By David Futrelle
There are a lot of people who try to leave comments here that break most of the rules of the site. Some of the comments are just plain annoying or offensive; others have a certain spark of weirdness to them that inspires me, if not to let them through moderation, then to present them to you all.
Today’s is one of the weirdest I’ve gotten so far, from a fellow who evidently thinks he has figured out a way to make both incels and trans women happy at the same time. How, you wonder, probably imagining the worst. I’m just going to let him try to explain.
Why can’t you just put transwomen or effeminate boys to become women through a state mandated girlfriend or wife program so that lonely men can have somebody and not be by themselves?
You know that no actual women born that way would be involved and you could still do as you want?
Most effeminate boys will not be accepted by any job anyway and are poor as heck. They are better off having their sex changed and assigned to men to balance out the lack of partners or women for men. Especially if you know that ‘transwomen’ could be able to have children of their own soon.
Why not give them a husband who can provide for them as well as give them a place to live?
So, yeah, big “yikes” for this one.
I’m not sure if this guy is trolling or not, but either way this is quite an extraordinary example of whatever the hell it is.
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I guess in the incel ideology, being forced to fuck and being forced to not fuck are equivalent. And actual forced medical transition and actually forced sex, with actual force, are equivalent to not picking up a new supermodel every week.
That thing about forcing effeminate boys to become trans women. Umm. That’s right out of The Female Man by Joanna Russ. The gonzo MRA society you meet at the end of the book has an enslaved caste of trans women (and just plain abusively feminized men) to sexually entertain the male leadership in lieu of AFAB women, who have all fucked off underground to build their own society.
This incel isn’t even being as original as he thinks. Russ wrote The Female Man 50 years ago.
@Alan Robertshaw
I don’t know if there is a way to make that, but it would be great if there was. The best part is that by the time the sticker rubs off, the people probably wouldn’t remember who gave it to them and wouldn’t be able to take retaliative action.
I don’t think incels see them as equivalent, seeing as they don’t seem to care about rape victims but think not having sex is worse than death. So, it seems they think being forced to not have sex is far worse than being forced to have sex.
@Alan Robertshaw
We had something similar here in Germany. Activists handed out free T-shirts at some neo-Nazi rock concert with an aggresive looking band logo. Upon washing, the logo disappeared and the text underneath read “Was dein Hemd kann, kannst du auch” (“what your T-shirt can do, you can, too”) with the contact details for Exit, which helps neo-Nazis leave the scene.
(link in German)
So yes, it is possible.
Edit: scroll right to the bottom for a video in English.
@Alan Robertshaw
I would suggest a light-fast underprinting and a trojan overprint in ink that degrades under UV.
The only issue with UV is that it might come off too soon if people are just holding the stickers in sunlight. They need to apply it to their vehicles first because once bumper stickers are on they are generally a huge pain to remove and since people don’t usually check their own stickers once they’re on, it could go undetected for a bit. What about something that dissolves in rain?
@Alan Robertshaw: I really like this idea and will ask some of my tech-savvy friends.
@Daughter: WOW. How wonderfully creative. I am in awe.
I find it telling that he apparently thinks “it wont affect YOU” is a convincing argument. I feel like this is a Voight-Kampff test and he failed.
There is a whole body of research into making dyes fast-degrading under (environmental) UV, because the purifying of water depends on it. These mostly rely on TiO_2 nanoparticles as a catalyst, e.g.:
Water-soluble layers could be damaged by sweaty fingers or the condensation that would naturally occur within the packaging if the stickers undergo changes of ambient temperature, as they would if they were stored overnight in a cold warehouse.
@Lukas Xavier
The one question conservatives regularly ask me that I don’t know how to answer is “Why do you care about (issue x) when it doesn’t affect you personally?”
I mean, I HAVE an answer: “Because I care about other people.”
But them having asked this question clearly shows that they will not, indeed probably cannot, understand that answer. They do not care about anyone but themselves, and cannot conceive that others are not as terrible as they are.
So I don’t know what to say.
Otrame said
This. A million times over to the millionth power.
@Alan – I kind of love that idea. The drawback being that it possibly amounts to vandalism and the Carrion King’s chief henchman would have the DOJ hard at work investigating every single count.
That does seem like an issue, I hadn’t thought of that before. It would need to break down slowly under UV though so it doesn’t do so before they put it on their car.
They also refuse to accept that they are terrible, so they project it onto everyone else as a defense mechanism. This is also why they constantly accuse others of virtue signaling or ulterior motives, because they can’t understand being a good person or treating others well without some sort of sinister reason.
IMO it’s not vandalism, as the people chose of their own free will to put the stickers on their cars. That being said, I’m not sure if the courts would agree with me so it would be a risk. And I don’t know if there is any US legal precedent for anything similar.
I usually say they’re an odd sort of Christian and walk off. If they are Christian, it pisses them off. If they’re not, it really pisses them off.
And I’m good with that.
Somewhat relevant to the OP:
TERFs are once again getting angry about the possibility of uterus transplants for trans* women in the future. Nevermind that this isn’t happening now and won’t be for at least a few more years, and that it will be limited to very few who can afford the procedure and take the risks associated, nevermind that all uterus transplants performed on cis women have been from living donors (usually older relatives who have given birth before), but apparently TERFs now want to opt out of organ donation altogether to guarantee no trans* woman gets their uterus after death.
Or maybe they think trans women are the Chads of the wlw dating scene and are jealous?
@Moon Custafer
Well, the idea of “transtrenders” implies that trans* people are cool and trendy, so they might think this.
I do recall one post I saw somewhere (can’t find it now) in which a college student who was a lesbian TERF was upset because she had a crush on another girl in the on campus lesbian group, but that girl refused to date her because she was a TERF and ended up dating a trans* woman in the group instead.
TERFs do seem to have a lot in common with incels, I recall another one having a meltdown about how many non-binary people were attractive to her but wouldn’t date her because she refused to acknowledge their identities and insisted on misgendering them.
Of course TERFs would opt out of organ donation out of the fear that someday a trans* woman might be helped.
Why would they care how many of the cis woman and girls that they claim to be protecting might suffer and die as a result?
I also wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of TERFs also panic about the idea of receiving transplants or transfusions from the “wrong” people, given their “biology is destiny” fixation.
I assume they’re collateral damage, like the masculine cis women who will get assaulted in bathrooms, or the infertile cis women that TERFs will not acknowledge as women, or the women they sent death and rape threats to for supporting trans* people.
It reminds me a bit of Portlandia Season 5 Episode 3, in which Candace, a parody of a second wave radical feminist, needs a heart transplant but refuses to receive one from a man and throws it away instead. The show had its issues for sure, but that does seem like how a TERF would react.
OT but very relevant and important to this blog:
Reddit just updated their rules and banned 2000 hateful subreddits, including r/The_Donald, r/ChapoTrapHouse, and r/GenderCritical (and the backup r/Gender_Critical). It’s about time. I’m glad they’ve done this finally, but it’s very frustrating they took so long.
Unfortunately, numerous misogynistic manosphere subreddits are still up, including r/MGTOW, r/TheRedPill, and r/MensRights, so there is still a ways to go. We need to keep the pressure on Reddit to remove these as well, misogyny is a real issue.
There are also other TERF subreddits remaining, such as r/TrollGC (which has gone private, maybe to avoid reporting), r/LGBDropTheT, and r/ItsAFetish. Keep reporting these, they are just as hateful as r/GenderCritical and should be banned as well.
…and Mumsnet reacts.
Glinner and GenderCritical banned in one week, JK Rowling loses thousands of followers, this is a sad week to be a transphobe. Taste the sweet tears, they taste of schadenfreude.
I especially like where it says that “r/GC was the last female run space where women don’t have to centre penis in every interaction.” Umm, TERFs seem to spend more time thinking about penises than porn producers, urologists, and teenage boys combined. They chose to obsess over it.
Interesting. Looks like the pink pill subreddits are gone, too, which is going to make the pinkpillers lose their everloving minds if TRP is still up.
I know that T_D was experiencing some admin-induced mod shakeups recently, showing that reddit was trying desperately to save the sub and not ban it.
Pink pill? What’s that? I know about the red, purple, blue, black, grey, and white pills, but I’ve only ever heard pink pill in the context of transitioning (as a nickname for estrogen).
Its a good start, isn’t it?
Interesting quote from the CEO, too:
Oh, definitely, it’s good, but I mean there is still a ways to go. My fear is that Reddit will look at this and say “we banned these hateful subreddits, now we’re good, nothing left to do” and then it will stagnate progress.
It’s very telling about what values he may hold if his values contradict human decency.
The pink pill is like a cross between the red pill and the black pill but for feminists. It reduces male behavior to biology – all men are like that because men are biologically like that. And “like that” means inclined to rape and violence due to too much T. Men have no capacity to empathize the way women do, and no ability to experience emotions other than lust or anger. Pinkpillers believe that masculinity is toxic, not because of socialization, but because of biology. Men were not socialized into this behavior, and cannot be taught or socialized out of it; they are a lost cause, and women are better off becoming political lesbians and Going Their Own Way.
All the pinkpillers of my experience have been trans-exclusionary, and it’s hard to see how they could be otherwise with this kind of evil-is-located-in-the-scrotum ideology. They refer to men as scrotes, and only semi-ironically as moids. Trans women are predatory men, and trans men only want to become men to escape misogyny.