By David Futrelle
I usually write about the sorts of guys who, let’s face it, society could do with less of. Today, I want to highlight an example of the kind of guy we could use more of — because he’s happy having less of a certain item that too many men see as synonymous with masculinity: the dick.
Today, this brave soldier in the dick wars put up a post in Reddit’s UnpopularOpinion subreddit declaring, nakedly but unashamed, that he actually likes that his rod is smaller than average.

Bravo for having such a healthy attitude towards Mr Johnson. The size of one’s penis has virtually no effect on the quality of the sex you have; small dicks can bring pleasure to both partners just as effectively as large dicks. And studies show that women overwhelmingly don’t care about penis size — indeed, they worry a lot less about it than men do.
All hail Small Dick Energy!
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I feel like the obsession with big dicks has less to do with the desire to pleasure one’s partner, and more to do with men defining themselves as Not Woman. Women (cis women at least) have the smallest dicks of all, their dick size being None. And too many men want to be the opposite of female, which means big dick, the bigger the better.
Personally, having a small dick is the best of both worlds: a smaller target with plenty of room in my shorts, but can still pee standing up.
I’ve heard smaller dicks are more sensitive than large ones, but I don’t know if this is true.
The whole idea of big dick = manly is harmful to small dicked cis men (and cis men in general) and also to trans* and intersex men, as well as penis havers who aren’t men (though it hurts those individuals in a different way). I would like to see this idea about big penises and masculinity stop, as I think many people would feel better without it.
And I present, the best parody metal song about having a tiny penis (very NSFW lyrics):
1103 comments at the time of the image being collected.
One wonders very much how THOSE went…
I wouldn’t know, as I’ve never had a dick bigger than my own, but I have heard that larger ones do have a harder time getting hard.
Until we somehow develop the ability to switch one phallus for another to do actual comparative tests, no one will. It’s not as though there’s anyone out there with more than one to give us a comparison. Although that would be fascinating…
“Well, I do seem to get a bit more response from #3, as compared to #1, but honestly that seems to be balanced by #2 and why are you all staring at my crotch instead of listening?”
@ Robert
I struggle to change vacuum cleaner attachments. So that’s not an area of research I’m particularly invested in.
That would make sense, as there would be more blood required. I recall reading an interview with Jonah Falcon, an actor (not porn) who may have the largest penis of any human, and he said that it’s hard to get it up and when he does he gets lightheaded.
@Robert Haynie
That day seems to have already come (pun not intended), but so far the side by side comparison has not happened and still probably won’t due to difficulty and risk of complications.
I’ve seen the same argument made for small breasts vs. large breasts; as I recall, the theory is that everyone has the same number of nerve endings there, but naturally, in smaller organs they’re more concentrated, and the organ therefore more sensitive.
If it is true for breasts, which I imagine would be easier to determine (though I don’t know what effect surgery in either direction would have), it seems logical that it would hold true for penises.
@Rabid Rabbit
I would assume most breast surgery (both augmenting and reducing) would decrease sensation, as nerves often get severed inadvertently, hence why women with implants sometimes have trouble lactating. I don’t know about reducing but I would assume similar risks apply re: nerve damage.
In addition to being smaller, the clitoris in AFAB people has more nerves than a penis does, so it’s possible small penises have more nerves total, in addition to being more dense due to smaller size.
(TMI warning)
As someone with vaginismus, I nave never understood the “big dicks are better” argument. Or, well, I understand intellectually why toxic masculinity encourages such thoughts. But on a practical level, big dicks look excruciating to receive, and I have indeed heard of cis men who possess them complaining that it’s hard to have PIV sex without accidentally causing pain or discomfort to their partners.
In a world without stigma surrounding these things, there would be a dating site for people with vaginal pain disorders to meet people with so-called micropenises, and it would be glorious.
Anyway, this post was refreshing. Good for this guy and I hope at least a few other cis men viewing the post have second thoughts about dick insecurity.
OT, today I spoke to the alt-righty guy at work I normally try to avoid, he told me that yes he does believe that the coronavirus can be killed by shining a UV light down your throat. He believes this because those who told him this are rich, and rich people never lie. Poor people lie, because they want to get money, but rich people are always honest because they already have lots of money and don’t need more. Also this can’t be a lie because lots of people believe it, and why would anyone believe it if it wasn’t true?
And yeah, I’m the one who “believes whatever the media tells me”.
Body shaming in all its forms is shitty, and I think the world would be a much better place if folks with penises weren’t constantly taught to put so much importance on their dick. People shouldn’t feel ashamed of their bodies for not conforming to some arbitrary standard.
@an autistic giraffe
Wait, if lying is a method by which people get (or at least attempt to get) money, and rich people already have a lot of money, shouldn’t that be an indication that rich people are very, very good and prolific liars? And if the lying is clearly working so well for them, why would they change their behaviour now?
I guess that’s too much logic to expect to apply.
Way back when it was vaguely amusing (and it’s author was merely eccentric, not a confirmed arsehole) Dilbert had one or two strips on “The Secrets of the Rich.” The punchline was “they don’t want more company,” and they’ll tell you all sorts of stupid shit to keep you out of their wee club.
On the subject of the actual post, it’s been my experience that it’s the guys with the really big dicks that get the most teasing and jokes from other men. Should really stop hanging around with a bunch of beta orbiters in a recon battalion, I guess.
> Robert Haynie
I suppose that a horde of Walters write back about how wrong this is and how big endowed persons should lead the others, like the king with the bigger scepter should rule them all.
Sadly, the only long stuff about less than medium sized penis and less than medium sized persons is the endless litany of “ha ha, you are short on both accounts !”, almost always by other men.
I found this.
It is quite disturbing.
Another layer of far-right organizing backing Trump, militias, boogaloo bois, and the religious right, with links to Anders Breivik and other neo-Nazis:
@An Autistic Giraffe
This sounds like a way to get throat cancer.
I know plenty of poor people who are satisfied with what they have, and yet most rich people seem to want more.
This is an especially dangerous idea right here. The idea that something must be true because many people believe it is a key tenet of fascism. Hitler spoke about the “big lie” and the concept may have originated with Nazi Germany. This is also equivalent to 2+2=5 in Orwell’s 1984.
I’d recommend steering clear of this guy in the future. Seems like bad news and like he’s likely to transmit the coronavirus.
@ autistic giraffe
BRB, just need to find a goth nightclub.
@an autistic giraffe
I hope he gets fired.
@ Alan Robertshaw:
@ weird eddie
I have a really basic vacuum cleaner; one of those ‘Hetty’ things. She has a couple of electrical switches, and some variable position levers on the brush bit. I still have to run through a checklist like I’m trying to fire up an Airbus 300.
@ Alan Robertshaw:
Me ‘n’ technology…. I come from a time when a TV had one switch, and one dial — and a coffee pot didn’t have either one.
I struggle mightily with anything that has moving parts… or transistors.
Give me a stone hammer, I’m good.
O/T: TERF Helen Joyce has now outed herself as a fan of Douglas Murray, one of the main promoters of the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. As always, scratch a transphobe, find a racist.
@Naglfar : big surprise here indeed. Bigotries stick together. There’s a reason for which so many racists are also misogynist and why far rights of different continents, who logically should think of each other as inferior races, still get along just well.
On the topic, I concur with the peoples that remind that an abnormally big penis is a problem, and I would hypothesis that it have to do with how it give men a measurable, out of their control, explanation for sexual pleasure or lack thereof. If you believe the size is everything, no need to try to get better ; humans are super fond of simple explanations.
I would also say that the fact too big a penis hurt the women is probably part of the appeal to the toxic masculinity crowd. Maybe it’s only in France, but seriously a lot of euphemism for sex imply that it should harm the woman. Things like (translated from french in case they aren’t universal) “she won’t be able to walk tomorrow” or “she can’t sit after what she took” or even the number of reference to screaming.
Half of this is how a real man break things and don’t take care of his belonging ; half is domination banter. Either way that’s disgusting and one of the prime reason for me to never discuss casual sex with men, almost alway the way to express it make me want to puke.
It’s not just France, I’ve heard that in the US as well and I would assume similar euphemisms exist elsewhere.