
Do women really enjoy sex? A MGTOW Symposium (of sorts)

“An here’s anudda reason youse ladies don’t like sex ..!”

By David Futrelle

Yesterday, I shared with you one MGTOW Redditor’s opinion on why the female orgasm is “the most selfish and pointless thing in the world.” Today, I’d like to share the opinions of a number of equally thoughtful MGTOW Redditors on a related topic: “Do women really enjoy sex as much as men?”

Who better to answer this question than a bunch of dudes who hate women and are probably very bad at sex?

Well, anyone, really, but for the purposes of this post we’ll be sticking with the MGTOWs.

The asker of this important question in the MGTOW subreddit, a gentleman known as psychomantis01, answers his own question with a big “no.”

From what I’ve read, many reasons point in the negative direction.

-Many women lose interest in sex over time

-Lack of desire is the most common sexual dysfunction problem for women

-Approximately 25% of women cannot achieve orgasm through vaginal intercourse (probably because only a tiny part of the vagina is sensitive)

-Testimony accounts from transsexuals:

‘Im ftm and I have to say,when on ‘female’ hormones the orgasms were pathetic to say the least compared to now,but then I thought they were great. It was like waves of a nice feeling,now it’s extreamly wonderous’

‘MTF here. I have to say I actually think a mans is naturally more intense of the two. This is amusing because of what our culture says’ (

And of course, women only have a fraction of the testosterone amount in their blood as we have.

The more I learn about them, the stronger the impression I get that they are only really interested in childbearing, money, and companionship. It seems to me, as somebody here once put it, they are only really in love with the ‘idea of being in love’, and not in love with the actual man himself.

Emphasis mine. It is true that on many occasions when I myself have been having the sex with a woman she will cry out in passion “Money! Money! Companionship ! I’d rather be bearing a child!”

Other MGTOW Redditors have their own theories.

Zombocom1911 answers psychomantis01’s query with an emphatic “no!”

Not even close. Women are always saying they love sex but in my experience they are completely fucking frigid and really low sex drive unless you are already having sex with them. They never, ever really ACTIVELY pursue or initiate sex with a stranger because they really just don’t care about it, unless its to get something out of a man, like love, affection, dinners, cards, romance.

Women will do anything for cards.

They are so completely disinterested in sex and stuck up about it , it makes me fucking sick. This is why they can charge such a heavy price for it, because they really don’t want it and really don’t need it.

A top 5% male like Chad Thundercock may have pussy literally thrown at him though. I am not him, so I wouldn’t know.

Literally thrown at him.

A fellow called Bartand has learned what he knows about sex from a book — and what a book!

The only reason they enjoy sex at the beginning is because it is their only way to be loved since they have nothing else to offer. Then later she start to wonder if you like her for more than sex so she start to cut off sex. *I got this information from the book “Real time relationship” with Stefan Molyneux. The beginning of the book simply blow me away because it is not only truth, it is predictable!

This, by the way, is a recent photo of the author of that book:

Clearly he is someone who understands sex inside and out. Though he doesn’t seem aware that you’re generally supposed to wear shirts underneath your leather jacket.

Raiden627 is apparently worried about getting a bad sex review:

When they don’t have to do any work and you worship them then yeah they’ll probably enjoy it – only if you make them orgasm though. If you don’t, well you’ll never hear from them again and she’ll tell all her friends about how you have a small penis.

Flaye2 suspects a conspiracy:

Women seem to have lower drives and they use that to control men. Wives would cut off the sex but at the same time not allow him to satisfy him urges elsewhere, that is evil.

Feedmecarrots has a two-part answer:

I think that this has to be answered in two parts. With men well above their sexual league, they unreservedly enjoy it. With men in their league, who they are using sex with as a manipulative tool, they can’t enjoy it. It is too much like work. I have heard that foreign women can enjoy sex with their market equals.

Their market equals.

One anonymous commenter has this to add:

they enjoy sex, [inasmuch as] they know the power of it can enslave you for 18 years [in the US] if you fuck up.

Surprisngly, there are a few answers suggesting that women actually do enjoy sex as sex, not just with Chads and not just as a way to get stuff from men. As Antingly, perhaps better connected to reality than some of his peers, notes,

I’m kind of surprised reading the comments. Sure, some girls seem like they don’t enjoy sex that much, but, some girls will black out during an orgasm. I’m sorry, but I have never experienced anything like that – even when it was really good.

Even more unexpectedly, several commenters actually offer some handy sex tips of their own. “If you ever wanted to please a woman sexually,” writes givecake, “it doesn’t hurt to stimulate all 3 areas at the same time.” (Sorry, I’m not sure which three areas he means out of the obviously more than three areas available.)

I fear, however, that Cristoff might be a tad confused in his declaration that “women achieve orgasm similarly to how men do – by stimulating the head of the clitoris,” because I am fairly certain that most cis dudes can’t even find their own clitoris (mostly because they don’t have one).

But perhaps he knows better than me. After all, these guys are the experts on all things sex.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

I have never told my dad I hate him. Never told my parents i hate them. My dad was never an asshole who treated me unfairly and told me who I couldn’t date. My parents were good,loving, understanding as much as they possibly could have been and patient. When my rebellious stage happened it was towards society, not my parents. They never tried to make me be anything I wasn’t, even when I went through phases. So um…. Creepy dude if you think most woman hate and rebelled against their dads. Probably shows what shit parents those dads are instead of some biological thing. And your stan thinks that when i wear black lipstick and black nail polish I’m trying to attract a man.
Also… Roger? You couldn’t think of one sexy name?

4 years ago


Roger? You couldn’t think of one sexy name?

I was a bit curious about that myself as well. Is Roger another character in the incel mythology, like Chad, Stacy, and Tyrone?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

*blinks a lot at Skimmingway*

Uh … not every woman who is attracted to men is attracted to the same kind of man. And how a man dresses can be quite varied. A sharply tailored suit can be attractive, but so can a casual t-shirt and jeans. For this woman, it’s all about the man inside the clothes, and specifically Mr. Parasol, because he’s smart and funny and loves me and has stood by me through life’s tribulations (and we’ve faced some doozies together).

Also I never rebelled against my dad.

Also also, I don’t think that jacket is very well tailored … anybody else think the fit around the shoulders needs to be adjusted? Admittedly, leather jackets have never been my thing so YMMV. But he looks like the kind of man who dresses the way he wanted to in high school, now that he can afford his own clothes.

4 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

Not every woman who is attracted to men is attracted to the same kind of man.

Indeed. Maybe it’s just me, but Stefan doesn’t look all that attractive. He’s not my type at all physically, but it’s really his personality that turns me away. He could be the most beautiful man ever and I wouldn’t want him because he’s a dirtbag.

Also also, I don’t think that jacket is very well tailored … anybody else think the fit around the shoulders needs to be adjusted?

The shoulders look off, the sleeves are a bit big, the whole jacket looks maybe a size or two too big for his frame. And it’s unzipped a bit far.

I also think there’s a few issues with the photo itself, though this is just my opinon. The glare reflecting off of it really clashes with the black background, which similarly seems to make the jacket look weird as I can’t tell easily where it starts and the background ends. It all looks a bit tacky. He also just doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy who can pull off the Morpheus look anyway, nevermind that that movie came out over 20 years ago yet Stefan is acting like it’s cool for the kids.

Oh, and he has the wrong kind of sunglasses to be Morpheus. It looks like he vaguely remembered what Laurence Fishburne looked like as Morpheus, then just picked whatever he had in his wardrobe that looked vaguely similar. I guess this is why he isn’t at cosplay conventions much.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago


Indeed. Maybe it’s just me, but Stefan doesn’t look all that attractive. He’s not my type at all physically, but it’s really his personality that turns me away. He could be the most beautiful man ever and I wouldn’t want him because he’s a dirtbag.

I think that if somebody is physically your type but has a personality that just turns you off, it’s worse in a way, because here’s somebody who ALMOST meets your expectations. That’s so disappointing.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


Also also, I don’t think that jacket is very well tailored …

It’s fucking horribly cut. Straight up and down, the zip an afterthought with shitty stitching, jack-shit lifting or shaping on the shoulders (which desk types tend to need desperately), no movement or flow … I’d be ashamed to even touch that bit of crap, never mind buy it. You’d be stuck moving in it like the damned tin woodman with a bad case of rust.

Congrats on the job, BTW – missed congratulating you in the right thread.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I mean, to each their own, everyone has different taste. But it really takes a special kind of manospherian self delusion to look at Stephen Molyneux and think he’s just exactly the type of guy all women want.

I’m a woman, and I’ve got to say…


Hard pass.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago


Thanks for that breakdown! I may’ve watched a lot of Queer Eye, but I’m no Tan France. And thanks for the congrats, too.

4 years ago

As far as I can see, the only woman who is into Stefan is the one he pretended to be in his comments section (and failed hard).
comment image
This screenshot will never get old.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

“Being an attractive young woman…” is about as convincing as in Red Dwarf when Rimmer is posing as Kochanski and blows it by stating “I’m having a woman’s period.”

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


My pleasure! Sister’s a costume designer and got two of our kids into designing clothes, so I get chapter and verse on this stuff all the time. Me – I just sew! 😀

It’s pretty interesting.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

I have no doubt it’s the experience of most miggies that women don’t enjoy sex with them. Women likely don’t even enjoy their company.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
4 years ago

Stefan doesn’t wear his egg vs. shoe jacket well. He just doesn’t fill it out enough. As for his “intellect”? It provides plenty of fodder for this site, so, well, I guess he doesn’t fill that category out completely either.

Just noticed the comments about the jacket’s cut. That could be the problem. It’s a fashion fail, any way you look at it.

4 years ago

“It doesn’t hurt to stimulate all 3 areas at the same time.”

Executive, legislative and judicial?

Also, Yelp for sex would be hilarious.

Cats In Shiny Hats
Cats In Shiny Hats
4 years ago

It doesn’t help that the egg and shoe aren’t anchored to his hands with shadow.

Fast and loose Photoshop tip: To cast a shadow double the layer you want to have a shadow, then on one layer block in the colour you want the shadow to be. Take that layer and give it a nice blur effect, side it in the direction the light is facing, and put it behind the colour layer. It’s not perfect but it’s a good quick way to blend two layers together.

dr. Jearene Binet
4 years ago

In fact, this is a very common case that over time a woman loses interest in sexual intercourse. And for some reason, men think that this is because this man is no longer attracted to his girlfriend, but this is not at all the case. Women do not want sex with all men, and not just with a specific one. This is interesting and sad, because at the beginning of a relationship, desire overflows, and the more time passes, the less desire becomes.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

@Cats In Shiny Hats:

Alternately, you can open “Layer Style” (in the menu that drops down from “Layer” in the menu bar along the top), select “Drop Shadow” and play with the sliders till you get the angle, opacity, etc you want.

4 years ago

@dr. Jearene Binet

Women do not want sex with all men, and not just with a specific one.

I don’t understand. Wouldn’t that mean all women are lesbians or asexual then? I can verify from my own experience that I am sexually attracted to men, so I’m not sure how this theory works.

4 years ago

@Naglfar, dr. Jearene Binet
I assumed it meant wanting to have sex with a couple of random guys every now and then? That’s not all men and not a specific man.

Though I thought that most men also desire sex less as they age, so I don’t really see why this is a problem with women only.

4 years ago

@Dr. Jearene Binet

No! it’s not sad, its beautiful. Couples that have been together for years will lose sex drives because as we get older we lose sex drives. people have what’s called passionate love for the first 8 months to a year of a relationship. Things are all rose color glasses, sex is active, their our butterflies, your learning about a new person, but that’s just the start of falling in love. See after that stage, comes the commit stage, this is when a relationship either falls apart, or it becomes something more. You might not have those powerful feelings anymore, but you have something better, you have trust, you have bond. You have a deeper love. Sex might take more work then, life gets in the way of things.

I have been with my husband for three years, he is still the most beautiful man I have ever seen. I am still greatly sexually attracted to him, and he can still turn me on like a light. Part of that is that we are both in our early 20’s and it’s easier. I expect it to fade away as time goes on, but I know I will still have a deep love for him and he will for me. Even if at times the most sexual thing we will do is hold a hand and snuggle through out the night.

I will always be there for him, his support when he needs it. A partner through life to navigate all the things that aren’t great about it. He will do the same for me. To have a family with, grow old, and have burial plots right next to each other so I can spend eternity with him by my side. I will take that over raw sexual passion any day. I don’t care much that our sex life has gone from the raw “I got to fuck you, I have to have you now, right against this table counter, in this elevator, or in this church grave yard.” we still have those days but it is more staring into each other eyes, slow movements, listening to moans, and heart beats, and breaths. tangled up with each other like the world outside doesn’t even exists.

You don’t lose desire, you gain love.

4 years ago


I assumed it meant wanting to have sex with a couple of random guys every now and then?

Even then, it seems there are a lot of women in stable long term relationships with men. Although some may prefer to hook up or have one night stands, many others do seem to like long term relationships.

The other reading of “women do not want sex with all men” is that women do not want to simultaneously have sex with all the men in the world. This I can understand, as I am not really interested in an orgy with billions of people. Maybe it’s someone’s thing, but not for me.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago


Perfectly said.

44 years for us next Sunday … 😛

4 years ago

Happy anniversary!

4 years ago


Congulations. I feel like a lot of people see the passing of sexual desire as the death of a relationship. Sex is nice, it feels good, the desire for sex is a powerful feeling for a lot of people, and the commitment stage seems really boring to a lot of people. They don’t understand that the commitment stage can be better then the sexual desire.

4 years ago

To be clear, I didn’t mean to imply the idea made sense, just that I didn’t think it excluded heterosexual women altogether.

And, rereading dr. Jearene Binet’s comment, I noticed that this bit

And for some reason, men think that this is because this man is no longer attracted to his girlfriend, but this is not at all the case.

seems to suggest that men never lose interest in their girlfriends over time, which would be interesting if true. To say nothing of the fact that losing interest in sex (with a specific partner or people in general) isn’t really the same as being somehow unable to enjoy sex, so I don’t actually understand how the comment was supposed to be relevant to the topic.