By David Futrelle
Twitter’s @CCide is a “blackpilled” incel-sympathizer who describes himself in his Twitter bio as someone “Enforcing Monogamy, Unhorsing Sodomy, Endorsing Patriarchy.” He’s got close to 4500 Twitter followers, among them Rollo Tomassi, an internet-famous Red Piller responsible for the “Rational Male” books and website. He clearly sees himself as a philosopher of the so-called Black Pill.
He’s also got perhaps the worst take on rape I’ve ever seen:
CC isn’t the first to portray rape as a form of property theft; indeed, that was once the standard take on the subject. But he’s the first I can recall seeing who describes being raped as a sign of sexual privilege — implying that if you’re sexually desirable enough to be raped you’re inherently more privileged than sexually frustrated incels, whom no one desires and, presumably, no one rapes.
Meanwhile, he sees “friendzoning” as a crime against men as serious as rape.
Somehow CC also seems to believe that all sex is rape because women are not developed enough to legally consent:
Suffice it to say his views on sex generally are pretty fucked-up.
For more on this last bit, and why it’s a bunch of hooey, see here and here.
He’s serious about that “enforcing monogamy” thing, and thinks arranged marriages are great.
Keeping true to his reactionary self, he rails against welfare as a form of “economic cuckoldry” and worse.
I guess we’d do better just to let children of poor sinlge mothers starve.
CC is convinced that gay men and trans women are really incels in disguise, driven to change their sexualities and gender identification because they’ve been rejected by women.
It should probably go without saying that he’s also racist as fuck.
Also, he thinks the only reason women care about George Floyd is that he was tall.
CC may be many things, but one thing he is clearly not is modest. He thinks that what he’s tweeting will go down in history, and not just as the sometimes amusing, sometimes infuriating tweets of a delusional nobody.
Sorry, dude, but from where I sit you’re just another shitty dude with shitty ideas, and there’s no shortage of them these days.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@Lollypop : what he actually suggest is that each women is assigned a husband somehow (auction ? lottery ? big government choosing ?), and then that women is definitely forbidden to interact with any other adult for the rest of her life.
You’re giving him too much credit by implying he would found the concept of courtship or romance not abbhorent.
Well, if you take a bunch of $20 bills and some gametes and put them all in a blender, it might work in the literal sense….
Wait, so are women sexual or not? I hear red pill men claim that women are and aren’t sexual at the same time. Does each woman have Schrödinger’s sex drive? Or can the red pill men get their story straight?
And that’s how you make the world’s worst smoothie.
Guys like this could read The Handmaid’s Tale and come away thinking that the Republic of Gilead fell because its leaders were too soft on the female population.
So women are “genetically programmed” to go after Chad -> which makes them passive robots incapable of agency or consent.
Meanwhile, men are compelled to seek out neoteny -> which makes them fully fledged adults, according to evolution.
Truly this guy is one of the biggest brained thinky-thought thinkers of our age.
But isn’t that true of any tax program that directly or indirectly benefits other people’s children? Which is to say, practically all of them. I bet he’d like to defund the schools, too.
All that concern about allocating their resources to their progeny sure dries up quickly when it comes to child support payments, though.
Which in his case is a few sockpuppet tradwife followers, and his right hand.
He doesn’t seem to be taking his own advice, though.
@Victorious Parasol
Don’t give them any ideas, I feel like they’d assume it’s a manual.
I’m sure he would. Just because he didn’t learn anything doesn’t mean that other people should suffer.
It’s pretty telling that his infographic shows younger ages of consent in green and the highest one in red, as though to say, Don’t go here, guys, you’ll get arrested for statutory rape if you do!
@Ohlmann Ah yes, I forgot about that. Of course, the only logical way to do relationships in the incel mind is to pair off 14 years old girls through a government program to their 35 year old male looksmatch. What a beautiful picture they paint of the incel utopia.
Mind you, going by the redpill sexual market place scoring system I saw the other day – where people like Sarah Michelle Gellar and Liv Tyler came in at a generous 5/10 – every middle aged schlub is entitled to at least a catalogue model in this system, so maybe that’s what appeals to them.
The chart also in fine print explains various exceptions which seem to be warnings for potential sex tourists. It’s also rather problematic IMO that in Hungary it is legal for 17 year olds to have sex with 12 year olds, or that in so many countries the age of consent is 14.
Horrifyingly, there are countries where the age of consent is less than any in Europe. For example, in Yemen the age of consent for girls is 9
(there is no minimum age for marriage but supposedly sex is banned until age 9). In the Maldives the age for girls is also 9 while that for boys is 18. However, it seems few manospherians will be going on sex tourism there because in both of those countries sex outside of marriage is banned.
The infographic mentions “close in age” exceptions for a few European countries, but I’d think they’re much more common than that. Finland certainly does have one.
Then again, the matter at hand is clearly about adult men pining after teen girls.
@ lumipuna
Those are often referred to as “Romeo and Juliet” laws.
And we all know how well that relationship turned out.
Theft by the police (“civil forfeiture”) also exceeds illegal theft every year.
Ah yes, evolution, in it’s infinite wisdom, has decreed that women will go after men who are fittest, physically speaking, in order to have their offspring also be fit, while men will go after children, who are either too young to have children or not mentally ready to be parents, so that their offspring can, you know… wait, how was this supposed to work? It wasn’t? Ok, cool.
I think you’ll find women’s sexuality to be proportionate to their proximity to Brad Pitt, actually.
One moment while I tell the incels that it’s just natural selection and that it’s natural for them to be incels because their genes are selected against. I’m sure with their rational understanding of science they will be very understanding.
All joking aside, I do find it interesting how incels are simultaneously convinced that they are subhuman but also deserve a teen supermodel virgin girlfriend to procreate with. It’s sort of an inversion of the fascist propaganda tactic of depicting that your enemy is both all powerful and weak at once.
Is there an app or something that will tell me where he is? I need to know if I should feel sexual now. /s
@Alan Robertshaw : that being said, Romeo and Juliet is a love story that have gone bad because of the interventions of older, intolerant people. It might have gone bad too without the house rivalry, but probably not “mutual suicide” bad.
I dislike the focus in law on age of consent, because what matter is if it is consensual, and age of consent is more a guideline to help judge and to make people realize they are being a manipulative asshole. While it’s pretty rare for a legitimate relation to trigger age of consent law, it *is* common for problematic relations to not trigger it. More than “the law authorize a 17-12 relation”, what I want to know is if judges will regulary condemn manipulative bastards taking advantage of people of any age and if they will spare people whose age is like 1 month above the threshold but aren’t abusive.
It’s one of thoses areas where people focus on numbers because it’s easy, but where numbers aren’t that important.
Now I’m just imagining a newborn baby but with like a full-size biker beard. Kind of a Benjamin Button situation.
“Well, it’s many a day I’ve traveled, a hundred miles or more
But a baby boy with his whiskers on, sure, I never saw before”
Lanugo, it’s called.
All our kids were born with it, instead of it shedding at birth like normal – that runs in my family.
The boy had a particularly fine crop of chest hair, and a fair mustache on him for the first 6 weeks. 🙂
This guy has examples of almost every of the most absurd incel beliefs. While I prefer to try to understand why people believe what they believe, with Incels and other groups seen on this blog the better explanation is Virtue Signalling. We could hold a debate around age of consent laws and whether copying the standards found in Europe is a good idea; however at some point he realized that a non-incel could make a similar argument. Thus he came out with a completely different argument that almost no one besides an Incel (or MGTOW or alt-right) would make. They resent women, so any appeal to misogyny works for them.
There was a study by social scientists where they showed Trump supporters pictures of the crowds from Obama’s and Trump’s inaugurations, and a lot of Trump supporters said Trump’s was larger even though it clearly wasn’t. It is tempting to say that they are dumb or crazy but really it is about priorities. Expressing their loyalty is more important than expressing the truth. If anything the alt-right takes that to an even further extreme.
While it is fun to look at the ridiculous things they say, it comes with the feeling of losing faith in humanity. Though it retrospect maybe I shouldn’t be surprised at that. Might need to take a break from the Mammoth.
Note, I believe that “Virtue Signalling” is a universal human tendency, and I think the phrase originally came from sociologists. Of course the anti-SJW crowd picked it up as another way to de-legitimize SJWs. I don’t think they have any actual counterarguments against what SJWs/progressives actually say, so things that allow them to claim SJWs are somehow really believe their own words becomes the center of their rhetoric. If you think about it most accusations of Virtue Signalling are themselves examples of virtue signalling.
Indeed, whenever conservatives accuse anyone of anything, they are usually telling on themselves. They accuse us of virtue signaling because that is what they do nonstop.
@ Olhmann
@Alan Robertshaw : isn’t Romeo and Juliet a realistic vision of teenagers in love ? :p
@Ohlmann, yes, and teenagers in general. I remember being a teenager, and having to draw my sword every time someone bit his thumb at me.
@ Moggie
Heh, I was just about to do a “sword fights were the bane of our school discos” post! 😀
Juliet is explicitly stated in the play to be *almost* 13… unless that’s supposed to be a metaphor for her maturity level or something, which is not an interpretation I’ve ever heard. That’s not quite a teenager. Romeo’s age is not stated; given that he carries a sword and is proficient in its use, he’s probably older, but how much older is open to debate, as it’s not clear what Shakespeare intended. Likely anywhere from 14 to early twenties. Regardless, both of them have about the same maturity level and are ill-suited for an actual relationship, regardless of the adults around them making things worse.
The whole “Romeo and Juliet laws” phrase is based around the idea that the two of them were something like 15-17. Which is probably in part because we often see teenagers about that age playing the roles. But that’s not entirely true to the source material.