
Incel blows off his own hand in failed bomb plot (allegedly)

By David Futrelle

It was the biggest of oopsies. 23-year-old Cole Carini of Richlands, Virginia evidently planned to set off a bomb at a local mall in an attempt to somehow strike back at the “hot cheerleaders” who had ignored him in school.

But the improvised explosive device he was apparently working on had other ideas; exploding prematurely, it blew off one of his hands and several fingers on his other hand and left shrapnel wounds on his face and neck.

After the unfortunate incident — well, unfortunate for him, fortunate for us — Carini went to a local hospital for treatment, saying he’d lost his hand in a bizarre gardening accident with an upturned lawn mower. Carini — who had been arrested several years back on explosives charges — apparently convinced no one with this explanation, and cops went to his house to investigate.

Let’s just say it’s not looking good for his legal defense. As the Daily Beast notes,

When investigators got to the residence, they found a trail of blood leading from a red minivan parked in the driveway to the front door of the house, and up the stairs to a second-floor bedroom, according to the affidavit. After stepping over a “flesh colored substance that…looked like a piece of human skin,” cops found a plastic bottle filled with triacetone triperoxide, or TATP, a “substance used in the creation of improvised explosive devices,” inside a footlocker.

Beside the footlocker was a box filled with rusty nails, and a plastic container, the top of which had been “peeled back in a manner consistent with an explosion,” the affidavit says. The blinds in the room were damaged, and a chunk of flesh was stuck to the ceiling.

I’d say the chunk of flesh stuck to the ceiling is kind of a dead giveaway. In a nearby shed on the property, the Beast reports, cops found considerably more bomb-making materials as well as a note, apparently by Carini, written from the point of view of a mall bomber:

He casually walked through the shopping mall, his jacket concealed deadly objects. … Even if he died this statement was worth it! He [felt] tension that would come and go as he approached the stage of hot cheerleaders… A dead seriousness sank in as he realized he was truly passing the point of no return! He decided I will not back down I will not be afraid of the consequences no matter what I will be heroic I will make a statement like Elliott Rodgers did he thought to himself.

That kind of clinches the whole question of motives, huh?

So far Carini has only been charged with lying to FBI investigators but somehow I expect more charges will be forthcoming.

Over on the forums, the regulars weren’t too terribly impressed.

“Welp that didn’t end well,” wrote one, summing up the reaction of many of the commenters.

Would have been interested what could he have done if everthing went to plan.

Another commenter reacted with a pun:

The fact that his bomb didn’t even fully blow himself up tells me he “bombed” at the task of making a bomb, lol.

Still another suggested that his bomb was too weak to be a real terrorist bomb:

A bomb that just blows your hand/some fingers off is not more serious than a DIY heavy (illegal) fireworks bomb – with which ‘tards in Europe occasionally accidentally blow themselves up around the new year. With loss of hands, fingers, severe burns to face and arms and loss of eyesight as a result. Not really terrorist tier bombs that blow up and maim multiple people.

Some commenters suggested that Carini was too good-looking to be a true incel.

“[H]e looks almost like a high tier normie,” wrote one.

“He gigamogs me,” wrote another.

clown world if guys like that have it so bad they’re actually contemplating bombing malls

“Dont look ugly to me imo,” commented still another,

but what with women’s requirements getting higher by the hour it’s no surprise he ended up exploding at society

Pun intended, I assume.

I’m just glad he didn’t take anyone else with him.

H/T — @EmilyGorcenski on Twitter

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

Just looked at the Daily Beast article on this. Apparently at the hospital he declared that his hand was injured by a lawnmower accident where “blades were spinning so fast, it acted like a bomb.”

Pro tip: If you’re trying to cover up something, don’t name that thing in your coverup.

4 years ago


Well, there is precedent for bad fiction becoming a manifesto (see: Goreans, Scientologists, etc).

I’m not sure there’s an “etc”. A lot of cults have beliefs which could reasonably be described as “bad fanfiction” (Raelians immediately come to mind) but if you’re only looking at something based on published works, then I’m not sure there’s even anything else the vast majority of English speakers would recognize.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Das Kapital is really just alternative character interpretation fanfic of Wealth of Nations.

4 years ago

I put the etc because I wasn’t sure if there were obvious examples I’m blanking on, or lesser known examples I might not know about. Sorry if it was unnecessary.

4 years ago

The Divine Comedy is total self-insertion Biblical fanfic.

4 years ago


Not only is The Divine Comedy a total self-insert fic, Dante even inserted all the public figures he hated in the first bit (The Inferno). It’s great.

He stuck the brother of the dude who stole his stuff upon Dante’s exile (Filippo, I think) in level 5.

He stuck multiple popes in hell, too! Boniface I think was somewhere up towards the top, and Nicolas III was somewhere in level 8.

It’s one of the few books that I was EXTRAORDINARILY glad to have footnotes everywhere in, and I started reading the footnotes before reading the actual page of poem. The footnotes are so helpful for context.

It’s great.

Highly recommend if you want to read some top notch “Oh, look who I found! IN HELL WHERE THEY BELONG!” biblical fanfic.

and Purgatorio I found a little less fun.

4 years ago

Thanks, David and Emily. Not a lot of laughs to be had the last couple weeks.

4 years ago

@ Lumipuna

That’s one way for a Gallifreyan not to be noticed on Earth, highlight your noticeably lower resting temperature yourself. Although among biology nerds don’t let them take your pulse.

Full Metal Ox
4 years ago

A bomb that just blows your hand/some fingers off is not more serious than a DIY heavy (illegal) fireworks bomb – with which (ableist word redacted) in Europe occasionally accidentally blow themselves up around the new year. With loss of hands, fingers, severe burns to face and arms and loss of eyesight as a result.

Fireworks jackassery is evidently a big problem in the Netherlands; their New Year’s safety PSAs are famously brutal. This one makes its point right out of the starting gate:

And this one begins by setting forth the risks of deafening injury—in sign language, but they’re not done, oh no:

4 years ago

(just to add some more fanfic: the Aeneid is Iliad and Odyssey fanfic; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead is all about being Hamlet fanfic and Hamlet is Gesta Danorum fanfic (and all the History Plays are rpf); The Wide Sargasso Sea is Jane Eyre fanfic, Paradise Lost is Bible fanfic … 🙂 )

The notion of “orginal” characters and stories in fiction is a relatively modern concept, isn’t it, probably coming off thousands of years of playing-in-a-shared-sandpit oral tradition storytelling?

In the neighborhood, thought I would drop by
In the neighborhood, thought I would drop by
4 years ago

I was born with one hand. I will be happy to consult to him on how to live with (some part) of one hand – I have a “special” rate, cash in advance.

As far as “wanking” – turning the pages makes me glad about videos.

On the bright side, he gets to do everything single-handedly. On top of that – he is ambidextrous. Uses one hand as well as one hand.

4 years ago

Aww, poor guy. I hope he’s HANDling it well.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
4 years ago

And bits of the Bible are Epic of Gilgamesh fanfic.

4 years ago

Wow. I’m torn about how to respond to this too. Carini paid a terrible price for his hatred, although he got off relatively lucky considering that he might have blown himself up. Is there any chance this would-be terrorist can learn to be a better person, or will he spend his entire life as a moronic, despicable bigot? Who can say? Anyway:

@opposablethumbs: I think “the notion of ‘original’ characters and stories in fiction” might have started with the creation of copyright, which was itself spurred by the invention of the printing press.

BTW, Wonkette is on the case:

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
4 years ago

@Full Metal Ox:
I have a (distant) cousin who used to do high-tension power line repair work for Ontario Hydro.

Now he does safety training for Ontario Hydro, where he can show off the stump of one arm and say that this is what happens when you’re not careful… if you’re lucky enough to survive it.

4 years ago

BTW, Wonkette is on the case:

OK – the fucking elephants thing is new. And baffling, or moreso than usual.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

@Jenora Feuer:

Odd. I’d have thought the main occupational hazards there would have been falls and electrocution. How did he lose an arm? Heavy machinery?

4 years ago

Surplus, I can’t say for Jenora’s cousin, but limb amputations are actually pretty common for the few survivors of high voltage electrocutions.

The limbs are usually amputated because of complications of scary-scary-scary levels of burns.

If you survive the initial electrocution and recover from the burns, it can still nail you later because hearts DO NOT approve of being messed with that way.

Don’t get electrocuted. It is not fun. If you survive.

Linemen have my respect. I’ve seen what having a literal pinhole in their rubber gloves can do, and it makes me super glad I’m not them.

Edited to add: terrible sound quality, but 2:43 of this video he puts a pinhole in?

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
4 years ago

Somewhat off-topic, but the RCMP have started to reveal what they think the motivation of the Nova Scotia shooter was.

Basically, he encapsulates the type of middle-aged white male who thinks the world’s out to get him, and sounds like more than a few of the people David writes about.

Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ rabid rabbit

who thinks the world’s out to get him

We see a lot of that mindset in the legal sphere. Generally though they use litigation rather than guns; although off-hand I can think of a couple of cases that ended up escalating into attempts to kill.

In legal literature the mindset is referred to as querulous, or querulent, paranoia. That’s a colloquial rather than diagnostic label of course; the older term is “green ink brigade”.