
Trump’s big coronavirus giveaway in Tulsa: Open thread

Have some delicious coronavirus!

An open thread to discuss Trump’s big rally/coronavirus giveaway in Tulsa. And whatever else you want to discuss.

No trolls!

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an autistic giraffe
an autistic giraffe
4 years ago

Is Trump trying to lose the election by killing off his supports? Or does he think that virus can vote or something

4 years ago

@ giraffe. A better question would be does he care if his supporters die from covid19.

4 years ago

Katie Hopkins has been banned from Twitter. Insert Ha-Ha caption.

4 years ago

Trump is a malignant narcissist. The past does not truly exist and is remembered only as what paints him in the best light. The present and future exist only to feed the tiny, constantly starving hole where his ego should be. Truth exists only in service of that.

He is not killing off his followers. The coronavirus vaccine ended the threat, remember? He is reaching out to the people, the ones who might vote for traitor Biden, because they are weak. But once they see his mighty figure, they will become strong again, and truly know that their purpose is to feed the hole inside him. And he will exist forever as the ruler of the greatest nation, and it will be glorious.

This, or something similar, is the absolute truth – because he needs it to be true, and for no other reason. All else is lies, vile lies created by lying monsters for the sole purpose of hurting him. There are others behind the scenes trying to be more strategic about things, but either they’re bad at this, or their efforts are largely futile in the face of the Trump whirlwind. Likely both, given how he surrounds himself almost entirely with incompetent bootlickers.

Don’t look for reason when he does anything. Reason is usually off in the corner whimpering in agony when the likes of him is involved. ?

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago

@ Snowberry

What vaccine now? Did I miss something?

4 years ago

@BTD : I guess Snowberry point is that Trump is too narcissistic to remember that it’s a lie he spun halfway. (he did try to get an exclusivity on future vaccine research)

4 years ago

I think as far as there’s any strategy, it’s to deny the virus so thoroughly that his voters are unafraid of going to the polls. He doesn’t mind if they die after they’ve voted.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago


But once they see his mighty figure, they will become strong again, and truly know that their purpose is to feed the hole inside him. And he will exist forever as the ruler of the greatest nation, and it will be glorious.

Somehow that reminds me of things I was hearing about Kim Jong-Un back in like 2013 or something.

North Korea: the nation that had a Trump-esque leader before it was cool. 😛

4 years ago

(I went a bit overboard with that last post on purpose, but to be clear if anyone’s confused: there’s no vaccine yet, and there probably won’t be one for awhile. The entire second paragraph is delusional, and that’s the point.)

4 years ago

There’s reports of a shooting, possibly two separate shooting incidents, at the Capital Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP/previously known as CHAZ) in Seattle. Reports of at least two victims, one DOA, and people on the scene are reporting a black man was shot by a white man.

Apparently a Facebook livestream is getting a bunch of laughing emotes in response. I saw some MAGAs laughing about it on Twitter, too. Just disgusting.

4 years ago

I am hoping that any potential protestors have the good sense to stay away from this event. Trump wants there to be protestors so he can use them to fearmonger towards his base. He wants there to be footage he can misrepresent so he can justify going full dictator. He wants a protest, we shouldn’t give him what he wants. Protest in other locations, but do not protest his rally, as that is exactly what he wants to happen.

I feel sorry for any liberal/left media that has to cover this event. Reporters are going to be forced to stay in close quarters and I’m sure Trump supporters will performatively cough on them to be obnoxious.

4 years ago

He wants there to be footage he can misrepresent so he can justify going full dictator.

He just tried to have Barr fire the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

You know, the one who’s investigating Parnas, Guilliani, etc and CAN’T be shut down by the Federal justice system, since he’s a state attorney.

(apparently he can be replaced by a Senate approved replacement – the courts appointed him in an acting capacity, since the Administration didn’t bother to do so. this means the only person who can fire him directly is Trump – in person.
There is no such Senate approved replacement – nor is there likely to be)

4 years ago

Just missed the edit window to add this to above:

In more Mammoth type news: The Proud Boys have launched a dating site to “repopulate the West.”

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
4 years ago


Reporters are going to be forced to stay in close quarters and I’m sure Trump supporters will performatively cough on them to be obnoxious.

I admit that I cannot watch Trump rally coverage, for my own sanity. Thus my question: do they do this sort of thing to Fox News as well, or OAN? Will the desire to spare favored networks harm outweigh the desire to harm unfavored networks if not, since all the networks will be crowded together?

Can reporters be forced to sign the waiver as attendees, or, as free press, are they exempt? Can murder charges be pressed if they get covid from purposeful coughing and die?

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ Big Titty Demon

Can murder charges be pressed if they get covid from purposeful coughing and die?

A law student did a pretty good article on how the law might apply here.

4 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that Trump is deliberately trying to maximize the coronavirus death toll, because it makes him feel powerful.

He needs that rush of power and domination. It is the only thing that matters. But it is fleeting, so the hunger always remains. In fact, as he feeds it, the hunger grows. Nothing will ever fill the void.

Trump is a wendigo.

4 years ago

Somehow, I doubt that many “Antifa women” will be applying for dates with Proud Boys.

@Big Titty Demon

Do they do this sort of thing to Fox News as well, or OAN?

I can’t say for sure, but I’d guess they see them as collateral damage, seeing as Trump has repeatedly called the media “the enemy of the people.”

The whole point of this specific event really seems to be to boost his mood, as evidenced by Jeremy Diamond. Unlike the emperor from Warhammer 40K, though, Trump is totally open about how he wants to sacrifice people for his own benefit.

4 years ago

Anyone have any thoughts about the current Matt Gaetz weirdness?

4 years ago


The whole point of this specific event really seems to be to boost his mood

Can’t they just buy him a Happy Meal or a colouring book? Or just medicate him? Much cheaper.

4 years ago


Those MAGgots only want fascism.

Back to the topic:

Why don’t we try and ban capitalism? Sure, it’s difficult in this environment but a lot of issues can be traced to it.

4 years ago


I expect that if Trump learned of the Golden Throne, he would insist that “scientists” build one for him immediately.

The trend for alt-right types to depict Trump as the (pre-Golden Throne) God-Emperor of Mankind is scary. Apart from the scary cult aspects of it, their depiction of Trump as the GEoM at the apex of his glory seems blissfully unaware of what happens after that.

The Emperor’s abject failure, and the corruption of everything he tried to build into a fascist theocratic hellscape, is not exactly obscure 40k lore. It’s the basic premise.

For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium, for whom a thousand souls die every day, for whom blood is drunk and flesh eaten. Human blood and human flesh – the stuff of which the Imperium is made. To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. This is the tale of those times.

Forget the power of technology, science and common humanity. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for there is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods.

It’s a great setting for a wargame, but who the hell wants that as their future?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago

@ Moggie

My First Thought (to get all Tiffany Aching here) was “If Gaetz was so proud of Nester being his son, why didn’t he brag about the kid earlier and more often?” Admittedly I’ve never been in a foster/unofficial adoption situation, but I have trouble wrapping my brain around a parent who declares they’re proud of a child and yet never identifies themself publicly as a parent. One of my former bosses is a white man who adopted two Black children, and he never wasted an opportunity to show them off. I don’t know him well enough to say if he was just being a proud parent or if he was trying to score points in his fundie circle. I admit my personal dislike of his leadership style makes it hard to be objective.

My Second Thought was “Gaetz still is wrong; he doesn’t know what it’s like to be the parent of a Black child. That’s what Rep. Richmond said. Why did Gaetz pick this way to deflect attention away from Rep. Richmond’s remarks?”

My Third Thought was “Are we SURE that the Lady G label belongs to Lindsay Graham?”

In other news, TIL I learned that other white people don’t understand that 14 and 88 are neo-Nazi references, and I had to try to figure out a way to explain it without spreading Nazi propaganda. I kept asking myself, “WWCAD* do?” And also tried to use my German professor as a guide; he was a USAF translator who helped free the camps and dedicated his scholarship to elevating the truth about the Holocaust, because that was how he saw his role in “never again.”

*What would Captain America do?

4 years ago


Can’t they just buy him a Happy Meal or a colouring book? Or just medicate him? Much cheaper.

Or just let him take selfies in front of a church again? He seemed to like that a lot.


It’s a great setting for a wargame, but who the hell wants that as their future?

I think they want it just to hurt others and they accept themselves as collateral damage. They care less about their own well-being than owning teh libs (see: the Tulsa rally, which thousands will attend for that reason).

@Victorious Parasol

My First Thought (to get all Tiffany Aching here) was “If Gaetz was so proud of Nester being his son, why didn’t he brag about the kid earlier and more often?”

Also, since conservatives love their minority tokens and shields, one would expect Nestor to make more of a showing to deflect allegations of racism.

“Are we SURE that the Lady G label belongs to Lindsay Graham?”

I could be wrong, but I thought it was stated that Lady G is a senator, meaning they couldn’t be Gaetz. Maybe I’m mixing up the details though.

TIL I learned that other white people don’t understand that 14 and 88 are neo-Nazi references, and I had to try to figure out a way to explain it without spreading Nazi propaganda.

I had to explain those to my mother on the phone the other day. She didn’t know what they meant either. I explained it by saying that the “14 Words” was a white supremacist equivalent of the Pledge of Allegiance (without saying the actual 14 words) and explained the 88 by asking her what the 8th letter of the alphabet was, then asked what that could stand for until she guessed it.

4 years ago

@Allandrel : I hate how the emperor and the empire was initially a deconstruction of the fascism ideal, and is now the shining example of the mythified fascism ideal, thanks in no small part to their editors that seem to think that it help sell minis.

If you ask yourself why they want to be the Emperor of 40k, read recent fictions about it. They toned down the decaying a lot, but not the authoritarism, making it look that it’s the authoritarism that make things work. The space marine are still shown as the iron fist of the empire, but a justified iron fist. All problems are solved by the application of space marines to it, who go in and kill the problem. Current police forces act like space marines in 40k, so showing them in a good light is problematic.

I much prefered the older depiction, where the emperor seemed perfectly aware of his humanity and tried (and failed) to control the worse excess that came with a human having god-like power and the control of a vast empire, and where space marines were the bad solution to everything.

That being said, Warhammer 40k was alway problematic, because at its core, the force of chaos show freedom and knowledge as the bad guys, the force that is inherently corrupted and bring down mankind. While that make for a particulary bleak universe, it’s also really not the kind of dystopia for mass consumption.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
4 years ago


Re explaining the 14 words as a perverted Pledge of Allegiance – that’s a good way to put it, and I wish I’d thought of it. I said it was a dominance move that translated to “you will not replace us!” I also made reference to Enigma for the 88 explanation, since the Allies were in part able to break the code because the Nazis just HAD to keep saluting their glorious leader.

And after all that hard work, I’m making a pizza crust for my lunch.

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