
The Proud Boys are single and ready to mingle on their new dating site

Proud Boys are standing by!

By David Futrelle

Hey ladies! Do you like men? Were you born with a vagina? Is your love life utter shit? Are you sick of Tinder and Bumble and OkCupid and all the rest? Are you so lonely and so desperate for a man that you’d consider hooking up with a member of a violent, far-right street gang named after a song from Aladdin?

If you answered “yes” to all those questions, you will be amazed at how much in luck you are. Because the fine gentlemen of the Proud Boys have just started up a miniature dating site JUST FOR YOU.

You don’t even have to bother with picking out a Proud Boy of your own. All you need to do is to fill out a short profile on the Proud Boys web site, attach a couple of pics (nudes appreciated) and the Boys will search your area for eligible fellas to send your way.

“We’ve been asked by many women to start a Proud Boys dating site,” the Proud Boys explain.

If you are one of these women and would like to meet Proud Boys in your area, fill out the form below and your information will be sent to a chapter close to you. Send nudes, boring pics or any other information to [email protected] and it will be forwarded with your info.

Antifa women, you are welcome to request a date as long as you have a vagina and have had it your entire life.  Please shave and shower before coming to see us.

Based on the photos and videos of Proud Boys I’ve seen over the years, it appears the shaving and showering requirement doesn’t apply to them.

So what sort of info do the Proud Boys need in order to match you up with one of their own? Don’t bother describing yourself or listing your favorite films. The Proud Boys want just the facts, ma’am: Your age, your height, your weight, your bra size and how you would rate yourself on a scale from one to ten. Oh, and “HOW MUCH ALCOHOL AND DRUGS CAN YOU CONSUME?”

And don’t worry, these guys aren’t just looking for cheap sex; they hope to impregnate their proud lady dates so they can, as the site helpfully explains, “repopulate the west.”

It all sounds so easy, I can hear you saying. What’s the catch? Well, the catch is that you’ll have to date and possibly be impregnated by a Proud Boy.

I guess that’s kind of a big catch, huh?

H/T — The Daily Dot

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago

It’s also worth noting that trailer parks are precarious living situations, somewhat by design. The people living there may own the mobile home they live in, but they don’t own the land beneath it, which means they can be evicted; some of the usual rules about capping rent increases don’t apply; and many ‘mobile homes’ aren’t actually particularly mobile.

This is one of the beats that Slactivist has been talking about for years, so much so that he has a tag for it on his blog:
His take is that the best way to deal with the general situation is to have the people living there own the land as a co-op.

To quote from one of his articles:

This one is in Virginia. It’s the familiar story of working-class Americans who own their homes, but not the land beneath them. The landlord who’s been collecting their rent on that land for decades neglected to maintain the community’s sewage system, which the city of Manassas now says would cost too much to repair.

Two possible expenses here: One is the cost of a loan that would allow these homeowners to purchase the land beneath their homes and to repair the now-condemned sewer system. The other is the cost of eviction borne by 49 families, all the moving and transition costs for them and their communities, the cost of all those children being forced to switch schools, the potential future costs of their increased reliance on social assistance, and the fact that even after all of that the city would still be stuck with the condemned property which would still be unfit and unsellable due to those leaking sewage pipes.

My guess is that the latter cost is higher just in absolute dollar terms. And it’s immeasurably higher if one accounts for the costs that don’t appear on a stunted dollars-only balance sheet.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ jenora

Same story here.

Often already vulnerable people, and just get exploited even more.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Something else to remember about mobile homes and manufactured housing is that stick-built houses tend to appreciate in value, but manufactured houses depreciate instead. Land tends to appreciate as well. So in a trailer park, the appreciable asset (the land) is owned by the landlord, while the depreciable assets (the homes themselves) are owned by the residents. The residents bear the cost of depreciation, while the landlord does not.

They are also subject to eviction with, usually, little protection, since their leases are month-to-month and more eviction protections apply to renters, compared with technical homeowners.

It’s expensive to be poor.

4 years ago

@Jenora Fuer

and many ‘mobile homes’ aren’t actually particularly mobile.

They never were, nor were they ever intended to be. They aren’t ‘mobile homes’, they’re ‘Mobile homes’, originally manufactured in Mobile, Alabama.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago

@Alan, Policy of Madness:
Given the number of stories I’ve seen like the one above, where the landlord let the sewage system collapse, or others where the landlord just kept increasing rents to drive people off (since manufactured housing like that has different rules about rent increases) so that the land could be sold to a developer to make more money… it makes me curious as to whether or not somebody could apply the concept of ‘constructive dismissal’ to eviction.

Granted, that gets us back to the ‘It’s expensive to be poor’ issue anyway, since the people living there are unlikely to be able to afford much in the way of legal fees.

(For those unfamiliar with the term, ‘constructive dismissal’ is where an employer, rather than firing someone and then being required to pay severance, actively makes working there intolerable for the employee until they quit. Many jurisdictions have specific rules treating that as essentially firing them, but it requires documentation and legal support.)

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


Constructive eviction is a thing, where the landlord changes the locks, or turns off the power, or in some other way makes living in a place intolerable to impossible, without going through the courts to get a formal eviction. That generally does not apply to raising rent beyond someone’s means, but definitely would apply to letting maintenance decay to the point where you can’t flush your toilet.

But, again, eviction protections are usually aimed at people renting houses or apartments, not people who own houses but rent the lot. Some jurisdictions are better at extending those protections to lot-renters than others. But there’s usually nothing that prevents a lot-owner from just ending the lease at the end of the term (and since these are usually month-to-month leases, the end of the lease term can be next month) and making the resident move or forfeit their home.

Even under the best circumstances, a manufactured house can be worth next to nothing in as little as 30 years.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
4 years ago


Mobile, Alabama does seem to manufacture mobile homes, but the idea that mobile homes are named after Mobile seems to be a Snopes Lost Legend.

4 years ago

@An Impish Pepper
Did you actually read the text before you posted that? Try doing so in future.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
4 years ago

I did, including the link at the bottom.

4 years ago

I did, including the link at the bottom.

That section … it’s my favorite part of Snopes. 😀

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ jenora & POM

it makes me curious as to whether or not somebody could apply the concept of ‘constructive dismissal’ to eviction.

That is a thing here; and it doesn’t just entitle the tenant to damages and/or re-entry, it’s actually a criminal offence.

All to do with a landlord called Rachman. To the extent the offence is often referred to as ‘rachmanism’ even by the courts.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago

@Alan, Policy of Madness:
Interesting. Didn’t know that, as the only two times I’ve really been involved in a landlord/tenant situation (once on each side) both involved people I’d known from University, and each ended amicably.

Of course, as Policy of Madness pointed out above, a lot of the usual landlord/tenant protections don’t seem to apply to ‘trailer parks’ in many jurisdictions, and that is much of the problem. Attach that to the fact that, as in the example I quoted above, the ‘system’ often seems to prefer spending more money to follow all the legal complexities and screw the people involved than it would just giving the tenants some form of ‘right of first refusal’ and loaning them money so they could buy the property themselves. Combined you end up with a system that actively shoots itself in the foot because people can’t bear to see poor people given a break.

In the U.S., the ‘ahh! communism!’ reaction is probably part of that, though I wish I could say that there isn’t that reaction in Canada too.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
4 years ago

I never knew about the Aladdin thing until now.
Isn’t it ironic that they named themselves after a song written by two Jews?

4 years ago

@Virgin Mary
I think they meant it to be ironic, the point was that they disliked the song.

4 years ago

Register a fake account as Freddie Oversteegen, see if they get the reference 🙂

Mark Shetterly
Mark Shetterly
4 years ago

Just to clear up some of the concerns expressed in these comments…

1. In no way do we want to encourage women to do drugs. We want the women who don’t need encouragement to do those things.

2. We have no problem with minority chicks. We have members of all ethnicities who have wives and girlfriends (and children) of all ethnicities. Personally I’m into Puerto Rican chicks but you have to be careful. They’ll cut you.

3. We’re not the guys who live in their mom’s basements. That’s AntiFa. We generally have jobs and families.

Just wanted to clear that up. Have a good’un. ?

ciera sims
ciera sims
4 years ago

hey people im single girl

4 years ago

Is dey Pwoud Boys? So, so pwoud! Dey were dry through the night, they made all gone wif their vegetables! So pwoud!

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 years ago

Cosplaying as brownshirts of the Fourth Reich does not count as “having a job”.

Just wanted to clear that up. Have a good’un.

Froyo Baggins
Froyo Baggins
4 years ago

SOOO looking forward to the inevitable flood of their inboxes with dickpics.