By David Futrelle
One of the tenets of Red Pill thought, uncritically adopted by incels, is that the supersexy Chads who are out there having sex while incels stew at home are literally having sex with almost all women — not just their hot “looksmatches” but also the women that even incels think are ugly.
Why is this (imaginary thing that isn’t happening) happening? One commenter on the Incels.co forums thinks he has an answer: Chads have sex with “ugly girls” to make incels more miserable than they already are.
![[Blackpill] The main reason Chad has sex with ugly girls is to DESTROY YOU in order to reduce competition
mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
105d 22h 18m
Today at 1:02 AM
Chad doesn't need to have sex with uglies, but he does. Why? 2 reasons
1. It provides endless variety and is easy
2. It leaves you sexless, making you not function properly
There have been countless studies done to show that not getting sex fucks your life up, and we also know that not getting sex fucks you socially, and makes it harder to focus on academics and work.
Understand, in this world, whenever one person has something positive, another fails. Life is a zero sum game. Chad WANTS you to suffer, the more you suffer, the more power he has. Tinder is Chad's secret weapon to stomp on not only incels, but normies, and leave them feeling LIFELESS. This makes it easier for Chad to succeed in all aspects of life.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2020-06-13_15-17-40.jpg?resize=580%2C1436&ssl=1)
The commenters on Incels.co had mixed reactions to personalityinkwell’s thesis. Some agreed that it was all about screwing incels over. As one commenter put it:
This is the reason I hate chads. I’m okay with him going after his looksmatch stacies. But why the fuck does he have to go and vioate my looksmatch? He could’ve lived in his own bubble with his stacy harem. And I could’ve lived with my oneitis becky. But Nooooo.
Other commenters don’t think that Chad spends any time thinking abuot incels at all; he’s just horny.
To think that Chad consciously think about ugly men when he go about doing his business is a faggoty mindset . Chads could care less about ugly men as like some one stepping on a cockroach. He doesn’t think about ugly men or devise some plan to destroy them. He is only thinking about getting 3 different foids per day.
It’s really quite amazing how much sex is going on in incel brains, given how little actual sex is going on in the real world. Even the horniest, handsomest Chads aren’t out there routinely having sex with three different women a day. It’s all in your heads, dudes.
Jerk off. Take a cold shower. Go play a video game. Do something to clean the sex out of your head for a little while — and maybe the constant resentment will ease up a bit as well. You’re the ones making yourself miserable, not Chad.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Personalityinkwell can best be described as what that noted Constitutional scholar Lucy Van Pelt would call “a blockhead”.
@Moogue, Lunetta
I’ve also heard it used in a more positive sense to describe a feeling of strong attraction to one’s partner in a relationship i.e. not desiring anyone else because of their love for their significant other.
I don’t know how any term ending in -itis can be used positively. That usually means an affliction of some kind, or a disease.
I saw it in this context on WHTM from a regular commenter:
They may have been using it ironically, but that certainly sounds positive in intention.
Incels: everything is about MEEEEEEEE!!!!
@Valentin: glad you’re ok!!!
Also I got some good news. My girlfriend broke up with me before christmas but we are still good friends and now I have a boyfriend.
I mean, those CHADS out there are really putting in a lot hard, hard work. I salute the work-ethic, and applaud the effort put into making incels miserable.
I’d have written something serious and “all joking aside” here, but I really can’t be bothered.
@Void Smoothie
There are lots of other ways incels do seem like cartoon villains. The overly pompous manifestos and the illogical master plans really seem to complete the analogy.
Women aren’t people to these guys, just status symbols. You could replace us with sandwiches here and it would make just as much sense.
“Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live such a solipsistic life, to think that people are somehow having sex with each other at you, specifically to hurt you. Instead of, y’know, just being people living their lives. ”
Homophobes and transphobes seem to think this, so it’s not uncommon.
Congrats Valentin! I hope you’re as happy as can be!
Frankly, it makes more sense if we talk about sandwiches. Chad eating all the sandwiches so incels get none? He might not feel too good after eating too many sandwiches, but at least that makes some modicum of sense.
Ah yes. “Countless studies”, published in the Journal of Incel Lives Being Fucked Up By Not Getting Sex And Totally Not Because Of Their Awful Zero-Sum Attitude Towards Other People (Especially Women).
I’m always amused by the manosphere’s attitude that having an opinion isn’t enough. It has to be backed by science. And if the science isn’t there, then invent it by waving your hands at mysterious “studies”. Or link to the same Jordan Peterson opinion piece over and over, and insist that your audience “do the research” that you’re too lazy to synthesize.
Even science itself is a perpetual work in progress, not the authoritative last word on any subject.
@Valentin – Congrats! So happy for you! Hope you get a good ship assignment, and that you and your new love stay safe and well.
Glad to hear from you again! I hope your and your new partner make it out okay!
@Surplus Excellent!
@Valentin Congratulations!
I don’t see this appeal to science happening very often (comparatively speaking) when manospherians assert something. Besides, alleged facts (as opposed to opinions) should be indeed based on something more than a hunch.
It seems that the right believes that their opinions are factually correct all the time by assertion, and that others must be backed up by a source that they like. If the source does not agree with them, they will just declare it fake news and ignore.
In the manosphere, an appeal to science usually means making up some evo-psych bullshit about women and men that is demonstrably incorrect and easily disproven.
Until now I had only heard of oneitis as a euphemism for masterbation
Does it mean that when this person mother asks him to do his homework, he yells to her “Not before i have sex !” ?
And i feel so lifeless to know that Chad uses this so secret weapon nobody known. Clearly, before the apparition of toy stuffed chocolate egg, i was so lifefull.
And now i have this bizarre feeling that this design of Chad reminds me of Vanilla Ice. I know it is clearly not him, but this yellow puff… Ah, it is never good to get old when you are not a wine or a cheese.
@Buttercup Q Skullpants
I dunno, I’m willing to give science the authoritative last word on “Better wash your hands pretty damn good before you perform surgery (or a vaginal exam on mothers who just gave birth), doc!”
@ Valentin
Hey-o! Nice!
I submit that the collective noun for Chads is not “flock,” but “bulge” or “charm”. A charm of Chads. It has a ring to it, no?
O/T I know, but I am aware that some of the community also have lives touched by Parkinson’s disease. Has anyone tried or observed any results from using probiotics?
Are you thinking of “onanism”?
@Big Titty Demon
I’ll also give science the authoritative last word on things like “the planet is warming rapidly because of us and we have 10 years to prevent horrible irreversible damage” and “asbestos gives you cancer so let’s not use it” and similar.
I’m not willing to give science the authoritative last word on things like “phlogiston exists”, “all fatty foods are bad for you”, “blacks have lower IQs than whites” and “all women want Chad when they’re ovulating”. Knowledge evolves. Even climate change is turning out to be far worse than was originally thought.
There’s a reason why “it’s just science!” has become shorthand for making fun of manospherians. They’re so sure that reality backs up their awful opinions.