By David Futrelle
Twitter’s @CCide is a “blackpilled” incel-sympathizer who describes himself in his Twitter bio as someone “Enforcing Monogamy, Unhorsing Sodomy, Endorsing Patriarchy.” He’s got close to 4500 Twitter followers, among them Rollo Tomassi, an internet-famous Red Piller responsible for the “Rational Male” books and website. He clearly sees himself as a philosopher of the so-called Black Pill.
He’s also got perhaps the worst take on rape I’ve ever seen:
CC isn’t the first to portray rape as a form of property theft; indeed, that was once the standard take on the subject. But he’s the first I can recall seeing who describes being raped as a sign of sexual privilege — implying that if you’re sexually desirable enough to be raped you’re inherently more privileged than sexually frustrated incels, whom no one desires and, presumably, no one rapes.
Meanwhile, he sees “friendzoning” as a crime against men as serious as rape.
Somehow CC also seems to believe that all sex is rape because women are not developed enough to legally consent:
Suffice it to say his views on sex generally are pretty fucked-up.
For more on this last bit, and why it’s a bunch of hooey, see here and here.
He’s serious about that “enforcing monogamy” thing, and thinks arranged marriages are great.
Keeping true to his reactionary self, he rails against welfare as a form of “economic cuckoldry” and worse.
I guess we’d do better just to let children of poor sinlge mothers starve.
CC is convinced that gay men and trans women are really incels in disguise, driven to change their sexualities and gender identification because they’ve been rejected by women.
It should probably go without saying that he’s also racist as fuck.
Also, he thinks the only reason women care about George Floyd is that he was tall.
CC may be many things, but one thing he is clearly not is modest. He thinks that what he’s tweeting will go down in history, and not just as the sometimes amusing, sometimes infuriating tweets of a delusional nobody.
Sorry, dude, but from where I sit you’re just another shitty dude with shitty ideas, and there’s no shortage of them these days.
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Will I regret asking?
The problem with this little fantasy of yours is that the “friendzone” has no legal definition, and therefore, unless the law is carefully drafted, you’d end up with a law that would allow heavy penalties to be placed on a woman if she doesn’t offer a man anything he wants, whenever he wants…
…But then again, that’s probably a feature, not a bug.
Wow, so many bad takes. I’ve seen this fellow before and he is still as scummy as he was then.
What world does live in? Rich people flaunt their wealth all the time.
“We need three more units of emotional wheat to feed the armies but she took it!”
Correction: no women will consensually choose to sleep with you.
Umm…I don’t see many babies with secondary sex characteristics. He must be watching too much lolicon.
Am I the only person who finds it creepy when men insist on being called Daddy? I mean, if that’s your thing to call men Daddy, you do you, but I confess it’s a little creepy IMO.
And? I’ve written in other people’s diaries (with their permission) and it was NBD. Now, if you’re doing it without permission I can see an issue, but that’s a different issue.
I’ve heard this theory many times, from TERFs and incels alike. Doesn’t change how it’s totally wrong.
Which one is it? There’s a big difference between 30% and 80%. Oh, and [citation needed].
@Alan Robertshaw
I haven’t a clue. Maybe he wants to ban horse dildos? Or he really didn’t like the Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories (2003 winner of the Bookseller/Diagram Prize for Oddest Title of the Year)?
@ naglfar
I like that lady horses what love other lady horses can find themselves represented in literature.
@Alan Robertshaw
I haven’t read it ($120 for a paperback is a bit steep), but it appears from the description that it’s about human lesbians, with horses playing a side role. So I guess sapphic mares will have to find their fix elsewhere.
Eh, he kinda sorta has a bit of truth there. Smart wealthy people generally don’t flaunt their wealth to anyone other than other wealthy people at private events, if at all. I mean, people like Bill Gates may be famous for being extremely wealthy, and it’s hard to hide fame which is based purely on raw numbers, but they don’t do ostentatious displays.
Open flaunting of wealth is mostly a phenomenon of noveau riche (particularly but not exclusively among pop star musicians/singers/dancers who grew up poor), emotionally insecure idiots, or narcissists.
That being said, people who have experienced both the trauma of rape and the trauma of theft mostly consider them fundamentally different, and the former being much worse. It’s not a great analogy even when you ignore the inherent dehumanization of comparing people’s bodies to personal property.
Not the only one. It’s wilt city to me.
Fair enough. I still think this whole body:money thing is a bad analogy, but that’s a separate issue.
80% of men?? I’m gonna need a citation. Pew says 50% or so of men in the USA are married, although the mean age at first marriage is higher now (30). Once again the incel hatred of all joy in the world remains untainted by fact.
Plus, all the data I can find suggests that the percent of men who are virgins past 50 is less than 1%. Not that there’s any shame in being a virgin at any age, of course, but that statistic blows away many an incel myth.
Even leaving aside the gross wrongness of rape being a sign of privilege, how the hell is being stolen from a sign of economic privilege?
Poor people get stolen from plenty. Not just in the classical robbery sense, but wage theft too.
Statements like that are one of the many reasons that I believe that incels and other manospherians are typically well off. Nobody poor/working class would ever believe that only the wealthy worry about theft.
Why do so many hierarchical patriarchs think their words, tweets or anything will go down in history? It’s sooo embarrassing. Can they not see it? They’re so worried about being “cukholded by society” and it’s OTHER MEN in history that did that to them. Not women. Not every guy was Hobbes. You think there weren’t 10,000 other Hobbesian idealists trying to get their proverbial tweets to go down in history at the same time? Even Hobbes walked onto the scene with a “I’ve got the solution to all problems” attitude and he done fucked up too. Guys….someone help the patriarch guys. They’re falling apart!!
I don’t believe that this man knows what the words ‘genocide’ or ‘alleles’ actually mean.
Money can’t dilute alleles, that’s not how DNA works at all.
Probably because they’ve been raised and experienced the world in such a way to believe that they, as cishet white men, are the center of the universe and their word is divine. It is almost laughable how significant they think they are, I recall Mike Cernovich was recently tweeting about how he is one of the most important people ever to live, when I think most people don’t know he exists other than his fans and enemies.
Or don’t, we could just let them fall.
Bigots don’t really understand DNA much in general, so I’m not surprised they think this. See also: TERFs, “scientific” racists, etc.
Given that the dollar amount of wage theft in the US is higher than that of burglaries and robberies combined, and that it’s corporations like WalMart that engage in it, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that low-wage workers probably experience a higher amount of theft in proportion to their assets than anyone else.
It’s always striking to me how these repulsive dudes have absolutely no clue why they have no wives or girlfriends. Almost as striking as how they consider themselves to be “nice guys,” even after they express their garbage opinions about women.
Someone should tell CCide the age of consent isn’t 18 everywhere in the US either. Or maybe they shouldn’t, since he’s probably another asshole who likes his women too young.
Man, that comic that compares women judging men on a dating app by looks to a man sorting out other men by race is just wild. I mean, sure discrimination based on looks is a real thing, and I think dating apps in general are just unhealthy, but to compare those problems to systematic RACISM?!!!
I bet all those comic foids also think that dying of cancer is worse than a vicious hangover, those hypocrites! /s
The idea that being stolen from is a sign of privilege is exactly the same playbook as “Only sexy women get raped,” just as the idea that only people who flaunt their wealth get stolen from is the same as “Women get raped due to flaunting their sexiness in how they dress.” Both assume that crime is entirely a matter of stranger-from-the-bushes. (And given how the word “mugging” is kind of a bit racialized in North America, it’s racist as fuck.)
Basically, the existence of Batman is all down to that dumb b*tch Martha Wayne wearing her pearls, because if she’s had the sense not to flaunt her wealth by doing so, she and her husband would never have been mugged and shot. (Though admittedly, that thought is sort of at the basis of my favorite version of that origin story, where the reason she’s wearing her pearls is because Bruce asked her to, leading to a massive sense of guilt over what happens which goes a long way towards justifying his somewhat extravagant reaction to his trauma.)
Anyone who believes that no woman would get off to being called “Mommy” clearly hasn’t spent any time around lesbians.
(of course, this chucklehead probably thinks lesbians aren’t real, either)
Aside from the analogy being disgusting, it’s not only pretty women that get raped, in fact the most likely variable is vulnerability. As such disabled and the elderly are particularly at risk of sexual assault.
But honestly this guys barely even worth commenting on, he’s living in more of a fantasy land
Same thread, different poster:
Damn. That is some deeply rational thinking.
@Nagfljar : he said “smart” rich people. I can also say that pink unicorns only eat panda meat, it will be just as right.
(ok, ok. Some rich people are smart, but flaunting one wealth seriously isn’t a sign of smartness in my book)
For me the worse part is the idea only pretty women get raped. Everything that was quoted is horrible, but that part take the cake because of the implications.
By suggesting “friendzoning” is as bad as rape, that would mean women were legally required to only ever speak to men they find sexually attractive, and once they’d engaged in any lengthy conversion, be unable to change her mind. Kinda robs the whole getting to know someone thing of fun and romance doesn’t it?
Also experience and anecdotal evidence suggests that the sort of guys who get angry about friendzoning are also the sort of guys who get very angry if you are straight up with them. Like “URGH, I only wanted to talk to you, I don’t even fancy you, you stuck up *****”
I thought “unhorsing sodomy” is a mildly clever way of saying “My political agenda involves ranting about the perceived glorification of gays and whatever I find ‘degenerate’ sexuality”.