By David Futrelle
Incels are truly dedicated to plumbing the depths of misogyny. Here’s an impressive rant from an incel who thinks it’s wrong to treat women as objects — because, in his mind, they’re worse than objects.
“[W]omen are less than objects,” wrote GameDevCel in a post on Incels.co last year.
“[A]n object can hurt nobody, a object is neutral,” he explained.
a foids is not, a foid is a natural traitor, they will betray their country and race without thinking twice about it, they will literally fuck the men who killed her father and brothers, foids have no loyalty and their brains are literally geared to gather pleasure only, they do not feel guilty or empathy towards a non chad male.
He’s off to a running start here.
just look at normie foids, they will get enrage by what we say around here, meanwhile men are being destroyed on the divorce court, losing the guard of the children, being made to pay stupid amounts of taxes, alimony, and child support to their ex wifes that will be transferred to her through welfare, and having the houses they own being transferred to her and forced to still pay mortgage, and he will be arrested if he don’t pay, he is literally slave for the foid, and normies think this shit is normal.
Men who want full custody more often than not can get it, and then their ex-wives have to pay child support.
they think it’s normal children being raised by single muns dependent on welfare, [despite] children of single muns being much more likely to commit crimes, uses drugs and be fat,
Being fat is somehow a crime against men?
and foids would kill their own unborn children because they don’t want to be 9 months without chad cocks, and normies will support all this crap.
Er, dude, it’s possible to have sex with someone who’s pregnant. And I’m pretty sure women who get abortions aren’t doing it for sex but because they know they’re not ready for a child (or another child) in their life. Thus avoiding that whole single mother thing you were yelling about not two minutes ago.
if given the power foids will literally destroy society ins less than a couple hundred of years, just look at europe and japan with dogshity fertility rates, and the first is being over by immigrants, population aging, THEY ARE DYING, ALL BECAUSE ROASTIES DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
Amping up the racism, I see.
they keep voting democrat, despise their poliecies not being sustainable, and wasting money we don’t have, they only want man’s money NOW, don’t care about long term consequences that the future generations will be debt slaves.
Er, the Republicans are the ones giving trillion dollar tax cuts to people who don’t need them.
foids want complete freedom from all their societal obligations of having and taking care of children, meanwhile men are going to be arrested for not paying alimony/child support/taxes, that all goes to foids, men are literally slaves while foids have unlimited freedom.
Women aren’t obligated to have children. And supporting your children is not slavery.
the only reason this near useless shits are still around is because men have hormones in their head, that force them to love these despicable creatures, despise their heinous nature,
Those devious but oh-so-sexy monsters!
aside of giving birth 99% of them are useless, as soon you say that they will start citing a list of female inventors or some bullshit, but in the moment you start saying male inventors you will hear “oh, you are just a loser inkel, you can’t take credit for what other men invented”, the hypocrisy is staggering they know it, but they don’t care.
It must be such a joy to have discussions with this fascinating fellow.
a object, children or animal isn’t capable of any of these, they are mostly neutral, but foids seems to choose the path that will cause most damage to their country just for the sake of a dopamine rush.
To be fair, some animals seem to get a dopamine rush from doing damage. Cats, for example.
i feel like we are a bunch of people on the titanic screaming about a gigantic iceberg, meanwhile all normies don’t care and just want to drink and party all night, all this societal self destruction is scary.
Nah. What’s scary is a subculture of young men cultivating their own bitterness and hatred towards women and society at large and sometimes actually going out and shooting a bunch of people, like one of you fuckers did just last week.
An Incel.co regular called FrameCell responded to GaveDevCel’s rant with a hearty “AMEN.” And then added some shit about dogs, and demons.
They’d rather fuck dogs than to talk to us, date us, or get to know us.
It’s just so weird that this has become a consensus belief amongst incels
I’m convinced demon entities have control over all foids.
I mean COME ON, if these entities existed.. they’d go for the weakest link in the human race aka dumb “foids”.
They’ve been weaponized against us to make us feel depressed, anxiety, lifeless, worthless, valueless, suicidal, left out, uglier than we really are… and the list goes on.
FOIDS are literally the SOURCE of 90% of why depression ensues..
Other incels are literally the SOURCE of why you believe crap like this. Women are lower than objects? They fuck dogs and are possessed by demons? This is kind of thinking you get in a cult, or a folie a deux.
The only way to stop this kind of thinking is to get out of the poisonous ideological circlejerk that is the incel community online — and to start taking in input from the real world once again. Until then, you’re the ones who will look to the rest of us like men possessed — not by demons, but by delusions.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Prosperity gospel is a little different from what MSN Money was trying to convey. The MSN article took as given that the wealthy got there through virtuous habits, and by aping those habits (and giving up their own, maladaptive habits) the non-wealthy could change their situations. Prosperity gospel posits that you show your faith by donating money you don’t have to the evangelist and that faith will be materially rewarded 10x by God. Both of them put the onus on you to take the correct action, but giving to charity was a tiny part of the overall message from MSN, whereas it is 100% the message of prosperity gospel.
Ah, I see. Sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying.
LOL I got confused because MansVoice replied to a post from this thread in the previous article’s thread. Speaking of which:
@ Allandrel
Seeing the transition between Obama and Trump, but also seeing my own province transition between parties literally called Liberal and (Progressive (lol)) Conservative, I’m not sure I agree. If liberals really operated under “who needs help” rather than “who deserves help” then we wouldn’t be in a situation where the incoming “conservative” party can cause untold havoc on so many lives simply through policy reversals. If liberals weren’t looking for an excuse not to give help, then they wouldn’t put vague conditions on a goddamn coronavirus relief benefit with threats that you may have to pay the benefit back if it turns out you don’t fit said vague conditions (I personally have no idea if I actually “qualify”, or how this works with my existing benefits).
The marginalized have always been viewed, even by “liberals”, as deserving only the bare minimum that will make it look like their human rights aren’t being violated.
What I find hilarious about the single mother arguments is that most single mothers tend to be in their situation to begin with because the fathers are either deadbeats or abusive, so if you were really concerned about the effects of single motherhood on children, you would be advocating for fathers to not be shitty.
Interestingly, this really only applies to white people, though. In my undergrad classes, we learned that the epidemic of single motherhood among the black community is largely attributable to the War on Drugs. As mass incarceration ramped up and sentences continued to get longer and longer, we were locking up more and more black fathers for longer periods of time. The explosion of gangs among urban youth in the 1990s is basically directly attributable to the initial stages of the War on Drugs in the 1980s.
What I’m saying is that right-wing policy actually ends up creating more single mothers, not less.
The american liberal politicians have alway have been seen as right wing in France and probably a bunch of other european countries. Sure, they are progressive on homosexuality and stuff, but that only barely hide the fact they see helping peoples with contempt. In a roundabout way, the conservatives are actually the one who think some people need to be helped, except it’s based on stupid criterias.
About how the conservative think everyone is an immoral trash deep down, I often have the feeling their worldviews and mind would collapse if they accepted the fact some people are virtuous. At time, it’s like that they willingfully act eviler than they want just to keep the kayfabe and their worldscapes.
@Policy of Madness
I’d actually be curious to hear GameDevCel’s stand on widows and orphans. I’m sure it would still be bad for them to be taken care of, since it doesn’t benefit some dead guy directly, though.
My father died when I was young, and the way a lot of people talk about “single mothers” has always been puzzling to me. Every time there’s a rant about how it’s “too easy” to be a single mothers nowadays I’d really like to hear what the alternative is supposed to be. Squalor?
In short? Yes.
Single motherhood is supposed to be the punishment for women having sex outside marriage. They are supposed to suffer, and the suffering of their children is incidental, like collateral damage when it is even brought up.
I think the manosphere response to this is either than men are entitled to be shitty or that it was probably the women’s fault that the men abused them and/or left them. I’ve heard both arguments.
I know, but it’s what we have for now since the US doesn’t have a viable party that is more leftist.
That’s pretty much what I assumed, but it still doesn’t answer the question about widows. Are they just supposed to remarry as soon as possible, or be taken in by their dead husbands’ families or something? Travel back in time and not have children with a man who dies later on?
Even if widows somehow don’t count as single mothers, that wouldn’t really mean anything, since you can’t really know why someone is a single parent without asking them.
Widows were historically viewed as “deserving poor” to be taken care of by the state. We have the rudiments of a system like that in the United States, in the form of survivorship benefits under the Social Security Administration – the guardian of a child with a dead parent can get money to help support that child, and a surviving spouse of retirement age is also eligible for reduced benefits based on the dead spouse’s social security entitlement. It’s not a very good system, because the welfare state has a shit ton of holes in it, but you can see sort of what they were after when it was designed.
I’m reminded of that Michael Lewis quote on The Economist: “If American readers got a look at the pimply complexions of their economic gurus, they would cancel their subscriptions in droves.”
Similarly, if you all had a glimpse of the pubescent teenagers that populate these ridiculous “incel” forums, you might rethink this idea that they represent a homegrown ISIS.
Yeah, I know about that.We have similar stuff here in Finland. I just meant how it should go in the minds of these doofuses who think single mothers are the root of all crime and such. I forgot to clarify this and the edit window didn’t appear, so I couldn’t add it.
I’ve been in Internet discussions where people have been going on about how the easiness of being a single mother has made women be too choosy and uppity, and when I’ve asked about widows I’ve been told either that I’m bringing up such a rare exception that it doesn’t need to be mentioned, or that I’m a bitter child of a single mother and something something (the latter probably meaning that me and the sibling should have been brought up in squalor even if we didn’t deserve it, just so that the whole system would be set to rights again or something).
And yet, if you tell them that the facts about how coronavirus spreads don’t care about their feeling stupid wearing a mask…
The glimpses we get of the ones killing people are enough, thanks.
Couldn’t handle the last thread?
Their complexions notwithstanding, incel terrorists have gone on enough shooting sprees to make their threat status clear.
@Rabid Rabbit
B-b-but, their “feelings” aren’t feelings, they’re manly man-logic! /s
I guess incel murderers are A-OK because they’re only killing Stacey and Chad, right? And their pimples make the killings very unthreatening.
Teenagers never carry out shootings at their schools. Nope. Never happens!
A 17-year-old teenager has literally been charged with terrorism connected to incel beliefs after he killed one person with a knife and injured another.
So, yes, the “pubescent teenagers” on the incel forums are dangerous.
What the hell does a person’s looks have to do with how dangerous they are, anyway?
How a person looks and their age is irrelevant and has little if any standing in contrast to the ideologies, worldviews, values and notions they hold.
Heck your average incel and MGTOW are nothing more than simply merely average looking.
The problem and the revulsion people have with such ilk isn’t their alleged “looks”; it’s their attitude, mindset, values (for lack of a better word), notions and behavior. Those are the real problems.
The problem with this movement of hatemongers is the content of their character: which is as appealing as boiler sludge mixed together with Tar.
Well, it seems many white people think that if someone’s skin is darker that makes them more dangerous despite the vast majority of domestic terrorists being white men. And many TERFs think that if a woman looks masculine that she’s secretly a man and must be dangerous.
Isn’t that how you get Daleks? Do conservatives WANT to find themselves confined to giant salt shakers, with only an egg whisk and a toilet plunger with which to interact with the world?
I think Ohlmann’s post has a point in how fractally bad conservative politics is. I just think about the sentence
and this is coming from a country that came very close to voting a far-right party into power, and the party that did win sparked a weeks-long protest movement. I just think about how many French people must have balked at the Confederate statue controversy, and meanwhile the Arc de Triomphe is proudly on display as an historic landmark and a tourist attraction.
The so-called “first world” has just been so bad at stamping out bigotry and fascist influences, on so many levels.
You do realize that teenage soldiers and terrorists aren’t uncommon now and never have been historically? This is, like, common knowledge. A lot of ISIS recruits probably are in fact teenage boys.
I’d say “check yourself before you wreck yourself”, but you’re already at the pileup stage TBH.
The american liberal politicians have alway have been seen as right wing in France and probably a bunch of other european countries.
This is one of those dumb memes that liberal NPCs like to mindlessly ventriloquize.
Things change. This might have been true in the 90s (when Bill Clinton singlehandedly pulled the Democratic Party substantially to the right) but it’s not really the case anymore. And that article is about Joe Biden, the Platonic moderate, the so-called “normalcy” candidate.
So, no. The modern Democratic Party is solidly liberal, and would qualify as liberal in most of Europe too.
I find it mordantly amusing that the people who are derided as ‘normies’ usually don’t know that the people who use the term even exist, much less actively despise them.
They didn’t know or care when sci-fi fans started calling them ‘mundanes’*, and there’s a hell of a lot more sci-fi fans than there are of these jackasses.
*I don’t think this term is in use anymore, since the last few decades have pretty much erased the line between fandom** and the general public.
**in the older sense, and the fact I need to clarify proves my point