By David Futrelle
Seems I wasn’t the only person to take note of the Daily Stormer’s growing excitement over sexbots and artificial wombs, which the Stormers think will render real human women obsolete and help to solve “our white reproduction problem.”
Over on Incels.co, one prolific commenter called Sparrow’s Song posted a link to the Stormer article about sexbots I wrote about yesterday, declaring that “the Daily Stormer is on our side.”
“It seems like this time around, the Nazis are trying to save the untermensch instead of dispose of them like femasites [women] want,” he wrote.
This is ideal, I cannot love a foid and a foid cannot love me, a waifubot is more human and worthy than a fembeast unclean animal.
Somehow I suspect that those “waifubots” would get pretty unclean pretty quickly, but never mind.
Add ectogenesis to fun, or as I like to call them, Uberwombs, and not only will every man have a reason to live and finally have their reproductive human rights recognized, but men would also never have to breed with genetically subhuman landwhales who produce deformed incel sons who rope.
English translation: Add artificial wombs to the mix and men will be able to pass their genes onto the next generation without having to have procreative sex with “genetically subhuman” fat women who would give birth to ugly male children destined to become incels and kill themselves.
Foids have nothing to complain about, they can turn their chad harems into physical dwelling places and have their animalistic, heartless, barbaric, and hateful blood orgies of death and bullying among themselves and their chads.
How do you change a “harem” of Chads into a building? What is this dude even talking about?
Ugly and fat foids can get chadbots and artificial creampie procedures, they have nothing to complain about it. This technology isn’t misogynistic, this technology is MERCIFUL GRACE.
Now, there are certainly many commenters on Incels.co who are sympathetic to white nationalism and the rabid antisemitism that comes along with it, but most of those in the comments took issue with Sparrow’s Song’s new enthusiasm for the Daily Stormer. For some, the Nazis are simply normie “cucks” who worship white women (though this is clearly not the case with the highly misogynistic Daily Stormer crew). Other incels, many of them not themselves white, are less than thrilled by Nazi racism.
But one commenter called turbocuckcel_7000, another prolific poster who, like Sparrow’s Song, has more than 12,000 comments to his name, sees some sort of alliance with the Stormer crew as both inevitable and good. While he dismisses the “older patriotic types” in the far-right milieu who are “very proud of their achievements in finding a wife and … lionize their daughters,” he’s enthusiastic about the
men on the younger side like those staffing the Dailystormer who are actually in touch with the new generation and the magnitude of the incel problem.
they see how having females in power everywhere simultaneously fucks up everything for rightwing purposes while accelerating the incel problem.
they also don’t lionize women like boomers, thinking of their wife as some kind of super-discerning judge of male worth, and their daughter as some kind of demi-god that’s better than most men.
they just see women as something to be controlled, much like the founders of all functioning civilizations see them.
this isn’t even an alliance by necessity, it just couldn’t even go any other way. both win when the other wins.
Misogynists of a feather flock together, and it seems likely that the incels’ and the Stormers’ shared hatred of women will bring them closer together over time, regardless of whether their weird pipe dreams about sexbots and artificial wombs ever come true.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Honor killings are still common in some countries. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if women who are pregnant out of wedlock meet that fate there.
The “if” is doing a lot of work here. It may be possible to escape, but I’m not sure how many do.
I’d like Friendly Neighborhood Incel to explain to me how he can use social shame to make me stop being aromantic without coercion.
Some definitely do, although they typically graduate from “incel” to “douchebag” from reports.
Bit O/T, but you know about town planning, so thought this might interest you.
@Alan Robertshaw
Interesting article. I see its point re: cities not being designed for women and about how skyscrapers are phallic. Although I’m not sure how to make vagina-shaped buildings, I do see how cities could benefit from being redesigned to cater towards women.
Mostly that headline makes me think about the first time I learned about erection engineers and had to exercise extreme levels of self control to not snicker all the way through the planning meeting.
But incel. I like having sex with my husband and the different partners we have. Why do i have to live my life the day way you think i should just because your such a shit head that no one will love you or let you into their body? Hmm?
I’ve given up hope for a lot of incels. They enjoy being miserable. They don’t know how to be happy and don’t want to be. They would find something wrong with the world even if they got everything they want. Their all basically just a bunch of death worshiping miserable scum bags that even the devil turns away form and says eeew
Nah PoM, he won’t.
We did – all the guys who’ve mentioned over the years that “There but for the grace of God” and annoyed everyone.
What we didn’t have to prevent it were a community of like minded sorts where faux misery and bullshit gets you cred.
@Friendly Neighborhood Incel
You haven’t answered our questions about WHO is feeding us a line that incels are terrorists and haters or WHY they are doing this.
I have my own theory about WHO says that incels are terrorists and haters: It’s incels themselves. WHY do incels do this? For credit. They’re proud of their terrorism and the hatred that underlies it.
Apparently it’s the “powerful high value men.” I think he’s trying to dogwhistle about Jews, but I’m not sure.
I figured it was men who can get a partner that they abuse and rape but incels can’t do that because they can’t even pretend to be a decent person for 5 minutes. They don’t have the charm and confidence of an abuser, but their would be abusers if they could get a partner.
I want the incel to explain to me though how his plan would get me to marry and sleep with a man who is beneath me instead of just choosing the man that is my husband again? Because if anything it will make women’s standards higher, not lower. If I could really only have sex with one person for the rest of my life and I had to choose that person super carefully, I’m picking my 5’6 muscles, dark, handsome, beautiful husband again for sure.
Oh, certainly. They’re abuser wannabes, who want to abuse women but think it’s too much work.
The way I read it, it sounded like he was advocating some sort of enforced monogamy/arranged marriage policy where women do not get to choose and are assigned a man. That sounds awful.
What I want to know from him is this: he said in his post that “It [freedom to choose partners] does not benefit women and in fact hurts them almost as much as it hurts low-value men” and that “I am genuinely regretful that so many western women will suffer when this happens.” I am curious in what way he thinks being a free human and able to choose partners hurts me or other women. Especially since I generally prefer other women over men as partners, which he probably thinks is a big no-no.
Is that what the enforced monogamy is? I also thought it was like I would get to choose one sexual partner for the rest of my life, but just one. So like any of the partner sex my husband and I do would be outlawed, and if I had sex outside of marriage it would be outlawed, and if I got pregnant outside of marriage I would be punished. But I also thought I at least got to choose the one I would get to have for the rest of my life.
I don’t know if there is a formal definition since it’s not really an academic idea, but in my experience the people who rave about the joys of enforced monogamy seem to think it would mean everyone is assigned an opposite sex partner. So I’m not sure if there would be partner choice, but I doubt an incel would allow for that since, as you point out, no woman would want him even then.
I don’t necessarily think that the “gentle” incels think that women should be handed out in arranged marriages. (Though I’m sure that there are plenty of entitled misogynists who that want exactly that.) That would be using “force”!
No, they want to pair together the removal of sexual freedom with the removal of economic freedom. (I.e. no or very limited career prospects for women, no welfare, etc.)
Therefore, women will need to marry someone in order to have their basic needs met, and they’ll need to do it as soon as their parents stop supporting them. And since you’re only allowed one partner, the prospects for marriage will be slim, therefore even the most undesirable incel will be able to get a wife due to the law of averages and statistics, and all of this without (technically) forcing women into marriage!
I wrote about it in the last page a little more succinctly.
I think they want it but they’re trying to sound “reasonable” so they don’t say it outright.
Oh so it’s just another case of them being cowards who can’t even come right out and say what they believe. You know that pisses me off so much, if your going to believe hateful crap, then come out with it. Don’t dance around it like a coward. At least own your shityness and if you don’t like how people treat you because of it, then change.
Incels always try to portray themselves as pathetic sad sacks whenever they are out in public, but we know what they are like when they are in their “safe” spaces. We know what they really want, and what they’re willing to do when they don’t get it.
I agree. If someone is going to be an asshole, they should make it apparent immediately so I know to avoid them. It’s like how I think it’s good that a lot of transphobes on twitter put a checker flag emoji in their name or bio, because it means I can easily see who is a transphobe and discard whatever they have to say and don’t accidentally follow any. The downside is that I sometimes end up ignoring non-transphobes who are into car racing, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.
The real issue is that that others might be fooled into thinking incels are just lonely men and end up sympathizing with them.
Fair. I should have more accurately said that I think they’d like it if they were given a government-mandated HB10 virgin sex slave, but they’re willing to propose a more “modest” system that they think will be more palatable to the normies.
This also gives them the plausible deniability that the alt right runs on—they can say “we don’t actually want [extreme solution], we were just joking, instead we want [toned down thing],” when really they want the extreme one.
Clever move, letting my comments through only after I left so it looks like you got the last word… typically deceptive strategy.
So are you going to answer what I asked you or do you not want to do that know because it shows how much of an ass you are? come on coward answer the question.
And I’d like to know the answers to my question as well.
You said previously that feminism and the sexual revolution have hurt women “almost as much as low value men.” How does it hurt women that we are considered people and not property?