no effect whatsoever on the size of the vagina.
If you think that multiple penises makes the labia bigger, you might also believe that multiple blow-jobs makes a person’s lips bigger. And you’d be an idiot.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Cybernetic genitals, eh?

There’s only one possible answer:

4 years ago

I remember how I stunned the rest of my cyberpunk group because my feminine character A – sacrified her appearence stat for more armor and B – removed useless organs to make room for energy source for weapons. AKA removing the vagina to power a railgun. (the railgun wasn’t implanted because come on, that thing is already pretty big and it’s easier to aim with your hand).

The GM sincerely thought that the perspective of becoming effectively sterile would stop cold my character, even while it was long established that even by the standard of cyberpunk she was extremely into technologic improvement.

Then I stunned the GM when my character refused to go full “brain in a robot” by fear of body dysphoria. I guess everyone have its limit. (TBH, a big problem is that the character had very low confidence on cyborg body makers).

As for genital implant, I can see two kind of implants :
* the one put there because you don’t have space anywhere else, so probably something not very romantic but very efficient. Since I believe the less chirurgy made on brain the better, I guess it’s as good place as any for some data storage or a electronic brain connected to your wetware.
* and thoses for improving its function. At first, it will very probably be fertility-related. Then kink-related, like the one from Threp. But the sky is the limit, really ; if we could have a full-on transformer sex allowing one to be as hermaphrodite as s/he want, why the hell not ? and why limit ourselves to mammalian sex ? WHy not being able to pose spermatophores, for example ?

4 years ago

@Hypatia’s Daughter

If you think that multiple penises makes the labia bigger, you might also believe that multiple blow-jobs makes a person’s lips bigger.

They might actually believe this as well, given their general knowledge of biology and sex.


But the sky is the limit, really ; if we could have a full-on transformer sex allowing one to be as hermaphrodite as s/he want, why the hell not ? and why limit ourselves to mammalian sex ? WHy not being able to pose spermatophores, for example ?

I’m not sure how spermatophores would work for humans, but it seems conceivable that it would be possible to make features that humans don’t typically have. IIRC some surgeons are currently developing non-binary bottom surgery which would allow someone to have both a penis and a vagina. It would also be a great breakthrough if we could make working artificial reproductive organs of the sex opposite someone’s birth assignment, so trans* women could have uteruses or trans* men could have testicles. The production of artificial gonads would also have the benefit of making it possible for people who would otherwise need exogenous hormones to produce their own hormones and more precisely regulate levels.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

Slightly OT:

I’d say Naked Athena has successfully weaponized male fears of the vulva.

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

Er, could i ask what is an “innie” ? Google told me it was linked to navel, not to genitalia.

4 years ago


Pretty bleak. It’s ironic I guess, because I have my own strong critiques of the mental health field and how it encourages you to accept capitalist norms in society while putting all the responsibility on you as an individual — yet you should still be doing some work on your own mental health. And it’s clear that these dudes don’t want to do that work. Also, I don’t use my critiques as a way to hate women and “Chads”, so that’s another fairly important difference.

@Victorious Petal

Very brave woman, but knowing what I know about cops and sexual assault/regular assault, it’s hard to overcome my first reaction of fear for her.

4 years ago

@occasional reader

My layman’s understanding of the incel lexicon is that it refers to a vagina that hasn’t been “used” to the point where the labia minora are very visible. The opposite of a “roastie” so to speak, where the vulva lips hang. Of course 1) sex doesn’t actually change the appearance of your vulva and 2) this is subjective, but many people including myself would disagree with the premise that having prominent labia minora is unattractive.

That doesn’t stop these guys though.

4 years ago

I am almost 22 years old and this is the first time in my life that I have ever read that the uterus is folded up not taking up to much space instead of a large empty organ just floating there. I thought that is what it is.

4 years ago

Here are some diagrams of how it folds (tw uterine medical stuff). This is why the abdomen expands when pregnant, as the uterus unfolds and expands to be able to hold a fetus.