By David Futrelle
Incels are truly dedicated to plumbing the depths of misogyny. Here’s an impressive rant from an incel who thinks it’s wrong to treat women as objects — because, in his mind, they’re worse than objects.
“[W]omen are less than objects,” wrote GameDevCel in a post on Incels.co last year.
“[A]n object can hurt nobody, a object is neutral,” he explained.
a foids is not, a foid is a natural traitor, they will betray their country and race without thinking twice about it, they will literally fuck the men who killed her father and brothers, foids have no loyalty and their brains are literally geared to gather pleasure only, they do not feel guilty or empathy towards a non chad male.
He’s off to a running start here.
just look at normie foids, they will get enrage by what we say around here, meanwhile men are being destroyed on the divorce court, losing the guard of the children, being made to pay stupid amounts of taxes, alimony, and child support to their ex wifes that will be transferred to her through welfare, and having the houses they own being transferred to her and forced to still pay mortgage, and he will be arrested if he don’t pay, he is literally slave for the foid, and normies think this shit is normal.
Men who want full custody more often than not can get it, and then their ex-wives have to pay child support.
they think it’s normal children being raised by single muns dependent on welfare, [despite] children of single muns being much more likely to commit crimes, uses drugs and be fat,
Being fat is somehow a crime against men?
and foids would kill their own unborn children because they don’t want to be 9 months without chad cocks, and normies will support all this crap.
Er, dude, it’s possible to have sex with someone who’s pregnant. And I’m pretty sure women who get abortions aren’t doing it for sex but because they know they’re not ready for a child (or another child) in their life. Thus avoiding that whole single mother thing you were yelling about not two minutes ago.
if given the power foids will literally destroy society ins less than a couple hundred of years, just look at europe and japan with dogshity fertility rates, and the first is being over by immigrants, population aging, THEY ARE DYING, ALL BECAUSE ROASTIES DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
Amping up the racism, I see.
they keep voting democrat, despise their poliecies not being sustainable, and wasting money we don’t have, they only want man’s money NOW, don’t care about long term consequences that the future generations will be debt slaves.
Er, the Republicans are the ones giving trillion dollar tax cuts to people who don’t need them.
foids want complete freedom from all their societal obligations of having and taking care of children, meanwhile men are going to be arrested for not paying alimony/child support/taxes, that all goes to foids, men are literally slaves while foids have unlimited freedom.
Women aren’t obligated to have children. And supporting your children is not slavery.
the only reason this near useless shits are still around is because men have hormones in their head, that force them to love these despicable creatures, despise their heinous nature,
Those devious but oh-so-sexy monsters!
aside of giving birth 99% of them are useless, as soon you say that they will start citing a list of female inventors or some bullshit, but in the moment you start saying male inventors you will hear “oh, you are just a loser inkel, you can’t take credit for what other men invented”, the hypocrisy is staggering they know it, but they don’t care.
It must be such a joy to have discussions with this fascinating fellow.
a object, children or animal isn’t capable of any of these, they are mostly neutral, but foids seems to choose the path that will cause most damage to their country just for the sake of a dopamine rush.
To be fair, some animals seem to get a dopamine rush from doing damage. Cats, for example.
i feel like we are a bunch of people on the titanic screaming about a gigantic iceberg, meanwhile all normies don’t care and just want to drink and party all night, all this societal self destruction is scary.
Nah. What’s scary is a subculture of young men cultivating their own bitterness and hatred towards women and society at large and sometimes actually going out and shooting a bunch of people, like one of you fuckers did just last week.
An Incel.co regular called FrameCell responded to GaveDevCel’s rant with a hearty “AMEN.” And then added some shit about dogs, and demons.
They’d rather fuck dogs than to talk to us, date us, or get to know us.
It’s just so weird that this has become a consensus belief amongst incels
I’m convinced demon entities have control over all foids.
I mean COME ON, if these entities existed.. they’d go for the weakest link in the human race aka dumb “foids”.
They’ve been weaponized against us to make us feel depressed, anxiety, lifeless, worthless, valueless, suicidal, left out, uglier than we really are… and the list goes on.
FOIDS are literally the SOURCE of 90% of why depression ensues..
Other incels are literally the SOURCE of why you believe crap like this. Women are lower than objects? They fuck dogs and are possessed by demons? This is kind of thinking you get in a cult, or a folie a deux.
The only way to stop this kind of thinking is to get out of the poisonous ideological circlejerk that is the incel community online — and to start taking in input from the real world once again. Until then, you’re the ones who will look to the rest of us like men possessed — not by demons, but by delusions.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I’ve been on it for a while now. Before we’ve even talked about actually trying for children. I know miscarriages’ are sadly more common then they should be. I have some other health problems my doctor has talked to me about that may complicate me being able to carry a pregnancy to full term as I get older. it’s all just very distressing. The miscarriage was one of the most physically painful things I’ve ever been through and the emotional backlash was even worse. I worry about it so I do want to know if I’m even able to get pregnant before trying but I also just want to hide from the news. my husband wants to do some test for himself to make sure it isn’t him as well. he’s a lot braver then I am and sure of himself. it might just be because he’s not the one that would be carrying the pregnancy or giving birth.
I want to adopt at some point. We both have a lot of love and paitents to give and I know we could really give a kid that the world might turn their back on a good family. Blood doesn’t mean all the much to me but it still something that really weighs on me you know.
I’m very sorry you lost your pregnancy and for the pain you went through, Lainy.
If you do find out that you can’t carry children–and PoM and VP are both right in that it’s absolutely not a given–it won’t be because you failed or you did something wrong. Bodies are what they are. Sometimes they don’t do what we want them to do, but that’s not a personal failing.
You say you’re scared that you can’t give your husband what he wants most, but it sounds like what both of you want is to be parents, and that is something it sounds like you’re committed to doing one way or another.
I’m sending you all the good wishes.
I understand. As long as you don’t know, the answer could always be yes, you’re physically fine, and it’s only when you get a definitive answer that that possibility might wind up closed off. But it’s IMHO better to know than not know. Schrodinger’s infertility isn’t a good way to start a family, especially if you have other health concerns, too.
I’m not sure what you want, exactly, so this is all I can provide right now: it would be better to know than not know. Even if the answer turns out to be bad, it would be better to know that now and grieve it, and mourn for what might have been, than to not know and expend a lot of time and emotion trying for a family that is impossible to achieve. That’s time that you could spend exploring other options for creating a family. I hope the best for you, though!
I guess you guys are right. I guess one of the other fears I’m having about it being my fault is because I was addicted to opioids after my rape. it was for about a year before I got myself clean and I worry about if that cost any long lasting affects on me because I did them in my reproduction development years. I just don’t know if I could take it if the reason we couldn’t start a family is because I didn’t deal with my trauma in a healthy way for so long. it would feel like that assaults has permanently damaged the rest of my life.
I’ve a good friend who had a bunch of miscarriages. Every one was devastating. She did end up with four live children before getting a hysterectomy (two singlets and a pair of twins), but her last pregnancy was monitored EXTREMELY closely by a doctor. She spent most of it with a Pic and on bed rest.
Another friend only had one miscarriage, and her second pregnancy went to term without a hitch.
My aunt was infertile, and my adopted cousins are now the most awesome young adults imaginable.
Miscarriages happen and do not rule out a healthy pregnancy. Infertility happens and does not rule out having amazing kiddos.
Good luck with all your decisions and endeavors. I hope everything works out for you and your hubby.
Editing to Add: Probably better to know, even if knowing is scary. Whatever your decision, I wish you the best.
That is completely not your fault. That’s the fault of the rapist who assaulted you. Please, please don’t blame yourself. No, opioids was not a healthy way to deal with it, but what happened to you wasn’t healthy in the first place! Please don’t blame yourself for what happened after you were assaulted. You did the best you could. There are a ton of other, even worse things you could have done, but you avoided those.
You’re a good person, but there is no justice in the world, so please don’t think you did anything to deserve infertility, even if you have it, which we don’t know you do.
This explains a lot (all things we already knew, though), but not why you then complain about the quality of conversation. You’re not out to have a conversation, clearly, if you think people asking questions about your views they’ve “misunderstood” means that everyone is stupid and not worth your time, even though it should be a brilliant opportunity for you to awe all the lurkers with your intellect.
Just think of it! Someone replying to your assertion with “I’d like to see some evidence, please” and you deliver the evidence and change their mind! So much better than just pretending it wasn’t there, which shows everyone you don’t have a leg to stand on.
Although that’s his stated goal, his actual one seems to be much less complicated: he wants to awe himself with his intellect. If he were actually after the hearts and minds of lurkers, he’d be trying way, way harder to engage when someone wipes the floor with him and he’d make more effort to recover when he falls on his face instead of just pretending it didn’t happen and nobody saw it. He doesn’t care if lurkers find him scintillating, he just cares about his own opinion of himself. It’s the sign of an overweening, yet insecure ego.
It’s hard not to blame myself. there are a lot of things I wish I had done different now but at the time I was just trying to survive. my mind was shattered into so many little fragments I couldn’t put it back together. Couldn’t deal with everything that happened. there was to much noise inside my head of broken memories and flash backs and the opioids quite it all. Made me so numb I didn’t have to feel any of the pain or deal with any of it. That past has shaped me in a lot of ways and I worry about it dictating my future.
May 28, 2020 at 1:59 pm
Thank you for your words.
It wasn’t your fault. Read back what you just wrote – you were doing the best you could. You know, deep inside, that there was no better choice to make … until one presented itself and you were able to make it and get out of that hole. And you are out of that hole! So that is a huge accomplishment right there!
I am a believer that we all do the best we can for ourselves with what we have and the information that is given to us. The options available to you were all bad, and you made the least bad choice out of them all. And why were they all bad? Because some fucking rapist decided to assault you! It is the rapist’s fault! It’s not yours.
And, again, you may not be infertile at all. I’m so, so sorry that any of this happened to you. I think you should discuss this in greater depth with a therapist before you seek infertility testing. You need to let this burden go. You don’t deserve to have to carry it.
Another thing to keep in mind is that there are lots of assisted reproductive technologies that could help (medications, IVF, other procedures) in the event that you do experience difficulty. There are more advances in reproductive medicine today than any prior time in history.
I know I should, my husband has been encouraging me to go back to therapy. It’s more a time thing now then a not wanting to go thing. It’s hard being vulnerable to people. but I know it is something I will half to do at some point. Time has been a great healer for me, but I knew when we talked about having children that it would bring up these issues. Perhaps when lock down is done I will look into finding a therapist.
That is true, but they all cost money. Money that I would rather save up or spend on a child or baby that is already here. We already talked about that together. If I’m unable to without certain treatments then we will adopt children and give them all the love we possibly can.
It sounds like your husband and I are on the same page, so I’ll stop spamming you now and just say that it sounds like you can get the same advice from him as you can from me. Maybe someone else will also jump in later? With something else? IDK but I do hope for all the best for you.
ETA: OMG Lainy posted at 2:39 and I replied at 2:41 so obviously I am obsessed with her and think about her constantly. That’s our fuckhead’s position on the matter at least.
Well I do have that affect on people. We redheads have magic don’t you know lol.
I don’t have any useful things to say about infertility or miscarriages, but I wish you the best.
Dipping just this once out of chronic, years long lurker-hood to say that while WHTM has a long and treasured history of occasionally letting a troll through in order to entertain the regulars, this MansVoice character is way too generic for my tastes. The gleefully arrogant lack of self awareness, the edgelord 101 “truth bombs,” the “ACTuaLLy I coNSidEr MYsELf A RAtiONaliSt,” the policing of grammar and syntax to avoid engagement? Ugh, done to death. He’s truly just dreadfully, gratingly boring and I wish the regs had someone more interesting to bat around right now. That’s what the lurkers think- if hes going to be here, can’t he at least provide funnier and more interesting content?
@Lainy: I’m sorry to say this is completely outside the areas of my expertise, but at the very least I can wish you and your husband the best in your pursuit of parenthood. And for what it’s worth I never understood the idea that red hair is supposed to be unattractive. If you and your husband find each other attractive on top of loving each other then more power to you.
As for MansVoice (I’m a man, cishet and white at that, and I can guarantee you that you’re not my voice, boyo), I have to say I like his style of “winning”. Shows how shallow and intellectually bankrupt he really is if he can’t even continue to argue in the face of logical rebuttals and facts and has to change the subject to continue arguing. I called him a coward before and his further interactions have done a splendid job of doing absolutely nothing to change my mind. If anything I’m a bit disappointed by the lack of challenge since he runs away and declares victory in his mind as soon as anyone else actually challenges him – which isn’t exactly hard.
David just banned him, so I guess he can’t!
He’ll probably be back with a new sock eventually though. I’m 99.999% certain he’s the troll from a few years ago who claimed he’d eat seagulls if he got marooned on a desert island and said he was a 300 year old engineer. I’m about 75% sure that troll was also MRAL from way back in the day. So, I doubt we’ve seen the last of him.
One of the few people who might understand the alt-right as well as David goes by “Innuendo Studios” on YouTube. The pattern I am seeing with our most recent troll reminded me of the “Never Play Defense” video. The short version is that the alt-right makes a series of various accusations and never makes an effort to defend any of them because the short accusation feels strong and the long nuanced explanation feels weak. The tactic relies on the irrational part of human thinking, the part that glazes over the explanation because it is long and boring and assumes that if someone is confident and aggressive then they know what they are talking about. Unfortunately the evidence based approach never sounds confident because it means holding confidence in the evidence not yourself. Though this blog, this comment section is the one place where this tactic is the least effective. We are extremely familiar with the idea of someone making accusation that have absolute confidence but are also absolutely disconnected from the real world. That tactic unfortunately works with some people, but not here of all places.
I can’t understand your position for the most part, but I have felt the intense anxiety over finding out something that could be good or extremely bad. I also kept thinking “I would rather not know!” I think we both suffered because the potential bad news felt more realistic than the potential good news, and the irrational belief that turning it from potential to actual would make it worse somehow. I have experienced a lot of situations where anxiety made me put something off but when I actually did the thing I dreaded it was vastly easier than I though it would be. Though in your case learning the truth involves a lot of expensive tests, so you have a reason besides anxiety for putting it off. Unless I missed something, I suppose the only thing to do is to keep trying to conceive normally for a while. You could look up fertility rates for women in your age range, or doctor’s recommendations to get a ball park estimate on how long to wait. Of course keeping in mind that by definition half of all women take longer than the median average, etc. I know you worry about your husband leaving, but your description implies the opposite. Best of luck.
@ lainy
Better qualified people than me have offered the relevant practical advice; but FWIW I think you’re a really cool person and I so hope everything works out for you. You deserve it.
AFAIK, approximately 1 in 5 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Human reproduction tends to be a bit of a shitshow a lot of the time. A miscarriage or two is not necessarily a sign that you have any reproductive issues.
However, since the miscarriage seems to have been really emotionally rough on you, it may be a good idea to speak to a specialist and check in with everything. If you are having reproductive issues, then hearing about it from a doctor may be easier on you than potentially going through more miscarriages. (I have absolutely no experience with any of this however. Try checking boards that have other people’s experiences with fertility testing- maybe doctors will be reluctant to see you until after a certain amount of tries/failures? I’m not sure. I think that the general rule of thumb is to not assume fertility problems until after a year of trying hasn’t lead anywhere.)
Not going to offer advice to Lainy since I’ve never faced that issue in any way, but will offer prayers for a good outcome on her behalf.
Re: the Jo Walton lurker song. Is it horrible that I still remember the Usenet thread (art.SF.creative, I think, the thread with the Rockoids aliens) that spawned that song? Plus the proto-meme* that came from it – ‘the lurkers support me in email!’ ?
*Hey, this happened in the late 90’s-early 00’s. Today’s current meme forms didn’t exist back then.
InnuendoStudio’s viewers spreading the word. That series is one of the best, informative and useful guides to understanding the Alt-right and their fellow travelers and the strategies, tactics and rhetoric they use.
Honestly I’d say it’s a must to series to watch to, as Sun Tzu put it: “Know the Enemy and know thyself.”
MansVoice is a classic example of “The Pigeon Shitting on the Chessboard” style of argumentation.
And, damn, he is boring.
Oh my… This is horrible and more horrible is that unfortunately I have to kind of agree on one of the point this dude made and I am a woman:
“(…)meanwhile men are being destroyed on the divorce court, losing the guard of the children, being made to pay stupid amounts of taxes, alimony, and child support to their ex wifes that will be transferred to her through welfare, and having the houses they own being transferred to her and forced to still pay mortgage, and he will be arrested if he don’t pay, he is literally slave for the foid, and normies think this shit is normal.”
You replied:
“Men who want full custody more often than not can get it, and then their ex-wives have to pay child support.”
Unfortunately your comment is not quite true and very simplifies the struggles men face in family court IF their ex-wives are NOT cooperating. I lived in both Germany and the US and in both countries women are heavily favoured by the court system but especially in the US!
I have had multiple cases in my circle of friends there (all 30-50 something white and quiet nerds) who were unable to get shared custody for their children. If you know the family court system well you also know that the house goes with the one parent who gets full custody… All three of them lost their houses and had to pay high alimony to their wives. One day one of them had a bad business year and despite that the child support and alimony was not lowered by a single Dollar. He had very successful business years before and therefore the payment was extraordinary high and suddenly this men was unable to pay his rent and his drivers license was confiscated until he was able to pay the child support again… One wanted to quit his job but was unable to because when you have to pay child support there are some restriction to that. Btw all three of them went to court multiple times and always lost.
But one case stuck out significantly: My now best friend has had his divorce in 2004 in the Maryland Court and is fighting for shared custody until this day! If you want I can even give you his contact. He is about to write a book but fears the backlash of the feminist community.
One child of his fled to him because the mother was mentally abusing her (one time I also witnessed a physical abuse). He was not encouraging her and she went to school regularly so one would think the court would be fine with that but no. This meant that he was violating custody orders and therefore was imprisoned for one month in Clarksburg and hell, US prisons are terrifying, plus that meant no income from his business. After this he was banned from having contact with his children for a month, not even via phone, by a court order. In the end they both literally fled the country and moved to Europe where she is studying now after she has completed high school there.
However, he is unable to to return to the US now, as he is still facing prison charges… So at the moment he is unable to visit his children who remained in the US. This is a very extreme case but as I pointed out not an individual one. His mistake was that he never stopped fighting for justice. His story is a mixture between Heinrich von Kleist’s “Michael Kohlhaas” and Kafka’s novel “The Process”, if you know German literature.
I went to court after witnessing the physical abuse the mother has done to one of the children AFTER kicking the door in at my friends house to get in and the case was dismissed as soon as it was clear that I was friends with her ex-husband and that it occurred during a time that this child was supposed to be with her mother, according to the custody order ruled by the court… My request to have the child and her best friend questioned was denied as both were minors back then! I mean what the heck?
I can’t imagine how the court must deal with black or latino fathers… 🙁
Please contact me if you want to hear more about this story by the true source. He has folders and folders full of court stuff, so enough to proof his story and knows the timeline better than I do.
We can only get rid of Incels, if we take real concerns and struggles by normal men seriously, like we started doing for all women out there– That is the feminism I stand for.