incels misogyny

Incel: “Women are less than objects”

By David Futrelle

Incels are truly dedicated to plumbing the depths of misogyny. Here’s an impressive rant from an incel who thinks it’s wrong to treat women as objects — because, in his mind, they’re worse than objects.

“[W]omen are less than objects,” wrote GameDevCel in a post on last year.

“[A]n object can hurt nobody, a object is neutral,” he explained.

a foids is not, a foid is a natural traitor, they will betray their country and race without thinking twice about it, they will literally fuck the men who killed her father and brothers, foids have no loyalty and their brains are literally geared to gather pleasure only, they do not feel guilty or empathy towards a non chad male.

He’s off to a running start here.

just look at normie foids, they will get enrage by what we say around here, meanwhile men are being destroyed on the divorce court, losing the guard of the children, being made to pay stupid amounts of taxes, alimony, and child support to their ex wifes that will be transferred to her through welfare, and having the houses they own being transferred to her and forced to still pay mortgage, and he will be arrested if he don’t pay, he is literally slave for the foid, and normies think this shit is normal.

Men who want full custody more often than not can get it, and then their ex-wives have to pay child support.

they think it’s normal children being raised by single muns dependent on welfare, [despite] children of single muns being much more likely to commit crimes, uses drugs and be fat,

Being fat is somehow a crime against men?

and foids would kill their own unborn children because they don’t want to be 9 months without chad cocks, and normies will support all this crap.

Er, dude, it’s possible to have sex with someone who’s pregnant. And I’m pretty sure women who get abortions aren’t doing it for sex but because they know they’re not ready for a child (or another child) in their life. Thus avoiding that whole single mother thing you were yelling about not two minutes ago.

if given the power foids will literally destroy society ins less than a couple hundred of years, just look at europe and japan with dogshity fertility rates, and the first is being over by immigrants, population aging, THEY ARE DYING, ALL BECAUSE ROASTIES DON’T GIVE A SHIT.

Amping up the racism, I see.

they keep voting democrat, despise their poliecies not being sustainable, and wasting money we don’t have, they only want man’s money NOW, don’t care about long term consequences that the future generations will be debt slaves.

Er, the Republicans are the ones giving trillion dollar tax cuts to people who don’t need them.

foids want complete freedom from all their societal obligations of having and taking care of children, meanwhile men are going to be arrested for not paying alimony/child support/taxes, that all goes to foids, men are literally slaves while foids have unlimited freedom.

Women aren’t obligated to have children. And supporting your children is not slavery.

the only reason this near useless shits are still around is because men have hormones in their head, that force them to love these despicable creatures, despise their heinous nature,

Those devious but oh-so-sexy monsters!

aside of giving birth 99% of them are useless, as soon you say that they will start citing a list of female inventors or some bullshit, but in the moment you start saying male inventors you will hear “oh, you are just a loser inkel, you can’t take credit for what other men invented”, the hypocrisy is staggering they know it, but they don’t care.

It must be such a joy to have discussions with this fascinating fellow.

a object, children or animal isn’t capable of any of these, they are mostly neutral, but foids seems to choose the path that will cause most damage to their country just for the sake of a dopamine rush.

To be fair, some animals seem to get a dopamine rush from doing damage. Cats, for example.

i feel like we are a bunch of people on the titanic screaming about a gigantic iceberg, meanwhile all normies don’t care and just want to drink and party all night, all this societal self destruction is scary.

Nah. What’s scary is a subculture of young men cultivating their own bitterness and hatred towards women and society at large and sometimes actually going out and shooting a bunch of people, like one of you fuckers did just last week.

An regular called FrameCell responded to GaveDevCel’s rant with a hearty “AMEN.” And then added some shit about dogs, and demons.

They’d rather fuck dogs than to talk to us, date us, or get to know us.

It’s just so weird that this has become a consensus belief amongst incels

I’m convinced demon entities have control over all foids.

I mean COME ON, if these entities existed.. they’d go for the weakest link in the human race aka dumb “foids”.

They’ve been weaponized against us to make us feel depressed, anxiety, lifeless, worthless, valueless, suicidal, left out, uglier than we really are… and the list goes on.

FOIDS are literally the SOURCE of 90% of why depression ensues..

Other incels are literally the SOURCE of why you believe crap like this. Women are lower than objects? They fuck dogs and are possessed by demons? This is kind of thinking you get in a cult, or a folie a deux.

The only way to stop this kind of thinking is to get out of the poisonous ideological circlejerk that is the incel community online — and to start taking in input from the real world once again. Until then, you’re the ones who will look to the rest of us like men possessed — not by demons, but by delusions.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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4 years ago

I don’t think you know what you’re talking about when you are correcting Europeans about what they think.

I think it’s projection. They spend so much time perseverating about everyone else, so they assume everyone else is equally obsessed with them. Therefore, they think we’re constantly conspiring against them whenever we do any thing they don’t like.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Isn’t that how you get Daleks?

I think that if Dalek’s were to invade the US, conservatives would embrace them with open arms to own the libs.

4 years ago


EXTERMINATE! is basically already the Republican platform anway.

4 years ago

Re: Politics and empathy

I said this before awhile ago, but it bears repeating. In my personal experience, people with little to no empathy don’t seem to be particularly liberal or conservative; if they choose a side, it’s based purely on personal benefit or social convenience.

Soical conservatives believe in the one true way™. Various groups of conservatives disagree on the details, and wars have been fought over it, but there’s a lot of conceptual overlap. Everything is better if everyone were to follow the one true way. If that way includes an afterlife which punishes the wicked, then it becomes even more personal. Your family and friends *must* be kept following the one true way, or bad things will happen to them, forever. What kind of empathy-lacking monster would allow that to happen? Not you! And those who have never followed the one true way must be shamed and punished until they do. All is for the greater good, and usually for the individual good as well.

Social liberals believe that there is no one true way™, and no “greater good”. There are a great many ways, and work better for different people, so people should be allowed to find what works for them. Their primary goal is to reduce suffering in the world. What kind of empathy-lacking monster would allow preventable suffering? Not you! This becomes a headache due to the fact that trending towards liberal-minded or conservative-minded appears to be partially inborn, and some of the more extreme conservative-minded ones could never not be suffering unless they had some right to punish others who did not follow their one true way, thus causing more suffering in the world.

Both liberals and conservatives have the “wrong” kind of empathy from each others’ perspectives – the kind which appears so superficial as to be practically nonexistent. Thus both sides occasionally calling each other “narcissist”.

That being said, I’m no centrist. No “both sides have good points” here. Conservatives can make their case for their one true way™, and allow people to join them, but they can’t stop anyone from leaving, can’t shame or punish people for not following their way, and can’t ban counterexamples to their teachings from society. If the latter makes following their way near impossible, then they [should] have the right to self-isolate to about the same extent that the Amish does, including the part where the children have the right to have at least some limited awareness of the outside world (and you can’t lie your ass off about that). That’s all the compromise you will ever get from me.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
4 years ago

This is one of those dumb memes that liberal NPCs like to mindlessly ventriloquize.

HAH HAH HAH you know that Ohlmann lives in Europe? No? You didn’t know that? You just made a stupid, stupid assumption and sucked on your toes yet again? Gotcha.

4 years ago


But since he’s (likely) an American and in this comment section, everyone in this comment section must be American!

There’s no way an actual European would be able to enunciate what an actual European thinks about American politics, that’s just silly!

Note: The above contains sarcasm

Additional Note: Yeah, GuyTrolling, that means I KNOW you didn’t explicitly say everyone in the thread was American. It’s called hyperbole. The point still stands: implicitly, the way you like your points to stand (per that one thread).

4 years ago


But since he’s (likely) an American and in this comment section, everyone in this comment section must be American!

Of course! I forgot that the world just bends to match what he thinks. /s

4 years ago

@Ohlmann: Lascaux was almost destroyed!? Fuck. We really are terrible as a species.

@Alan: Good thing, given the circumstances. Maybe it’ll at least embarrass those responsible enough that they won’t repeat it (one can always dream). That place should have been a Unesco heritage site.

As for the conservatives and (lack of) empathy thing: Well, they’ll probably shift gears and just turn back the clock and call me Ye Olde Conservative Insult “bleeding heart”, but that’s just it. Why do I care if it doesn’t affect me personally? Here’s the thing: IT DOES. People getting sick, suffering and dying? It affects me. I can’t help but feel pain and sadness at he tragedy of it all, and I can’t help but feel impotent outrage at the self-centered myopic ethically bankrupt shitnuggets who think their right to be uncaring contrary assholes just to assuage their fragile egos supercedes the right to motherfucking LIFE of those whose deaths they may cause, and the right of those people’s loved ones to NOT have the pain and burden of having to mourn them before they otherwise would have. I suspect I’m not the only one like this in this comments section.

@MansVoice: Oh, I’ve seen their faces. The faces of those who kill. Incels and other assorted alt-right fuckers (like you) won’t let us forget their faces. They’ve posted them often enough, especially at the anniversary dates of their killing sprees to celebrate. Elliot Rodger’s smug geeky mug. Dylann Roof’s “teen extra from Deliverance” looks. Nikolas Cruz’s nonplussed scrawny nerd face. Alexandre Bissonnette’s awkard, timid appearance. Alek Minassian’s “not-quite-football-player” jawline. None of them look that much like killers or America’s (or Canada’s) Most Wanted. In a vacuum, it would probably sound as ridiculous as you claim. Yet, altogether, these “very fine young men” have killed 48 people (not counting themselves in the relevant cases), wounded 56, and are likely the cause of at least 3 suicides (2 Parkland survivors, 1 Quebec paramedic who went to the scene to do her job). They don’t really look it, but the numbers speak for themselves. They don’t look like much but we can’t afford to judge by appearances or more people WILL die at the hands of those you defend. Your argument is as worthless as your opinions and theirs.

4 years ago

@Paireon – I am not alt-right, nor an incel. I do, however, identify as a Rationalist, and I am a registered Republican.

4 years ago

Out of curiosity, did you vote for Trump in 2016? I think I know the answer, but I’m not sure.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
4 years ago

@ paireon

Lascaux was almost destroyed!? Fuck. We really are terrible as a species.

We have learned nothing in 12,000 years.” ~ Picasso upon seeing Lascaux

Of course Juukan Gorge is literally four times older than that.

Sorry if this makes you weep. ‘Before and After’ the mining co moved in…

comment image

4 years ago


I do, however, identify as a Rationalist, and I am a registered Republican.

…Those don’t really go well together anymore, fam. Unless by “Rationalist” you mean not “one who is rational and reasoned in their thought processes” but rather “one who uses their thought processes to rationalize their preexisting biases and prejudices”. I suspect you try to claim the former but are actually the latter. In which case your claim is as silly, erroneous and worthy of mockery as Objectivists’ claims of actual objectivity.

Also, I noticed you didn’t try any refutation of my main point. I will concede that you may not be incel or alt-right, but you constant defence/trolling on their behalf in the last few days make it quite clear that you are an apologist and/or enabler of their mindset, likely because many of your politics and theirs align, and/or they’re a useful lightning rod for your ideological opponents. I wonder how far you’re willing to push the Faustian bargain; maybe until someone you know falls victim to one of their rampages?

But the chances of that happening are still pretty low, so you’ll take your chances. After all, it’s the rational thing to do when the risk-to-benefits ratio is so low, isn’t it? When there’s less than one in 100 000 chances that you’re personally impacted? After all, unless they’re you or yours, the victims and their loved ones aren’t real to you. They’re just, as you said earlier, like anyone else you find bothersome, NPCs.

You fucking cowardly hypocrite.

4 years ago


I do, however, identify as a Rationalist

The only kind of rationalist you are, if i may be so blunt to observe: is a pseudo-rationalist. You hold and express lines of thought, ideology, notion and asserted, unsubstantiated opinion that does not meet the requirements of fact to follow lines of actually well reasoned rationality, in addition the position you take has no verified or credible knowledge gathered through accredited, verified scientific method.

4 years ago

@Alan: Don’t feel sorry, I can take it. Makes me more angry than sad, actually. All this for a goddamn percentage. Greed is indeed a scourge upon humankind and its world. In my darker periods I harbor grim dreams of holding all of those spawn of Mammon and, taking a page from the Parthians and Temujin, pouring molten gold down their throats, one by one.

Ahem! Sorry, waxed a bit lyrical there. Don’t worry, that’s about as out of control as you’ll ever see my dark side. I have no intention of becoming as monstrous as those I hate.

4 years ago


I’m afraid “Rationalist” and “Republican” get on quite well in practice unfortunately. It’s not for nothing that the origins of Rationalism and the LW cult are entangled with the origins of the Neoreactionary movement.

4 years ago

Out of curiosity, did you vote for Trump in 2016? I think I know the answer, but I’m not sure.

Indeed I did, though I admit he wasn’t my first choice for the nomination. Still, on the whole I think the president has governed as a reasonably effective conservative.

4 years ago


I think the president has governed as a reasonably effective conservative.

Because nothing says “fiscal conservative” like blowing billions on a wall. Or says “small government” like stealing PPE from states. Then again, I never really expected internal consistency.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
4 years ago

Well I guess that answers why MV likes the concept of being mindkilled so much. If Trump is a “reasonably effective conservative” then he sincerely believes that the policies of his administration that most of us would consider abhorrent and beyond the pale are overall decent at least. Of course, despite the attempts by the very LWers he’s namedropped at appealing to the empathy of the libertarian and reactionary types in the group, the “politics is the mind-killer” article makes it clear that treating conservatives with intellectual respect no matter what is etched into the LW ethos.

4 years ago

@Naglfar: I’m guessing “reasonably effective conservative” stands for “helped the rich, fucked the poor, women and minority groups, made Angry White People feel better about themselves, and fuck everything else we don’t care”.

4 years ago

Still, on the whole I think the president has governed as a reasonably effective conservative.

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Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
4 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit:

You know, at least when the Taliban destroyed the Buddha statues, they had a genuine, thought-out ideological motive for doing so.

So do these goofs. Radical Islam, meet neoliberalism. Neoliberalism, radical Islam. Fundamentalism in the name of “Allah” or “the free market” is the same thing in different stage dress. An excuse for the powerful to trample the weak. And all ideologies likewise serve the same purpose: to legitimate an inequity in power and explain/justify why these people get to have some but not these people.

With neoliberalism it vests power in wealthy (and usually white and male) people. With religious fundies it’s the (usually male) true-believers and particularly the church/priesthood hierarchy, whether that’s a rich televangelist or some imams or the big, complicated Vatican hierarchy. With plain old liberalism it’s the industrial west vs. the “developing world”. With (most instances of) communism it’s the party elites. Even socialism has often sought to elevate the directly-productive laboring people over the unemployed (and over the administrative class), rather than to truly level away all inequities in power, though it’s been at its best when pushing at least an ideal of egalitarianism, while repudiating (unlike all the others) nationalism. Progressivism is even not immune: it does after all label non-progressives as “deplorable” and seek to disempower them, even if deservedly so.

I don’t know what a movement that is 100% for flattening away all power inequalities would look like. There are existing things (socialism, progressivism, feminism) that come close, but aren’t exactly it. I’m also not sure such a thing would be completely desirable. Justice is not always equality. Maybe the best system would grant some people temporary elevation of power, when they needed it most. I suppose that would look a bit like emergency-room triage. If it’s urgent enough you can skip to the front of the line. But I’d be very wary of creating a situation where the “triage nurse” ends up the de facto ruler of the world, through the commonplace trope of being put in the position of being kingmaker and then cutting a deal … or of trying to avoid that by putting an AI of some sort in that role. If the AI is stupider than smart humans, smart humans will manipulate it and game the system. If instead the AI is smarter than smart humans and malfunctions, there might be no fixing it. It would probably have to be about as smart as a smart human, and limited in its ability to act without human cooperation, but difficult for most humans to trick and deceive. And then it’s easiest to just use an actual smart human, but ensure the position rotates frequently, and randomly, so it doesn’t become a focal point for the accumulation of power. But then, who decides on eligibility and who rolls the dice? … There seems to be no avoiding a fractal regression of king-king-kingmakers, and the necessity then of diffusing power by making that pyramid widen rapidly to a base of “all the people” while term limits shrink rapidly toward the apex. And then we’re back to something close to existing representative democracies, aren’t we?


Sometimes I think that even though they’ve embraced a worldview that demands a lack of empathy, there’s some part of them somewhere that still does feel it. After all, it’s doubtful that every conservative was just born with the inability to feel empathy. So they have to convince themselves to push down any feeling for others and part of that is convincing themselves that lack of empathy is the norm, that anyone who does feel empathy is lying to serve an agenda.

Moreover, anyone who does seem to genuinely care is a colossal threat to their personal self-image, for if it’s possible for someone to be a genuine (rather than a hypocritical) do-gooder, then they are monstrous, and cannot even hide behind “I’m no more so than everbody else” anymore. Hence the singular hatred and rage they spew toward anyone who shows anything close to saintly tendencies, and their stopping at nothing to find the slightest speck of dirt in these cases. Sanders and AOC especially seem to prompt this sort of reaction from conservatives. The irony being that a lot of those conservatives regularly swear fealty to a semi-divine person of Iron Age vintage alleged to have been especially AOC-like …

@Alan Robertshaw:

It’s too late really to do anything practical at this stage

What about direct action? It seems odd to just give up because of a lost court fight when there’s still things like lying down in the path of bulldozers and chaining yourself to a tree (or a rock) available.


I wonder how far you’re willing to push the Faustian bargain

In one memorable instance, the answer to that turned out to be “until the factories they owned were bombed to rubble by Allied warplanes”. Of course, those were wealthy industrialists at companies like Mercedes-Benz who were (or so they told themselves) scared to death of Communism (but probably also of cosmopolitanism).

Somehow, I don’t think our troll-of-the-week here is a wealthy industrialist, so he might not go quite that far … if only because he doesn’t own any factories for Allied warplanes to bomb.


I think the president has governed as a reasonably effective conservative.


4 years ago

@ManVoice : I am french, and I can ensure you Biden don’t register as socialist or left wing. He is firmly to the right of our current president, who himself is at best moderate right, if not straight right.

As a side note, the kind of tax plan Biden is on are similar to thoses of Jacque Chirac. It’s also notable that liberals, the name, are traditionaly in a bunch of right wing party associated to the main conservative french party. That’s not an error or a fluke.

However, Trump did work as a standard conservative president : give a bunch of money to high earner by stealing it from the poor. He was a bit more direct about that the other, but for the msot part the difference between him and Bush is mostly that Bush was polite and at least tried to hide his grift. In some way, Trump is more honest.

4 years ago

@MV: If you think that building concentration camps is reasonable, what would be unreasonable?

“Concentration camp” is not hyperbole. Look at the US southern border.

I am German. I know what concentration camps are.

P.s. Biden is well to the right of our very own CDU Chancellor.

4 years ago


Still, on the whole I think the president has governed as a reasonably effective conservative.

And if you believe that: tell me about the Kittens on Mars next while your at it.

4 years ago

It’s too late really to do anything practical at this stage

What about direct action? It seems odd to just give up because of a lost court fight when there’s still things like lying down in the path of bulldozers and chaining yourself to a tree (or a rock) available.

It’s too late because the Jukkan Gorge has already been destroyed a few years ago.