By David Futrelle
We’ve reached the point in Roosh V’s redemption arc in which we have to hear him complain about all the sex he had back in the day. Roosh, you may recall, used to be a professional “pickup artist” who made his living teaching his extraordinarily problematic, er, techniques; now he’s a newly minted religious fanatic of the Orthodox Christian variety who is trying, in his own terrible way, to make amends for his sinful former life. Trouble is, he’s feeling remorse for the wrong things.
In a recent post on his blog, Roosh declares that he wishes he’d remained a virgin instead of wasting nearly two decades of his life relentlessly pursuing women, sometimes literally. Now he’s given up on sex, including the self-serve variety.
Upon receiving the grace of God, I ceased all sexual activity. I don’t look at porn, or even sexy lingerie images. I don’t masturbate and definitely don’t fornicate. If sexual thoughts attack my mind, I pray to Jesus Christ to take them away, and He does.
His new abstinence applies even during his dreams. When some comely dream lady hits on him during his slumbers, he says, he stays pure (mostly), “usually say[ing] no to the flesh that is offered me.”
How very impressive.
The primary villain in Roosh’s story is lust — a powerful inner force that, he thinks, can transform male virgins and sex-havers alike into angry, bitter misogynists who hate women as much as they desire them. As he puts it:
If you are a virgin in lust, and fail to gain physical pleasure, you will experience tremendous anguish. You will be angry at all the men who are getting laid, and you will also be angry at all the women for not choosing you for sex. You will masturbate to experience the pleasure of the orgasm, and then experience an immediate emotional hangover of having had to masturbate. This is an unbearable state that most men “solve” through prostitution, yet since a prostitute is not what any man truly wants, the pain and anguish intensify.
Actually, only a small minority of men ever turn to sex workers to alleviate their lusts — with only about 1.5 percent of American men visiting a sex worker in any given year.
Even for the sexually active man, the accomplished player, the pain of his lust is transmutated into other forms, such as the simultaneous addiction and hatred of “sluts.”
Most sexually active men don’t turn into raging misogynists. Some of them rather enjoy the sex and have actual warm feelings towards even their casual partners.
Roosh concludes his attack on non-marital sex with a theatrical lament:;
I truly wish I were a virgin. I wish I didn’t learn game and become good at it. I wish I didn’t sleep with all those women, and I’ve prayed to God to not only forgive me for those encounters but to help me forget them. The intimacy I’ve had in the past does not at all serve me in the present. It doesn’t make me feel happier or more masculine. Instead, I feel regret and shame. I can’t stress how the sex I had in my life was in no way an addition. Instead, it was a subtraction, one that occupied most of my free time and intellect while taking my eyes off God.
I feel precisely zero sympathy for poor Roosh and his overwrought laments. Because in his attempt to frame himself as a sort of victim of the sex he willingly engaged in he has somehow overlooked the real victims — the women he pressured and manipulated into bed.
I’m not being facetious here. If you have read any of Roosh’s “fielf reports” in his assorted books and booklets you will notice at once that none of them are descriptions of hot sex and enthusiastic consent. Roosh instead details the assorted tricks he used to navigate often quite drunk women into bed. He treated their “nos” as little more than temporary hurdles to push past. In the case of one woman, Roosh wrote,
It took four hours of foreplay and at least thirty repetitions of “No, Roosh, no” until she allowed my penis to enter her vagina. No means no—until it means yes.
In another case, he reported, his, er, partner was so drunk that
[i]n America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she couldn’t legally give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated.
In one case when a woman revoked her consent part way through, “I had to use some muscle to prevent her from escaping.”
While not all of Roosh’s “field reports” are direct (if sometimes unintentional) confessions of rape, they all seem to involve trickery, manipulation and in some cases intimidation — and his writings about these, er, conquests never involve even the tiniest smidgen of remorse. (For more details, see here.)
If Roosh wants absolution for his sins, he needs to reckon with what he did to all these women — and do penance for it, preferably by turning himself over to the authorities. A thoroughgoing apology would be a good first step, if only the first step. Somehow I doubt we’ll ever get one.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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In my opinion, every time Roosh confessed to rape, it was intentional. If his readers revel in one description of him raping a woman, they’re going to revel in all of them.
Nah, Roosh will never stop being self-serving.
@Victorious Parasol
All best wishes!
And he’s now an old bratwurstie. He should have chosen the sperm, not the shoes, but it’s too late now. All those years riding the vagina carousel with Stacies mean that no woman will ever want him.
I can hear the world’s smallest violin playing.
All joking aside, that does seem to be what happened more or less. He spent all those years having casual sex, yet now that he’s older he finds it harder to hook up with young women, who now see him as a creepy old man. So now he’s scrambling to find a wife and has taken on this orthodox grift as a new way to be misogynistic.
@ rabid rabbit
There’s probably a book to be written about the British Army and its relationship with tea; you’d have plenty of material:
Waal Crossing
I think that last passage provides the context though. Brewing up can be both a morale booster; and a worthwhile exercise if there’s nothing else to do. To quote from the video clip: “Couldn’t hurt Sir”.
Hence all British Army armoured vehicles have built in tea making facilities.
Congratulations on the new job!
May I ask about the fiber arts you enjoy and are working on? I myself am working on a big cross stitch as a wedding gift for a friend right now. I’m very glad the wedding isn’t until summer 2021 because I started it in February and I’m a little less than halfway through. O_O
And after he spent all those years crowing about men aging like Chateau de George Clooney, and warning women not to waste their fleeting youth riding the cock carousel. As usual, it’s pure projection with these guys.
Roosh 2.0 isn’t an improvement over Roosh 1.0. He’s still the same tightly wound misogynistic scold he always was. All he’s done is go from viewing women as prey to viewing women as obstacles to spiritual attainment, which is a very short and undemanding moral journey. Nothing original or special about it. It’s just a different way of being awful towards women, only with Biblical Authority™ behind it.
If he were truly enlightened, and not just a fraudulent, self-absorbed hustler, he would feel remorse over the damage he did to the women he targeted, manipulated, and raped. But no, as usual he’s focused on himself as the victim. All those conquests didn’t do HIM any good and didn’t make HIS life any better and didn’t reward HIM with a wife and family. I think he’s angry that he fell for his own lies.
At least he’s not bothering women any more, so that’s a plus?!
Thanks! Currently I have a spinning project going – almost done with the last bobbin of singles, and then I can ply everything together. The fiber was blended by me; I dyed the Shetland Sliver myself, mixing it with milk protein and silk waste. I’m spinning it semi-worsted, and it’ll be a 2-ply yarn of about DK weight.
The other two main projects are knitting WIPs. One of them is a placemat for Mr. Parasol’s sister and her husband, and the other is a lace scarf. I keep changing my mind about who the scarf is for.
This seems to be the case for many conservatives. They repeat lies until they believe them, then when those lies start negatively impacting them they get angry but instead of being angry at the party that lied to them, they blame it all on various scapegoats so they can keep voting for the people who got them into the mess.
@Naglfar : when a human is being foolish, he or she will do a lot of efforts to not admit it, either by doubling down on his previous attitude, or by finding a scapegoat.
Providing an escape hatch allowing thoses fools to keep their face can help them quit, but it don’t alway work. Pride is sadly a very big problem in general, and with thoses kind of fool in particular.
I think that just goes to show that as much as it’s about hate, it’s also about the grift.
Castration to prevent lust? I believe there was something in the Bible about how you should cut off your hand or pluck out your eye if it offends you (ie: if you can’t stop using them to “sin”). I think it was Jesus who said that too, curious be wrong–too lazy to to fix our right now.
Yep, that was what Jesus said. Matthew 5:30
Well, according to Asterix, Julius Caesar was unable to conquer Britain until he realized that all he had to do was attack only on weekends at 4:00 in the afternoon…
That is so neat. I’ve never done anything like that.
@ all fiber artists
My blending board is an indie I bought on Etsy, but it looks a lot like the Ashford blending board, and this video is a great demo of how blending works:
@VP, congrats and also your fiber arts sound ah-maze-ing!!! I can sew but that’s it; I am always so impressed by knitters, spinners, crocheters (I think that last one may not be a word, but you know what I mean…) ?
O/T: Following the banning of more of their subreddits, TERFs have taken to Twitter to rant about cis women’s exclusive sex-based right to…get cervical cancer. They don’t seem to give a fuck about people who actually have cervical cancer, but they are very happy to weaponize them for transphobia. Sort of like that time MRAs pretended to care about prostate cancer.
So who’s going to break the news to them that trans men can get it too?
The point of the TERFs doing this seems to have mainly been to invalidate trans* men and AFAB non binary people. So I think they know, they’re just being assholes as usual.
Ok, since this has been fairly icky (it is Roosh) I’m putting up some new pet brain bleach.
I got pet mice! They are the coolest and cutest and most distracting little guys ever!!
This is Philo
And this is Gunge
And yes I am a big Fraggle Rock fan.
I’m having trouble getting the images to show still but that might be the inebriated state I’m in, we’ll see tomorrow.
Image embeds require that the URL starts with “http://“, because this site is still using HTTP (as opposed to HTTPS).
Hello Philo and Gunge!
They’re so cute!
As for the embed, you’ll want to make sure the URL is in full (including the https:// bit, and make sure the text is directly to the image file.
Don’t mind me, I’m just testing Imgur embeds.