By David Futrelle
One of the tenets of Red Pill thought, uncritically adopted by incels, is that the supersexy Chads who are out there having sex while incels stew at home are literally having sex with almost all women — not just their hot “looksmatches” but also the women that even incels think are ugly.
Why is this (imaginary thing that isn’t happening) happening? One commenter on the Incels.co forums thinks he has an answer: Chads have sex with “ugly girls” to make incels more miserable than they already are.
![[Blackpill] The main reason Chad has sex with ugly girls is to DESTROY YOU in order to reduce competition
mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
105d 22h 18m
Today at 1:02 AM
Chad doesn't need to have sex with uglies, but he does. Why? 2 reasons
1. It provides endless variety and is easy
2. It leaves you sexless, making you not function properly
There have been countless studies done to show that not getting sex fucks your life up, and we also know that not getting sex fucks you socially, and makes it harder to focus on academics and work.
Understand, in this world, whenever one person has something positive, another fails. Life is a zero sum game. Chad WANTS you to suffer, the more you suffer, the more power he has. Tinder is Chad's secret weapon to stomp on not only incels, but normies, and leave them feeling LIFELESS. This makes it easier for Chad to succeed in all aspects of life.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2020-06-13_15-17-40.jpg?resize=580%2C1436&ssl=1)
The commenters on Incels.co had mixed reactions to personalityinkwell’s thesis. Some agreed that it was all about screwing incels over. As one commenter put it:
This is the reason I hate chads. I’m okay with him going after his looksmatch stacies. But why the fuck does he have to go and vioate my looksmatch? He could’ve lived in his own bubble with his stacy harem. And I could’ve lived with my oneitis becky. But Nooooo.
Other commenters don’t think that Chad spends any time thinking abuot incels at all; he’s just horny.
To think that Chad consciously think about ugly men when he go about doing his business is a faggoty mindset . Chads could care less about ugly men as like some one stepping on a cockroach. He doesn’t think about ugly men or devise some plan to destroy them. He is only thinking about getting 3 different foids per day.
It’s really quite amazing how much sex is going on in incel brains, given how little actual sex is going on in the real world. Even the horniest, handsomest Chads aren’t out there routinely having sex with three different women a day. It’s all in your heads, dudes.
Jerk off. Take a cold shower. Go play a video game. Do something to clean the sex out of your head for a little while — and maybe the constant resentment will ease up a bit as well. You’re the ones making yourself miserable, not Chad.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Brains lie, they make connections where none exist, and ect. Especially if you’re off your meds, everything in your brain could just be firing at a level 10 all at once. Hence why even “simple” tasks seem so weird and off.
I don’t know what meds you are on, but if you’re having trouble getting them, have you considered/inquired whether there are longer acting versions that could be injected on a periodic basis? For example, I know that abilify has a version that can be injected in a doctor’s office every month, sometimes every two. You may have to be hospitalized for a short time to begin with to get the drug level stable in your bloodstream, but trust me, walking into a crisis center and asking for help can be the bravest, best thing to restart your life.
That’s not what anyone predicts. Nobody is out to get you, but you have a series of disadvantages that are atypical, therefore it is no surprise when you have an atypically difficult experience. When I run out of food, I drive to the store and use my credit card to remedy that, and later pay my credit card off with funds obtained from employment. You don’t have that same experience because you don’t have a car, you didn’t have a credit card until just now, and your income is much more limited than mine. I wouldn’t expect you to have the same experience as I do, given how different our lives are.
I’m not sure what your goal is in posting a thinly-veiled suicide threat on a public board where people obviously care about you, but I think it would be better served by contacting a professional who knows how to help you. Nobody here is your therapist and nobody here can help you. Nobody here has the tools to be capable of helping you. You need to contact someone who does.
I previously wrote:
Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly, I wasn’t wrong.
Next steps? (An admission that it’s not paranoia when they really are out to get me would be a nice start…)
You need to seek professional help. I can’t give you any more.
I’ve been hearing that, on and off, for virtually my entire life, and yet I’m the one whose world-model is accurately predicting reality, and has recently done so again. Funny how that works.
Your way of confirming the model of the world you have in your head is by applying your own observations to it. Can you not see how that may be a biased way of viewing the data?
For example, incels loudly proclaim that women are worthless, evil, shallow bitches who should be treated like cattle, and the failings of women are the reason why they cannot seem to form a meaningful connection to any women. And they keep failing at making any connection with women, therefore their hypothesis that women are subhuman foids must be correct, since their model correctly predicted the outcome.
Does this seem like sound reasoning? The model predicted the results, therefore it must be correct, right?
Your insulting comparison fails because there is nothing in my attitude, beliefs, or similarly that could be causing businesses to collude to refuse to offer any delivery services in my area, let alone that could be causing a software bug in a smartphone app.
Incels are the authors of their own misfortunes, vis-a-vis social rejection at least.
I am not, plausibly, the reason for the problems I am having. Unless you’re suggesting that a company would black out an entire zipcode from their app just to block 1 person they decided was “obnoxious”, in advance of ever having met or interacted with that person … in which case, I’ve won, as you are now agreeing with the position that I am being singled out for special difficulties and we’re only disagreeing about my enemies’ motives.
On the other hand if you disagree that the company in question did such a thing then you must abandon your incel comparison.
Which is it to be?
Your attitude is causing you to not seek help. Any time anyone offers help you shout them down with why it won’t work and how the world is against you.
You are not the reason for the problem, but you are choosing not to seek help.
I don’t think that’s what Catalpa meant. I don’t know for sure because I’m not Catalpa, and she can clarify if desired, but it seemed like she was trying to say that you are refusing to seek help or listen when people try to help you, but then blame everyone else. You are not being singled out.
Possible scenarios:
A) A smartphone app developer finds a bug pertaining to an area code. Because it is limited in total number of users affected, they rank it low on the ‘to fix’ priority list in order to focus on larger metropoli.
B) A smartphone app developer custom designs a bug to screw one person in particular over. They do not know who this particular person is, but screw that person in particular.
Surplus, I feel for you. I too have had my brain-weasels try to tell me that I was particularly dislikable and that I was incapable of changing the suckiness of my life.
The brain weasels lied. Like liars.
I know you can’t (won’t) believe that there isn’t a massive conspiracy against you and that your life is hellishly difficult.
But the truth is you are not alone.
Call a local crisis line. Ask them for advice on low income transportation options.
Tell them you have been having difficulties with hopelessness. Try not to shoot down all options right away. Give them a chance to help you figure out how to make it work.
I do not live where you live. I cannot do your legwork for you or carry your burdens, even if I’d like to.
I’m not arguing that you’re at fault for your struggles. I’m merely using the incel comparison to illustrate how confirmation bias can warp a person’s perception and provide support for a false hypothesis. Just because a prediction seems correct, that doesn’t means that the logic that preceded that prediction is correct.
You believe that someone is specifically out to cause you pain, and therefore you consider any misfortune you meet with to be a sign of that targeting of you specifically, even technological issues that have been been demonstrably shown to affect other people. Even power outages that impact entire neighborhoods. Even medicine recalls that impact thousands of different people with the same prescription. And so on. Every bad thing is proof to you, and there’s no inverse proof you’ll accept. If something bad doesn’t happen to you, you don’t notice it, because, well, it didn’t happen. And there’s no way to “disprove” that you’re being targeted, because you can’t prove a negative. I can’t prove that there isn’t a celestial teapot out in space somewhere.
It might be comforting to think that there’s some shadowy cabal of people out to specifically ruin your life, because that gives some meaning to the shit you have to wade through. There’s someone to blame, someone that could be stopped if you could only track them down. It’s the same reason why people are drawn to conspiracy theories like the Illuminati or the lizard people controlling the world. It’s easy answers. But they’re wrong answers.
I notice that you completely ignored my explanation for why “ordinary person difficulty” and “Surplus difficulty” are different. I guess it didn’t fit with the worldview that some cosmic force is aligned against you?
First of all, I have actually tried many of the things people have previously suggested here. With a 100% failure rate. Here is just a sampling of the things that were suggested here, that I did try, and that didn’t work:
* HealthCareConnect
* Get a low-limit credit card and use Instacart
* Check websites of stores with locations in my area for delivery options
As for the things I haven’t tried, most of them have been obvious nonstarters, either physically beyond my capabilities (e.g. impossible without a car) or clearly not-going-to-work. The suggestion that I get therapy, for example, that is a) way outside of my budget, b) not to my knowledge covered by provincial health plans in Canada, and c) not plausibly going to magically fill my pantry even if I did splurge on some.
Most of the problems I have could be solved by about $500 extra per month and the use of a car, even just once-a-week, actually.
Unfortunately I can’t just magically conjure those things up by sufficient “positive thinking”, and being talked into being perfectly happy to be under constant threat of starvation and increasingly exhausted when I am returning from trips into town doesn’t strike me as all that worthwhile. That’d be like responding to a profusely bleeding stab wound with painkillers alone and not worrying about actually doing anything to stop the bleeding before the blood loss became fatal, I expect.
Unaffordable rent.
Do they deliver groceries?
I’ve already done enough legwork to earn this-having-been-solved three times over, by my estimate. I am tired of trying things and those things not working. What I have learned from all of this is that when IT is dead-set against my having/doing something, then all of the effort in the world to get/do that thing on my part will be futile. Every move I make will either inexplicably fail, or will work for only a short time and then a countermove will be made (remember the ranitidine saga?) after a week or so. (And if I’m just imagining this and paranoid … then who was sitting across from me making those countermoves on the chessboard? The countermoves themselves indubitably happened. If there’s no opponent sat across from me then where did the countermoves originate? By what mechanism were they selected and played on that board? They can’t have just happened spontaneously. We’re not talking subatomic particles here.)
And you’re hardly uniquely in this situation.
You know, if I were without a car and unable to afford Uber, but I lived in a city of any size whatsoever, I would call 211 or the local equivalent and have absolute faith that there is a ride-sharing program specifically for low-income individuals who live in a food desert. Because that’s not a problem unique to you. Lots of people are in the same boat. Tens of thousands in my city alone. There are programs to help people exactly like you, but if you don’t reach out and you slap the hands of everyone who tries to guide you to do that, then you are unhelpable.
People tell you to get therapy not because it will put food in your kitchen, but because you are clearly mentally unwell with your paranoia and conviction that some powerful force is working against you. That’s not a nice way to live, and you shouldn’t have to live that way, which is why therapy is recommended. To put food in your kitchen, you need to connect yourself with the programs in place that would do that. To stop having to live in fear of imaginary forces, you need therapy and possibly medication. But both of these things rely on you to do stuff, instead of crying into the void and then pessimistically shooting down every idea everyone else has.
Surplus, I cannot help you. There may be a local food bank that does delivery who can. You know who might know if the local food bank could deliver?
A crisis line or center.
My two scenarios were NOT to convince you to move to a larger metro. It was an example of how your predicament is not unique and is not inexplicable. They’re even somewhat universal among smaller towns, like where I grew up.
I know there’s no way for me to prove it to you, but there is no conspiracy.
I cannot help you with your pantry or your paranoia. I hope you encounter someone who can.
Edited to add: POM said it nicer, so what they said. I feel for you, and want you to not be hungry and in mental anguish, but there’s nothing more I can say here that we haven’t already been said.
Honestly, this point has merit to it. The first reason. Yes, many men will hook up with women they would never date seriously. They do it just to have sex, definitely not to stick it to incels. I have done this. Just to have sex. In fact, most of my sexual encounters have essentially been this.
Our permissive sex culture enables women to hook up with men they could never have in more traditional times. Oftentimes women know exactly what they are doing. “This man will hook up with me, but will never date me.” Very often, women’s ability to hook up with a man like that distorts what she thinks she can actually date, and she becomes bitter, when in reality she just needs a more realistic idea of who she can actually date.
@Barney Coolio
“Back in the good old days…@“
[citation needed]
Got you laid, didn’t it? Don’t knock it, especially as if you reverse the genders there it applies double.
Sorry, which point has merit? Which first reason? The first claim made by the incels in the post is that “Chads” have sex with women they don’t even think are attractive to ruin incels’ lives, but you’re saying that you don’t agree with that. I don’t know what you’re referring to.
The post is talking about relative hotness of women. You’re talking about having sex vs dating seriously. Are you suggesting how attractive a woman is determines whether a given man would be interested in only having sex with her vs having a relationship with her? Or is your point just not even related to this post?
What time and what place are you referring to when you say “more traditional times”? What do you base this assertion on?
So women have sex with men that they know would not be interested in dating them, but somehow that warps their idea of who would want to date them? Or are the group of women who are aware that the men they’re sleeping with wouldn’t date them a different group of women than the ones who need the more realistic idea of who would date them?
Your comment is a baffling mix of vague statements and unsupported claims.
Despite Barney Coolio’s goofy nym, we Mammotheers have an actual Chad in communication with us. Swoon.
Got it.
Wait, Barney, which is it: Does she know exactly what she’s doing? Or does she need a more realistic idea of who she can actually date? And, yeah, we know it’s not you.
Also, let me be the first to say, congrats on the sex.
Chad succeeds in all aspects of life? I’m not sure how that explains Bill Gates. Or, for that matter, the 5’4” utterly average looking guy who owns the highest-priced (and best) garage in my town versus the seriously handsome mechanic who works for him.