By David Futrelle
Incels are truly dedicated to plumbing the depths of misogyny. Here’s an impressive rant from an incel who thinks it’s wrong to treat women as objects — because, in his mind, they’re worse than objects.
“[W]omen are less than objects,” wrote GameDevCel in a post on Incels.co last year.
“[A]n object can hurt nobody, a object is neutral,” he explained.
a foids is not, a foid is a natural traitor, they will betray their country and race without thinking twice about it, they will literally fuck the men who killed her father and brothers, foids have no loyalty and their brains are literally geared to gather pleasure only, they do not feel guilty or empathy towards a non chad male.
He’s off to a running start here.
just look at normie foids, they will get enrage by what we say around here, meanwhile men are being destroyed on the divorce court, losing the guard of the children, being made to pay stupid amounts of taxes, alimony, and child support to their ex wifes that will be transferred to her through welfare, and having the houses they own being transferred to her and forced to still pay mortgage, and he will be arrested if he don’t pay, he is literally slave for the foid, and normies think this shit is normal.
Men who want full custody more often than not can get it, and then their ex-wives have to pay child support.
they think it’s normal children being raised by single muns dependent on welfare, [despite] children of single muns being much more likely to commit crimes, uses drugs and be fat,
Being fat is somehow a crime against men?
and foids would kill their own unborn children because they don’t want to be 9 months without chad cocks, and normies will support all this crap.
Er, dude, it’s possible to have sex with someone who’s pregnant. And I’m pretty sure women who get abortions aren’t doing it for sex but because they know they’re not ready for a child (or another child) in their life. Thus avoiding that whole single mother thing you were yelling about not two minutes ago.
if given the power foids will literally destroy society ins less than a couple hundred of years, just look at europe and japan with dogshity fertility rates, and the first is being over by immigrants, population aging, THEY ARE DYING, ALL BECAUSE ROASTIES DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
Amping up the racism, I see.
they keep voting democrat, despise their poliecies not being sustainable, and wasting money we don’t have, they only want man’s money NOW, don’t care about long term consequences that the future generations will be debt slaves.
Er, the Republicans are the ones giving trillion dollar tax cuts to people who don’t need them.
foids want complete freedom from all their societal obligations of having and taking care of children, meanwhile men are going to be arrested for not paying alimony/child support/taxes, that all goes to foids, men are literally slaves while foids have unlimited freedom.
Women aren’t obligated to have children. And supporting your children is not slavery.
the only reason this near useless shits are still around is because men have hormones in their head, that force them to love these despicable creatures, despise their heinous nature,
Those devious but oh-so-sexy monsters!
aside of giving birth 99% of them are useless, as soon you say that they will start citing a list of female inventors or some bullshit, but in the moment you start saying male inventors you will hear “oh, you are just a loser inkel, you can’t take credit for what other men invented”, the hypocrisy is staggering they know it, but they don’t care.
It must be such a joy to have discussions with this fascinating fellow.
a object, children or animal isn’t capable of any of these, they are mostly neutral, but foids seems to choose the path that will cause most damage to their country just for the sake of a dopamine rush.
To be fair, some animals seem to get a dopamine rush from doing damage. Cats, for example.
i feel like we are a bunch of people on the titanic screaming about a gigantic iceberg, meanwhile all normies don’t care and just want to drink and party all night, all this societal self destruction is scary.
Nah. What’s scary is a subculture of young men cultivating their own bitterness and hatred towards women and society at large and sometimes actually going out and shooting a bunch of people, like one of you fuckers did just last week.
An Incel.co regular called FrameCell responded to GaveDevCel’s rant with a hearty “AMEN.” And then added some shit about dogs, and demons.
They’d rather fuck dogs than to talk to us, date us, or get to know us.
It’s just so weird that this has become a consensus belief amongst incels
I’m convinced demon entities have control over all foids.
I mean COME ON, if these entities existed.. they’d go for the weakest link in the human race aka dumb “foids”.
They’ve been weaponized against us to make us feel depressed, anxiety, lifeless, worthless, valueless, suicidal, left out, uglier than we really are… and the list goes on.
FOIDS are literally the SOURCE of 90% of why depression ensues..
Other incels are literally the SOURCE of why you believe crap like this. Women are lower than objects? They fuck dogs and are possessed by demons? This is kind of thinking you get in a cult, or a folie a deux.
The only way to stop this kind of thinking is to get out of the poisonous ideological circlejerk that is the incel community online — and to start taking in input from the real world once again. Until then, you’re the ones who will look to the rest of us like men possessed — not by demons, but by delusions.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Hi Surplus, you may already be familiar with the Wait But Why website, but if not, there’s an engaging article on there called The AI revolution: the road to superintelligence. It is a lengthy read, and thought provoking.
Hold on — they did it before the court decided the case in their favor and granted them permission to do it? How is that not contempt of court? Presumably they were under injunction until the decision was made on whether to permit it?
In light of the mentions of concentration camps near the Mexican border in this thread, I thought it an appropriate place to put this:
Not very far off from “ignorance is strength”, that. And it looks like the US is very far along the path to a very dark place. Y’all might want to think about getting the hell out, because even though it looks like he’s going to win, I doubt very much that Biden can salvage this. Postpone the inevitable, perhaps.
At least get to a liberal, coastal part of a liberal, coastal state. Those will likely try to protect their citizens, and perhaps even secede, when the time comes.
Oh, and running to Canada might be like running to France in the 1930s. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Vichyesque Tory government within the next decade here. Not sure where would be safer though.
Gotta appreciate how MansVoice comes into declare
and when people tell him that pimples don’t actually matter and what about these actual killings, he just ignores it and turns to another topic, presumably because people pointing out that he’s wrong either doesn’t register or is just silly bantering that doesn’t deserve a response.
Classic MansVoice move, that one.
@ surplus
Unfortunately, the protests against oil pipelines in the US and Canada have shown what happens to indigenous peoples who try to protect their environment.
Speaking of which, new law in Brazil. This grants title to farmers who have occupied native land in the Amazon.
They’ve justified the law on environmental grounds. It’s that thing of indigenous people not sharing the same concept of land ownership as capitalist societies. Their argument being that you can’t prosecute anyone for deforestation unless someone owns the relevant land. I’m less than convinced though.
He’s intellectually dishonest, is all. No need for any deeper analysis than that.
@Policy of Madness:
There’s a famous quote from Richard Feynman that seems appropriate:
In many ways this is the difference in mindset between science and engineering: scientists are taught to constantly question whether or not the current understanding is correct, and to figure out ways to test their ideas against reality; engineers, not so much.
(Of course, that teaching doesn’t always stick with scientists, either.)
LessWrong was mostly engineering types, and their ideology was neat idea piled on neat idea without much checking against reality or against what other people had done, along with regular patches to shore things up when reality came crashing in.
To tweak the Feynman quote, though… once you start actively fooling yourself, it can become a lot easier to fool other people. Passionate sincerity can be very convincing to people who don’t know enough to fact-check you.
@Jenora Feuer
I think this may be the case with many US Republicans. Once they convinced themselves of falsehoods, they were much more easily able to push them on others because they themselves legitimately believed the arguments.
Incels are pretty equal to cancer cells if I’m being honest.
Since troll boy is mucking up this thread as well with his oh so important word vomit, Can I ask you guys some advice on a reproductive matter? you don’t have to be born female to give it. I would just really like some advice from online people that I trust.
@Policy of Madness:
Nah. I just don’t feel obligated to spend my time engaging with stupidity.
It’s easy to best you guys in an argument; frankly, once I feel I’ve done so, I get bored and just move on.
I suspect the views of the lurkers – who I’d guess are not quite so mindkilled as the commentariat – might surprise you.
Hi, mainly a lurker here. First off, I haven’t seen you “best” anyone here in any argument. Secondly, I suspect you don’t have the support you think you have.
Correction: it’s easy to be proven wrong, pretend you’re right, and run away.
The lurkers support me in email
They all think I’m great don’t you know.
You posters just don’t understand me
But soon you will reap what you sow.
Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you’ll see, you’ll see
off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you’ll see.
Oh it’s true, and you know they support me.
There’s thousands of lurkers out there!
They all understand my intentions
you posters are not being fair!
Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you’ll see, you’ll see
off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you’ll see
The lurkers support me in email
“So why don’t they post?” you all cry
They’re scared of your hostile intentions
they’re not as courageous as I.
Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you’ll see, you’ll see
off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you’ll see
One day I’ll round up all my lurkers
we’ll have a newsgroup of our own
without all this flak from you morons
my lurkers will post round my throne.
Lurkers, lurkers, lurkers support me, you’ll see, you’ll see
off in e-mail the lurkers support me, you’ll see.
–Jo Walton
@Some Chick in Texas
He’s tried this argument multiple times. I get the feeling he’s wrong because I doubt many people who aren’t at least somewhat interested in feminism wade through all the pages of comments.
If we are so “easy to beat in argument”: why is it than that you don’t actually try to engage with any the substance of anyone counter arguments and rebuttable nor address them.
I mean heck you don’t even both address how so called “Looks Matching” allegedly works for LGBT people and falsely assert that you think the problems Incel’s and MGTOW’s have and what everyone who rebukes them on has anything to do with something as shallow and superficial and frankly irreverent as “looks” and “acne” when in reality the problem with incels and MGTOW’s has nothing to do with their looks and everything to do with their behavior, attitudes, mindset, ideology and toxic, malevolent notions.
After all; why would you think that anyone would be attracted to some raging, sexist, hateful, sketchy, creepy, self-aggrandizing, immature, chauvinist, myopic misanthropes even if they were possessing the aesthetic of sculpted members of a Greek Pantheon. It doesn’t matter how your physical appearance looks if your inner-self and content of character is as appealing as boiler sludge. You can look conventionally attractive in nearly any and every single way, even simply just average looking; and still be repulsively ugly to people. Especially if you have a garbage personality; because news flash; people don’t find that attractive.
I have never been in a romantic relationship with anyone in my life at 31 years old: and yet even I know this fact as being painfully self evident.
@Naglfar – that song has already been posted, possibly in this very thread.
You all really are terminally unoriginal. How long until someone works that Margaret Atwood quote into the conversation?
We keep posting the song because you keep making the baseless argument that the song mocks.
O/T: Conservatives are infighting again because Dave Rubin is against regulating Twitter while all the other “anti-regulation” conservatives are all over it.
Is red hair attractive? my husband says my red hair is one of the things he noticed about me first and was attracted to, but all my life I’ve had other guys say my red hair is unattractive or ugly. Is my husband my lookmatch? how can I be attracted to him if he is? he’s a 5’6 Portuguese, Italian, Mexican, man. He’s got a strong jaw, dark tan skin, and eyes so dark brown they almost black. thick eyebrows and he’s the only man I’ve ever known who looks attractive with a mustache. his teeth are basically sharp fangs that he can break the skin by barely biting me. he’s got a lot of muscles and some nice abs cause he’s been working out a lot more recently. He can do like 70 pushsup with me sitting on his back. He gets my panties gushing with just a single look, He’s been able to do that since our first date. Tell me if he’s my looksmatch or are you so unoriginal that you have no answers?
I can try to help. Would you prefer to take it to email or do it here?
I can’t speak for anyone else, but FWIW I think red hair looks good. I have dark brown hair but oddly occasionally find single strands of reddish hair when shaving (my father has the same thing, I think it has to do with being of partial Irish descent on his side).
I’m still trying to get answers re: looksmatching and same gender relationships. I have a feeling he wants to force all women to marry men so he won’t answer.
I admit it. It was me who emailed MansVoice with my support. “You’ve convinced me,” I said. “Terrorism and murder aren’t all that bad, actually, when you consider that some people on the internet are young.”
I am also happy to help with any reproductive questions if I can. I have a uterus, I’ve taken oral BC, and for the last eight years or so I’ve been on a hormonal IUD, but I haven’t experienced pregnancy or given birth.
Edit: This originally said UTI instead of IUD. I’ve had a lot of those, too, but that’s probably not pertinent to your question.
I think the difference is that one of those you go to the doctor to get, and the other you go to the doctor to get rid of. I’ve got no uterus so I’ve never had an IUD but I have had UTIs before and did not enjoy them.
@Policy of Madness
it’s fine here. I’m pretty open and it’s not like anything bad. plus it’s annomus here which helps.
So basically my husband and I have been talking about more and more starting our family. We both have always wanted to be parents and have strong parental instincts. We’ve been talking about having some fertility test done because we’ve lost a pregnancy before and it was devastating to me. He wants to make sure that we are both able to have children before we try again and wants to spare me that heart ache of loosing another pregnancy if we can’t. I’m scared to do so. I’m worried about what the answer could be. I know we can adopt. I would like adopt some children actually. but I’m terrified their going to tell me I can’t have children. I’m terrified that it because of something I’ve done to myself. I’m terrified I can’t give my husband the one thing he wants so badly in this life.
Yeah growing up no one liked my red hair. my husband loves it. He calls me his little spitfire and red, and things like that. I think he does it part because he loves it and part because he wants me to love it as well and it’s always been an insecurity of mine. Same with my freckles. He calls my freckles angel kisses though.
They are SO BAD. minus 12,000/10, would not purchase again. Of course, I probably will get more, unless I manage to find a regular doctor who will actually–I’m just going to cut off my whole rant here. Sorry you’ve had to deal with them too. They suck.
Oh, I’m so sorry. I know what it’s like to not want to know the answer to a life-changing question. How long have you been sitting on this? If it hasn’t been that long, maybe sit on it for a few more weeks to get used to the idea, because I agree with your husband that knowing is better than not knowing. But you shouldn’t go in for invasive and expensive testing until you are sure you want to do it. There is no massive hurry where you must do it this week or else consequences.
I don’t know about you, but when I have an important and potentially expensive or life-altering decision to make, I sometimes have to sleep on it for a good long time before I come to the point where I know I just have to do it and nothing good is coming from waiting any longer. But you have to know that one miscarriage doesn’t necessarily mean infertility. A LOT of pregnancies end in miscarriage, because of faults in the embryo/fetus and not in the mother. Reproduction is fraught with chance and genetic abnormalities are more common than people think, because they end in an early miscarriage that is never tested for said abnormalities.
Internet hugs! I hope it works out well for you!
A reproductive endocrinologist is the best person to weigh in on any medical concerns, but I’ll second PoM’s statement about how one miscarriage doesn’t mean infertility. My mom had a miscarriage but had four children, to pull out a family anecdote.
Biology gives you one way to be a parent, but from what you’ve said about your students, I’m confident that you would be a loving parent to any child who is part of your family.