By David Futrelle
Are Maocels now a thing?
The Twitterer who calls himself @mass__line is a South Asian Maoist living in Canada. He’s also, he says, a lifelong celibate, but by no means does he consider himself an involuntary one; he’s proud of this virginity. Indeed, he considers his continued celibacy to be part of his duties as a revolutionary.
In other words, he’s taken those lines in the Beatles’ “Revolution” — “But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao/ You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow” — and turned them into a lifestyle choice.
@mass_line’s recent Twitter feed is filled with fervid denunciations of sex, which he considers a counterrevolutionary act; his Tweets read like a weird mixture of Chairman Mao, Andrea Dworkin, and Reverend Moore from Footloose. “We must view sex as an act that the enemy commits,” he explains in one tweet. “We are a People’s Army not a house of coitus,” he declares in another.
Well, that’s one revolution in which, to paraphrase Emma Goldman, there will be no dancing.
So is this a genuinely Maoist thing? I’m obviously not a scholar of Mao Zedong Thought, but my understanding is that life in the Red Guards was indeed pretty sexually repressed.
It’s also my understanding that Mao himself fucked constantly with an assortment of partners, at least according to his former personal physician.
I somehow suspect that @mass_line would dismiss such reports as fascist propaganda. It takes a lot of self-gaslighting to remain a Maoist in this day and age.
Ah well, at least @mass_line is something of a break from the regular old incels and their whining.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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No wonder incels think they’re so oppressed if 50+ comments in a thread counts as “making a big deal”. What are proportions or such anyway.
Also kind of weird to try to make socialists look stupid by purporting to be Maoist, but okay.
Well, I’m guessing our incel visitor probably doesn’t know the difference between Maoists and socialists. Most right wingers just lump everyone to the left of themselves together and label them all as “communists”, “socialists”, or misuse some other term.
Incels think their oppressed because one time when they were 13, another 13 year old said something mean to them about their face and now that means everyone of the female gender is awful and opressive to incels. They are the biggest narcissistic cry babies I have ever seen, and I’ve read thread with neo slave in them. They are a community of neo slaves and that dude who was obsessed with playing and masturbating to porcelain dolls.
This isn’t new. There is a tradition in left-wing circles to abandon sex until the revolution. You can imagine how this does wonders for recruitment.
“There’s three things to know about Maoism:
1) “Marx Has Said”
2) “Mao Has Said”
3) “Questioning Correct Verdicts”
Maoism is a cult of personality where the leader’s directives are considered correct because the leader spoke them. The world has a LOT of those right now….”
Wait what? I don’t think you understand anything about maoism at all. Maoists reject cult of personality and dogmatism. These directives aren’t viewed correct because the leader spoke them but because they agree with them, if they would just uphold anything any leader said then they would probably support pol pot as well since he considered himself a maoist too, even though he supported deng xiaoping and had several fascists in his government as a hilariously bad understanding of the principle of new democracy. Mass line and all these anti-sex maoist twitter accounts are mostly joking as its some sort of meme in the maoist community, I say mostly because I’m not sure about “mass line”, but these statements are so ridiculous that it should be obvious that they aren’t serious or don’t construct an actual threat as no one would follow these ideas, as with people who unironically uphold pol pot.
Also, if maoists uphold a cult of personality, then why would they reject sex? Mao had 10 children, so he had sex at least 10 times. It’s really bizzare to think that these people aren’t joking.