By David Futrelle
Pop quiz! Your instructions are simple: Just tell me which of the following quotes came from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and which from articles or comments on The Daily Stormer. (You can click on the “source” links to see them in their original contexts, though that will tend to give away the answers.)
Let’s begin:
- “It’s not society rioting, its Planet of the Apes.” (Source)
- “Women recieve more in welfare aid, as a group, than they pay in income tax. It’s a systematic crowd-funded cuckolding.” (Source)
- “No daddy? Dont worry little niglet, gubment will be yo daddy.” (Source)
- “You can’t even criticize, question, call out, challenge black people without being labeled as “racist, insecure, jealous, pee-wee whiteboi”. Happens to me 9 times out of 10. And this is coming from a guy who’s a bit of a racist.” (Source)
- “The thots voted in 12 inches of cultural enrichment and they are now taking 12 inches of cultural enrichment. Make your thots quit suiciding your race.” (Source)
- “The ultimate goal of Leftism is a return to open discrimination and state sponsored bigotry – the only difference with straight white men as the targets this time. It’s a plot to destroy western civilization simple as that.” (Source)
- “We are being invaded . People want to come here and denounce white men like we aren’t the sole reason our society has been so successful. Fucking retards.” (Source)
- “Jews steer black culture in America….from the slave trade to now….blacks are fully controlled by jews. These are facts. Only a minuscule amount of blacks know this…and the ones who do speak out about are marginalized, criminalized, or cauterized into submission.” (Source)
- “Blacks in America are, except for notable exceptions, a failure.” (Source)
- “I’m feeling absolutely great about being white. My ancestors were kicking ass all over the globe. Only thing I feel bad is that they left too many of those other people alive. Now we have to hear that screeching until we dust off the old trusty battle axe and wield it once again.” (Source)
Pencils down! The answer key is below.
ANSWERS: Tricked you! They’re all from the MGTOW subreddit, where the regular commenters seem to get more blatant about their racism and antisemitism every day.
The MGTOW subreddit is in “quarantine” on Reddit, a fairly mild restriction given the nature of what is regularly posted there. Reddit took down an assortment of white supremacist subreddits a while back. I’m not sure what their excuse is for allowing r/MGTOW to continue.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Insert COVID-19 joke here.
So close…
NSFW question: I’ve never taken a 12 inch cock, but wouldn’t that be painful? I don’t have a vagina so I don’t know how it would feel there, but I feel like it would be painful due to the size.
I am baffled at #4.
I mean, the self-awareness that he’s a racist is nice, but… why is he adding that??? The way that form of caveat works is that it underlines you’re saying something despite who you are. “There are too many nazis in America, and this is coming from a guy who’s a bit of a racist” would work fine. But this? I know it’s too much to hope for MGTOWs to make sense, but this is just egregious.
I’m impressed that 9 out of 10 people choose exactly the same set of insults for him every time, though.
This one’s blatantly unfair. At least with the incels vs. TERFs one, there’s no member overlap, and there are subtle differences in phrasing and focus. But there’s a lot of overlap between the MGTOWs/Redpillers and the various neo-nazi groups including Stormfront, so there’s no reasonable way to guess where any of them came from.
I was actually a bit relieved to find that David was trolling rather than lost his mind.
@Rabid Rabbit
One would also think that if he’s self aware that he’s a racist maybe he could try to work on that so as to be less like the Nazis. One of the hardest things about getting people to confront internalized racism and other bigotries is getting them to acknowledge them on the first place, which most people are highly resistant to doing because they don’t want to admit being racist.
I wouldn’t be so sure of that. A lot of TERFs are men like Graham Linehan, who is known for being rather misogynistic and incelish (to the point that his fans are sometimes called “Glincels”). Plus his wife seems to have left him, so he’s not too dissimilar to many incels. I would imagine there could be an overlap between TERFs and incels as a result of the “angry white male” demographic in both.
@Rabid Rabbit:
I think he’s saying the statement
is coming from someone who is a bit of a racist.
Certainly not that HE’S one. Heaven forbid that he be counted as a racist by (another) racist…
@Naglfar: I would be surprised to find Graham Lineham running in incel circles, even if he is a bit incellish, though. I will concede that it’s possible that there’s a miniscule overlap between the two, but it’d be a very strange one: men who despise cis women and want to punish them for existing yet still want to “protect” them from transfolk, especially transwomen.
A lot of TERF men do seem to hate cis women yet simultaneously want to protect them, this seems to be a common thread among misogynists. One of the things I find really creepy about TERF men is how they seem to think women need their protection but they themselves seem like the kind of people that actually could pose a danger.
The other part of incel ideology is a sense of entitlement, which Graham definitely has, he notably was called out a few years ago for jokes about non consensually groping various celebrities’ breasts. Other TERF men seem to have a similar sort of entitlement, like Graham’s friend and fellow TERF Jonathan Ross, who got in trouble for dry-humping a colleague without consent. In short, although Graham and Jon may not call themselves as incels, they display enough similarity that there may be men who do self identify as both incels and “gender critical” (or whatever they’re calling themselves this time).
Uh, yeah. The obsession with 12 inch dicks is definitely a cis male thing. Vagina owners are not generally clamoring for that.
Speaking of dicks, Steve King’s Nazi ass got primaried out of congress tonight. Not that the guy who won is so good either, but still
Misogynists of color don’t realize that casting their lot with the patriarchy, ultimate, won’t work out well for them. Just like Karens.
A lot of misogynists want to “protect” women (well, cis women), and it’s always in essentially the same way that you would want to “protect” your car, or perhaps a pet. This thing is your object, and you want to make sure that no one uses or damages your object without permission first. There’s a little more consideration for pets beyond mere objects, sure, but no matter how much you love your dog, the dog isn’t capable of making its own reasoned decisions when it comes to life choices, dietary choices, etc and must therefore be controlled for its own good.
The breed of misogynist that just wants to outright brutalize and murder women is a bit rarer, but the underlying idea (that women are objects rather than people) is present, regardless of whether the conclusion drawn is to destroy the defective objects or to “benevolently guide” the objects into behaving the way they should.
Anything over 9 is to much and 9 comes with a type of pain that if your not into its not fun, 12 would be just pain. I’m not a horse, no human woman needs that much. my husband is 8 and we need to be slow and careful a lot of the time because I’m so small he could really hurt me without trying to hard. I like that but smaller sizes are fun because you don’t need all the prep to take them and can get to more intense stuff a lot quicker. the giant cock is mostly a power fantasy that no women, not even the size queens, are really into.
@Nagfljar : in fact, the rare possessors of very very long dicks actually have trouble having sex in general. I don’t even know if any human have had a 12 inch cock, but well before that you have the point where a lot of things become very awkward. Mostly sex things, albeit I have heard peeing with something longer than the average ruler isn’t exactly practical either.
Never mind ludicrous penis size preferences – I once met a woman who was a fan of 9 inch nails!
If I had a 12 inch (potential) penis, I’d hope to never get erect while wearing pants.
I know that consistency is something something with these types, but this one really stuck out to me because the beginning seems to be going towards discrimination and bigotry being bad, but the whole thing with destroying western civilisation turns it around. Sure, (open) discrimination and (state sponsored) bigotry are bad things, but at least they don’t endanger western civilisation!
Perhaps it’s nice that they’re being open about which parts of western civilisation they idolize?
Haha! <3 I'm one of them. Devilish tricky to type with though.
Perhaps Trent Reznor dictates everything, rather than typing.
So 4 I knew had to be MGTOW but why am I surprised.
MGTOW is just a cesspit of misogyny and racism.
Also is there a source for women as a group receiving more in welfare than they pay in taxes? And are they including funds for children in that?
Also – how is debate about police brutality, particularly targeted at African Americans about “cultural enrichment”.
I mean normally that phrase is used towards recent Immigrants / their children.
But African- Americans aren’t in that category?!
But straight white men form a large part – possibly the majority – of western “leftists”. Are they planning to oppress themselves?
Well that’s a relief. Maybe Americans will soon remember that Nazis = bad and won’t want another 4 years of the orange one.
Re: giant penises
I looked it up (do not recommend searching, too many NSFW links come up) and apparently there are humans with 12 inches+. However, the owners did not seem too pleased because it made it hard to have sex and they apparently got lightheaded when erect due to the blood flow. I’m just thinking about how hard it would be to tuck that away if one happens to be a trans* fem with 12 inches (and I don’t know if bottom surgery would be possible then either).
Re: Nine Inch Nails
Anyone want to start a cover band called 23 Centimeter Nails?
The bigger question for me would be, how would he play guitar?
I’d guess that they think any white male leftists are probably race traitors or part of some conspiracy.
They don’t think women should have jobs at all. Then they complain about having to financially support women (and children).
Upon thinking about it further, maybe someone could do some sort of fingerpicking with 9 inch long nails on the picking hand. It’s not uncommon for fingerstyle and classical guitarists to grow long nails or (in the modern day) to wear nail extensions, but I don’t think anyone has done that with 9 inch nails. The difficulty of hitting the strings right from that distance and the near certainty of breaking a nail and/or scratching up the instrument would make it extremely impractical and pointless. Though maybe someone could make a gimmick video of NIN covers while wearing 9 inch nail extensions.
…I’ve totally overthought this.
But overthinking things can be fun!
Fingernails that long tend to be a pain, though. For starters, fingernails don’t necessarily grow straight, they tend to have at least some curl to them, though the amount is variable. I’ve seen pictures where the fingernails basically grew helical like goat horns.
For most people, though, their fingernails are barely strong enough to hold that sort of shape under their own weight at that length, much less if you applied enough force to pluck guitar strings with them. They’re going to flex.
It would be easier to cut them off and then polish one to use it as a standard guitar pick. And now I wonder if anybody has ever actually done that.
@ jenora
I’ve seen a lot of people with longer nails on one hand and very trimmed nails on the other. For some people it’s no doubt practical. It does have associations though with announcing “Hey; I’m a guitarist!”