By David Futrelle
The reaction among incels to the police killing of George Floyd and the protests that have followed has been, to put it very charitably, mixed.
In the forums on Incels.co, there are incels convinced that the riots are all an elaborate “psyop” orchestrated by the police to “rile up” protesters who don’t “g[i]ve a shit about the man anyways, they just [want] to steal shit.” There are those who wonder if Floyd was really innocent or just “another dindu,” using an epithet common amongst internet racists aimed at black men who are, in their minds, decidedly not innocent.
Perhaps most shockingly of all, given that this is an incel forum, there are even a couple who agree with the protesters that this was “a case of excessive force and police brutality, plain and simple.”
But the most let’s call them imaginative think the protests are all about horny white women hoping to “catch the eye of some looting Tyrones,” as one commenter put it.
While other commenters dismiss the white women are mere “virtue signallers” who don’t really care the slightest about the murder of black men, someone called “king_of_morons” explains that women are indeed sincerely “sad that black men are getting killed because it lowers their chances of getting railed by BBC [Big Black Cock].”
Several others offer their own versions of the BBC hypothesis.
Another commenter, one Expiring Aspirin, blames … the food supply?
Foids body and hormones are getting messed up from roided up food supply thus more and more are attracted and are willing participants in violent events and physical confrontations with others.
A commenter called EyesAreSoCold, meanwhile, thinks it’s neither hormones nor genuine concern but rather their excessive conformity that leads women to protest.
White women have been worshipping ethnics for years(doesn’t necessarily mean they want to have sex with them). They are sheep who do whatever is popular, the media and the entire pop culture in the west today screams ethnics and women = good and white men = bad
So that’s today’s helping of flaming garbage, courtesy of the not-so-good folks over on Incels.co.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Wait, I thought alt rightists thought the food had estrogen to feminize them. Then again, I’m probably overthinking this.
Self-centered little shits, aren’t they?
O/T but related to incels in general:
Incels are now encouraging each other to ask “normies” what we’re doing with our free time to see if we are NPCs. They appear to think we do nothing when they’re not around, which is odd to say the least. Maybe they’re projecting.
🙁 I didn’t attract anyone, not even a shoplifter. I guess I might as well give this up for a lark, then, what a ripoff. 0/10, feel cheated.
Slightly OT:
Trae Crowder asks an important question. “How come nobody ever talks about how much black people DON’T riot? You know? All the shit they put up with without rioting? … And apparently they draw the line at wonton public murder at the hands of the law.”
That’s… really kind of worrying that they’re testing everybody to see if we’re real people. What happens if we don’t pass? Are we fair game? And it’s probably the kind of test that’s meant to be unpalatable.
@Moon Custafer
It seems to be part of the right wing NPC meme, which says that anyone who isn’t them isn’t actually a person but a non-player character. Given how incels usually act, that would probably be implying that we are ok to kill.
I just find it weird they think we’re just sitting around when we’re not interacting with them.
I want to make a joke about taking an arrow to the knee, but I can’t manage it right now.
It’s nothing to do with arrows, but my knees haven’t worked right in 20 years.
Wow. The NPC thing started as an insult, a way to say “our opponents are so predictable, saying the same things all the time”. Now it’s “the NPC theory” to that guy?
Anyway, I think Animal Crossing references would be more topical (but I don’t have a Switch).
Well, some are talking about the incredibly stupid reasons why white people riot:
White People Riot Over Sports Teams, African Americans Riot Over Murder – Which Makes More Sense?!
Honestly, I’m oddly kind of relieved that the incels didn’t try to ‘claim’ the riots, like going “see, outrage and destruction are justified reactions to ongoing brutal oppression, and state-sanctioned murder of black people is exactly like not being able to find someone to date/have sex with” or some other such nonsense.
Of course, incels seem to be enamoured with the idea of lone individuals single-handedly wielding the power of life and death over others and forcing others to “respect” their authority, not the strength of a community rallying together, so I suppose it’s unsurprising that the incels identify more with the racist serial killing cops than they do with the black community and its supporters.
I don’t. They’re solipsists who believe they’re the only mind that exists. Other people (women in particular) are robots reacting to simple internal programming. They can’t understand why white people would join in to protest injustice, except by filtering it through their stunted sexual jealousy.
I think it’s yet another way to a) sound more sophisticated than they are by using the word “theory” and b) try to position others as non-humans.
I think incels are incapable of empathizing with or relating to black people because most incels are highly racist (and AFAIK very few are black, it seems most are white or Asian). That may be what stopped them from trying to claim the riots.
@Naglfar, @Moggie:
That’s what I mean— it makes me wonder how many more of these guys are working themselves up to pull a mass murder by “confirming” their suspicions that the rest of us aren’t real people.
@Fishy Goat,
Your link goes to a ‘page not found’ message. 🙁 But I have seen similar posts on Twitter covering mostly the same thing(s). Such as giving a (partial) explanation for that whole ‘burn ALL the disco records!’ thing at a baseball stadium back in the 1970’s. Though it does raise the question of how many folks who say ‘I hate disco; don’t play that s}#<%t around me!!!’ are consciously aware of the racists/homophobic origins of that protomeme.
@Redsilkphoenix: To be fair I’ve never been much a fan of disco myself barring a few exceptions; but the type of music I find to be the absolute worst is country/western (barring Johnny Cash), so who knows, maybe it evens out?
In any case I’ve also read about the backlash against disco and its very likely less-than-tolerant origins, including, of all places, on TVTropes.
(Fair warning: that site is a time-consuming black hole. Do not go in unless you’re prepared to lose at least a few hours of your life.)
And is it me or are incels completely unoriginal? Their reaction to everything is “OMG teh wymmynz r out to h8 uz by sexing up Not Us!!!1!!1!!!!one!!!!!”
I’m not into country/western either, but the music I dislike most is probably EDM. I find it to be overly repetitive and not enjoyable to listen to.
My bad, typo in the link.
White People Riot Over Sports Teams, African Americans Riot Over Murder – Which Makes More Sense?!
O/T but related to incels
The Daily Blackpill (whom we encountered a few posts ago) thinks that “anti-incels” are more likely to support LGBT rights because if more people transition that will reduce the number of men women don’t like so they will be able to be more hypergamous. It makes no sense, but when do any incel theories?
He’s also got some other theories in the thread, like his thoughts on why lesbians and bi women exist, and his thoughts on how LGBT people are destroying the foster care system.
Ok, who leaked our sinister anti-incel agenda?