
Daily Stormer: Sexbots and artificial wombs will render women obsolete and “solve our white reproduction problem”

At the White Baby Hatchery

By David Futrelle

Like a lot of his fellow Nazis, The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin is worried about the declining white birth rate — and the prospect of being “outbred” by people of darker hues. As he sees it, the main bottleneck has been what he sees as the “unregulated” white woman, unwilling to have babies in sufficient quantities and also not particularly interested in dating Nazis like him.

But Anglin is now convinced that both of these problems have been solved by SCIENCE — the sex problem by sexbots and the white baby problem by artificial wombs.

He seems most excited by the former. In a recent post on the Stormer, Anglin hails the development of sexbots that can hold a converstation with their owners — if by “conversation” you mean that these robots can respond with prefab comments to certain questions, like an AI-enhanced Chatty Cathy doll.

But this is more than enough for Anglin, who sees these rudimentary conversation skills as being more advanced than the conversational skills of actual human women. “[H]uman females cannot have conversations,” he asserts, before dropping a bit of copypasta: “All they know is McDonald’s, charge their phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie.”

With sex and conversation taken care of, all that’s left to worry about is the baby making, and Anglin is convinced that recent experiments with sheep prove that artificial human wombs are not only possible but could soon be widely available.

“We will have sex with the robots, and we will grow our children in plastic bags,” he writes.

They’ve already done this with a sheep, you see.

A sheep is a mammal, so all of the dynamics for doing it with a human are already there.

The sex robots will also be better mothers than any human female could ever hope to be.

Basically, we’ve solved our white reproduction problem. Now we just need to implement the program.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ Catalpa

That all takes me back a few decades. We were debating this back in law school. It also crops up a bit when people are looking at ‘personhood’ cases for non-human animals. It’s what factors need to be present to take a being from product to be exploited to person to be protected (sentience, intelligence, self awareness, genetic make-up etc).

4 years ago

@Catalpa : that’s exactly why I say it’s ethically dubious at best. It’s the one who can be somewhat be justified, and it’s *still* at best very dubious.

I do believe there is a continuum between bacterias, animals and plants, and humans, and that we should give right based on actual ability*, but I am also very aware of how quickly racists and fascist would use that kind of reasoning to justify atrocities.

*it’s, quite litteraly, ableist and I am aware of that. It’s probably fine to discriminate against bacterias on the basis of their ability, but where one should stop is subject to debate. I tend to see deep coma without possible recovery as being equivalent to not being sentient, and conversely being open to some animal being sentient, but I can easily see how one can use that to deny mankind to any non neurotypical human, and that’s a problem.

4 years ago

All they know is McDonald’s, charge their phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie.

I was going to say that Anglin needs to meet smarter women. But, on second thoughts, he needs to meet no women ever.

4 years ago


What is… hot chip?

4 years ago


Realistically, the bigger use fot in-vat grown humans would be organ transplants

Um, what? How does this follow?

If it helps, it probably isn’t very realistic at all. There’s a 15-20 year lead time on getting adult-sixed organs out of your vat, after all. Child-sized ones aren’t so useful, and may be actively dangerous. All that and you’d still be stuck with the host immune rejection issue if you hadn’t also solved the cloning problem, too.

“Bioprinting” full-sized organs seems like it would be likely to be a solved problem within 20 years of being able to make an artificial womb and human clones that could survive to adulthood, and would remove most of the inconveniences and ethical issues.

1) Vat-grown humans would be somehow less human than people produced by regular reproduction or by artificial insemination, and thus it would be ethically acceptable to kill them in order to harvest their organs. (Yikes)

Shades of Never Let Me Go.

2) Vat-grown humans would somehow be designed to develop without any higher-order brain functions, thus it would be ethically acceptable to kill them

Such a human might not be able to develop fully functioning organs. Growth and development are complex and biological systems are messy with everything depending on everything else. You need some level of brain development that you’d then have to damage after enough development of the rest of the body had occurred. The Epsilon caste in Brave New World would be an example of that in fiction, with deliberate perinatal asphyxia to stop them thinking too much in later life. It’s another layer of ethical issues on top of all the rest, if they weren’t already enough.

4 years ago


They: There you go, women, a working artificial womb! What do you say to that?!
Women: Oh, this technology will help those in need to avoid the hurdles and dangers of a pregnancy. This is very handy.
They: Wait, what?

I know this subject is vastly more complicated (as has been pointed out in previous comments), but it always baffles me how many men seem to think that the only reason there might be a need for artificial wombs is to replace women and not, you know, make stuff easier for them.

Yes! The ultimate labour-saving device! (I won’t take my coat off … 🙂 )

(considering how these people seem to feel about sometimes having to be the ones to use actual labour-saving devices that they mentally categorise as doing “women’s work”, such as washing-machines, dishwashers, food-mixers etc., you just know how they’re going to feel about having to make the effort to operate an artificial womb)

4 years ago

Basically, we’ve solved our white reproduction problem. Now we just need to implement the program.

And let’s invade Russia! We don’t need any winter clothes, we’ll be in Moscow by then.

4 years ago

So he’s assuming women would donate egg cells to his cause? Or is he going with sheep’s, since they’re mammals and therefore basically the same thing anyway?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ opposable thumbs

(I won’t take my coat off … ? )

Don’t worry about it; I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to slip “Womb with a view” into the conversation.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


That’s scary dystopian propaganda you’re spreading. There’s no reason to think that the easiest way to produce a heart for transplant would be to grow an entire human being around it, instead of growing just the heart alone. A heart alone has no ethical problems in using it for transplants, and that’s what would happen. People are already working on this and it looks promising. Don’t make people afraid of cloning tech on the grounds that we’re going to be growing whole people and then parceling them up for parts, because that’s nonsense that would never happen, for practical reasons in addition to the basic ethical ones.

occasional reader
occasional reader
4 years ago

eat hot chip

Is it not supposed to be bonbons ?

we will grow our children in plastic bags

Knowing how much he hates children, that sounds even more horrible and yiky…

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw 😀
(Changing Wombs? Or perhaps what they feel entitled to is a Womb at the Top)

4 years ago

Re: organ transplants
What I hope becomes possible is to decellularize and recellularize organs, because that would make it possible to construct organs from the recipient’s own stem cells onto a template and would prevent rejection of the new organs.

It would also remove the need for human surrogates for people who have difficulty carrying a pregnancy, a practice which is risky and which some women are forced into. Or for couples who want children but where neither has a uterus.

@Alan Robertshaw, opposablethumbs
A womb of one’s own?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

we will grow our children in plastic bags

Oh, you mean the kind that have “KEEP OUT OF REACH OF BABIES AND CHILDREN” printed in big letters on the side? Because plastic bags are a suffocation hazard?

4 years ago

If the future gives us realistic sexbots, do you think we could trick these bozos to accept a realistic childbot? One of those wouldn’t suffer from being kept in a plastic bag and being left to be raised by a sexbot. It solves the problem of where the eggs come from, too.

4 years ago

Im not sure how to make a robot that grows like a child, but maybe we could create an immersive VR system that simulates that they are living with a sexbot and children in an all white place. Like the Matrix, but it keeps Nazis out of our way.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Look, growing babies in plastic bags is an obvious step – we’ve had Gro-bags for decades now – but does Anglin really think he can afford all the traps he’ll need to keep Lara Croft out?

4 years ago

I never want to read “sexbot” and “childbot” in the same sentence, kthx.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
4 years ago

Well, Gigolo Joe in A.I. was quite helpful to David on his quest to find the Blue Fairy, so apparently some sexbots are good at caring for kids. Oh wait that was a movie.

(Am I the only one who thinks Joe was the mecha in that story who *actually* developed free will? All the human scientists were agog over David, but he was just following his programming to be the perfect child.)

4 years ago

If they start with sheep ova and Nazi sperm, they can finally have their sheeple to lead. No black sheep allowed, of course.

“Go forth from your baa-racks, my woolly army! To baa-tle! We will baa-ricade their roads! We will baa-rage their cities! Throw them baack from their walls! Make them abaandon their fields, and graze upon their defeat! Glory to the sheeple!”


Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
4 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks Joe was the mecha in that story who *actually* developed free will?

Dunno, it’s the sort of thing I’d be inclined to program in from the start if I were building a sexbot. Sort of a failsafe to prevent sexbots responding inappropriately to kids, which is something we’d really not be wanting to happen.

4 years ago


Erk, I didn’t realize how my post would scan, my bad.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

“All they know is McDonald’s, charge their phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie.”

All Anglin knows is hang out online, spout hateful nonsense, and make lame jokes

4 years ago

They’ve already taken over the Welsh countryside!
comment image

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

@Tim Gueguen:

Anglin doesn’t seem to consider that non white men who don’t want to have relationships with women will also make use of sexbots and artificial wombs, counteracting any increase in white children those technologies cause. I also suspect he’d get very upset at his sexbot telling him no, they can’t have sex with him, because they’re currently involved in child rearing activities. Like feeding and changing the baby, giving them needed social interaction etc.

So, will you introduce Anglin to Valerie 23, or shall I?


Realistically, the bigger use fot in-vat grown humans would be organ transplants, and that’s already at best a divisive and difficult ethical question.

Given we will most likely be able to grow just the desired organ, I’d wager that the bigger use for in-vat grown humans would be slave labor. As someone pointed out, no family ties. If the artificial womb tech is sufficiently unregulated, it would be easy to grow humans “off the books” who nobody will advocate for, because nobody will know they exist. The same thing will happen that already sometimes happens to unaccompanied by child refugees who are found by the wrong people, such as traffickers, the Mafia, or Donald Trump’s ICE.

The only way to eliminate such evils is to guarantee a basic level of rights for every human, including the stateless, and to have some international watchdog org that tracks all births and all children, or at least monitors nation-states for compliance with some treaty governing the treatment of human children, placing such obligations on nation-states. And, when the tech is eventually developed, to closely monitor and regulate the proliferation of artificial wombs capable of producing human offspring.