
The best responses to Stefan Molyneux getting banned from Twitter

By David Futrelle

Last week, we celebrated Stefan Molyneux’s YouTube ban. Now the wannabe philosopher racist has managed to get himself banned from Twitter as well, reportedly not for anything he said but rather for “platform manipulation,” specifically fake sockpuppet accounts.

I don’t have much to say beyond “good riddance,” but others have been posting their responses to his banning on Twitter. So today I’m going to go all Twitchy and show you some of my favorites.

Let’s start with the eggs — referring back to Stefan’s weird and creepy obsession with young women’s eggs, particularly those belonging to Taylor Swift.

There were some who took a moment to remind us of some of Stefan’s Greatest Hits.

But it’s this tweet that may be Stefan’s real masterpiece:

I have so many questions. Why is the shoe so small? Why don’t the shoe and the egg cast shadows? And most importantly, WHY ISN’T HE WEARING A SHIRT.

For more of Stefan’s Greatest Hits, on Twitter and elsewhere, see the links here.

Good night, sweet prince. Go work your grift on Telegram.

H/T — @RationalGenius, from whom I borrowed the “cult leader banned” meme,

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

OT, but does anyone here know of a good go-to site for arguments/educational snippets to rebut commonplace misogynistic talking points, the way is so useful to rebut climate change deniers?

For example, a rebuttal of the commonplace claim that women who want to have sex should “take responsibility” and pay out-of-pocket for birth control, rather than have it covered by health insurance. (That’s showing up a lot lately in the wake of that execrable SCROTUS decision, which only went the way it did because the women were outnumbered and thus outvoted.)

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

> weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

That’ll always be my favorite too. Especially the line “being an attractive young woman…”

Well, you know, as the biggest (informed) philosopher (self-made) on the net, he could only be followed by attractive (informed) young (for the eggs) woman (probably named JosettePoupay0654046).

But now, his matrix-style picture leads to the eternal question : which come first ? The egg or the shoe ?

Wait, one parameter may be wrong here.

4 years ago

does anyone here know of a good go-to site for arguments/educational snippets to rebut commonplace misogynistic talking points,

Further to Surplus’ question above, I’d be grateful if anybody happens to have – just off the top of your heads, I mean, I don’t mean to ask anyone to go digging – one or two very basic introduction-to-humanity/to-reality links for someone to use in arguing with a colleague; this colleague has basically swallowed everything wholesale – all the right-wing economics, pseudo-biology, racism, sexism, transphobia, classism, there-is-no-wage-gap, there-is-no-racism, the lot.

LIke, if you have a couple of go-to favourite 101-style links/links with good debunking facts and figures (if it makes reference to the UK that’s a bonus).

(I’m not sure if it’s relevant, but just in case: both parties to this conversation are neurodivergent (Asperger’s) young men; the one who subscribes 100% to every right-wing notion is white and (I think) from a fairly well-off background, while the one who is struggling to debunk all that shit is almost-white-passing and less well off. It would need to be just one or two links to get started, as my friend has typical Asperger’s issues with executive function). Many thanks for any suggestions!

4 years ago

@Surplus, opposablethumbs
RationalWiki has a lot of list articles debunking various kinds of conservative arguments, maybe you can find what you seek there.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Being an attractive brick wall, I came here to ask if anyone has any tips for removing newly irrelevant philosophers who smacked into me after wasting their youth moralizing about other people’s eggs? It’s so hard to get hypocrisy stains out of mortar.


I think the intended meaning (see above for what I actually got out of it) was that if women want to dress up in high heels and be out in public they sacrifice their fertility, so it’s a choice between having a public life and being able to have children.

With the additional gross implication of being barefoot and pregnant. Shoes OR babies, ladies! You can’t have both!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ buttercup

Being an attractive brick wall, I came here to ask if anyone has any tips for removing newly irrelevant philosophers who smacked into me after wasting their youth moralizing about other people’s eggs?

Don’t bother asking all the king’s horses and all the king’s men; they’re useless. Although at least the horses have lack of opposable thumbs as an excuse.

4 years ago

Thank you, Naglfar!

4 years ago


With the additional gross implication of being barefoot and pregnant.

That part reminded me a bit of Hotep imagery. A lot of Hoteps seem a bit obsessed with pregnant barefoot black women, and although I’m sure Molyneux hates Hoteps because they’re Black, he seems to share their, interest as it were, in fertility.

@Alan Robertshaw

Although at least the horses have lack of opposable thumbs as an excuse.

I hear she’s further up the thread.

4 years ago

::waves:: 🙂

4 years ago

I like to think he bought that leather coat just to make the meme, and it was wasted money because there’s no way he can carry off the look. I suppose at least he had the self-awareness not to pop the collar: that might work for Laurence Fishburne, but not for a pasty white middle-aged guy like Molyneux.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ opposable thumbs

::waves back!::

But where were you when the horse needed you!

4 years ago

(>.<) oops, missed my cue.

Probably over here with the (other) donkeys … (not to cast aspersions on actual donkeys, of course. Only the finest nasturtiums)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Aww, I’m sure they’ll like that. Although only the Indian and Monks Cress varieties are safe for them (Donkeys have weird nutritional needs).

In other news, the courts continue their persecution of poor old President Trump. SCOTUS refusing to block subpoena of tax records for grand jury.

He’s taking it as magnanimously as you might imagine.

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
In other Supreme Court news, the court also ruled that the eastern half of Oklahoma is under Native American jurisdiction for legal purposes. Not sure what will happen in practice as a result of this and a lot remains to be seen, but once again it shows that even conservative justices are getting tired of Trump.

Chris O
Chris O
4 years ago

My own reaction to Molyneux’s Twitter ban can be summed up in one sentence:

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

4 years ago

Speaking of donkeys…

Led By Donkeys have have a crowdfunder here, to help fund a campaign to highlight the Tory government’s failure over COVID-19 in the UK. You can see an example of their recent work here:

The appeal has 20 days left. It would be good if UK readers helped them reach their stretch goal.

4 years ago

only the Indian and Monks Cress varieties are safe

I did not know that. (there were some in the garden when I was a kid; they got added to our meals sometimes. Nasturtiums, that is, not donkeys. Guess they must have been the edible kind)

I keep wondering if Trump will get away with all his crimes, as potuses and the very rich tend to do, or if – hope against hope – he will be the exception …

4 years ago

Naglfar wrote on
July 9, 2020 at 10:52 am:

@Alan Robertshaw

In other Supreme Court news, the court also ruled that the eastern half of Oklahoma is under Native American jurisdiction for legal purposes. Not sure what will happen in practice as a result of this and a lot remains to be seen, but once again it shows that even conservative justices are getting tired of Trump.

? And when we say (Yeeow!)
We’re only sayin’
You’re doin’ fine, Oklahoma!
Oklahoma! ?

The case concerned Jimcy McGirt, a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation who was convicted of sex crimes against a child by state authorities in the Nation’s historical boundaries. He said that only federal authorities were entitled to prosecute him.

Shit, that’s fucked up.

4 years ago


I keep wondering if Trump will get away with all his crimes, as potuses and the very rich tend to do

I can pretty much guarantee he’ll get away. He’s done so many illegal things it’s hard to know where to start prosecuting. Even if states try, he’ll probably just leave the country to escape, and it’s unlikely any action can be taken then. Sigh.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago


I’m not so sure. He may be rich, but he’s not as rich as he claims to be, and most importantly, his money is not that old. Plus he didn’t go to the right schools. George W. Bush, for all his faults, had the right sort of New England background for the GOP leadership. Trump is an interloper who’s damaging their brand. The Lincoln Project is getting very aggressive in their ads. (Sidenote: I’m not comfortable with TLP. But they are effective.)

Nixon got away with it because he had deep roots in the GOP party. Trump doesn’t have that.

I’m not saying he will get what he deserves, but he’s already not getting what he wants, and it’s driving him up the wall.

4 years ago

@Victorious Parasol
Even then, he could relatively easily just fly to one of his resorts in another country and camp out there for the next few years. That seems within the realm of possibility. Though we can still do many things to make him unhappy, as the court has been doing lately, we may not be able to bring him to justice.

Or, if we do catch him, he could probably pull an Epstein to avoid having to face trial. Cowards are alike in that they don’t want to face the consequences of their actions.

4 years ago

I would like to point out that if Trump leaves the US for a country which has an extradition treaty with Iran, then Iran *really* wants to put him on trial for the missile strike which killed Qasem Soleimani and a bunch of other people. I don’t know which countries those are (couldn’t find out from a quick search) but it might reduce his options. Or he might just blunder into that.

4 years ago

The general movement over the world is that corrupt old white man actually get thrown in prisons. The white nationalists trash hard in the air because they are losing their grip on society, albeit at a glacial pace. I believe either Trump succeed in changing that direction, or he will get in prison.

In a lot of sense, the Trump presidency is pivotal, not just because of how nakedly corrupt he is, but also because he is either the dying scream of an era or the begin of the renewal of that same era. I sure hope it’s the first.

4 years ago

He’d probably head to his club in Scotland, and the UK does not have extradition treaty with Iran. He could stumble into another country which does, but I don’t think many countries do have extradition treaties with Iran right now (the US ended existing extradition treaties with them in 1980 and it seems others did the same around that time).

I think a big factor in his election was that a lot of racists saw him as their last hope to renew, as they felt they were losing ground. Only time will tell if he renewed the corrupt era or was its last ditch attempt.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

He’d probably head to his club in Scotland, and the UK does not have extradition treaty with Iran.

Nope. We don’t.

We do, however, have a usually (unless they’ve pissed us off again) very robust extradition treaty with the USA. He’ll not come here.