By David Futrelle
Sandman, the YouTube blabber with the bizarro-world-radio-voice, is one of the most influential figures in the Men Going Their Own Way movement. He pops out new videos on a daily basis, with most of them garnering ten to twenty thousands views; his most popular video has gotten nearly a million.
I would write about him more often but his videos are invariably incoherent messes that hurt my brain whenever I try to make sense of them.
But one of his recent videos nonetheless got my attention and I will do my best to try to translate into something that resembles normal human discourse. In the video, Sandman accuses women of taking part in the recent protests against police brutality because they want attention from men. And he then accuses men of joining the protests just to be around these women.
“I thought that women would be content to stay home during the lockdowns and take their medications like good little attention starved drug addicts,” he declares.
But apparently it didn’t happen that way. Apparently, they need to go out and use whatever excuse they can for attention. Of course, the simps also gonna go in the streets looking for their attention.
Indeed, Sandman declares, the protests probably would have fizzled out had these “attention-starved” women not decided to take to the streets. But he now believes that there was little chance of that.
Women go nuts without attention. And George Floyd has given them plausible deniability to go into the streets and tear up the pavement with their hooves.
Yes, he said “hooves.” I listened to that like five times to be sure.
Apparently nothing — not even the fear of coronavirus — will stop women across the world from “virtue signalling … with their cockatoo colored hair, looking to get some man’s cock hard.”
And nothing seems to make Sandman madder than “virtue signaling” women with “cockatoo colored hair.”
They want to be seen as virtuous without actually having any virtue.
I guess they figure they can fake it till they make it when it comes to being a good person. Just like everything else in their lives, if they’re bad inside and pretend to be good long enough, then they think that magically they’ll will become like pure virgins again with an intact hymen waiting and waiting for that diamond.
So the protests and riots and whatnot are all the fault of these evil women, right?
Well, yes, except that Sandman also seems to think that the protests are being guided by invisible masters. At one point he wonders if there’s some sort of “secret cabal of racists … doing this intentionally to damage or destroy black communities all under the name of fighting racism.”
And then there are the bankers.
I’ve heard all kinds of rumblings and rumors that Trump wants to take the US dollar onto the gold standard. And I don’t know if that’s true or not, but that would certainly piss off a lot of bankers. It’s almost as if the powers that be in the blue states wanted the Corona and Mexican beer flu to continue. It’s almost as if they’re using women as useful idiots to get the men on the streets because women can’t help but go out there and chase attention.
So, insofar as I can figure out the supposed logic of this alleged conspiracy, he thinks that the bankers want to keep the coronavirus pandemic deaths coming because somehow this will stop Trump from putting us on the gold standard again. So the bankers turn to the women who would be going out to protest anyway because they want the attention, and because they think if they virtue signal hard enough they’ll turn back into virgins.
I scanned the transcript of this video several times trying to figure out if Sandman ever attempts to reconcile these seemingly contradictory elements. Nope!
But one thing is clear: the spike in coronavirus cases that he predicted in this video has not actually come to pass.. Why? Because the protesters wore masks, and made efforts to spread themselves out.
Weirdly, for all of Sandman’s moralistic fumfering about the dangers of Coronavirus, he confesses in the video that he’s stopped wearing his mask when he goes out. Clearly he cares less about the spread of the disease than the “thots” he devoted this video to attacking.
Maybe he’s the one unwittingly working for the bankers, huh?
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I was treated for depression for a long time and it didn’t work very well because it turned out that I had bipolar disorder instead. I think a lot of people for whom depression meds don’t work very well may have a similarly-presenting alternative disorder that isn’t properly diagnosed. In my case, it was 8 years of fruitlessly searching for a workable medication combo before the truth came out.
Also, it’s good to remember that almost all drugs can fail to help with a disease they are supposed to work on. It’s not like it’s a specificity of brain chemistry. Misdiagnostic is a big reason for that as pointed by PoM, but there’s also the fact it’s very rarely a single drug that do the trick, but a combination of the natural healing, drugs, other treatments, and removing of the cause of the problem if appliable.
Most infuriatingly, there’s very little acknowledgment that helping people out of poverty can also help them with their health problems, be them mental or physical. Instead, and especially for mental problems, the society actually expect them to get out of their problems before they get a shot at getting out of poverty. While poverty is often either a direct cause or at least an aggravating factor.
As for addiction, I would remind you can get addicted to almost anything, no matter how abstract or non evidently addictive it seem. That being said, projection bias look like in full swing to me : while probably not addicted in the medical sense, he clearly enjoy attention, so he expect any other human to enjoy attention a whole lot.
On another topic, I am alway fascinated by thoses purposed solution to every ill of the society, like the return to gold standard, the brexit, and other, grizzlier crank ideas. In particular how they seem to alway follow the template of brutaling reverting to a very old practice, being at the same time an appeal to the past *and* an appeal to revolution.
Do entitled males who bring nothing to the table and don’t contribute to society in any positive way ever get tired of whining about FEEEMMMAAALLLEEESS? Usually while recording themselves in their parents’ spare room just to feed the emotion porn addiction of their fellow manbabies? Does it ever occur to them to not be garbage people for one second? No? It’s all blaming women and dreaming up ever more convoluted conspiracy theories? Awesome…
I think it’d be sort of awkward for my husband of 10 years if protesting somehow made me a virgin again. Does it make both of us virgins again? Do we remember all the sex we now didn’t have, or do we have to go through the awkward fumbly phase again? We don’t have children, but if we did, would it make them disappear?
I’ve now checked and EVERY grocery chain with a location in my town refuses to offer delivery to my postal code. Half of them refer me to Instacart … you know, the app that won’t even install correctly?
It is sure looking like there is a SYSTEMATIC thing here to force me to travel huge distances on foot carrying heavy loads one or more times a week, at this point.
The question is, why would all of these nominally-independent businesses be colluding not to fix prices, or to do any similar thing that might benefit their bottom lines, but to starve one of their own customers? If I end up unable to keep this up and drop dead one day they don’t get any business from me anymore. How does that make their CEOs richer? And if it doesn’t, WHY then are they colluding to ensure that outcome? And if they are not colluding, then explain the systematic, coordinated nature of all of these obstacles! If it was just a random thing surely at least one of them would be offering delivery? But no, not a single one is. That’s bad luck cubed. To the fourth when you add in that I’ve been bitten by an apparently rare bug in the Instacart app as well. It sure looks less like random chance than like there is a systematic effort across at least four large organizations to prevent anyone in my area from being able to have groceries delivered. But what is the motive?
And … how do I lodge an antitrust complaint? (Without a lot of traveling, snail-mail, or paying fees, of course.) Colluding to withhold a service from an area is surely just as illegal as more “classic” anticompetitive forms of collusion like price-fixing.
Probably because grocery stores offering their own delivery service is rather rare, so most of them outsource and instacart is the big app? And I’m guessing your postal code is far enough out that it’s not realistic to expect delivery.
I live in the middle of farmland, and there’s only one store in a 2-mile radius and they don’t deliver. Does that mean there’s a conspiracy against me? Nope, I just live where it’s remote enough to not get a lot of delivery services.
Seriously, get help. Your pattern of thinking is not just wrong, it’s harming you. We can’t help you with that. You need a professional.
The stores in questions all have locations within a few minutes’ drive of my home. There is nothing at all unrealistic about expecting delivery. If they have an employee on site and a car they have everything they need to include delivery in their services. Yeesh. It’s not like I’m expecting them to deliver to some farm in back-country half an hour+ from their nearest store location or something.
And I don’t like the suggestion that the only way to get delivery is to move to where rents are hundreds of dollars higher (i.e., unaffordable).
As for my “pattern of thinking”, if there is some different “pattern of thinking” I could have instead that would result in having food in my pantry with a bit less physical exertion on my part, I’m all ears, but I frankly don’t see that happening outside of some universe where wiggling a stick around and waying “wingardium leviosa!” actually does something. This isn’t a problem I can just think out of existence, like some math exercise.
I’m now declaring that I have definitely put in at least as much effort to solving this problem as the maximum that people can reasonably expect any one person to make. Therefore, I demand that the other people of this world solve it for me. I have better things to do with my time than spend ages fucking about with malfunctioning apps and assorted websites getting nowhere on a task that EVERYFUCKINGBODY ELSE JUST GETS DONE WITHOUT DIFFICULTY AT ALL.
I’ve done ENOUGH.
Just give me this one.
@Surplus: Please. People here have been trying to help you for well over a year, but you never seem to take the well-meant advice to GET HELP.
You clearly need it. And despite how terrible DoFo is, he still hasn’t managed to get rid of everything that could be useful.
Call ConnexOntario at 1-866-531-2600. They’re available from 8:30 to 4:30. (It is not a conspiracy against you if those hours don’t suit you.) Or use their webchat — it’s available 24/7. https://www.connexontario.ca/Home/Chat
Above all, CALL 211. Explain your situation. They’ll be able to point you to solutions. It’s what they’re there for.
Please. As many people have said, no one here is trained to help you. These people are. But we can’t help you if you won’t try to help yourself.
Surely, calling these services, or going to their webchat, can’t be any more difficult than writing long rants about how the world is out to get you on a blog where everyone wants the best for you but can’t take these steps for you. (Source: I’ve had problems too. I still had to be the one to make the phone call, however hard it was.)
The world is not conspiring against you. There are just systems in place that make it harder for marginalized (disabled, poor, racialized, etc) folks to get by. It’s not fair, in fact it’s complete shit, but it doesn’t only affect you.
The world doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t care to specifically target you, and it doesn’t care about giving you a break and magically making other people solve all your problems for you. An ultimatum is not going to change the mind of your imaginary tormentors, because you don’t have tormentors. If you want help, you need to reach out.
I especially don’t know what you think you may accomplish by making a comment on a blog where people are actively unable to help you in the way you demand. You keep denying that you need any help with your mental state, because that won’t magically add food to your pantry. Yet you keep posting here, even though that’s also never going to magically produce food, either. Why do you think it’s a more productive use of your time, yelling at us about how you’re the most targeted and tormented person ever, than it is to talk to a crisis line? Are you just posting here to fish for suggestions you can shit on to make yourself feel better?
Well, fine, I’ll bite. Here, how about these recommendations?
Did you try using the browser version of Instacart? Did you try putting in a nearby postal code?
Have you checked to see if there’s a meals on wheels or other similar charity service in your area that might be able to help you, even if only in the interim?
I’ve got the money for my groceries. My problem is getting the damned things from the store to my house! :/
In the wake of COVID, I’ve heard of there being volunteer/charity services established to help deliver groceries (mainly to the elderly and high-risk), separately from services like Instacart. If there’s one in your area, and if you contact them respectfully, you may be able to get them to help you out by picking up and delivering a grocery order for you, if Instacart won’t do it. Do you have nearby neighbors? Can you ask them if they’ve made use of any delivery services?
Thanks for this suggestion, but unfortunately, either there isn’t one in my area, or they have done nothing to advertise themselves, and as a result I have no point of contact with them.
Without that, what can I do? War-dial local numbers and pray? But no. I’m through spinning my wheels like that. I want an ironclad, 100% guarantee of success now before putting in one single iota of additional effort, because I am through being scammed out of my time and stamina with false leads and garden paths. The world can save that bullshit for people who are not operating right at the edge with zero margin for error. Let someone like Jeff Bezos cope with that bullshit instead; he can afford it.
Did you try searching the internet to find one?
You are not going to get a 100% guarantee. I get that you are frustrated, but you keep demanding instant solutions that we can’t offer.
Cool, all right, at least it’s good to be told outright that no suggestions I can possibly provide will ever be good enough, because there is, and never will be, a 100% guaranteed solution that requires zero effort on your part.
I really should have been able to read between the lines and internalize that literally nothing I tell you will be considered beyond the time it takes you to tell me what an absolutely idiotic suggestion it was. That’s on me, I suppose. Not like any of our interactions have ever gone differently.
I do hope that you can work through the problems you’re dealing with. I hope that life gets easier for you. I really, really hope you get some mental health assistance.
But I can’t help you, and you’ve made it clear that I can never help you, and trying is just going to get me called a moron. I’m done.
Of course not. Finding one in Timbuktu or Shanghai or La Paz or Lagos won’t do me much good here in Podunk, Ontario. And of course I’ve never found any local thing by including the town’s name in searches. Nothing that’s strictly local to my area seems to have ever bothered having any kind of web presence, except for the local newspaper and a bare-bones D-for-effort city government webshite that’s basically a thin index on top of a pile of clunky PDF files. (As I discovered a year ago when researching noise bylaws to find out what I could do about incessant sleep-preventing rackets … remember how that was the “special challenge” I was subjected to before it changed to getting heartburn medication, which was the one before it changed to transporting food home?)
A misunderstanding has occurred. I said it has to be either 100% guaranteed or zero effort on my part, not that it has to be both at once. 😛
I don’t know what you are expecting to hear, but there is nothing that has a 100% chance of success and nothing that requires zero effort. I can’t help you.
O/T but peeps may be aware of Vera Lynn’s passing. Met her in my roadie days when we were doing the VE Day 50th celebrations. She was kind enough to sign RIzla+ packets for us all.
“Veras” being rhyming slang for cigarette papers.
In addition to what others have suggested, I suggest looking at services like Doordash and (possibly) UberEats. Doordash I know had a grocery delivery service alongside their meal delivery service; in theory they should be able to deliver to your door as you need it.
As for your transportation woes, is there a reason you can’t invest in a bike or small motor scooter to help you get around town on? Bicycles can be equipped with baskets to carry things in, or if it’s been too long since you last rode one, adult tricycles with baskets in back are a thing too. And from what I can tell via observation, scooters only take a few gallons/liters of gas to run, so in theory it shouldn’t cost too much to operate one in a regular basis.
Does your local bus service have special buses for the disabled to use (basically they arrive at your front door to take you places, unlike how the regular buses operate). Does MediCab (a cab service that runs people to their doctor’s offices and pharmacies) or similar run in your city? These can be options for you to look into, I think. Save a bit of wear and tear on your legs once in a while, at least.
Neither of those exist. They never have and never will. As long as you insist on living in what you have convinced me must be the ass end of nowhere, you’ll have no choice but to put in that effort and deal with that uncertainty, whether you like it or not.
I don’t insist on it. The giant property-holding companies that collude and price-fix the rents in this country insist on it.
Besides, it’s not really the ass end of nowhere. It’s a town of 20,000 people fer chrissake, not some one-exit village of 300 let alone an isolated farmstead. :/
In addition to what others have suggested, I suggest looking at services like Doordash and (possibly) UberEats. Doordash I know had a grocery delivery service alongside their meal delivery service; in theory they should be able to deliver to your door as you need it.
As for your transportation woes, is there a reason you can’t invest in a bike or small motor scooter to help you get around town on? Bicycles can be equipped with baskets to carry things in, or if it’s been too long since you last rode one, adult tricycles with baskets in back are a thing too. And from what I can tell via observation, scooters only take a few gallons/liters of gas to run, so in theory it shouldn’t cost too much to operate one in a regular basis.
Does your local bus service have special buses for the disabled to use (basically they arrive at your front door to take you places, unlike how the regular buses operate). Does MediCab (a cab service that runs people to their doctor’s offices and pharmacies) or similar run in your city? These can be options for you to look into, I think. Save a bit of wear and tear on your legs once in a while, at least.
(Apologies if this posts twice; the first copy went off the well-beaten Internet path and hasn’t found its way back here as of this posting. :/ )
So women are incapable of wanting change towards a corrupt justice system, are all drugvaddicts that want marriage and cant feel empathy. Yeah sounds about right for mgtow like Sandman. He once made a weird emotional statement about building a rocket and launching into space where he would explore the cosmos meanwhile women are left on earth. Like it was his fantasy to leave, but also to make women want him back, like every mgtow wants. It was so bizarre…..
@Surplus – I was just wondering, did something work, re delivering groceries? (I know it’s more common for you to comment when something goes wrong rather than when it goes better, and that makes sense, but it’d be a relief hearing that something worked at least sort of.)
This good = virgin equation is just silly. It’s an old trope, though – women’s goodness or badness being tied to their sexuality, as if we can’t do any good or bad things outside of that.
Re “bankers” and the gold standard – reminds me of researching Ezra Pound for my master’s thesis. If I remember right, he talked about the gold standard for economic reform (he also at one point supported a sort of “scrip” currency that was used by a socialist party in Canada – he was kinda incongruous like that). Anyway, yeah, his economic talk was often part of his anti-Jewish rhetoric. E.g. the Canto against “usury.”