
Today’s Incel Insight: Chads have sex with ugly women just to make incels more miserable

A flock of chads searching for ugly girls

By David Futrelle

One of the tenets of Red Pill thought, uncritically adopted by incels, is that the supersexy Chads who are out there having sex while incels stew at home are literally having sex with almost all women — not just their hot “looksmatches” but also the women that even incels think are ugly.

Why is this (imaginary thing that isn’t happening) happening? One commenter on the forums thinks he has an answer: Chads have sex with “ugly girls” to make incels more miserable than they already are.

[Blackpill] The main reason Chad has sex with ugly girls is to DESTROY YOU in order to reduce competition
mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
105d 22h 18m
Today at 1:02 AM
Chad doesn't need to have sex with uglies, but he does. Why? 2 reasons

1. It provides endless variety and is easy
2. It leaves you sexless, making you not function properly

There have been countless studies done to show that not getting sex fucks your life up, and we also know that not getting sex fucks you socially, and makes it harder to focus on academics and work.

Understand, in this world, whenever one person has something positive, another fails. Life is a zero sum game. Chad WANTS you to suffer, the more you suffer, the more power he has. Tinder is Chad's secret weapon to stomp on not only incels, but normies, and leave them feeling LIFELESS. This makes it easier for Chad to succeed in all aspects of life.

The commenters on had mixed reactions to personalityinkwell’s thesis. Some agreed that it was all about screwing incels over. As one commenter put it:

This is the reason I hate chads. I’m okay with him going after his looksmatch stacies. But why the fuck does he have to go and vioate my looksmatch? He could’ve lived in his own bubble with his stacy harem. And I could’ve lived with my oneitis becky. But Nooooo.

Other commenters don’t think that Chad spends any time thinking abuot incels at all; he’s just horny.

To think that Chad consciously think about ugly men when he go about doing his business is a faggoty mindset . Chads could care less about ugly men as like some one stepping on a cockroach. He doesn’t think about ugly men or devise some plan to destroy them. He is only thinking about getting 3 different foids per day.

It’s really quite amazing how much sex is going on in incel brains, given how little actual sex is going on in the real world. Even the horniest, handsomest Chads aren’t out there routinely having sex with three different women a day. It’s all in your heads, dudes.

Jerk off. Take a cold shower. Go play a video game. Do something to clean the sex out of your head for a little while — and maybe the constant resentment will ease up a bit as well. You’re the ones making yourself miserable, not Chad.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

I’m okay with him going after his looksmatch stacies. But why the fuck does he have to go and vioate my looksmatch? He could’ve lived in his own bubble with his stacy harem. And I could’ve lived with my oneitis becky. But Nooooo.

This guy seems a bit out of line with the general incel consensus that they deserve Stacy. He also seems weirdly sympathetic to Chad. Maybe he’s a fake incel?

I do find it at least a bit funny how incels think that everyone else is constantly conspiring against them. I can’t speak for Chad, but most of the time I don’t think at all about incels unless I’m commenting here. Most of us just don’t pay any attention.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

Chad WANTS you to suffer, the more you suffer, the more power he has.

Interesting how the entire world seems to be aligned against these guys. They think they are the center of the universe and everyone and everything is consciously making them miserable on purpose.

Jerk off. Take a cold shower. Go play a video game.

I don’t think playing video games is the answer. Considering how many toxic young men find other toxic young men to play games with them, the channel turns into a sludge pretty quickly.

4 years ago

At least if they’re playing video games they’re not killing people in the real world. I’ll take what I can get.

4 years ago

Wow. I’ve talked a lot about right-wingers having a zero-sum worldview, to the extent that they believe that hurting someone else improves your situation somehow, but I haven’t seen one say all of that explicitly before.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
4 years ago

It is funny how they claim to be so worthless, yet somehow everyone else in the world arranges their lives around them.

Women have sex with Chads and Tyrones to genocide incels. Chads have sex with non-Stacy women just to deny incels sex.

Yes. We all live to oppress incels. It’s the only things that gives our lives any meaning.

4 years ago

Love the deft touch of arrogance in the thread title.

Reducing competition?

What competition?!!!!

(By their own world view)

4 years ago

I assume the incels mean that Chad is having sex with ugly women so that incels can’t have sex with them, therefore removing competition from incels for the role of Alpha Male Sex Having Dude. This of course ignores that women can have sex with multiple men (as well as a whole host of other things that make this argument garbage).

At least, I think that’s what it means. Trying to decipher Incelogic™ is rather fruitless.

Void Smoothie
Void Smoothie
4 years ago

First time commenter, but I’ve been lurking a long time. Something that always gets me is how incels obsess over “looksmatches.” It reminds me of a show I can’t fully remember, kennel something. One scene that relates to this is where the evil kennel assistant manager was building a device to match all dogs to owners that looked like them instead of who they love. It’s funny how people share the belief of a kids show villain

William Butthead Yeats
William Butthead Yeats
4 years ago

He doesn’t think about ugly men or devise some plan to destroy them. He is only thinking about getting 3 different foids per day.

I mean…yeah? Three women per day is obviously ludicrous, and maybe “Chad” actually has motivations in life besides sex, but otherwise this is sort of close to reality.

Here’s a handy mantra for incels to practice:

“Not everything is about me. I am one person among billions, every one of whom has their own interior life, just like me.”

Actually, most things are not about you, but let’s move in small steps.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

It turns out that 2020 is the year OESP realizes we’ve reached 1995. It’s now possible to sign their poxy consent form electronically. Yay!

4 years ago

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live such a solipsistic life, to think that people are somehow having sex with each other at you, specifically to hurt you. Instead of, y’know, just being people living their lives.

But I suppose that simply by attempting to conceptualize life through another person’s eyes, I am already thinking in a way fundamentally opposed to these chucklefucks.

4 years ago

How boring must it be to spend all your time thinking about sex, and thinking the rest of the world is non-stop sexing it up? What a dull fixation. Come to that, how boring would it be to just have sex non-stop every day like they think everyone does? It’s weird that they think that kind of lifestyle would be enviable.

4 years ago

It’s kind of like how children who only get candy in occasional small amounts dream of an all-candy diet.

4 years ago


Come to that, how boring would it be to just have sex non-stop every day like they think everyone does?

I read an interview a while ago from a male porn star and he talked about how boring it was to have sex with attractive women every day for years. Granted, porn sex is rather different than what most people are doing IRL, but the same does apply that it would be dull.

Common sense also breaks their idea. If everyone else was having sex 24/7, we’d see a lot more public orgies spontaneously occurring. In addition, lubricants and sex toys would be among the best selling products. Nothing would get done because people would be too busy with sex. It might be a fun fantasy for some, but it would get boring fast. Plus painful: not to be TMI but it’s definitely possible to get sore or various injuries depending on position. And without effective contraception lots of AFAB people would get pregnant, and STDs would spread very quickly.

4 years ago

‘Not functioning sexually fucks up your life.’

This guy needs to talk to monks and friars (and be kept well away from nuns!)

4 years ago

quote: “This is the reason I hate chads. I’m okay with him going after his looksmatch stacies. But why the fuck does he have to go and vioate my looksmatch? He could’ve lived in his own bubble with his stacy harem. And I could’ve lived with my oneitis becky. But Nooooo.”

Oneitis Becky has had a lucky escape, I reckon. In many, many ways.

4 years ago

Chad is an embodiment of power and suffering shall strengthen Him as the One True Sex Haver.

4 years ago

I’m frankly amused by the image of Chad (like, literal Meme!Chad) thinking out loud to himself, “I’m bored of my Stacy harem. Time to find some 5s and 6s to mix up!” before opening up Tinder.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

I thought that incels required a hot babe 8+. Nobody who was less attractive than that would do — even though incels complain that they themselves are subhuman. Why are they now lamenting that Chad has sex with ugly women.

4 years ago

What does “oneitis” mean (“oneitis becky”)?

And to back up what Naglfar said, yeah you can definitely have too much sex (and it’s painful). Sorry for the TMI

4 years ago

“Oneitis” is PUA slang for being hung up on one potential girlfriend who doesn’t want you, instead of going out and meeting lots of women who might. Curing Oneitis as a first step to developing confidence is one of their rare good ideas.

4 years ago


I thought that incels required a hot babe 8+. Nobody who was less attractive than that would do — even though incels complain that they themselves are subhuman. Why are they now lamenting that Chad has sex with ugly women.

Maybe they’re trying to seem reasonable by playing “good incel, bad incel?” If so, it really isn’t working, as they still sound ridiculous.

4 years ago

OT, has anyone heard from Valentin lately? I have been wondering for some time if he is perhaps stuck out in the middle of the ocean somewhere, while ships can’t go in to port; I hope he is doing okay.

4 years ago


“Oneitis” is a usually obsessive focus on one girl. Depending on the stupidity of the person using it, getting rid of “oneitis” can either be fairly healthy step away from obsessive behavior like Amtep describes, or it can mean simply putting down men who fall in love and commit to monogamy.

4 years ago

Hi I’m okay I’m actually still at home waiting to join a ship

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