By David Futrelle
Pop quiz! Your instructions are simple: Just tell me which of the following quotes came from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and which from articles or comments on The Daily Stormer. (You can click on the “source” links to see them in their original contexts, though that will tend to give away the answers.)
Let’s begin:
- “It’s not society rioting, its Planet of the Apes.” (Source)
- “Women recieve more in welfare aid, as a group, than they pay in income tax. It’s a systematic crowd-funded cuckolding.” (Source)
- “No daddy? Dont worry little niglet, gubment will be yo daddy.” (Source)
- “You can’t even criticize, question, call out, challenge black people without being labeled as “racist, insecure, jealous, pee-wee whiteboi”. Happens to me 9 times out of 10. And this is coming from a guy who’s a bit of a racist.” (Source)
- “The thots voted in 12 inches of cultural enrichment and they are now taking 12 inches of cultural enrichment. Make your thots quit suiciding your race.” (Source)
- “The ultimate goal of Leftism is a return to open discrimination and state sponsored bigotry – the only difference with straight white men as the targets this time. It’s a plot to destroy western civilization simple as that.” (Source)
- “We are being invaded . People want to come here and denounce white men like we aren’t the sole reason our society has been so successful. Fucking retards.” (Source)
- “Jews steer black culture in America….from the slave trade to now….blacks are fully controlled by jews. These are facts. Only a minuscule amount of blacks know this…and the ones who do speak out about are marginalized, criminalized, or cauterized into submission.” (Source)
- “Blacks in America are, except for notable exceptions, a failure.” (Source)
- “I’m feeling absolutely great about being white. My ancestors were kicking ass all over the globe. Only thing I feel bad is that they left too many of those other people alive. Now we have to hear that screeching until we dust off the old trusty battle axe and wield it once again.” (Source)
Pencils down! The answer key is below.
ANSWERS: Tricked you! They’re all from the MGTOW subreddit, where the regular commenters seem to get more blatant about their racism and antisemitism every day.
The MGTOW subreddit is in “quarantine” on Reddit, a fairly mild restriction given the nature of what is regularly posted there. Reddit took down an assortment of white supremacist subreddits a while back. I’m not sure what their excuse is for allowing r/MGTOW to continue.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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They’d be a good bit narrower than a standard guitar pick, and I’d still think flex would be an issue. I’d say use artificial nails if anyone does want to do the gimmick I described.
Interestingly, although I don’t think anyone has made picks out of severed fingernails, some very expensive picks are made of tortoise shells, which are made out of keratin much like fingernails. I’ve never used a tortoiseshell pick, only imitation ones like the Dunlop Tortex series, but some players swear by them.
And if you want keratin but not from humans or tortoises there are picks made of buffalo horn (and possibly other animal horns as well) available.
If you happen to have a sheet of keratin somehow (not sure whether/how you can get one) you can make your own picks somewhat easily, there are relatively cheap devices to punch picks out of material like this one. I’m not a fan since most of them break easily and not many household materials make good picks, but I did start out playing with a pick I cut from an old credit card with scissors, so YMMV.
(That first pick wasn’t good at all, but it did get me started until I could buy real picks).
@Alan Robertshaw
Since I play with a pick, I have trimmed nails on both hands. It’s also part of why I don’t paint my fingernails, the other reason being that I do a lot with my hands and it would chip off quickly.
A lot of misogynists seem to think of women in exactly the way I think of my Magic cards. Pulling a particularly rare card is a status symbol, so I try extra hard to keep my cards looking as new and undamaged as possible so they’re more impressive when I show them off to other players. Misogynists feel the same way about women; since they view women as status symbols to show off to other men, they have to protect their women from anything that would lower their own status by proxy. Essentially, it’s the trophy wife mentality but magnified.
Good Luck with that, Dude. You probably couldn’t even lift a battle axe.
Of the current world population of 7.5 billion, approximately 850 million (11.5%) are “white”. We’re out-numbered.
Most of the past axe wielding was against members of our own “white” race. Whiteness wasn’t a big identifier in the past – ethnicity was. French vs English, Serbs vs Croats, Greeks vs Romans, and the axe wielding Vikings against every white ethnic group in northern Europe. Many of our traditional “racial enemies” are now counted as members of the white “race”. (Gotta pad the numbers, ya’know.)
And men & children receive decades of underpaid or unpaid work in the domestic sphere & in volunteer activities.
If men had to pay women for all they have done so that men can just exist, and to make their lives better, women could pay more taxes AND would rarely need government handouts.
OT, but related: Someone who had engineered access to the Facebook account of the deputy mayor in Brewer, Maine decided now was a great time for some internet racism. So that person posted incredibly racist things. When activists attempted to hold accountable the deputy mayor, Thomas Morelli, he promptly informed them he’d been hacked by someone attempting to frame him.
Because he’s an idiot, he then filed a police report about the hacking, which, for some reason, led the police to actually investigate the hacking.
But the investigation revealed – wait for it, you’re going to be massively surprised – the person who put the racist posts up on the Facebook account of Thomas Morelli was … Thomas Morelli
And now he’s lost his job and is being charged with filing a false police report. Well, at least we can say that if we know about this, he didn’t deserve that job in the first place. So getting rid of him is a silver lining to temporarily increasing the racism of the internet.
Full story: https://bangordailynews.com/2020/06/03/news/bangor/brewers-deputy-mayor-accused-of-filing-false-police-report-over-racist-messages/
Steve Huffman has penned a letter in support of BLM. Bang goes another irony meter. The against hate subreddits piece about it is worth a minute.
That line about Jews supposedly controlling Black Americans people all the way since the times of slavery and sabotaging every black man trying to “rebel against Jewish oppression” is giving strong Louis Farrakhan vibes.
A crossover between NoI and MRAs would be the most shining example of horseshoe theory in the world’s history.
NoI is not exactly far left, and horseshoe theory is bunk regardless because the political spectrum isn’t that simple. Don’t act like liberalism has clean hands here, thanks.
I’m not a liberal, I’m a socdem. By “horseshoe” I didn’t mean “a collusion of far-right and far-left”, I meant “a collusion between very different types of cranks”. You know, like TERFs sometimes ally with Christian fundamentalists, or (in Russia) tankies ally with monarchists.
@Dengler: That’s more like crank magnetism.
I could be wrong, but I thought crank magnetism was the tendency of an individual to buy into multiple forms of woo or conspiracy theories after buying into one. For example, how someone who thinks reptilian aliens control the world is more likely to think the Earth is flat or be an antivaxxer.
I think what Dengler is describing is more akin to the idea of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” in which groups that claim to have very different goals become less than strange bedfellows uniting against a common enemy.
I don’t think it’s crank magnetism so much as bigotry magnetism. Various forms of bigotry are generally very comfortable coexisting in the same brain, and so bigots can usually find common ground with other bigots even if they aren’t on the same political side.
That reminds me a bit of this comic from the Trans Advocate:
I confess, one thing I do find strange about the comic is how the conservative Christian woman has very short hair, while typically conservatives force women to have long hair. But other than that, the comic seems relevant.
The tattoo sleeve looks kind of odd on the conservative Christian, too. I think it would actually work better if the two presentations were reversed, but maybe it’s trying to make a point of not judging a book by its cover?
I didn’t even notice the tattoo sleeve originally, I thought it was arm hair. I agree it would make somewhat more sense to flip the women, as the conservative one looks much more like a stereotypical butch lesbian while the radical feminist is more conservatively presenting.
Probably not many conservative Christian butch women with tattoos. Though to the best of my knowledge most TERFs are cishet women using lesbians as shields and there probably aren’t many butch TERFs because TERFs generally don’t like butch women much.
That is how RationalWiki defines it, and I think it’s a very useful term.
While what Dengler is describing is certainly true (we’re all quite familiar with the alliance between TERFs and the Religious Right), it doesn’t quite fall under Horseshow Theory as I understand it, which is more about how the “far left” and “far right” resemble each other more than the “center,” rather than about such groups allying with each other.
(I personally think this view of things is far too simplistic, because there is not a simple, single-axis “left vs. right” continuum, as anyone looking at the ideological infighting between closely related groups has seen.)
Things like the TERF/RR alliance seem to fall more under “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Really, Jonathan Ross? Goddammit Britain
He’s defended Graham several times in the past couple months. TBH I didn’t know who he was until then.