
The Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin hates babies — but wants white couples to produce as many of them as humanly possible

Andrew Anglin: Angry, baby!

By David Futrelle

Nazis have a bit of an obsession about babies, forever urging white couples to pump out a many of them as humanly possible. Even the infamous “14 words” neo-Nazi catechism is all about “secur[ing] … a future for white children.”

So what happens if you, a Nazi, just don’t like babies very much? Consider the case of Andrew Anglin, head boy at the Daily Stormer, who hates babies as much as any anti-natalist but also thinks that other white people should be out there making new ones in huge quantities.

In a Daily Stormer post today, Anglin tries to square this particular circle. He begins by setting forth his own extreme hatred of babies and children in no uncertain terms, denouncing them as “loud, stinky … terrorists.”

Anglin, who is neither married nor with children, declares

There is no sound more vile than the screech of a child. It is even more vile than the crying of an infant. Their smells come in all sorts and all of them are foul. Their cruelty is nigh as boundless as that of a woman – for they destroy with impunity.

But by the end of his little essay, he is ordering his fellow Nazi males to transform their (mostly hypothetical) wives into non-stop baby producing machines — whether the wives want this or not.

[T]he solution to the woman problem is to get her pregnant and keep her pregnant. Traditionally – all the way up through the early 2000s – divorces didn’t happen until the youngest child was 10-12. The divorce rate is still much, much, much, much lower for people with small children. So, you need to keep her pregnant until she can’t get pregnant anymore.

He urges white men to resort to trickery

Do it by hook or by crook. Refuse to allow her to take birth control and if she gets it anyway then replace the pills with placebos. Learn her menstruation cycle, Google when she’s most fertile, seduce her and tell her you’ll pull out and don’t. Do whatever you have to do, just keep her pregnant until she can’t get pregnant anymore.

So how does Anglin square this with his own hatred of the little buggers? By advocating perhaps the least-involved version of fatherhood short of just up and disappearing — one in which the father takes part in zero actual child rearing duties beyond a vague promise to protect the family from evil black rioters and, presumably, bears.

He dismisses men who have basically any physical interactions with their children as thoroughly emasculated husks of manhood.

There is nothing more pathetic than a man holding a small child. I feel utterly repulsed by such a scene. But millennial men have received so little instruction and no mentoring whatsoever from their loafing boomer fathers that these freaks apparently believe that holding an infant is part of being a father. Some of them will even change the diapers of their little brats – or feed them with a bottle! …

Men have never done this stuff with babies, ever, in all of history, and you shouldn’t be doing it. So, just tell your wife she will be doing it from now on. Tell her you’ll do some other task, which is manly, such as mowing the lawn, working to make money or GUARDING THE DOOR WITH A GUN TO KEEP THE RIOTING BLACKS FROM KICKING IT IN AND RAPING HER AND SLITTING HER THROAT, SOMETHING THAT SHE SHOULD PROBABLY BE A LOT MORE GRATEFUL FOR THAN SHE IS.

Fathers should rather just remain in the shadows, a bit like Batman, functioning as

the thing in [the child’s] environment that maybe doesn’t like it that much, maybe yells at it now and again, but would give his life to keep it safe if he had to, but who would never have to because he is so strong … .

Apparently, Anglin’s ideal father is not so much a loving parent as a vague hostile presence in the life of a child that he refers to as an “it.”

It’s really not hard to see why the contemporary alt right has such incredible trouble recruiting women.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

who is neither married nor with children

Good, make sure he stays that way.

So, you need to keep her pregnant until she can’t get pregnant anymore.

Some quick math: Nazis want to marry 14 year old girls (horrifying, but it is what they want). The US average age of menopause is 51. If a woman has a child every 9 months (i.e. as much as humanly possible) from 14 to 51, that’s 49 children not including multiple births or stillbirths (and assuming the woman doesn’t die in childbirth or pregnancy). How does he plan to provide for 49 children?

one in which the father takes part in zero actual child rearing duties

Somehow these are the same people complaining that they don’t get custody. One would think they wouldn’t want to be involved.

But millennial men have received so little instruction and no mentoring whatsoever from their loafing boomer fathers that these freaks apparently believe that holding an infant is part of being a father.

My father wasn’t a millennial by a long shot, but he did spend much time with me and my younger sister. Since he had more flexible work hours for my childhood than my mother, he did the majority of the childcare when I was growing up. I’m thankful he did so, he was certainly much better than Anglin and his scum.

Some of them will even change the diapers of their little brats – or feed them with a bottle!

His head would explode if he realized that some fathers are stay at home dads.

Men have never done this stuff with babies, ever, in all of history

He obviously hasn’t heard of the Aka people, which has the most involved fathers of any society, but I assume he would assume they were wrong just because they’re Black.

I feel like at the root of this, Anglin is insecure in his masculinity and wants to prove he’s a man by having an aggressive power fantasy of being a distant father. I sincerely hope he never becomes a father. Maybe he could get into semen retention?

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
4 years ago

Traditionally – all the way up through the early 2000s – divorces didn’t happen until the youngest child was 10-12.

I was born in 1973. This is untrue.

varalys the dark
4 years ago

Born 1974. Can also confirm it’s untrue.

4 years ago

My Grandma kicked her husband out of the house and changed the locks when her kids were IIRC 4 and 6. That would’ve been sometime in the late 50s.

4 years ago

The ideal father here appears to be some sort of automated turret system

William Butthead Yeats (formerly Malice W Underland)
William Butthead Yeats (formerly Malice W Underland)
4 years ago

@Podkayne Lives He’s as bad as the incels for completely made up “facts.” This is inspiring me to look up divorce statistics and see if they remotely support what he’s saying. My money’s on no.

I’m just picturing a father who barely speaks to his kids and makes sure they’re scared of him, sabotages his wife’s birth control (and probably rapes her, because as I recall, ol’ Andrew is pro-rape), and stands by the door all day with a gun mumbling to himself about black people. His idea of “fatherhood” sounds like my idea of “doing everything you can to get your wife to leave you and file for a restraining order.”

4 years ago

My parents divorced when I was 5 and my brother was 3, and this would have been the mid-90s.

The ideal father here appears to be some sort of automated turret system

Behold, the ideal father! It’s even white, just like the Nazis want!comment image

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

Refuse to allow her to take birth control and if she gets it anyway then replace the pills with placebos.

Has this Nazi never seen birth control pills. They come in blister packs, so if pills have been removed and replaced with placebos, then the foil is broken and other pills (probably much larger than the very tiny birth control pills) have been — glued? taped? stuck on with chewing gum? — to the blister pack.

There is nothing more pathetic than a man holding a small child. I feel utterly repulsed by such a scene.

And of course any decisions made about childbearing and child rearing always need to take Andrew Anglin’s feelings into account.

4 years ago

I sincerely hope he never becomes a father. Maybe he could get into semen retention?

I’d prefer he take up the way of the Skoptsy.

4 years ago

@Cal: And an automated turret system won’t try to keep you pregnant from ages 14 through 51, so it has that advantage as well.

CriticalDragon1177 (@CriticalDragon1)

Hey Anglin,

This is the twenty first century, no one cares about the “white race” except losers like you.

4 years ago

Hold onto your lunch, Anglin. This father proudly cradles, changes diapers, and bottle feeds every single day since she was born. Worse yet, he’s been more comfortable and skilled than I with doing all of the above. It truly joys me that having the most exemplary parenting partner I could possibly ask for in a husband brings displeasure to Nazi trash such as yourself.
comment image

4 years ago

That’s not “trickery,” that’s rape.

4 years ago

“[Children] destroy with impunity?”

Though it’s far from the gravest issue with Anglin’s thought process …. what?

That’s top-five-attributes when he considers children?

4 years ago

Hello, I love your blog. Recently I came across a very misogynistic article, could you write about it?
Here is this article:

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

That is an adorably bright-eyed baby!

4 years ago

My favorite was his “google when she’s most fertile” part. I doubt any man reading his stuff has a fertile women available, but imagine him ham-fingering “when am girlfriend most baby maker?”

Because counting 2 weeks from the end of the cycle is beyond the skills or a daily stormer?

varalys the dark
4 years ago

So, JK Rowlings deranged transphobic rant made the UK papers. Front pages of several. Awesome /s

4 years ago


My favorite was his “google when she’s most fertile” part. I doubt any man reading his stuff has a fertile women available, but imagine him ham-fingering “when am girlfriend most baby maker?”

“Am I pregante?”

In seriousness though, a very good friend of mine and his wife are expecting a baby this fall and I couldn’t be happier for them. He’s a music teacher and great with kids and I’m sure he’s going to make a fantastic dad. He’s basically exactly the opposite of everything Anglin described above and I wish there were some way to rub Anglin’s Nazi nose in that.

4 years ago

Men have never done this stuff with babies, ever, in all of history, and you shouldn’t be doing it.

The Musee du Louvre would like a word with you about their 2000-year-old Greco-Roman statue of Hercules & Telephus:

Description: Heracles (Roman Hercules) stands holding his infant son Telephus in his arms. The hero wears a lion-skin cape and carries a knotted club.

Yeah, the idea that “men have never done this stuff with babies, ever, in all of history” is somewhat undermined by the fact that multiple classical sculptors were just fine with depicting Hercules, who is literally the archetype of the absolute manliest man in the entirety of classical mythology, holding his baby son.

4 years ago

@Varalys A well known politician (left-wing, known for promoting a feminist foreign policy, currently working for the UN on women’s issues) here in Sweden tweeted out a blog post in defense of Rowling from an absolutely vile TERF blog. Then, after getting called out by virtually all replies from women and left-wing people and getting comments like “a stopped clock is right twice a day” or “never thought I’d agree with you on anything” from a bunch of neonazis, she doubled down, thanking everyone for the interesting discussion. Urgh.

varalys the dark
4 years ago

That sounds… depressing. Am pleased that Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe have politely said Rowling has her head up her own arse at least.

4 years ago

Turns out Google does actually know your girlfriend’s ovulation phase, but you have to pay for that information.

4 years ago

Aren’t there some “placebo” pills in a typical 28-day birth control package? Maybe Anglin has heard of those, and got confused.

Or maybe he wants to dogwhistle the classic abuser magic trick of simply making your girlfriend’s pills disappear.

4 years ago

Turns out Google does actually know your girlfriend’s ovulation phase, but you have to pay for that information.

Technically, this may be true for a lot of girlfriends. A fair number of period tracker apps have been selling that information to facebook and other companies for them to use.

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