By David Futrelle
One inventive incel thinks he has this whole police brutality thing figured out: it’s all the fault of feminism, and women in general, because women think brutality is just so, so sexy.
“If one action could sum on what feminism truly means… it would be police brutality,” he explains in a recent post on the Incels.co forums.
A tall, white pig with a gun and a badge beating or shooting an ethnic manlet to death because the gynocentric state gave him the authority to do so and be celebrated for it. It’s eugenics and lookism captured perfectly in a few bloody and deadly moments.
“Eugenics and lookism” are incel obsessions, not widespread female preoccupations. So what exactly do women have to do with any of this?
Police brutality is about impressing femoids by bullying and culling the genetically inferior through brutal displays of violence. Trust me, when cops are beating and shooting men to death, they know any femoids who might be watching it happen are WET!
Then what about all the women in the streets today protesting against police brutality — many of whom have been brutalized by cops in the process?
Femoids only protest white on black police brutality when it’s a tyrone that gets killed, meanwhile they chuckle when blackcels are killed.
[citation needed]
They mourn the deaths of tyrones because tyrones are genetically superior to the cops that kill them, in the eyes of femoids… that’s dysgenic and the opposite of what should happen. They use racism as a cover so they can get progressive points while really being regressive and racist thots who are just as bad as the cops.
It’s all a bit confusing. Women protest against police brutality directed at “Tyrones” as a sort of cover for their love of police brutality directed at “inferior” black men? Is that what he thinks?
Remember, no foid is actually against police brutality when the victim is a short or ugly male. The police are the armed branch of feminism.
This will be news to every feminist I know.
When I close my eyes and think of the word “woman”… a male SWAT pig pointing a gun at me is what I see, that’s what the word “woman” means to me. When I see females in real life, I don’t see attractive and youthful foids I would like to get to know… I see an army of chads, cops, normies, and killbots all pointing their guns and fists at me.
Clearly, this guy needs new glasses..
When I see a female look at me, I don’t see the eyes of a “woman”, I see threats of violence and death from more men than I can count.
Says the guy on a forum notorious for its threats of violence and death, where incel mass killers are celebrated as saints.
Projecting one’s darkest desires onto others while claiming victim status for oneself is a standard tactic of abusers, so it’s hardly surprising to see incels pulling the same shit, accusing women of having violent impulses while they themselves while away the hours dreaming of their own Elliot Rodgeresque “Days of Retribution” against the women of the world.
As we all know, cops often are brutal. But they’re not targeting incels; they tend to take out their rage on people of color, most of them men. (Not to mention on demonstrators who stand up against their brutality.) Incels may pretend to be horrified by police brutality, but I think they’re just jealous that the cops can get away with doing to black men what incels wish they could do to to the conventionally attractive women they think are their birthright.
H/T once again to Twitter’s EXPELincels for unearthing this gem
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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For once, can they think of someone other than themselves?
Trump today:
I don’t recognize my country now.
When I was lamenting yesterday about Trump calling for martial law, I didn’t think it would happen this quickly!
We’re doomed, aren’t we?
Trump is hiding in his bunker with his phone, tweeting out encouragement to his brownshirts.
LindsayIrene: blue is the new brown.
@ Vicky P
Hopefully it’s just his usual ill-informed bluster. There are some (albeit not insurmountable) legal hurdles. So moving on from pussy hats maybe you could be crocheting posse comitatus hats.
@Anonymous: Of course not. If they could they wouldn’t be incels.
For real, you could drive an Abrams tank through the holes in this guy’s logic.
Sweet jesus, but these sadsacks are terrible, terrible writers. I know that’s the very least of their crimes against humanity, but honestly, is all their anger based on having been roundly failed by a female creative writing teacher somewhere in their bleak past? That would make sense.
Bit more on posse comitatus in case anyone is interested.
Seems only Congress can generally authorise use of troops on US soil.
There are a couple of exceptions delegated to the Executive; but they only apply if a state is breaching equal protection. It’s a post civil war thing.
@ Alan
Yeah. Hurdles.
I’m worried if I say more, I’ll run afoul of the comments policy.
I like to refer to them as “Redcaps,” describing both their identifying red MAGA ball caps but also their resemblance to these lovely fellows:
Wow, that was a long read. But here are the three key provisions.
So Trump would need a state to ask for the first one. Before attempting the latter two the President and A-G must issue a “proclamation to disperse“. So if that happens then we know he’s really escalating it.
@Victorious Parasol
Unfortunately, I do recognize it. It’s the same one that held Black people as slaves for centuries, the one that continues to deny them their rights and hold them in prisons to continue the oppression. The same one it was this whole time.
@Alan Robertshaw
I honestly wouldn’t expect him to follow all those steps. He’s never cared much for constitutional procedure.
Hah. Wasn’t there an old poster/troll who claimed exactly that, except that the reason he failed was not his ability but rather his teacher’s anti-male bias? (I may be mixing communities up here.)
I think I do recall that in some guy we mocked, I can’t remember who though.
O/T: TERFs are apparently big into policing and brutality. Not surprised in the least. Oddly, that means that at least some “feminists” do like police like the incels think, though they are obviously a minority.
Yeah if we’re gonna talk about eugenics and looksism, let’s maybe talk about the history of police abusing women who are disabled, mentally ill, or “ugly”. This shit is shockingly common.
But oh right they don’t care about this because they don’t see women as human beings. Right. *gags*
There is something very sadly ironic about how incels see a connection between police brutality and eugenics/fascism but then take it in the exact wrong direction.
Right??! His take was SO bad that it looped all the way around in to being right about the eugenics thing. I’m honestly impressed.
It’s been like this all your life. Police violence has been steadily increasing for decades, not to mention epic levels of police theft. They’ve just taken the mask off now.
Actually, there’s a slight bit of a difference between being angry/disgusted and being turned on. Although I guess incels would lump those together in the “how I feel about women” pile.
Really? Some of the racist murders that horrified people – including women – the most were the murders of Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, and long before them, Emmett Till. All kids, not studly “Tyrones.”
@WWTH, kids? If you’re white and male, you can be “just a kid” well into adulthood, but if you’re black and male, you can be a “dangerous thug” before you’re twelve years old.
@Naglfar : I am not surprised that they have far right position on, well, pretty much any topic.
It’s one of thoses day where I cannot possibly begin to even.
@ naglfar
it’s not just terfs. the whole post read as if there was a hint of a legitimate criticism of white and carceral feminism buried somewhere in there, just not properly formed, and definitely not made in good faith.
I was not aware that coprolites were considered to be a type of gem. Hmm.