
Today’s Incel Insight: Chads have sex with ugly women just to make incels more miserable

A flock of chads searching for ugly girls

By David Futrelle

One of the tenets of Red Pill thought, uncritically adopted by incels, is that the supersexy Chads who are out there having sex while incels stew at home are literally having sex with almost all women — not just their hot “looksmatches” but also the women that even incels think are ugly.

Why is this (imaginary thing that isn’t happening) happening? One commenter on the forums thinks he has an answer: Chads have sex with “ugly girls” to make incels more miserable than they already are.

[Blackpill] The main reason Chad has sex with ugly girls is to DESTROY YOU in order to reduce competition
mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
105d 22h 18m
Today at 1:02 AM
Chad doesn't need to have sex with uglies, but he does. Why? 2 reasons

1. It provides endless variety and is easy
2. It leaves you sexless, making you not function properly

There have been countless studies done to show that not getting sex fucks your life up, and we also know that not getting sex fucks you socially, and makes it harder to focus on academics and work.

Understand, in this world, whenever one person has something positive, another fails. Life is a zero sum game. Chad WANTS you to suffer, the more you suffer, the more power he has. Tinder is Chad's secret weapon to stomp on not only incels, but normies, and leave them feeling LIFELESS. This makes it easier for Chad to succeed in all aspects of life.

The commenters on had mixed reactions to personalityinkwell’s thesis. Some agreed that it was all about screwing incels over. As one commenter put it:

This is the reason I hate chads. I’m okay with him going after his looksmatch stacies. But why the fuck does he have to go and vioate my looksmatch? He could’ve lived in his own bubble with his stacy harem. And I could’ve lived with my oneitis becky. But Nooooo.

Other commenters don’t think that Chad spends any time thinking abuot incels at all; he’s just horny.

To think that Chad consciously think about ugly men when he go about doing his business is a faggoty mindset . Chads could care less about ugly men as like some one stepping on a cockroach. He doesn’t think about ugly men or devise some plan to destroy them. He is only thinking about getting 3 different foids per day.

It’s really quite amazing how much sex is going on in incel brains, given how little actual sex is going on in the real world. Even the horniest, handsomest Chads aren’t out there routinely having sex with three different women a day. It’s all in your heads, dudes.

Jerk off. Take a cold shower. Go play a video game. Do something to clean the sex out of your head for a little while — and maybe the constant resentment will ease up a bit as well. You’re the ones making yourself miserable, not Chad.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
4 years ago

I wonder how much of this is tied up with how they evaluate women’s looks. Any time they see a woman they consider unattractive with someone they consider a Chad, that’s a point in alleged data (though weirdly they never take the reverse into consideration).

Then there is the whole “looksmatch” thing. I’d love to see an actual study to see what they consider their “looksmatch” versus random people of all genders taking photos and “looksmatching” them.

4 years ago

@Tabby Lavalamp
A bit ago we had a troll rambling about looksmatching. A few commenters tried to get him to post some pictures of what looksmatched couples look like, but had no luck.

I’ve never seen a single consistent definition of a looksmatch, but every manospherian thinks that every average looking man is entitled to a teenage virgin who looks like a supermodel and that women don’t get a say.

4 years ago

O/T: Well, here’s a bit of surprising good news. The SCOTUS has ruled that LGBT people are protected by sex anti discrimination laws.

Here’s the full court opinion for anyone interested:

4 years ago

@ naglfar

yes that’s what I was thinking of thanks for the correction.

4 years ago

@Nagflar : alway good to see specks of light in the ocean of darkness.

I just have read about that inane rambling of Trump on how he is the president who did the most for black since the start of the USA. I can’t tell if he know that it’s bullshit but say it to troll opponents and rise up proponents, or if he is *that* senile that he can’t realize how wrong it is.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago

That’s great! And yes, somewhat surprising from the current Supreme Court. But at least the U.S. caught up to Canada’s rulings on ‘analogous grounds’ of discrimination from twenty years ago.

(The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms rewrote a lot of the core constitutional law in Canada, though a lot of it was just writing down things that hadn’t been explicitly written before. It still took another generation for most of the fallout from that to settle, and it only went as quickly as it did because there was an active program from within the government to help support and fund test cases.)

4 years ago


I just have read about that inane rambling of Trump on how he is the president who did the most for black since the start of the USA. I can’t tell if he know that it’s bullshit but say it to troll opponents and rise up proponents, or if he is *that* senile that he can’t realize how wrong it is.

I think he’s playing for the big lie here, it’s not true but if he says it enough his legions of supporters will believe it.

4 years ago

Risky tactic.

Yeah, his base will believe pretty much anything he tells them – problem is if they believe this, they’re not going to be too happy with him. Not exactly fond of non-whites, are they.

4 years ago

Ah, but it gives them a cover so they can say they aren’t racist, which is something they want because they are very racist but most of them want to pretend they’re not.

4 years ago

Jesus, Alito actually cited dictionary definitions in his lengthy rant – sorry, dissent.

4 years ago

Probably unrelated to their legal defeat, TERFs are now once again trying to claim that (cis) women do not orgasm (or at least that cis women can’t ejaculate) with their new hashtag. Graham Linehan has already asserted this before, but they seem to be digging in here again.

Unsurprising, that’s a popular tactic among transphobes, such as the ones who insist on labeling women as “adult human females” like animals.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

Last I checked, a significant driver of Trump’s popularity from 2016 onward was the hope on many racists’ parts that they would no longer have to pretend they’re not. They want to turn back the clock to when you could use the N-word in polite (white) company again without being ostracized, fired, or otherwise incurring negative consequences and social opprobrium.

Meanwhile, the neverending shitshow of my own life continues. I was able to obtain some supplies from a last-minute appearance by a relative, and that same relative’s co-signature was able to get me a low-limit ($200) credit card.

So, my problems getting supplies are solved, right?

Of course not!

Were I any random ordinary person they would be, and likely would have been ten times over by now, but I’m not any random ordinary person. I am The Target.

So I go to install Instacart on my (recently replaced) phone and get stymied at about step 3 of the setup: “Please enter a valid CA postal code”. Try as I might I cannot get it to recognize my postal code as a valid Canadian postal code. I double and triple check the spelling against pieces of paper mail I have that were addressed to me here. I try both with and without the space. Nothing works. The Post Office itself seems to think it’s valid, but Instacart does not.

I cannot fathom how a bug this severe was not caught by testing — AUTOMATED testing, even. I emailed tech support of course. Nada. It’s been two hours now and all I got back was a form letter from a bot. This when per their (obviously way overpromising) marketing I should have had actual food, physically delivered in as little as half that time, let alone have had the app configured.

So now I have a completely useless credit card and, once again, the clock ticking down on my supplies. Unless someone knows of a workaround for this Instacart bug (and a solid reason to trust them with a credit card number when they can’t even manage to get postal codes right) or an alternative that also operates within Canada …

And meanwhile: can ANYONE explain why when I try to do things that everyone else in the developed world does on a weekly basis without any unusual difficulties whatsoever, some new and inexplicable obstacle gets strewn in my path? I mean, presumably that app works for everyone else, just not me, just as the previous obstacles all have hit me either disproportionately or exclusively. I am clearly being singled out here, by something, but why? What the hell did I do, offend Poseidon or Ganesh or Ryūjin or some such as a small child or something? I seem to be, quite literally, cursed.

Or is all of this some Matrix I’m plugged into and whoever’s running the thing is toying with me for their own personal amusement or something? Because it sure seems that way a lot of the time …

My ultimatum remains, with the deadline shifted. To whomever is running the Matrix, if I don’t have this solved by Wednesday evening I will quit your poxy glorified video game. I did not consent to be forced to play it on Nightmare mode difficulty!

4 years ago

Surplus, get help. I’ve said this before, but no one here is qualified to provide what you need.

With respect to the apps, apps and software fail everyone at some point. If you have doubts, just sort for all the one-star reviews in your AP store of choice. There will be MANY typed out rants of rage and frustration.

Also, 2 hours would actually be a ridiculously fast turnaround from a help message. Last time I had to contact help for a malfunctioning app, I had about a 30 hour delay before my query got addressed with the first reply, and it was 5 days of emailing back and forth before everything was finally sorted.

With how many more people are using services like Instacart right now, it is not a surprise that they might be even buggier than usual.

You are not alone. You are not being targeted by malicious entities out to curse you.

I worry for you, but other than reassuring you that apps can be buggy for everyone, there’s not much I can do for you.

Editing to add: I’m sincerely worried based off your last paragraph. If you haven’t, please consider calling a crisis line. Even if you have and discarded the notion, reconsider.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

just sort for all the one-star reviews in your AP store

I love that kids in China gave the homework app they were being forced to use one star reviews so it got kicked from the App Store.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

I mean, presumably that app works for everyone else, just not me, just as the previous obstacles all have hit me either disproportionately or exclusively. I am clearly being singled out here

Google tells me that lots of people over the years have been affected by Instacart not recognizing their postal code. You’re not being singled out.

4 years ago

Please, do as others have suggested and call for help. There are other people which can help you much more than I can.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago
4 years ago


There’s a couple of options. One, it’s possible that Instacart isn’t operating in your town, and that’s why it doesn’t consider your postal code valid. Try calling or googling the grocery retailers in your town to see what service they have for deliveries. It might not be operating through instacart, maybe there’s a different service?

If Instacart is in your town, and the app is what’s giving you a hard time, you could try ordering through the browser, maybe that will work better.

Alternatively, it seems like it asks for a postal code to determine your general location. You could try putting in a different, nearby postal code and see if that works better. You may be able to change the postal code to be delivered to once you get past the initial screen.

And finally, again, you are not being targeted. You need to get some mental health assistance, because what you’re saying makes me really worried for you.

Please, please, please, before you decide to “quit” this game, at least try giving a crisis line a call.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago


One, it’s possible that Instacart isn’t operating in your town, and that’s why it doesn’t consider your postal code valid.

“Isn’t operating in my town”? That’s not even permissible. The granularity of online services, when it’s not “worldwide”, is supposed to be countries, or states and provinces.

Try calling or googling the grocery retailers in your town to see what service they have for deliveries. It might not be operating through instacart, maybe there’s a different service?

Their websites all suggest using Instacart.

If Instacart is in your town, and the app is what’s giving you a hard time, you could try ordering through the browser, maybe that will work better.

I figure it’s much safer to put things like credit card numbers into a phone or other “walled garden” device that’s unrooted and hasn’t had anything sideloaded on it than into a PC.

Alternatively, it seems like it asks for a postal code to determine your general location. You could try putting in a different, nearby postal code and see if that works better. You may be able to change the postal code to be delivered to once you get past the initial screen.

An interesting suggestion. Unfortunately I don’t know of other nearby postal codes. They aren’t like GPS coordinates. There’s no algorithmic way to determine the adjacent ones. There are huge numbering discontinuities along provincial and municipal political boundaries and even along certain lines within individual cities.

And finally, again, you are not being targeted. You need to get some mental health assistance, because what you’re saying makes me really worried for you.

People keep saying that, and yet my actual experience of trying to get even very simple and basic tasks done, such as getting food into my pantry, seems suspiciously like a video game. Instead of being the same over time, every time I beat one level the next one seems to be even harder. Now why would that be, unless it actually is a video game? Oh, sure, a while back getting groceries was a near-changeless routine … at a time when keeping my meds going was behaving like a video game, with each level (month’s worth of prescription filled) harder than the previous one. And before that it was something else, and before that, something else.

If you have some other explanation for these observational data, by all means, do suggest one. But my experience leads me to predict that I’ll run into even more obstacles that are not a part of a normal person’s experience, rather than have a normal person’s experience, next week. Your “nobody is out to get you, you’ve just had a run of bad luck” hypothesis predicts that I will have a normal person’s experience next week. In a week, I suppose, we shall see who was right.

And if it was me, I think we should then find a disused thread or something and discuss what the hell might actually be going on that would explain this pattern of events in my life, and how I might combat its cause before it gets to the point of my facing the GAME OVER screen. If, of course, that hasn’t already happened by then …

4 years ago

The granularity of online services, when it’s not “worldwide”, is supposed to be countries, or states and provinces.

I don’t mean the online portion of the service, I mean the physical portion of the service. It’s possible that Instacart doesn’t do deliveries in your area.

Their websites all suggest using Instacart.

I assume these are big box stores like Sobey’s, they’re giving you generic info. It’s possible that the locations in your area don’t use Instacart. You may want to call them and ask what delivery services they offer.

I figure it’s much safer to put things like credit card numbers into a phone or other “walled garden” device that’s unrooted and hasn’t had anything sideloaded on it than into a PC.

So access the browser ordering through your phone? You might have to select the “show desktop site” option, but you should be able to do it that way.

Unfortunately I don’t know of other nearby postal codes.

Google maps shows postal codes. Just select a building nearby and it should give you something to try.

Now why would that be, unless it actually is a video game?

I am not trained or equipped to talk you down from delusions like this. You need a mental health professional.

4 years ago

Unfortunately I don’t know of other nearby postal codes. They aren’t like GPS coordinates. There’s no algorithmic way to determine the adjacent ones.

Pick your closest store – doesn’t matter what it sells. Or library, if that’s closer. Or the nearest copshop. Look it up online. It will have a physical address somewhere on the contact details, including the postcode.

And a possibly silly suggestion – you are using Instacart’s Canadian hub, right? The US sites pitch a total fit at civilised letter/number postcodes.

4 years ago


I am someone who was convinced that my dead friend who died of cancer was sitting at my bed side whispering to me ever night. I was having delusions. They felt so real. I could hear her, I could feel her, I could see her, I could smell that overwhelming sterile smell of a hospital that she was always covered in towards the end. Even though I knew my friend would never tell me to hurt myself or to join her, it felt real. But it wasn’t. She was dead, her ghost wasn’t haunting me. And took medical professionals to help me with this. You are having a delusion. You might not be seeing a dead love one who is telling you people are after you, but you are having common delusion and paranoia. I can’t help you. No one here can help you. You need to seek help. It’s not real no matter how real it feels. There are people that will help you see that.

4 years ago

Surplus, you need to speak to a mental health professional. I know I’m just repeating what others have said, but it needs to be repeated. No one on here is able to help you, beyond telling you that you need to speak to a mental health professional. If you won’t do that, there’s nothing more I can offer, because I am not going to engage with your delusions.

4 years ago


Unfortunately I don’t know of other nearby postal codes. They aren’t like GPS coordinates. There’s no algorithmic way to determine the adjacent ones. There are huge numbering discontinuities along provincial and municipal political boundaries and even along certain lines within individual cities.

What part of Ontario do you live in? Try searching for a postal code map for your code and the surrounding ones. I wish I could give more specific instructions but I don’t know much about how postal codes work in Canada and I’ve never been to Ontario.

If you have some other explanation for these observational data, by all means, do suggest one.

You seem to be predicting some sort of conspiracy that doesn’t exist. You’ve taken observations and sensed a pattern where there is none, which is common for people to do. However, it is just that: a pattern that isn’t there. I wish I could help but I don’t know what more to say.