
Evil bankers are using sexy ladies to lure men into protesting, Sandman the MGTOW alleges in perplexing rant

Women protesters: Puppets of the evil bankers?

By David Futrelle

Sandman, the YouTube blabber with the bizarro-world-radio-voice, is one of the most influential figures in the Men Going Their Own Way movement. He pops out new videos on a daily basis, with most of them garnering ten to twenty thousands views; his most popular video has gotten nearly a million.

I would write about him more often but his videos are invariably incoherent messes that hurt my brain whenever I try to make sense of them.

But one of his recent videos nonetheless got my attention and I will do my best to try to translate into something that resembles normal human discourse. In the video, Sandman accuses women of taking part in the recent protests against police brutality because they want attention from men. And he then accuses men of joining the protests just to be around these women.

“I thought that women would be content to stay home during the lockdowns and take their medications like good little attention starved drug addicts,” he declares.

But apparently it didn’t happen that way. Apparently, they need to go out and use whatever excuse they can for attention. Of course, the simps also gonna go in the streets looking for their attention.

Indeed, Sandman declares, the protests probably would have fizzled out had these “attention-starved” women not decided to take to the streets. But he now believes that there was little chance of that.

Women go nuts without attention. And George Floyd has given them plausible deniability to go into the streets and tear up the pavement with their hooves.

Yes, he said “hooves.” I listened to that like five times to be sure.

Apparently nothing — not even the fear of coronavirus — will stop women across the world from “virtue signalling … with their cockatoo colored hair, looking to get some man’s cock hard.”

And nothing seems to make Sandman madder than “virtue signaling” women with “cockatoo colored hair.”

They want to be seen as virtuous without actually having any virtue.

I guess they figure they can fake it till they make it when it comes to being a good person. Just like everything else in their lives, if they’re bad inside and pretend to be good long enough, then they think that magically they’ll will become like pure virgins again with an intact hymen waiting and waiting for that diamond.

So the protests and riots and whatnot are all the fault of these evil women, right?

Well, yes, except that Sandman also seems to think that the protests are being guided by invisible masters. At one point he wonders if there’s some sort of “secret cabal of racists … doing this intentionally to damage or destroy black communities all under the name of fighting racism.”

And then there are the bankers.

I’ve heard all kinds of rumblings and rumors that Trump wants to take the US dollar onto the gold standard. And I don’t know if that’s true or not, but that would certainly piss off a lot of bankers. It’s almost as if the powers that be in the blue states wanted the Corona and Mexican beer flu to continue. It’s almost as if they’re using women as useful idiots to get the men on the streets because women can’t help but go out there and chase attention.

So, insofar as I can figure out the supposed logic of this alleged conspiracy, he thinks that the bankers want to keep the coronavirus pandemic deaths coming because somehow this will stop Trump from putting us on the gold standard again. So the bankers turn to the women who would be going out to protest anyway because they want the attention, and because they think if they virtue signal hard enough they’ll turn back into virgins.

I scanned the transcript of this video several times trying to figure out if Sandman ever attempts to reconcile these seemingly contradictory elements. Nope!

But one thing is clear: the spike in coronavirus cases that he predicted in this video has not actually come to pass.. Why? Because the protesters wore masks, and made efforts to spread themselves out.

Weirdly, for all of Sandman’s moralistic fumfering about the dangers of Coronavirus, he confesses in the video that he’s stopped wearing his mask when he goes out. Clearly he cares less about the spread of the disease than the “thots” he devoted this video to attacking.

Maybe he’s the one unwittingly working for the bankers, huh?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

rumors that Trump wants to take the US dollar onto the gold standard.

Jeebus, is that conspiracy theory still going? Ah well, guess it is a classic. But this is what happens when you over interpret Wizard of Oz.

4 years ago

Hooves? Because women … are … devils?

Or cows? Or what?

4 years ago

IIRC this is also the man who thinks women’s butts cause war and warned of estrogen powered killer robots.

I think we all know what he means by “bankers”…antisemitism doesn’t change much.

They want to be seen as virtuous without actually having any virtue.

Sounds like a pretty good description of conservatives.

I’ve heard all kinds of rumblings and rumors that Trump wants to take the US dollar onto the gold standard.

Of course, the very reliable Journal of Rumblings and Rumors.
Taking the dollar to the gold standard is not feasible because all the gold in the world is worth far less than all the money currently in circulation. Libertarians harp about it, but it isn’t happening.

Because the protesters wore masks, and made efforts to spread themselves out.

Because protestors do a better job distributing masks than the government.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
4 years ago

one of the most influential figures in the Men Going Their Own Way movement

And somehow, this is the first I’ve ever heard of him. Unless David’s mentioned him before and he got lost in the “Oh, one of those.” I can’t really keep most of these guys straight*.


I scanned the transcript of this video several times trying to figure out if Sandman ever attempts to reconcile these seemingly contradictory elements. Nope!

Allow me to do it for you. Without looking at the transcript, or even really reading most of the quotes here, but based on his mention of bankers, I believe I can provide the missing link that will make sense of this all.



You’re welcome!

*Apologies to gay people if they suddenly go gay and it’s my fault.**

**Yes, that is an absolutely terrible joke.

4 years ago

Yes, putting the dollar back on the gold standard would really piss off bankers. Also accountants, economists, and people who like getting paid in usable money. Not to mention pretty much every other national government on the planet.

4 years ago

“All these evil other people are evil because they want attention,” says the man who makes daily youtube videos. “How pathetic! They just live in desperate hope that someone will notice and appreciate them,” continues the man who makes daily youtube videos.

4 years ago

? “Mr. Sandman, bring me some screeds / Spew out some bullshit that nobody needs” ?

4 years ago

Does Sandman think William of Occam was in on the plot, too?

4 years ago


Hooves? Because women … are … devils?

Or cows? Or what?

Given the kind of hate mongering ilk we are dealing with… I suspect both?

4 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

David’s mentioned him before

David has mentioned him a few times before, most recently during the “women’s butts cause war” incident I was referring to earlier. Sandman isn’t all that memorable, so I can see how he could be forgotten.

“Gold standard, little one
Don’t forget bankers to include everyone
I tell you in, gold within, video ‘bout sin
Till the sandman I come”

4 years ago

And nothing seems to make Sandman madder than “virtue signaling” women with “cockatoo colored hair.”

comment image

4 years ago

I guess this talk about Trump and the gold standard is about Judy Shelton?

4 years ago

Wow, that is one hell of a cornucopia of conspirationist bullshit. And I know bullshit, I hang out here to laugh at it after all (*insert smug asshole grin here*). And of course the projection as always is strong with this one. “Those behind the anti-racist demonstrations are the real racists!” and “tHeY’re ViRtUe SiGnAlLiNg BuT dOn’T hAvE vIrTuE” indeed.

Most of the current crop of racists couldn’t pull off a false flag if it bit them in the ass (case in point the protests that went violent; for the vast majority IIRC it was quite obviously due to 1- chucklefucks who used mostly peaceful protests as a way to try looting and rioting with impunity, like the Paul brothers, 2- right-wing agents provocateurs like boogaloo boys who wanted the situation to degenerate for their own nefarious reasons, 3- ham-fisted police departments (fuck you and your bad apples, when 57 cops quit due to butthurt over 2 getting reprimanded for shoving an old man to the ground it’s a whole bushel) chomping at the bit to bust some heads to retain their precious murder privilege, or 4- mix and match any of the above). Reichstag fire this ain’t.

And it always amuses me how quick people who tend to be very enthusiastic about capitalism accuse bankers of all that is wrong in the world, before reminding myself that they really mean (((bankers))) (yay easy-to-spot racist dogwhistles). As if non-Jews in high finance positions would act all that differently.

4 years ago

I hear some fuck is trying to trademark “Black Lives Matter” and “I can’t breathe” over here in the UK though.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
4 years ago

@ NewtonThePlant:

Welcome, if you’re new (my memory isn’t the best)…

Nice ditty, and, here at the Home Of The Mammoth, we LOVE a good parody tune.

So, FLESH THAT BABY OUT with some versa.

(… ahh, I feel a SONG comin’ on….)

4 years ago

Wait, if women are only taking part in the protests to attract men, and men are only taking part in the protests to attack women, then where do these chucklefucks think the idea to protest in the first place came from?

Oh wait, I bet I know (((who))) they think did it. Ugh.

4 years ago

@Catalpa: Seems highly likely, unfortunately… Antisemitism is very deeply rooted in Western culture (despite said chucklefucks claiming the opposite)

4 years ago

Yeah, the reference to “bankers” seems to leave little doubt as to who Sandman is actually blaming.

4 years ago

*oops, I meant “attract”, not “attack”. Damn autocorrect, it’s too used to that verb when talking about manospherians.

4 years ago

Not that any of this is supposed to make any sense, but I justcan’t understand this:

I thought that women would be content to stay home during the lockdowns and take their medications like good little attention starved drug addicts

If he thinks women want attention that badly, why would he have assumed they’d be content during the lockdown in the first place? Or is “medication” here supposed to mean Instagram likes or something like that? It sounds like he was going for “I thought even X could do something as simple as Y correctly…” and just… didn’t.

Also, did he mean to say that women are addicted to attention and got mixed up and called them drug addicts while doing that? Or do drug addicts usually want a lot of attention?

4 years ago

If this is him being (relativelt, comparably) sensible, then I don’t blame you for generally avoiding him. Gotta save what you can of your sanity.

4 years ago

Welp. That’s my peek into the abyss of stupidity today.

4 years ago

I think he’s playing to the manosphere belief that all women are on antidepressants. This seems to be a common belief with a few variations as to why the women are on antidepressants. Obviously many women are on antidepressants and there is no shame in it, but the manosphere finds this as another thing to hate women over.

4 years ago


Not an expert, and frankly I’m not sure if it’s healthy for me (or anyone) to delve into such a dank, benighted mind, but here’s my hypothesis:

To him, attention-seeking seems to be an addiction about the same way drug addiction is (in the context this particular video anyway; wouldn’t be surprised if he communicated vastly different, incompatible opinions elsewhere). Ergo, consuming drugs is the same as getting attention (because endorphins because biotroofs). So, while he isn’t being very clear (duh), he likely IMO means that while confined women got their endorphin fix (which of course they all have, biotroof remember?) by either posting on social media (probably those with a video component like Tik Tok, Instagram, etc.), or by actually consuming drugs. He probably meant both.

Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go scrub my brain with a toothbrush to remove the grime from going into that guy’s putative mind.

*As Naglfar put it, by drugs I also mean prescription ones like antidepressants; the blithering dingus of the day probably scarcely distinguishes between crystal meth and zoloft.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago


the blithering dingus of the day probably scarcely distinguishes between crystal meth and zoloft.

And I remember comments that things like SSRIs have no real ‘street value’… because they don’t actually make you feel any better, they just stop you from feeling ever worse, and so they have no significant effect on anybody who isn’t in the depths of depression.

(My understanding is they also have no real effect on a number of people who do suffer from depression, as well, because depression is not really a single thing but a potential result of a lot of other things. Biology is complicated, and brain chemistry some of the most complicated, most individual, and least understood.)