By David Futrelle
Nyasha Madzima is the CEO of a one-person “branding and media” company that doesn’t seem to have a working web page. He also doesn’t seem to have a working knowledge of biology.
In a recent Twitter thread, he attempted to explain why women shouldn’t have more than one sexual partner in their lifetime.
I’ve run across assorted misogynists making a similar, er, argument — claiming that when women come into contact with a man’s sperm, it essentially rewrites her DNA and makes her a little bit more like the sperm-depositor. (This is complete nonsense, of course.) But Madzima is much more mystical about it, and presumably wearing a condom won’t prevent that Life Force from sneaking into the vagina, or wherever it’s supposed to be going.
Either way, the result is the same, offering men another excuse to claim that women who aren’t literally virgins are man-contaminated whores who can’t love good men correctly because they’re so full of the collective Life Forces of other (bad) men.
Which, even according to the perverse logic of these arguments, doesn’t seem quite fair. If any of this were true, wouldn’t the onus be as much on the man to avoid sex with multiple women to avoid contaminating or confusing them? Wouldn’t it thus be the duty of all men to remain virgins until marriage to keep from damaging them? If contact with a man’s dick is polluting, shouldn’t there be some sort of cap and trade program for dicks?
But it’s pointless to try to argue any of this logically, because this isn’t about logic any more than it’s about scientific facts; it’s just another way to make women feel shitty about having a sex life. Or to try anyway, because there aren’t a lot of women out there who buy any of this bullshit.
Anyway, this all made me think of this old song:
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I would be lying if I said the idea of banging someone hot until you just become hot yourself weren’t appealing.
Must be true, then. After all, Cernovich is one of the most important people in time and space:
Your smugness is unwarranted. This entire nation — that includes you — has been with a low-caliber man for three-plus years now.
Presumably Mr. Madzima sees himself as a high-quality man.
@Prith kDara
There must be something else going on, since it says above that condoms don’t stop the transfer.
What about women who do make sperm? Or men who don’t? Is this still an issue for men who are sterile?
Maybe you’d become some sort of Voltron who takes on the best attributes of many men. Good idea.
Wouldn’t this be literal hypergamy?
Hahahahaha. I don’t think about Mike Cernovich most of the time, so I’m guessing that in 100 years he will be completely forgotten. Same for other pseudo philosophers like Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro.
This is a very old idea in some Hindu/Buddhist circles. I remember reading about it in the 90s and it goes back waaaaaay farther than that. Men who believe in this believe that they have a limited amount of life force, and when they run out they die, and that life force is stolen by women every time they have sex and ejaculate into a female partner.
One solution is to not have sex, yes, and some men go that route, but other men take the solution of not ejaculating. They train themselves somehow (by pushing on some specific part of the penis just before orgasm) to perform a retrograde ejaculation, where the ejaculate stays inside even though the man orgasms. That way the man can have sex without having his energy stolen by that wily woman, and live out his full life span.
I don’t recall the official position on a man having sex with other men. I would guess that it is discouraged because homophobia is common, but can’t say for sure.
If men aren’t supposed to ejaculate during sex, then how were babies conceived? It seems like a bit of an issue if reproduction is banned.
So, a company named ‘Black Toe Africa’ and a mystical approach to sex where the man claims the woman, while trying to warn women against ‘low quality’ men… is anybody else smelling Hotep? (Is Ikeke still around? I know we had a few people more familiar with that particular group than I am.)
@Quantuminc, Naglfar:
I’m reminded of something that I read over on Slacktivist over half a year ago, where he was quoting a Frank Wilhoit on another blog a year and a half before that:
As Fred Clark notes, once you accept that as the actual core principle, most of the other hypocrisy vanishes, because none of the things they publicly claim as core principles (and then violate) actually ever were principles in the first place.
It also explains why they fight so hard against anything that would actually make life better for everybody, including them; anything that protects out-groups (like universal health care) or binds in-groups (like actual police oversight) is a violation of that principle.
@ Naglfar
If that’s the case, they’re obviously not using them properly. But that was Dave presuming. This Nyasha Madzima fellow never mentioned condoms at all.
I believe I covered that. If sperm is transferred, they deliver their little mind control/personality transplant messages, period. The gender of the sender or receiver is irrelevant, as is where the communiques are delivered. You get sperm in you, it’s all over. On the other hand, if you only get sperm all over, and not in you, your autonomy should remain intact.
As you can see, I am helpless but to deliver the undisputed science behind all this (see previous whoring around disclaimer). The ancients knew all about this (see “homunculi“).
(/s, just in case)
Bah, the link didn’t work. It was to a picture in wiki showing the little man in a sperm. Aka, animalcules.
maybe just the link will appear?![comment image](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus#/media/File:Preformation.GIF)
I thought it was women whose sex goo turned men into mind-controlled slaves. Why can’t misogynists get their bizarre theories consistent?
@Jenora Feuer:
Despite its Afrocentrism, I don’t get the impression that the Hotep idea has gained much traction outside the US (I could be wrong). This guy is in Zimbabwe.
If horcrux sex was actually a thing, wouldn’t there be thousands of women channeling Wilt Chamberlain and Warren Beatty?
@Jenora Feuer
It crossed my mind, but I can’t see too much evidence seeing as his little semen rant doesn’t explicitly mention black nationalism or opposition to race mixing, which is a key part of Hotep stuff that I’ve seen.
Ah, but they probably also had sex with other men which confused them so we don’t get massive numbers of women just like Chamberlain.
Did someone mention bicycles?
Bicycles and personality exchange, this all sounds remarkably like the Atomic Theory as described by the Irish writer Brian O’Nolan aka Flann O’Brien:
@Moggie, Naglfar:
Fair enough. There are far too many flavours of bullshit out there, it’s hard to keep track of them all.
I read the bit about ‘low caliber men’ as a coded reference to race-mixing, which was part of why I jumped to that particular conclusion.
@Jenora Feuer
Could be, I read it as the standard manosphere alpha/beta stuff but I see how it could be a reference to race mixing.
@Naglfar – But ghostly man-remnants hang around forever and mingle together, so that any woman who ever slept with Wilt Chamberlain should at least retain some dim memory of how to run a 2-3 stack off an inbound baseline pass and dominate the post. Even if she’s only 5’2”. It’s just logic!
I love how he says women become carbon copies of the men they sleep with, but also women still can’t do what men do. He sounds confused. It’s almost like he’s possessed by a horde of low quality demon weasels, fighting for dominion over his soul as if it were a piece of stale tuna.
@ cat mara
Is that a live performance of Third Policeman!!!
But… what about the occasional women who do have the personality to contain all that man-essence? For that matter, what about gay men who only bottom? Is the world secretly ruled by a conspiracy of power bottoms, thinking rings around the straight guys, fueled by stolen male essence and glittery eye shadow?
You fool! The more men I fuck, the more powerful I become!
According to the internet, the people who have had sex with the most men are two Dutch identical twin sisters who worked for 50 years as sex workers in Amsterdam. The Fokken twins claim to have had sex with over 175,000 men each, so assuming they have the required personality they should rule the world. Though I do like the idea of a conspiracy of power bottoms, the OP seems convinced that men don’t take the life force of other men.
O/T: Now that Daniel Radcliffe has written in opposition to JK Rowling’s views, TERFs are now trying to claim that Daniel Radcliffe is ugly and feminine in order to discredit him. Because it is totally feminist to judge people based on their looks, and definitely “gender critical” to equate femininity with weakness.
Nothing says “radical feminism” quite like playing the lookism card and insulting women.
Daniel Radcliffe doesn’t strike me as particularly feminine or masculine, in appearance or behavior. He’s a very middle-of-the-road kind of person.
Graham Linehan hasn’t actually stated what he thinks is feminine about Radcliffe, he just called him “Danielle” claiming that it was autocorrect then saying it was accurate. Generally, calling out femininity in men is a homophobia thing, but as far as I know Radcliffe is heterosexual (he has had a girlfriend for 8 years, I guess he could be bi but I don’t know).
But, but I thought that ALL AMAB people had an intrinsic, immutable masculinity that is clearly visible for all to see? How on earth could Daniel Radcliffe, a cis man, be considered feminine??? I’m so confused!!! /sarcasm
Glinner, King of the Lesbians, said so, so it must be true. Clearly he knows far more about what makes someone feminine than us women, and we must listen to the man for true feminism. /s
It’s also worth noting that both Katie Leung (who played Cho Chang) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) have been outspokenly in support of trans* people yet the TERFs have conveniently ignored them. Because it’s totally standing against “female erasure” to ignore women.