By David Futrelle
I usually write about the sorts of guys who, let’s face it, society could do with less of. Today, I want to highlight an example of the kind of guy we could use more of — because he’s happy having less of a certain item that too many men see as synonymous with masculinity: the dick.
Today, this brave soldier in the dick wars put up a post in Reddit’s UnpopularOpinion subreddit declaring, nakedly but unashamed, that he actually likes that his rod is smaller than average.

Bravo for having such a healthy attitude towards Mr Johnson. The size of one’s penis has virtually no effect on the quality of the sex you have; small dicks can bring pleasure to both partners just as effectively as large dicks. And studies show that women overwhelmingly don’t care about penis size — indeed, they worry a lot less about it than men do.
All hail Small Dick Energy!
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@Weird Eddie:
I have some bad news for you.
I enjoyed That Mitchell and Webb look at the time. It’s too bad that Webb now self identifies as “gender critical” and wrote a book about it.
I wonder if any of these chumps have ever considered that men who are 6’8″ or more aren’t actually the happiest people, because of how damn hard it is to constantly be hitting your forehead on the ceiling when you get up in the morning, not to mention the constant crouching to get through doors and the almost impossibility of taking an airplane; and if they did consider that, whether they might make the leap to considering that great height or size in other areas might have disadvantages too.
OK, fine, I don’t actually wonder, because that would require them to be capable of a leap of imagination, and of conceiving the possibility that people other than themselves might have problems.
I also wonder if any of them take girth into account, or if they’re entirely obsessed with length. Most women I’ve heard express an opinion have said they’d take short and stocky over long and spindly any day…
@ rabid rabbit
I’m only 6′ 2″ but I like 18th Century pubs; and that’s a combination that presents a lot of dendro-cranial interface incompatibilities.
@Rabid Rabbit
In another thread I mentioned a friend who is 6’8” and how he finds clothes shopping and travel difficult. It also means he has to look down or crouch to make eye contact with most people. On occasions when I’ve been in public walking around with him, I imagine we’re a sight to see, as I’m about 5’6”.
This is probably because for PiV sex, short and stocky = stimulation of more area and stretching which some like, while very long = hitting cervix, painful. That could also be painful for the penis haver, as repeated impact like that can cause penile fracture, which is more likely with long dicks anyway. I have been fortunate never to experience that, but I had a science teacher in high school who (unsolicited and apropos of nothing) told the whole class about his experience with it and it sounded quite unpleasant.
Sigh. I didn’t know about that.
What is it with Brits and TERFism? Is this a side effect of not fluoridating the water or something?
I’ve always assumed it’s something to do with the long tradition of British men dressing as women (pantos, Monty Python, etc. etc.). Suddenly the Brits heard about trans people, and got terrified that this tendency might actually say something about their national identity, and went off into the deep end of TERFism to protect themselves from the thought.
I’ve seen a few theories about it and it all seems to boil down to colonialism. The British Empire used the idea of an immutable sex binary to oppress native people in regions they colonized (which is why the TERF argument that trans* women are “colonizing” womanhood is especially shitty IMO). Colonialism, misogyny, and cisnormativity are closely intertwined.
It is worth noting that British transphobia does seem to be the product of a very vocal minority, the GRA consult revealed that 70% of the population wanted reform and supported self-ID, but a very vocal minority with government power shuts it down each time. As elsewhere, TERFism is mainly an ideology for middle to upper class white people.
@Rabid Rabbit
I think there could be a connection, but the other way. People saw men in drag on television programs like Little Britain, many of which were depictions intended to mock trans* women, so people saw that and thought that that was what trans* women were and decided to hate them based on that stereotype.
We just have our share of arsewipes too.
@ naglfar
Indeed. The general public here seem pretty supportive of trans people. Weirdly it’s people who should now better, like trades unions, who seem all second wavey. What I found surprising, but heart warming, was all my Nan’s friends were really cool about trans folks. You’d think that generation might be a bit old fashioned about it.
But I think that’s because they don’t really follow the politics of it all. Their views are formed solely on the basis of this character.
Which shows the importance of representation in the media I suppose.
@Alan Robertshaw
GMB has had some backlash lately because they tried to partner with Mumsnet. And TUC tried to appoint Debbie Hayton, a self hating trans* woman and TERF token to be on their LGBT Committee. So yes, it seems the trade unions have some issues. I don’t know about how unions work in Britain, but in the US unionized labor doesn’t have as much power as in prior decades, so I’m not sure what effect this has for most British people.
Re: age
Most TERFs seem to fit into 2 main age groups:
1. Teens-20s: these are often young lesbians and other women who have entered the TERF movement after being told that women’s rights were under attack by trans* people without the frame of reference to understand that this is not the case. Many leave when they realize that TERFism is often misogynistic and homophobic, and we are currently seeing a large exodus of ex-TERF lesbians (Amy Dyess being a notable example) talking about how they were groomed into it and how it’s a cult. Notably, this shows how much TERFs are projecting, as they constantly accuse trans* people of being a cult, grooming, and regularly talk about some sort of looming wave of detransitioners.
2. White folks in their 50s and 60s. A few have had prior involvement with feminism and some are political lesbians from the second wave (like Julie Bindel), but most of these people are conservative and had no prior involvement in feminism until becoming TERFs. It seems it’s a convenient way for many to be transphobic and homophobic while covering it up with pseudo-feminist rhetoric. Some are also former C list celebrities looking for attention. This includes people like Graham Linehan, Posie Parker, Baroness Nicholson, and others.
Speaking of TERFs, Graham Linehan has just been suspended from Twitter. A great start to the weekend/Friday night/whatever time or date it is where you are. Expect a lot of butthurt transphobes within the next few days.
From what I understand he believes in a very naïve form of the just world fallacy and thinks it’s impossible to make money dishonestly. If someone on youtube claims that they invented a UV light that cures COVID-19 and makes money off this, that means they were telling the truth because if they were lying nobody would believe them. He was completely incredulous when I tried to suggest that people can make honest mistakes or be uninformed. There are only obvious lies, obvious truth and brainwashed fools who need to WAKE UP!
Oh yeah I try to avoid talking to him but our jobs force us to work together. I mostly keep it to short work talk because even aside from his politics his idea of human interaction is like this:
So poor people regularly lie to try to get money, but also if you manage to make money, that means you must have been telling the truth?
Is this like a quantum state thing where the truth of something is retroactively dependent on the outcome that gets produced? Or does he just believe that poor people are honestly so stupid that they will constantly engage in something that 100% has no chance of working? (I’m guessing the latter, since shitheads like this seem convinced that poor people have no redeeming characteristics and are entirely at fault for their situation.)
Just world beliefs are a hell of a drug, man.
Not only did Graham Linehan get banned or suspended from Twitter, but Jack Posobiec got hilariously chased away from an anti-racism protest
I am glad that glinner got permabanned. He’s even whining about it on mumsnet
I’ve long got the impression that many/most of us men have some innate sense that having a large penis is a good thing – the larger, the better. Whether this is some evopsych thing or just a cultural quirk is another matter. This is then often rationalized as something to do with sexual prowess. Understandably, women especially end up trying to interpret men’s penis size obsession from the sexual function angle, if at all.
Relating to what I wrote above, it seems that measuring/estimating the length it easier than girth, or otherwise it just feels more obvious for those who like to discuss penis size. There’s also probably some general assumption of high correlation between length and girth, or between flaccid and erect size. Usually in penis size discussions the premise seems to be erect size, but sometimes that’s not clear at all.
Laurie Penny has a recent article on this question. I don’t think I can adequately summarise it on three hours’ sleep, so I’ll just leave the link here.
After being suspended from Twitter, Linehan went to whine on Mumsnet, where this happened:
I eagerly await the day when everyone rejects Glinner and he sits alone in a dark room regretting all his choices
O/T, but might be of interest to some peeps here:
@An Autistic Giraffe
At this point I’m mildly curious if he thinks the Earth is flat. There are many videos about that.
Interestingly, these are also the same people who think that they are destined to be rich and would be if not for some conspiracy against them. The doublethink is surreal.
Oof. How the mighty have fallen.
One of the accounts responding to him is called FeministFrequencyFan. Who wants to bet that same person now hates anything to do with FemFreq since Anita is trans* inclusive and Carolyn Petit is the managing editor?
This is related to the topic of TERFs in Britain and might be of interest to some here:
TL;DR is that Allison Bailey, one of the founders of TERF group LGB Alliance, barrister, and “theoretical bisexual,” has completely forgotten about the Maya Forstater case and decided to sue Stonewall and her chambers because she claims they “treat people such as me who hold gender critical beliefs as being bigoted and unworthy of respect.” She claims that it is sexist discrimination against women because she thinks most TERFs are women (which I don’t think is true anyway).
Update: the crowdfunding site Bailey was using to fund her case terminated her crowdfunder. Still doesn’t seem to realize she has no case.
Wasn’t there a study done once which showed that men automatically and instinctively check out animals’ genitals, i.e., faced with a horse, men’s eyes quickly and involuntarily flick to see if it’s got a dick? I can’t help but wonder if this is connected.