
Asking the important questions (about penises) on Incels dot co

Why can’t you exercise your WHAT?

By David Futrelle

Say what you will about incels, but only they have the courage (if that’s what it is) to ask the really dumb questions about penises. Like Guinness Book of World Records dumb. Like “can you exercise your dick to make it bigger” dumb.

[RageFuel] I will never understand how working out your dick isnt a thing

Total Imbecile
Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
7d 22h 25m
Today at 6:57 AM
As far as I know a dick is just a muscle, yet you can work out any part of your body to enaglerge it except your dick

God is so cruel to make us males like this

Dude, if working out your dick could make it bigger, every teenage penis-owner would be sporting a massive, tree-trunk-sized hog. They’d barely be able to walk without tripping over it, and clothes shopping, among other things, would be a nightmare. God, if there is such a thing, is doing you a big favor here.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

I want to see him enlarging the muscle around his head. Or his heart (the body part, not the part of his mind he is lacking). Turn out there are plenty of muscles you cannot enlarge.

In truth, I believe he say that to justify his lack of progress on that front. Alway easier to say that a failing is a “cruel joke from God” than a personal failing.

On unrelated news, I have explained today to someone why saying “they should riot for class problems and not race problem” about the riot in America isn’t particulary constructive. I hope the point were received.

4 years ago

SMBC had a take on this very topic.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

The dick is not a muscle lol. It’s attached to a muscle, but it’s full of tissue that engorges with blood, not muscular tissue.

This is the failure of public education sex ed, folks.

4 years ago

According to the Tenacious D movie the trick is cock push-ups.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
4 years ago

God is so cruel to make us males like this

What ever happened to the whole Males are superior line of thinking.

4 years ago

There are people who lift weights with their dicks, but they’re either exercising the pelvic muscles or exercising hips and legs while tying the weights to your dick instead of a belt or something. I’m not sure why.

4 years ago

In a previous thread, we discussed why giant dicks aren’t actually preferred by most women. I know incels wouldn’t care, though. If anything, they would relish the pain their partner would experience, because they just want to hurt women.


Or his heart

There are various medical conditions in which the heart enlarges, but in most of them it’s a bad thing or signifying a bad thing.

Attaching weights to one’s dick sounds like a great way to permanently damage it.

4 years ago

IIRC the people who do it are mostly ascetics who’ve forsworn fleshy pleasures, so that may not be a downside in their estimation.

4 years ago

I … just… a quick glance at wikipedia will show that the penis is mostly just spongy tissue full of blood vessels. And simple experience would tell them that erections don’t involve any muscular action. It’s not like stiffening a limb.

4 years ago

I want fingers that magically extend out four feet so I can grab stuff and then contract back to their original size, but there are no exercises I can do that will allow me to meet this goal. God is so cruel to make me like this.

4 years ago

I’m like 90% sure that the penis isn’t a muscle. Couldn’t this dude just google what tissue makes up a dick?

4 years ago

They are in desperate need of proper sex education.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago


IIRC the people who do it are mostly ascetics who’ve forsworn fleshy pleasures, so that may not be a downside in their estimation.

Surely they haven’t also forsworn peeing?


I want fingers that magically extend out four feet so I can grab stuff and then contract back to their original size, but there are no exercises I can do that will allow me to meet this goal.

Well, there is that one, but it requires you to find a cosmic ray storm and expose yourself to it. Also, I think you have to be Reed Richards. If you’re anybody else, you get your own different set of powers. 🙂

4 years ago

Frankly that would be much more useful than a giant penis.

Bananananana dakry: Quarantine-Haired, still Fat and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Quarantine-Haired, still Fat and Deranged
4 years ago


Well, they’re simultaneously superior beings and simultaneously the most persecuted and exploited people on the planet because they’re men, don’chaknow. Just like most fascists.

4 years ago

In one of those happy little random coincidences, I read this, then hit the random comic button on SMBC and got this:
4 years ago

“can you exercise your dick to make it bigger

Isn’t there a surgery that makes the penis appear larger, by severing one of the muscles that anchors it to the pelvis?

So wouldn’t exercising your “dick muscles” actually make your penis appear smaller?

4 years ago

@[email protected]
There is such a surgery that cuts the suspensory ligament. This is not advisable because it doesn’t make it much longer, there are many possible complications, and since penis enlargement surgeries are unregulated a lot of patients get infections or other damage.
I don’t think exercising the muscles of the pelvis make penises smaller, but I don’t know because I can’t find any good data on it.

4 years ago

It does not. It can allow the owner of the penis to make it bounce up and down or swing around in circles without touching it.

4 years ago

Sounds like a good reason to do the exercises, what a party trick! (At the right party…)

4 years ago

Sort of O/T:
In addition to asking ridiculous questions about penis exercise, incels are also giving their take on Black Lives Matter. Surprise, it isn’t very good.

4 years ago

A lot of men suspect that a bigger penis means better sex. It makes intuitive sense that a bigger tool would have a bigger effect, but of course most people forget that “too much” is bad. Though really the men who are insecure about it see it as a mark of manhood, and having a bigger penis means you are moreso a man and thus a superior man. Essentially judging the quality of a person by how well they perform their assigned gender. Incel thinking is just an extreme case. Most people have felt shame or been shamed by others not because they did anything wrong but just didn’t have the qualities associated with their assigned gender; admittedly stating the obvious to feminists.

@Naglfar Sadly unsurprising. There has been a lot of similar examples here. They believe they have a monopoly on misery. They only problem they can imagine is inequality of masculinity.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

Is it just me, or does the bloke in the pic at the top look a lot like Keir Starmer? Maybe it is; been doing a bit of lockdown lifting or something.

comment image

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
4 years ago

@[email protected]:

Isn’t there a surgery that makes the penis appear larger, by severing one of the muscles that anchors it to the pelvis?

The emphasis is very much on “appear”. As Naglfar pointed out, there are operations that sever the suspensory ligament. This makes the penis sit further forward making it look longer, but it doesn’t really add much. And as Dalillama said, because it’s no longer anchored to the abdomen, it doesn’t actually stand up when erect to the same extent it did.

(I saw some article in a men’s magazine back in the 90s where some guy had it done and it looked pretty horrible– the patient had to have all kinds of drains put in after the surgery because, well, it’s a sensitive area and will swell up if there’s any trauma. The guy claimed not to have regretted getting it done, but seemed more pleased with how other men reacted to it, in changing rooms, etc., than with if it actually improved his performance in bed. Which I think tells you all you need to know about the kind of person who’d undergo this)

To reiterate what other posters have said: the penis is not a muscle. It’s made of spongy tissue and gets erect because the vessels entering it dilate while the ones exiting it contract so it fills up which blood. Some of our near relatives like chimpanzees have a penis bone to help out but we homo sapiens have to make do with blood pressure alone. Which is why men with cardiovascular issues often suffer erectile dysfunction.

(Warning: extremely gross facts ahead) The penis is actually made up of a number of separate layers of tissue and, in rare circumstances, if the penis is subjected to trauma while erect (say, by falling off the bed, or jerking it too hard, or being too aggressive in penetration), the layers can rupture and separate leading to a condition called a fractured penis (content warning on that link as there’s an unpleasant image at the end of it), which can be extremely painful. So yes, incels, if any of you are reading this, you can actually break your dick. Bear that in mind if you are attempting some hare-brained scheme you’ve been told will make it larger.

4 years ago

@Cat Mara
Re: fractured penis
I had a science teacher in high school who repeatedly told everyone the story we didn’t want to hear about how he fractured his dick. I’ll spare the details, but it sounded quite unpleasant.

And I think we all know exactly what men would try to get penis enlargement surgery (incels). Most penis enlargement methods that are non surgical in a best case do nothing and in a worse case cause permanent damage.