
Prolific incel commenter has an unexpected moment of clarity: maybe a constant diet of despair is bad for you?

By David Futrelle

Sometimes, even in the deepest recesses of, a little light can shine. Today, while making my way through such lovely topics of discussion as “With the way young girls dress, I wonder how many fathers secretly jerk off to their daughter” and “Why do ugly fat white women feel entitled to tyrones?” I ran across a post with the intriguing headline “Anyone else think that this site is a drain upon their mental health.”

Had one of the site’s regular users — a fellow named “goydivision” with nearly 1200 posts to his name — stumbled into what alcoholics call a “moment of clarity?” It seemed so.

In a rambling but sometimes quite pointed post, goydivision challenged some of the site’s “black pill” shibboleths and suggested that its atmosphere of intnse negativity about everything wasn’t necessairly helping anyone.

Like seriously, irl I don’t get mogged too much (truth be told I often mog landwhales both male and female) and I don’t really know any Chads irl. I see them around here and then but I don’t have to deal with them talking about their exploits all the time.

I actually think that the few people who have overwhelming negative experiences here, instead of normally keeping it to themselves, it is amplified multiple times to the other 199 or so people here.

He went further, challenging the regular cries of “it’s over” from his fellow commenters.

While the argument can be made that being ugly and incel or taking the blackpill is the source of this negativity, for the first, I honestly believe that around half (or less than half) of users here are merely misplaced normie mentalcels who honestly could betabuxx if they got off their ass, and a very small percentage being potential slayers who are just too retarded to do anything.

Honestly, I feel like the sheer despair of the blackpill is severely overexaggerated due to the very nature of this forum encouraging the “its over” mindset.

But, alas, goydivision hasn’t yet freed himself of most incel dogma.

The blackpill in itself shouldn’t keep you down because its more of a liberation, and instead of crying over spilt milk, it should rather be turned into growth in a positive way (whatever you want, careermaxxing, schoolmaxxing, etc).

I mean, if anything, we all should be fairly pleased (except for the fakecel high tier normies) that foids don’t want us, because, I mean, think about it logically. They’re all whores with no concept of loyalty and who obsess over Chad, so shouldn’t we instead realize that liberation from the rat race of chasing hypergamous females is a gift instead?

Well, that’s not great, obviously, but it’s a tiny step forward. A very tiny step.

Some of goydivision’s incel colleguages agreed that the site can be a little negative in tone and that, as one of them put it, “too much blackpills is not good for you all st once.” But others pecked at his argument in their normal nihilistic fashion.

“Having sub-par looks is a real drain on my mental health,” one commenter retorted. “I’m a subhuman and I hate my life,” added another.

A commenter called Atavistic Autist offered a bold if somewhat loopy strategy to overcome the despair of the blackpilled life:

I suggest that we get to the point where we can read the most brutal blackpill thread and feel nothing, not because we are dead inside, but because we have ceased to have a moral sense as based in disgust responsivity and considerations of social status at all.

We must become Nietzsche’s Superman, self-centered and yet not egotistical.

Or maybe don’t do that, because that’s one of the dumbest and most pretentious things I’ve ever heard from one of you guys.

Obviously goydivision has not shed himself of all or even most of the most hateful tenets of incel ideology. As his references to “foids” and “landwhales” suggest, he’s still pretty much a hateful asshole; indeed, in the comments he confesses that the main reason he still reads and posts on is that it’s “the only forum where I can openly discuss my hatred of females.”

But he’s beginning to challenge some of the incel dogma, and that’s something. Maybe he’ll go further; maybe others will follow in his footsteps. They say that optimism is the triumph of hope over experience, and it probably is, but I’m going to allow myself a little bit of hope here.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago


If your anti-Antifa then that means you’re pro-fascism, and it’s never been a secret that Trump likes and admires fascists.

4 years ago

I think we all know why. Ultimately unsurprising, but still awful.

4 years ago

They’re not even hiding the fascism any more. At this rate, the next MAGA caps will have skulls on them.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Not to mention the first sentence of the ad is 14 words long and there were 88 of those ads

comment image

4 years ago

My dude has it backwards. I don’t feel entitled to handsome black men, it’s that they’re occasionally likely to show open interest in my ugly fatassed self. I don’t know why this is, but it’s not like I’m going to reject positive attention because it might make some incel angry.

4 years ago

O/T: TERF group LGB Alliance has now declared that opposing gay marriage is not homophobic because there are many gay and bisexual people who aren’t married.comment image
This from a group that masquerades as an LGB rights group.

This also comes right on the heels of Baroness Nicholson, a major supporter of LGB Alliance, saying that she opposed gay marriage because she thinks it “devalues women.”

4 years ago


Wow. “Gays don’t even want to get married” is one of the standard homophobic anti-marriage-equality arguments, and here they are making it without a hint of awareness.

4 years ago

Oh, I’m sure they know, they just don’t care. LGB Alliance isn’t much more than a front for a bunch of cishets and a few self hating gay men to fight against trans* people (and other LGBT groups as well, but mostly trans* people). Most of its support is from conservative politicians and journalists.

4 years ago

Wait… How does gay women being able to marry devalue them?

4 years ago

Her response was rather incoherent, I’m not sure what she means. Maybe she’s referring to surrogacy, which is used by some gay male couples (and many het couples), as a lot of TERFs oppose surrogacy.
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4 years ago

Better use of a spell checker, please.

I like this site, but have some pride.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

I mean frankly the only reason I’m still here is because this is the only forum where I can openly discuss my hatred of females.

It’s good to encounter a guy who has his priorities straight. Hating others is an excellent predictor of success in this world.

What do you do when you encounter girls and women in your family? At school? On the job? At the store? When your mail carrier, doctor, bus driver, or server in a restaurant is a woman?

“Female persons” are almost 51 percent of the US population. You’ve got your work cut out for you.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
4 years ago


They’re not even hiding the fascism any more. At this rate, the next MAGA caps will have skulls on them.

Do the Punisher skulls count? I’m starting to see those used by the more conservative folks in my area (dual southern Indiana). Mostly younger men, from what I recall, though there’s likely some older ones using it that I don’t immediately recall seeing.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Imagine applying this so-called LGB Alliance’s argument to other things…

“It’s not anti-book to say that we should ban poetry books! This chart says only a small minority of people read poetry anyway.”

“Oh, we don’t need a wheelchair ramp in this public building! Stats show that only a small minority of people use wheelchairs.”

“Why have oxygen masks on airplanes? Stats show that they’re only needed a small minority of the time!”

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
4 years ago

Do the Punisher skulls count?

Those have also been coopted by the Blue Lives Matter people. Which really should tell you what they really mean.

“Oh, we don’t need a wheelchair ramp in this public building! Stats show that only a small minority of people use wheelchairs.”

It is a fairly common argument by hotels and other tourism related businesses when it comes to accessibility where I live.

4 years ago

A more awful example of their logic would be to claim out that most Black people have not been killed by police, therefore we shouldn’t try to end police brutality. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they did argue this, most TERFs are also racists.

4 years ago

O/T again: Senate Republicans are now citing Rowling’s essay and using the same TERF rhetoric to argue against LGBT rights legislation. And just when I thought the Rowling thing was dying down.

4 years ago

The wheelchair ramp reminds me of an episode of Penn & Teller’s show where they spent a segment demonstrating that most access ramps cannot accommodate an iron lung.

They argued that since there would always be a few people left out, it was wrong to try to create any accessibility at all, and the entire ADA should be repealed.

In true libertarian fashion, they argued that screwing over disadvantaged people was taking a brave moral stand.

4 years ago

Welp. Looks like I’m not alone in thinking the dude’s merely preparing to evolve from incel to MGTOW.

@Naglfar – RE: Blue Lives Matter: Well then by this token we could also say that most people working in law enforcement haven’t been killed/murdered by anyone. Good for the goose, good for the gander.

Also, gotta say I like both Nietzsche and Sartre as philosophers, and they’ve informed a big part of my personal philosophy, which I call “positive pessimism” (in a nutshell: “We’re all insignificant, meaningless specks of dust who for a brief moment exist in a self-aware state. Let’s try to make that time nice for ourselves and each other.”)

4 years ago

We can also apply their logic further to the fact that about 51% of het marriages end in divorce, so by that logic straight folks shouldn’t be allowed to get married either.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

You know that Gary Larson cartoon where the cow suddenly realises they’ve been eating grass? It sort of feels like that now over here. All of a sudden there’s been a collective realisation that “Hey; this is really racist.”. Let’s hope that momentum continues.

Even twitter suddenly seems to have had a moment of lucidity:

4 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
I thought she was already banned; anyway, it’s good she’s banned now.

4 years ago

Even twitter suddenly seems to have had a moment of lucidity:


I detest remarkably few people. Her I made an exception for.

4 years ago

With a bit of luck maybe Graham Linehan will get banned as well. He’s truly odious.

4 years ago

Katie had her account suspended in January from what I can see, this seems like a further step. Which goes to show how annoying she must have been.