By David Futrelle
Last week, we celebrated Stefan Molyneux’s YouTube ban. Now the wannabe philosopher racist has managed to get himself banned from Twitter as well, reportedly not for anything he said but rather for “platform manipulation,” specifically fake sockpuppet accounts.
I don’t have much to say beyond “good riddance,” but others have been posting their responses to his banning on Twitter. So today I’m going to go all Twitchy and show you some of my favorites.
Let’s start with the eggs — referring back to Stefan’s weird and creepy obsession with young women’s eggs, particularly those belonging to Taylor Swift.
There were some who took a moment to remind us of some of Stefan’s Greatest Hits.
But it’s this tweet that may be Stefan’s real masterpiece:

I have so many questions. Why is the shoe so small? Why don’t the shoe and the egg cast shadows? And most importantly, WHY ISN’T HE WEARING A SHIRT.
For more of Stefan’s Greatest Hits, on Twitter and elsewhere, see the links here.
Good night, sweet prince. Go work your grift on Telegram.
H/T — @RationalGenius, from whom I borrowed the “cult leader banned” meme,
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I once got dogpiled by Stefan Molyneux fans after he quote-tweeted me saying the Industrial Revolution was funded by imperialism and slavery. That was fun.
I ended up with my mentions full of comments of the calibre of “how could slavery have funded the Industrial Revolution when slavery existed before the Industrial Revolution checkmate lib”. Such a shame that I won’t have to put up with that again.
Am I the only one who read his weird last meme in a more trans-related light, as in “choose between staying an egg and coming out as a woman?” It is added to by the fact that The Matrix was made by 2 trans* women and the whole red pill thing was probably a metaphor for transition. I’m pretty sure Stefan didn’t mean his meme that way, but that was the first thing that jumped into my mind when I saw it.
Anyway, this was my favorite Molyneux moment:

Honestly good riddance.
Also, today’s my birthday!
Happy Birthday Miri!
Happy Birthday!
The whole thing with the red and blue pills was most definitely a metaphor for transition.
Do high heels delay the menopause?
That’ll always be my favorite too. Especially the line “being an attractive young woman…”
Because that’s totally a thing that real attractive young women say.
In the ‘beautiful exchange’ tweet, I nearly fell over laughing at the bit where someone reacts to Stefan’s posting of a picture of the port in Hong Kong with a comment about ‘Hong Kong is basically a Science Fiction set’…
The person quoting it said “This was the worst/best: Stefan’s shocking revelation about the port in a *checks notes* port city”.
And somebody else comments “In fairness you can’t expect someone to know what a port normally looks like when they’ve spent most of their life in London (UK), Toronto, and Montreal.”
Ow. Ow.
It’s like when trolls show up here and say “As a female I think insert MRA/GGer/MGTOW talking point.”
Since Stefan was banned from Twitter shortly after Graham Linehan, I’m next hoping JK Rowling gets banned.
I wonder if dear ole Jordan Peterson will be happy. Now it will be harder for Stevie Mollies to fight for the position of Most Important Online Philosopher EVAH!!
@tim gueguen
I doubt they were rivals, so Jordan will probably just use this as evidence for how straight white men are silenced.
Yet another round of a manosphere darling whining about how he’s been silenced. SILENCED, he insists! Listen to him explain how he’s been gagged by the evil feminist anti-patriarchal conspiracy. Then buy his book about the horrifying experience of being deplatformed.
Someone, please explain the shoe/egg thing to me! It looks as if I am meant to choose between a shoe and an egg. First of all there’s only one shoe. I need two shoes. But also, if I’m hungry I obviously want the egg and not the shoe. But if I want to leave the house I can’t wear an egg on my foot. And again I have two feet. I would need two ( if one could wear eggs).
I think the intended meaning (see above for what I actually got out of it) was that if women want to dress up in high heels and be out in public they sacrifice their fertility, so it’s a choice between having a public life and being able to have children. Which obviously is inaccurate, because AFAIK high heels do not cause infertility. Then again, what do I know, I’m just a silly woman who doesn’t even have eggs to begin with.
@Naglfar, thanks for explaining that! I think your interpretation of the picture makes sense…I could not figure out the shoe vs egg. (That’s “makes sense” for a given value of “sense”, of course; there’s precious little sense there to begin with…)
Folks, thanks for the welcomes in the last topic’s comments! I have given myself a very strict internet-rationing since I have a tencency to overdo my online time, and tbh I mostly use it up by looking for cat gifs. I do read WHTM, just don’t usually comment (though I very much enjoy all your comments!)
Honestly, I’d never seen that “people of different races can’t take organs transplants from each other!” assertion before and I was a bit blindsided by it. Like, I knew that Molyneaux was breathtakingly racist, but I didn’t realize he was at the level of “different races have fundamentally incompatible organs” weirdness. That’s jusy baffling.
Do we know if Molyneaux has retreated to Gab or somewhere else to weep over the “Death of Free Speech”?
Since Stefan was banned from Twitter shortly after Graham Linehan, I’m next hoping JK Rowling gets banned.
What would be the pretense, though? Linehan had a well-documented history of obsessive behavior that often bordered on harassment, as well as open violations of Twitter’s policy against misgendering.
I wasn’t that surprised that Stefan thinks that, I’ve heard transphobes insist that AMAB people cannot receive organs from AFAB people and vice versa (this was in the context of a weird argument about whether uterus transplants should be available to trans* women if they become safe), so this didn’t seem all that different.
It appears he was on Parler and Gab before this suspension, so I’d guess he will carry on there.
JK has been pushing the transphobia pretty hard lately, she’s misgendered at least a few people and has taken up Graham’s place in quote tweeting and directing harassment at people with many fewer followers, in addition to repeatedly doubling down on her transphobia. It seems when he got banned, she saw a vacancy to fill. A casual vacancy, as it were.
Much like Graham, she’s also been losing followers quite rapidly, since May she has lost upwards of 300,000. She still has 14.3 million, far more than Graham at his peak, but they are leaving much faster than Graham’s ever did.
@Naglfar – Thanks. I would have looked around myself but honestly, I don’t like to go on Twitter because it’s bad for my mental health.
Personally I think that for a lot of people, getting banned from that godawful site might actually be a blessing in disguise.
It very well could be good for many to have a break from it, though for Graham et al it may be too late, for many it could prompt some reconsideration and turning around.
I think the shoe is supposed to represent specifically dating/clubbing, since women often dress up for these activities. StefMol is vewy vewy concerned that (white) women might be having too much fun to settle down with an appropriately oppressive white nationalist hubby before our eggs all dry up!
Where it breaks down is in the quote he chose to borrow. I haven’t actually seen The Matrix, but isn’t the original quote something like “Take the red pill, and you’ll see how deep the rabbit hole goes?” In other words, the red pill is being offered as the superior (albeit risky) option. Whereas StefMol applies it to the shoe, the option he wants women to reject. And he further mucks it up by replacing “rabbit hole” (a passageway) with “wall” (a barrier).
0/10, StefMol fails symbolism forever.
Wut. I… How? There are no X- and Y- chromosome antigens. That’s not how genetic compatibility works. Do they think that AFAB and AMAB people can’t give each other blood transfusions as well?
I mean, I know that it’s ridiculous to expect any kind of logical reasoning for bigots, and spurious medical assertions are like catnip for cranks, so I should have been expecting this, really..
I find it funny that using that reading, one could say he is suggesting women should do the riskier option, the shoe, and that that will show that “the wall” is a myth, so it all twists around to make way more sense than he intended.
I don’t know whether they think that, but it wouldn’t surprise me, seeing as a lot of them seem to have very little grasp of biology. Better not tell them about how some people have chimerism (though this is rare) and have both XX and XY cells or about microchimerism (much more common), meaning that most people with XY chromosomes have at least some cells (mostly immune) that have XX chromosomes that they received while in utero. The opposite transfer also happens, in that most XX people who have been pregnant with a fetus with XY chromosomes have some immune cells with XY chromosomes. Biology is amazing and complicated, and it’s really dishonoring the field that bigots reject so much with their 6th grade level interpretation.
Wait! How did George Washington survive after having had teeth transplants from his slaves??? OMG, he died because he was poisoned by the not-white teeth, wasn’t he? (I mean, the teeth themselves were probably white, but we know what I mean.) That’s why they covered up where his fake teeth came from and claimed they were wood, because they couldn’t admit what he died from, right?
(Am I conspiracy-theorising right?)
And I’m just a silly woman who doesn’t even have high heels to begin with.
I once had eggs — but no more, at least no viable eggs.
If only I had heeded the advice of Stefan Molyneux, MA. Then I wouldn’t be in the position I am today: No high heels. Also, no eggs.