By David Futrelle
There are a lot of people who try to leave comments here that break most of the rules of the site. Some of the comments are just plain annoying or offensive; others have a certain spark of weirdness to them that inspires me, if not to let them through moderation, then to present them to you all.
Today’s is one of the weirdest I’ve gotten so far, from a fellow who evidently thinks he has figured out a way to make both incels and trans women happy at the same time. How, you wonder, probably imagining the worst. I’m just going to let him try to explain.
Why can’t you just put transwomen or effeminate boys to become women through a state mandated girlfriend or wife program so that lonely men can have somebody and not be by themselves?
You know that no actual women born that way would be involved and you could still do as you want?
Most effeminate boys will not be accepted by any job anyway and are poor as heck. They are better off having their sex changed and assigned to men to balance out the lack of partners or women for men. Especially if you know that ‘transwomen’ could be able to have children of their own soon.
Why not give them a husband who can provide for them as well as give them a place to live?
So, yeah, big “yikes” for this one.
I’m not sure if this guy is trolling or not, but either way this is quite an extraordinary example of whatever the hell it is.
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That took some mental pretzelry.
I have no desire to fuck incels. I doubt any other trans* woman here does either. And I get the feeling that if this happened, any incel assigned a trans* woman would probably kill her and demand a cis woman because incels don’t see us as women.
This is one creepy chaser.
Because we’re humans, not property? And most effeminate boys do not want to be women, there are gender non conforming cis boys.
Nice transphobia. I really hate the phrase “born women” or “born men” because most people are born babies. This isn’t Merlin or Benjamin Button.
If uterus transplants for trans* women are ever possible and if I ever get a uterus, I sure as hell will not be letting any incels near it.
Why not give more money to those in poverty and support LGBT people? A much better idea.
New idea: incels can have sex with other incels. That way nobody else gets dragged into this.
This strikes me as a creepy guy trying to nonconsensually drag others into his kink.
So… nobody told him that some trans people are straight and some are gay and some are bi, et al.?
Seriously, Incels. You want sex? There is a way. It won’t be easy. Not for you. But if you persevere you can do it. What is the trick?
Treat everyone around you decently, as if they were at their base, just like you. You know, human. People are much more likely to fuck you if you treat them nicely, treat them as equally human, equally of value. The hard part is you have to mean it, because, trust me, chico, women can smell a woman hater across a crowded room.
The ugliest man I ever met in real life has been married for more than 20 years to a woman who is spectacularly beautiful. She told once that she first fell for him because he paid no attention to her physical beauty. He just treated her like a person. (Of course it helps that he is a brilliant, funny, gentle guy—why yes, I did have a bit of a crush on him, why do you ask?)
Thus endeth the lesson.
Trans women already deal with enough bullshit as it is. The last thing they need is to have incels feeling entitled to their attention.
I think the implication was that trans* women should just be raped by men whether they are attracted to them or not. The majority of trans* people identify as either gay, bisexual, or pansexual. Less than 20% surveyed said they were solely heterosexual. Nevermind that most trans* women who are attracted to men probably still don’t want to fuck incels, I’m bi and I am repulsed by the thought of being near an incel, nevermind having sex with one.
This also isn’t the first incel to suggest this.
This really isn’t the trans* inclusion I asked for.
My username is proof enough that you have to really work to make Futrelle decide not to let your posts through.
Oh, he doesn’t care if his government mandated girlfriend is attracted to him. In his little fantasy, she’s there because she’s been coerced into it out of desperation for transition healthcare. He would probably prefer she’s there nonconsensually.
I’d assume because “the state” has somewhat less than zero right (or ability) to tell someone who to fuck. That’d apply to both transwomen AND incel.
The guy really doesn’t get the idea of autonomy, does he.
The right wing perspective in general seems to be a little hazy on the idea of autonomy for others; it’s all “rules for thee and not for me” over there. This is how we get “freedom conservatives” who want to ban gay marriage and abortion.
Also just a heads up for the future, it’s generally better to write “trans* women” as 2 words, spelling it as one word has some transphobic connotations. Same goes for “trans* men,” etc.
*The asterisk is optional, I use it but many don’t and it’s not a big deal.
Thanks! Was lazy and copied his spelling. Won’t do it again, and I apologise unreservedly for upsetting anyone.
I’ve seen with the asterisk and without. Never sure of which to use.
(Personally when I’m talking, I tend to skip the trans completely – a trans* woman is a woman and a trans* man is a man, far as I’m concerned.)
Science Theory:
Incels are the explanation for the Fermi Paradox. The Galactic Community found out about our civilization and was about to welcome us, but then while studying our communications they found Incel sites, took one look and NOPED right out of Solar System. This was the right move.
What did non-binary women do to deserve such a fate? Good gawd.
I really don’t think this would go well and is more a testment to this person’s fetishes than reality. A number of surveys have shown an overwhelming majority of cis people just aren’t willing to give us trans folks a chance (only 12% of all cisgender participants of all sexualities in one survey were willing to date a trans person… and hetero cis people almost completely excluded them, as only 1.8% of cis straight women and 3.3% of cis straight men showed any willingness to date a trans person of their preferred binary gender). My own experience bears this out as the vast majority of trans people in my circle are with another trans person (or are with multiple trans people if they’re poly). Assigning a trans woman to an incel is most likely just asking for violence against her.
It’s no big deal, thank you for understanding.
Crip Dyke explains it better than I could in the comments at Pharyngula. I use the asterisk, it used to be more common in the past but some still use it today. It seems to mostly be a matter of personal preference at this point. TL;DR is that it emphasized unity of different kinds of people at a time when there was a lot of community infighting, because the asterisk is a wild card character on many operating systems.
What I find interesting is that in most surveys, cis lesbians are more likely to be willing to date a trans* person than any cishets or cis gay men, yet TERFs are always screaming about how trans* women somehow are erasing lesbians. Just goes to show how out of touch with reality TERFs are.
@Naglfar – When I clicked on the link I got a page not found message. Could you please repost it? I have always wondered about the *.
You are also completely correct about them being “rules for thee but not for me.” I have recently seen a number of posts from people on social media talking about how being told to wear a mask violates their constitutional rights who are also hardcore “pro-lifers”.?
1. Big Chaser Energy.
2. Do they think us trans women can’t get dates? I’ve been happily married to my (trans) husband for almost 20 years now.
Sorry about that, does this link work?
In addition to Crip Dyke’s historical explanation, I’ve also heard some other justifications like inclusion of non-binary genders.
If abrogating human rights via government-sponsored indoctrination programs is the plan …. why add all the extra steps? Obviously, the state could just scrub the ‘cel brains instead.
Whenever I see photos like the one above, of the soup kitchen line – I wonder: Where are the women? Where are the children? Who feeds them? It never looks as if the men are holding bowls or containers to take soup away with them, rather that they are being fed at the kitchen and then they leave.
I’m both personal friends with and follow on Twitter a lot of feminine guys (what can I say, I have a type) and for all the jokes that get made about forcefem, I don’t think any of them would actually want it to happen.
Query for all the clever technical and arty minded people here.
Is there a process where you could make a car bumper sticker that had a permanent undercoat and a water soluble topcoat?
I’m thinking of something where the permanent sticker can say something like Black Lives Matters or the Pride flag but initially the top layer has the Confederate flag or Trump 2020; until it rains.
Then people can hand them out at NASCAR events or Trump rallies.
What is it with you guys who lack companions and so demand that people be enslaved to fulfill your wishes.
Thanks for bringing to my attention the fact that women assumed to be female at birth will be unaffected by your proposed program.
US News and World Report disagrees:
Sorry, guys who can’t find a companion are going to have to do what everybody else does: attempt to show that they’re worthy of a companion.
Incels appear to never, ever think anything through. People don’t want to be enslaved.
If it work for clownfish, why wouldn’t it work for human ? Don’t answer that question.
(ok, ok, the clownfish model is more that they all start on the male and transition to female once at top of the heap, but there’s the same energy of transition based on status)
I give up on humans. I think I’ll be a dragon full time.